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Sugar and Spice

Caroline set a plate full of yummy candy on the kitchen table.

“Perfect!” Caroline exclaimed as she looked at the beautifully set table.


“Hey, Caroline! What’s all this?” Saige asked as she entered the kitchen.


“YAY! I told myself that the first one to enter the kitchen would get to help me, and it looks like you’re the winner!” Caroline said excitedly.


“To help you do what?” Saige asked, still confused.


Caroline grinned and said, “Do you wanna build a gingerbread house?” Saige laughed at her sister’s Frozen reference and said, “Okay!”


Just as Saige reached for a gumdrop Caroline yelled-


“WAIT! You have to put on an apron!” Saige was so startled that she jumped! “Why?” She asked breathlessly. “Because whenever you cook in the kitchen you should wear an apron! Plus, they’re just fun to wear.” Caroline smiled.


So, Saige grabbed the apron and tied it on.


“Now we’re ready to get started!” Caroline exclaimed.

Saige and Caroline worked for a long time on their gingerbread house until….


They were at their last two gumdrops, so they each put one on at the same time.


Then they stood back and admired their work. “It’s so beautiful! I’m glad I was the one who got to do this with you, Caroline. It was a lot of fun!” Saige said with a smile.


“It sure was!” Caroline smiled back.

I hope you enjoyed the story! My craft fair ended yesterday, so there will be a post up about that soon! 🙂

Have you ever made a gingerbread house?


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