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The Disappearing Heirs~ Part 7 The Grand Finale!

Wowie! I didn’t realize it was time to end this series already! I really hope you all enjoy this part! I got really excited about it and I know you’re excited for it, too and that’s why I’m posting it tonight! Enjoy! πŸ˜€


“There he is.” Corinne whispered as softly as possible.

I looked where Corinne held her gaze and I saw a man frantically digging through dozens of papers and folders.


“Hey, Joshua. Still looking for that notepad?” Corinne asked jokingly as we stepped over to his desk.


“Corinne! What are you doing back here? I told you to leave!” Joshua shouted.

“And I did, didn’t I? And once I left I met up with a detective who’s on the hunt for you. You see, I’m working for someone else now.” Corinne stated.

“We’re both armed, so if you know what’s best for you, I’d give yourself up right now.” I said, trying to sound like a detective.

He laughed like a maniac and said, “Very well! Very well, I SURRENDER!!” He yelled at the top of his lungs as he raised his hands in the air. He seemed totally insane.

“I’ll keep an eye on him, you go get the heirs.” I told Corinne. She nodded her head and left.

“So, you got a family?” Joshua questioned with a sad look behind his eyes.

I inhaled deeply and said, “No. Not anymore. I was adopted as an infant and now my family is gone.” I explained and turned my head away. I hardly ever talked about my family, and it hurt to mention them.

Joshua’s eyes widened as he rose from his seat and stepped over to me. “Don’t get any ideas of attacking. As I said before, I’m armed.” I said firmly, though inside I was a little frightened.


click on the picture to see what he sees near her neck ;)

click on the picture to see what he sees near her neck πŸ˜‰

He pushed my hair away and his jaw dropped.

“After all my searching, I’ve finally found you!” Joshua exclaimed

“Ummm.. What are you talking about?” I questioned slowly.

“You might want to sit down.” He said gently and pulled me to his chair.

“Alright, I’m sitting. Now, what are you talking about?” I asked again.

“Many years ago, in a faraway kingdom, a stable boy fell in love with a princess, and she loved him, too. Later they were married, even though the king and queen did not approve. After a few years of marriage, the stable boy, who was now a prince, had to go away for a long time to battle off their enemies.” Joshua explained, but I wasn’t understanding why he was telling me a fairy tale.


“What on earth does this have to do with answering my question?” I asked, getting frustrated.

He ignored my question and went on, “While the prince was away, the princess gave birth to a newborn girl, but the princess died shortly after her child was born. When the prince rushed back at the news of his wife and newborn daughter, he was informed by the princess’ parents,Β that his daughter was sent away to an orphanage and they would not tell him where. And because he wasn’t royalty to start with, they had him sent away, never to return. He was no longer a prince.”

Just then, Corinne entered the room and said, “Alright, you ready, Allie?”

Although I kind of wanted to hear how this fairy tale would end, I rose from my seat and said, “Well thanks for the story, but we need to get moving.”

“Wait, I just need to tell you one more thing!Β That prince in the story is me. And you have the same birthmark as the princess, my wife!” He said, raising his voice.


“What are you talking about? Do you even grasp how insane you sound?” I shouted.

He sighed and said gently, “Like a mad man I’m sure. But Allie, I am your father.”


I’m sure you can all guess that there will be a second season and you are correct! It’ll start VERY soon! πŸ˜€


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