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Monthly Archives: October 2015

ADORA-ble Dolls!

Hey everyone! So today, I am featuring some non-AG dolls that are super cute, super detailed, and super ADORA-ble! Do you know what dolls I’m talking about? Yep! Adora dolls! πŸ˜€ Actually, Adora baby dolls πŸ˜‰

So how did I come to start collecting these dolls? Well, it was all my mom’s doing, actually!

My mom is just one of those awesome moms who will go on eBay, Amazon, and the like, searching for inexpensive AG dolls and stuff (it was thanks to her that I got Kiara and Dallas! πŸ™‚ ) and I think it was one of those times that she discovered these dolls on Amazon. She fell in love with a sweet little redheaded green-eyed baby boy and I fell in love with a happy brunette blue-eyed boy. My mom ordered hers when he went on sale (yes, my mom LOVES these dolls! She’s so awesome! πŸ˜€ ) and I think it was right after she placed her order that I decided I wanted to buy my little boy. So he was ordered as well. I named mine Henry (after OUAT. I couldn’t get the scene out of my head of Regina holding baby Henry when he was crying and saying “Heeenry!”) and my mom named hers Dominic from Anne of Green Gables. We got them on December 14th, 2014. They arrived at the worst time too cause I was just leaving to go Christmas shopping with my dad and I had to wait till I got home to open him! I was dying LOL!

Now skipping head, today a new addition arrived. Everyone, meet….

Annie Rey (her middle name is Rey)!!! She is the Froggy Fun Girl- isn’t she ADORABLE?! AGH!!!

Here is Annie and Henry. They are just the sweetest, happiest little babies!

Awwwww!!!! So, Annie is named after Anne from Anne of Green Gables and Rey from the new Star Wars movie. She has red curly hair and green eyes and the happiest expression EVER!!! πŸ˜€

These dolls are just so detailed. The eyes seriously look so real and beautiful! The dolls are also weighted and have a baby powder scent! They smell sooooo good!

Here is her little hand. I love all the realistic wrinkles and the fingernails!

The skin is vinyl and their bodies are cloth along with part of their arms and legs.

The Adora dolls can fit in Newborn baby clothes, but some areas might be a little big on them πŸ™‚

Awww, my little Henry! Something also you should know is that the dolls usually look a LOT different in person than they do in the stock photos. Online, Henry’s face looks way chubbier than it actually is, and same goes for the others. I was a little disappointed when I got Henry cause he didn’t look the same as online, but after a day or two, I got used to him and now I think he is just as sweet as can be! πŸ™‚

I just love the color of his eyes!

Annie and Henry both have different hand molds. I love that so much! And the way their hands are is just so baby-ish!

Henry didn’t come with any shoes or socks (which I thought was kinda of sad), but his feet are just so cute!

Aside from all the details in the dolls themselves, their outfits are extremely well made. It’s like actual baby clothes. Amazing. Even Annie’s sandals have a little buckle instead of Velcro!

Heehee!! She’s so cute!! I love her little curls and can’t wait to take her hair down. That’s something I forgot to talk about! The hair! Okay, it’s so soft!!! The quality in the wig seems like an AG doll’s wig. I read in a booklet that came with the box how to take care of her hair and it is very similar to how you would style an AG’s. It even says to lightly mist it with water to help get out tangles!

The prices of these dollsΒ vary from I believe (I could be wrong) $100 and up. Annie was a really good price, though, at about $60 from Zulily! And it was awesome, too, cause she shipped yesterday (When she was supposed to ship on November 1st) and got here today! YAY! πŸ˜€

Aww look at his teeth!!

Oh you can see them much better here! And look! They even gave him a tongue!! AAAAH!!!

Yes, I hold him like a real baby. I honestly can’t help myself πŸ™‚

And here is my mom’s new little girl, Regina Joy (Joy is her middle name πŸ˜‰ )!!! I think she is so cute, too! My mom named her after Regina from OUAT. Isn’t that funny? She has two dolls, one named after a OUAT character, the other after Anne of Green Gables, and so do I! We both think that’s hilarious and we didn’t even plan it! XD

Her pretty brown eyes <3

Regina is so sweet and my mom just loves her to pieces!

And here is the sweetest of all, little Dominic πŸ™‚

I just love his face!! Oh my gosh!!!

I just love how his top lip is going over his bottom lip!

I’m pretty sure he has the same eyes as Annie. They are such a pretty green πŸ™‚

Well, I hope you enjoyed being introduced to our precious little babies and that this review was fun and interesting to read πŸ™‚ I didn’t think I would have ever bought another baby doll, but these faces are just so irresistible!! πŸ˜€

Do you like baby dolls still? What do you think of the Adora baby dolls?


Freckled Beauty~ A Photoshoot

Hey everyone! I hope you all aren’t tired of photoshoots cause I’ve got another one for you! πŸ˜‰

Shelby-Grace requested a photoshoot of Trulyme #55, in other words, my Annika, so since I had been feeling like taking pics of her already, I decided to do a photoshoot of Annika today! πŸ˜€


Her beautiful hazel eyes πŸ™‚ 

So, I had taken a full body picture, but it didn’t look good, so I’m sorry to say that there is no full body pic… But she is wearing the sandals from Grace’s Opening Night Outfit πŸ™‚



This might be my favorite picture… πŸ˜€




Isn’t Annika so pretty? I feel like she may be one of the most popular TM dolls! I just feel like so many people have or want her! It’s quite understandable though. She is so beautiful and her coloring and- AGH! She’s just so pretty! πŸ˜€

I hope you enjoyed the photos!  

Who’s your favorite Trulyme doll?


GOTY Swap~ A Photoshoot

So the other day when I posted the photoshoot of Julie, I asked for suggestions of who I should take a photoshoot of. Julia suggested Jess and Peace suggested Kanani, and also using Lizzy’s suggestion for using more than one doll in a photoshoot again, I bring to you GOTY Swap! πŸ˜€

I always loved shots like these. I think they’re just so cute! πŸ™‚ And do you see now why I called this photoshoot GOTY Swap? πŸ˜‰

I think they look so adorable in each other’s meet outfits!! Kanani in Orange, Jess in blue- agh! πŸ˜€

Kanani is so beautiful! <3

Jess is so adorable!!!

I didn’t realize I took so many of Jess… Oopsie! πŸ˜‰


Yes, they’re both barefoot. I thought it matched their look πŸ˜‰

Aren’t they adorable?! πŸ˜€

I hope you liked the photoshoot! πŸ™‚

Psst! Emma posted the next part up Sadie’s Hope last night! Be sure to check it out by clicking here πŸ™‚

That Moment When… #2

That moment when you come inside from taking pictures and see the messy pile of doom doll clothes you have to put away…. Ugh. #theproblemsofadollcollector LOL! XD Well, at least I can say it’s been worse! XD 


Ruby Red~ A Photoshoot

Hey everyone! So today it was kinda cool out and I decided to go out back and take some pictures of Julie who has been requiring some much needed attention πŸ˜‰

I really love this picture for some reason! The angle and the lighting are just so cool in a way πŸ™‚

I love this one, too! She just looks so pretty! πŸ™‚

You’ll probably notice that all the long grass is gone. It’s sort of bittersweet for me, as I’ll miss the long beautiful grass to take pics in front of, but it’s also nice to have a change πŸ™‚

Oh my gosh, Julie, you’re killing me! XD

And here is when she fell over…

O.o Is it just me or is she like an amazingly beautiful doll?! Maybe I’m just realizing how beautiful she is once again XD



I love this one cause her hair is blowing! πŸ˜€

*said in a super dramatic commercial voice* Thus ends this photoshoot entitled Ruby Red featuring the lovely model Julie Albright.
I don’t know where that came from… I’m so tired LOL! I hope you enjoyed the photoshoot! Be sure to let me know which one was your favorite, too! πŸ™‚

Who would you like to see a photoshoot of next?


The Force Awakens Rey Costume!

Hey guys! So a few days ago I got inspired to crochet (YAY! It’s been forever!) and I decided to make Rey’s costume from the new Star Wars The Force Awakens movie! Speaking of which, who else is super excited for that movie?! *raises both hands wildly and screams BB-8!!!!*

Okay, enough of that now LOL! So I finished making the costume last night and it is now available to purchase in my Etsy shop for $35 πŸ™‚

I think this is one of my favorite costumes I’ve ever made! I feel like it just really has that Star Wars feel to it. What do you think? πŸ˜€

I think Annika looks so adorable in this outfit and she is quite in love with it as she is kinda a big Star Wars fan, too πŸ˜‰

Well, I hope you like my costume and that you will head on over to my Etsy shop and give it a “heart” by clicking here πŸ™‚ <3

Also, just for all you wonderful followers of my blog, use the coupon code: FORCE5 to save $5 off your purchase of $35Β or more in my Etsy shop! Coupon is valid now through October 24th πŸ™‚

Who’s your favorite Star Wars character?Β 


Masquerade~ Part 7

2 weeks after the proposal of marriage from the prince at my front door, I found myself walking in the palace, myΒ palace gardens with a wedding ring around my finger. How was I supposed to refuse such a generous offer? All I had to do was marry him and my mother and I would be saved from poverty.

So I married the prince. And here I am, a princess.

Any normal girl would feel delighted and honored above all to be a princess, but not me. I didn’t love the prince and, though I knew he was trying, the prince didn’t love me either. All I wanted was to return home with my mother and for everything to go back to the way it was before Frederic began to interfere with our lives. But at least my mother was taken care of. That was the important thing.

“Liesel, may I speak to you for a moment?” The prince, or I should really say, my husband, called from behind me.

I turned to face him and said, “Certainly. What is it?”

He motioned for me to come to him, so I did. “Are you alright, Liesel?” He inquired. I stared at him a moment. I could tell him that I was miserable and felt very alone, but I didn’t. Instead I simply said, “Yes.” Jeremiah raised his eyebrow with concern. “Somehow I feel like that isn’t true.” He said skeptically.

“Please forgive me, but I would really rather be alone.” I said as politely as I could.

“Very well. I will see you at dinner.” He sighed and went back inside.

I closed my eyes, trying so hard not to cry. I couldn’t let anyone see me crying, so I ran far away from any windows or servants.

And I let the tears pour out. I felt so unwanted, but mostly, I felt unloved.

That concludes this installment of Masquerade! The next part will be up soon! πŸ˜€


Masquerade~ Part 6

I returned home from prison the day Frederic told me I was free to go. Although I was glad to be free, as I walked home I still felt like I was in a prison. All of my usual friends who would stop to at least say “Hello”, didn’t even give me a second glance. They walked right past me. They were shutting me out because they finally knew who I really was.
As I walked into my home, I saw a strange sight.

My mother wearing some old clothes, her hair up, and an apron around her waist. What was really strange though, was that she was looking sadly at a pile of her best dresses. “Mother?” I said to get her attention.

“Oh, Liesel! I’m so glad to see you. Are you alright?” Mother inquired, quickly looking over me, probably checking for any scratches or bruises.


“Yes, I’m fine. How and what are you doing?” I asked, glancing over her shoulder at the table.

“I’m as well as can be expected, considering that everyone in the kingdom knows about your father now. I have been going through our things and selling as much as I possibly can.” Mother explained.

“What if we can’t sell enough to pay everyone back?” I wondered.

Mother hesitated before responding and pursed her lips together. With a sigh she said, “Then we will have no choice but to sell the house.”

Mother went back to her work and looked at me with sad eyes. “I’m sorry, Liesel, but I had to sell all your clothes and other belongings.” She apologized.

“You have no reason to be sorry. I’m the one who should be apologizing. It’s all my fault that everyone knows about Father.” I said full of guilt. “Oh, Liesel, don’t blame yourself. Your-” Mother was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door.

Mother went to answer the door and I looked down at her pretty dresses.

I stroked her purple striped dress and admired the embroidery done on it. I felt so awful that my mother had to give her lovely clothes away and I wondered if we would ever be fortunate enough to have such luxurious gowns again.

“Oh, my. I – I – forgive me, but I am afraid I couldn’t possibly allow my daughter to do that.” I heard my mother saying to whoever was at the door.

“Mother, what is it?” I inquired.

Mother politely excused herself and said in a whisper, “The prince is here. He heard about the debt we are in and said he has been in search of a wife, but can’t find the right one. He says his father has been pressing him about the matter and now the prince says he would marry you in order to please his father and save us from going into poverty.”

That concludes part 6!! Look for part 7 coming soon! πŸ˜€


Maryellen’s Birthday Dress~ Another Photoshoot

I’m really sorry about all the photoshoots lately, but I am really planning to put the next part of Masquerade up tomorrow πŸ™‚

Anyways, you might have heard that I won Maryellen’s Birthday Dress in Madison’s giveaway! Well, it arrived today and it is SO STINKIN’ GORGEOUS!!! Thanks so much again, Madi!! I love it SOOO much!!! πŸ˜€

On with the photoshoot!

The colors of the dress and shoes and just everything is so pretty! And it looks just fabulous on Maryellen! πŸ˜€

Oh, just an FYI- this is a long photoshoot and I got kinda experimantal with angles and whatnot so just be prepared for that πŸ˜‰

Doesn’t her hair look amazing up against the green?! AAAAH!


I love how cute and simple the headband is! Of course there was a ginormous tag on it that had to be removed… Why AG? LOL!


The contrast of pink in this outfit is so pretty! The little rose adds just the perfect touch πŸ™‚

And all the tulle is just gorgeous as well!

Okay, these shoes are adorable!!! I love the white bows πŸ˜€

Maryellen and I love this outfit to pieces and we recommend it 100%! I have no complaints about this outfit whatsoever! It’s gorgeous (as I’ve probably stated a gazillion times by now XD ) and is made of a great quality! I can see the Velcro snagging the dress, though, so I’d just be careful with that if I were you πŸ˜‰











Well’p, that’s all for today! I think Maryellen is definitely getting a new profile picture. She just looks so beautiful, doesn’t she? πŸ˜€

Thanks again, Madi! I can’t tell you how much I love this outfit! πŸ™‚

Which picture was your favorite?


Think Tink

Along with my Periwinkle Barbie sized doll, I also got the Disney Animator’s Collection Tinkerbell Toddler Doll! She is so stinkin’ adorable and so fun to take pictures of! Prepare for a kinda long photoshoot of adorableness πŸ˜‰

Isn’t she just so cute?! You may be thinking that her bangs are weird and I thought they were a little weird, too, but now I’ve gotten used to them πŸ™‚ Oh, and a quick story, when I first opened up Tinkerbell and was taking her out of the box- her head popped off and rolled onto the floor! It was the saddest thing ever! But Disney sent us a replacement so now I sorta have two Tinkerbell’s. I’m not sure what we’re doing with the broken one yet LOL!

Agh! Her face!!


As if Tink wasn’t cute enough, look at her cute little Croccy plush!!! AAAAH!!! :O

I love the little pom poms!

I love how the Animator doll’s heads are so poseable! It makes for great pictures! πŸ™‚

Aren’t the wings just too cute?! They are plastic and attached to the dress, in case you were wondering πŸ™‚

EEE! Her little ears!!

Tink + Croccy = <3

That’s all for this photoshoot! I’ll try to get her added to the “Meet My Non-AG Dolls” page soon! πŸ˜€

What are your thoughts on the Disney Animator’s Collection Dolls?


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