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Bring Me a Package ~A Photostory

Hey guys! I have a fun little photostory for ya’ll today featuring the doll with the mystery name… I’ve decided to reveal her true name for you all at last because this has just been ridiculously long… XD See, I was going to buy McKenna and have her be her twin sister, which I still plan to do at some point, but let’s start using Jane’s real name, shall we? 😉

‘Twas six days before Christmas and ornaments elegantly adorned the Christmas tree…

Presents wrapped with care had been placed beneath the tree…

And decorations were scattered all throughout the house.

On this particular day, a girl sat on the loveseat motionless. Listening. Waiting.

Her head snapped suddenly at the sound of a truck outside that sounded very much like the mail truck.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she had leaped off the couch and dashed out the front door screaming; “THE MAIL IS HERE!!”

Her sisters, Saige and Rebecca followed the screams outside, bewildered by the sight they saw.

The screams had stopped and they found Mariah standing as still as a tree. “Uh, Mariah, are you okay?” Saige inquired.

“Wait.” Mariah said as she watched the mail carrier intently, waiting for her to come up and hand her a small brown box addressed to Mariah Johnson.

Rebecca and Saige joined her side now, looking at her quizzically. “Mariah? What are you doing?” Rebecca asked. Mariah let out a disappointed gasp as the mail carrier returned to the truck.

“WAAAITT!!! COME BACK!!” Mariah screeched. Her sisters held her back as she dashed forward.

“Mariah, what on earth is the matter?” Saige asked. Mariah whimpered and kept saying; “No. No. No.”

“It didn’t come…. I’ve been waiting for days…” Mariah said with a sniffle.

“What was it?” Rebecca inquired.

“A gift from my pen pal…,” Mariah said.

“Oh, Mariah, it’s okay. I’m sure it’ll come soon. You shouldn’t be so upset, though,” Rebecca said sweetly.


“I know it’s disappointing, but really, you’ll get it soon, I’m sure. You just have to take your mind off of it,” Saige advised.

Mariah sighed and bent over dramatically.

“You’re right. I’m going to go hermit,” Mariah said, turning toward the house.

Saige and Rebecca watched their sister walk groggily back to the house and noticed just how pitiful she looked in her bare feet pattering against the cold concrete.

Mariah wrapped herself in a soft Christmas blanket and sat in front of the tree, staring blankly at the presents.

“What is life anymore…?” Mariah mumbled.

“Mariah! A package just came!” Saige announced with a smile, but Mariah just leaned back and closed her eyes with a sigh.

“It’s probably for someone else, Saige. My package was coming in the regular mail,” Mariah said.

“No, they came back! She said she missed it in the truck. It’s your package!” Saige explained.

Mariah’s eyes jerked open. “WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO?!”

Mariah leaped up and ran past Saige so fast, she fell to the floor.

Saige remained on the floor, groaning inwardly at her insane sister and could hear her screaming, “GIMME MY PACKAGE!!!”



I hope you enjoyed! I had fun making this story. XD

People, I actually went out front to take pictures. And guess what?! A FEDEX GUY CAME AS I WAS TAKING PICTURES. So I looked back and he was looking at me quizzically so I gathered my dolls and hurried inside. Then a little bit after I had to go back out and set them up and start again. XD THEN the regular mail came by again and since it was a woman I was like – eh, whatever. So she came up and handed me the package and asked if one of my dolls was Grace. I thought that was kinda cool that she knew what my dolls were. XD

Do you like getting packages?



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