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Frozen Fractals~ Part 3


I was in my new ice cottage using my magic to make things colder, when suddenly-


Eiden burst in! “Elexa stop!!” Eiden shouted. I was disgusted at the sight of him. My own brother betrayed me. All of a sudden, I got furious and felt myself shaking in anger.


“So, after all these weeks my betraying brother comes to look for me.” I said angrily.


Eiden ignored me and said, “Elexa, what have you done to this poor young woman? She’s ice cold!” I just glared at him. “Anyone who is my slave must be COLD!” I yelled.


“You know, perhaps neither one of you is cold enough…”


Just as I shot out my ice Eiden pushed Abigail forward and said, “DUCK!” I missed them!


Eiden helped Abigail get up and tied his cape around her. “Take this and get out of here!” Eiden whispered and she ran off.


“Oh, that was very wise, brother. Now tell me, why have you just now come to look for me? Why did you agree to have my powers removed?! I thought you knew me better than that, Eiden!” I yelled angrily with tears in my eyes.


“I wanted to come after you, Elexa! But Mother wouldn’t allow it. She said it was dangerous….” Eiden’s voice trailed off as he realized that calling me dangerous would make very angry.

I raised my hands in the air and yelled, “I am not- DANGEROUS!!!”


And with that, I shot out my ice and to my surprise, Eiden shot out a fire ball!


I struggled to beat his fire with my ice and he was trying to beat me, so I put my hands down. “You surprise me, Eiden. I did not know that your powers were so strong.”


“Elexa, please, let’s talk about this. No more magic.” Eiden was out of breath as we spoke.


“Oh, no. We’ve only just begun this fight.” I said and brought myself up into a cloud of snow and ice.


I shot out an icy blast and-


Eiden quickly shot out some fire and jumped to the floor to dodge my magic.


Eiden stayed on the floor for a second- breathing heavily.


“Come on traitor, get up and fight!” I said.


“Please, no more magic. I can’t do it.” Eiden said in a whisper. “There will be magic.” I said.


Then I shot out my ice and he his fire.


Eiden was only able to hold his fire a couple of seconds and then fell to the ground.


“Eiden, get up!” I demanded. I was very tired of him falling to the ground after each time we used magic. As I studied him more closely, I realized that he wasn’t breathing. Was he unconscious?


I went down to him and shook his shoulder. “Eiden? Eiden, please get up!” I said with tears in my eyes. It was too late. He was gone.


“Oh, Eiden. I’m so sorry!” I cried.


Then I sat up as I remembered something from when we were little kids. A voice rang in my head saying,
“For destroying my home with your fire, I hereby curse you to never use magic unless the situation is dire. If you use it just once, just for fun, your life will be done. But if you use it in great need, three times I allow you indeed. After the third time, you will fall and never attend your future engagement ball!”

I gasped, “Eiden was cursed, and had to promise never to use his magic. And I made him do it. I must find the woman who brought this upon him!”

That’s the end of Part 3! Look for the next part coming soon! πŸ˜€


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