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Monthly Archives: June 2013

Relaxing At The Pool :)

Ugh! It is SO hot today- it’s like 108 degrees!! Isn’t that disgusting? I hate the heat, but I LOVE to go swimming in our pool! Annika hadn’t been swimming yet so she wanted to go for a quick dip 😉


Annika- “Hmm.. That’s a pretty big pool! I think I’ll just stay in the shallow.”


Annika- “Whew! The water felt a little cold, but it still felt great!”


After her swim she wanted to lay out and try to get a sun tan.


Aaaah… How relaxing 🙂



If you’re wondering where I got the chair my mom and I found it at Jo~Ann about a week ago. It was broken and on sale for about $4 and we asked if they would take the price down lower since it’s broken- we ended up only paying $2 for it!

My grandpa is so amazing, too! He fixed it for me- I love my grandpa 🙂

What do you like to do on a hot day?

Crafts at Camp :)

Annika has been officially enrolled at Camp Doll Diaries today! She’s excited, but also nervous 😉
It was a beautifiul day at Camp today. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and birds were singing. Rebecca and Annika didn’t want to be outside much because it was too hot out. Some of the other girls went river rafting, others went riding, and a few more went for a hike. Rebecca asked Annika if she wanted to do a craft.
“Sure! That sounds like fun!” Annika answered. So they set off to the Crafting Cabin.


Rebecca- “Let’s make sure we’re going the right way. I’m still finding my way around here.”

Annika- “Ok!”
The girls looked at the Camp Sign and found they were going the right way.


After walking a bit more they finally came to the Crafting Cabin!


Little Lilacs Cabin Leader, Felicity was running the craft table today.
Felicity- “Hi Rebecca, hi Annika! Want to make some decorative candles for your cabin?”

Both- “Ok! What do we need?”


After about 20-25 minutes had passed, the two girls had made some lovely candles.
Felicity- “Your candles look great, girls! I couldn’t have done better myself!”

Both- “Thank you, Lissie!”


Here’s Rebecca’s candle- she made an apple scented candle!


And here is Annika’s candle- hers is vanilla scented 🙂


I hope you enjoyed the post! These candles were so much fun to make and you can make them, too! Here’s a basic explanation on how to make it:
Cut a paper towel tube to a good size for a doll candle.
Cut a strip of colored fun foam to go around it and glue it on.
Next, trace the tube on a candle colored piece of fun foam and glue on your piece.
For the flame make some squiggles on fire colored fun foam. Cut it out and glue on.
Find some fun pom-poms and decorate! Use your imagination!
*Note- I used a hot glue gun for everything. Be very careful when gluing so you don’t burn yourself! Also, I glued on my pom-poms ;)*

Have fun!

A GREAT Giveaway At Doll Diaries!

Doll Diaries is having a great giveaway! Enter to win all kinds of craft supplies! Just think of all the stuff you could make with these supplies 😀



Photoshoot of Annika & Her Friend Cecile

The day I got Annika I went straight to my friends house to play with our new dolls. When we were leaving I noticed how beautiful their front yard was for picture taking. I just had to take some pictures!


I love this one! She looks so beautiful 🙂


Taking a walk through the yard.


Looks like she’s day dreaming- “Annika, can you look at me, please?”


“Thank you, sweetie.” 🙂


Picking some flowers.


She posed for a picture-


– And Cecile joined, too!


On their way to check the mail Cecile got a bit distracted, “WOW! What’s that?!?” Cecile exclaimed.


“Oh, it’s a basketball hoop!” Annika answered.

“It’s SO BIG!!” Cecile exclaimed again.


Cecile checking the mail 🙂


“It’s just my size!!” Annika exclaimed. She says she want to watch Narnia- Hehe!


“Cece! Get down! You could fall and hurt yourself!” Annika said.


They posed for their final picture. I think it’s so sweet 🙂

*Note- I am so shocked that I took my brand new doll outside and placed her on the ground!! I don’t know what came over me!! I must be coming out of my shell- Hehe!* 😀


My Trip To The AG Store in LA!

Yesterday I went with my friend, Emma, her sister Kendra, and our moms to the AG Store in LA! Why, you ask? To get my new doll ANNIKA!!!

 I’m so excited to share these pictures with all of you! Let’s take a look-


First- here are my dolls all set-up and ready to meet their new sister 🙂


The sign I made to welcome Annika- it’s tradition 😉

Now- here is the front of the store! So beautiful 🙂


From left to right: My friend Emma, her sister Kendra, and me. We’re so excited!!! 😀


I absolutely adore this display! Could they sell the props? LOL!


Beautiful Caroline <3 By the way- I need that dress!! Hehe!


LOOOVE this! Why, oh, why do they have to sell it all separately??


Part of Caroline’s display-


And the other part of her display 🙂 P.S. Love the Parlor!


In honor of Molly’s retirement we took some pictures of her and her display 😉


This is Molly’s little window scene.


Part of Molly’s display-


And the other part of her display 😉


I love Molly’s dog! He is so cute!


I NEED this outfit!! I hope I get it for Christmas! 😀


Cute little display 🙂


After seeing this in person I want this dress even more!! It is so soft and pretty!


I also need this! My friend bought it and it looks so cute on Cecile! *Note: My friend bought Cecile this day*


That little polk-a-dot bath robe is really cute! Aw, I love Honey!


I like this dress, but I don’t know if I would want to buy it. The shape seems a little wierd  😉


I really hope to have this set some day! Penny would love a proper home 🙂


Annika wants this outfit 😉


I love that pinata! And Meatloaf is trying to steal the chips- Hehe!


This tent and little set-up is adorable!


Finally!! I found my doll!!!


My mom sneaked this picture of me and my friend with our bags holding our dolls and the stuff we bought 😀

Stay tuned because later I’m posting a photoshoot I did with Annika 😀

Dolly Delights- Let’s Make Some Wafer Cookies!

Today I was feeling super crafty and I just HAD to make something! I went through some ideas on AGFan, but nothing stood out to me today. Then I got out a TON of craft supplies and wanted to make some cookies! So I’m going to show you how to make some Wafer Cookies!


They’re pretty fast and easy to make, so I think you’ll like making them!


First you’ll need some supplies:

1. Some Fun Foam in tan, light pink, and medium brown.

2. A Ruler

3. Some Scissors

4. A Pen

5. A Hot Glue Gun (regular glue will work, too, but it will take longer)

6. A Parent or Guardian to help you. (You may not need it, but you may want some help when using the Hot Glue Gun)

Now let’s get busy!


First measure and mark 7/8″ wide-


-And 1 3/4″ tall.


Make a bunch of tracings together and cut all at the same time.
*Note: You will need one strip of medium brown or pink to be the filling*


When you’ve cut out 2 strips of tan and 1 strip for the middle you can start gluing. If you’re using Hot Glue just make one line down the middle and push together.
*Note: I made a line of glue on one side of the tan and pushed the filling to it, and then I put a line on the filling and pushed the bottom of the cookie to that.*


Now you’re done! Isn’t it adorable?!?


My dolls can’t wait to eat these tomorrow when their new sister comes!

I hope you had fun making these fast and easy cookies 🙂

What is your favorite cookie?

Talent Show!

It was dark and silent and the audience waited patiently for the performers to go on.


After what seemed like forever their host finally came out-


“Good Evening, Campers! Thank you for joining us tonight. I am your host Felicity and I think it’s time to get started! First we present Kanani Akina doing the Hula Dance!” Felicity finished and everyone clapped.


Kanani danced and danced!


“Are we on next, Kirsten?” Rebecca asked.

“I think so, why are you so nervous? I thought you would love doing this?” Kirsten replied.

“I do, but I’m just not used to it.” Said Rebecca.


Everyone loved Kanani’s dance!


“Hi girls! How did I do?” Kanani asked when she had caught her breath.

“You were wonderful!” said Saige.

“Good job, Kanani!” Kirsten said.

“Were there a lot of people out there?” asked Rebecca.


Although Rebecca had major stage fright- she did great!


Saige showed her painting skills.
“And that’s how you make shadows!” Saige said.


Everyone received an award!

“Saige, you get first prize! Your prize is a Merida Vinylmation from the Disney Store!” Felicity said.


“Kanani, you get second place! Your prize is a brand new Belle Vinylmation from the Disney Store!”


“Kirsten, you get a Cinderella Vinylmation.”


“And Rebecca, you get a Rapunzel Vinylmation.”


“CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!” Felicity shouted and the whole audience cheered and clapped! It was a great Talent Show 🙂

What are your doll’s talents?

Another Great Giveaway At Doll Diaries!

You all have to check out this fabulous giveaway at Doll Diaries! She’s giving away A Columbus T-Shirt from The AG Place, a new Stick On Earrings Set, and a Doll Sized Shopping Bag!


This is a very generous giveaway, so be sure to enter! 🙂
Good luck!


I’ve been feeling crafty lately- which is quite rare! First, a couple of days ago I made some cards and envelopes with the help of AmericanGirlFan.


Now today I bought and found some craft supplies! See if you can tell me what I’m going to make by looking at the picture below-


Hmm.. I see felt and rocks. What am I going to make? Here’s a little tip for you-
“I’m going to be making 2 different things.”
The colors of felt that I bought are:

Good luck guessing and have FUN!

Meet Rebecca!

Hello friends!

Yes- I have FINALLY updated the “Meet My Dolls” page!! Go check it out and meet my 3rd 18″ doll- Rebecca!! I know you’ll love her 🙂

My Etsy Shop

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