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Monthly Archives: May 2015

A Few of My Favorite Reads~ May 31st, 2015

Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a nice weekend πŸ™‚ I went to my sister’s place last night and we watched the pilot of Star Wars Rebels!! AH! New awesome thing for me to watch and die over LOL! πŸ˜€
I have a few fun posts to share with you today, so let’s take a look!

photo 5

Emma did a pretty photoshoot of her doll Eden this week and this picture is definitely my fave! I think she looks so great in that outfit πŸ™‚


Doesn’t Elizabeth look so pretty? Liz always does such pretty hairstyles on her dolls! Check out how to do this one by clicking here!


Mint always has such nice photoshoots on her blog. I am just loving this picture of Kanani! πŸ™‚

That’s all for this week! If you have or know of a doll blog that you think I should visit, leave a link to it in the comments section below. I’m always looking for new blogs to add to my list πŸ˜‰

Have a great rest of your day, everyone! May the force be with you! πŸ˜€


Happy Birthday To An Awesome Brother!

Today is my older brother, Jordan’s 22nd birthday!! πŸ˜€


Jordan is seriously awesome! I’m so thankful for the great relationship we have and I pray that it will never weaken! Jordan is super crazy, absolutely hilarious, and makes the best faces. He is also so sweet, loving, and caring. He also gives awesome “Jub hugs” as me and my mom call them!

I have so many great memories with Jordan. From being so bored that we are just lying around in the living room watching weird PBS Kids shows, just waiting for Word Girl to come on (we loved that show!), also me wanting to play with him and he drops on the floor saying “I am paralyzed” and me having to drag him (literally!) Β around the house. We have chased each other around the house, slamming doors to get away, and played several LEGO video games together. Jordan has always made me die laughing. He sleeps in the craziest positions on the couch and lip sings to songs so dramatically! XD

Aside from being super crazy and hilarious, Jordan is also super caring. He loves to give hugs and he’s always there to make me smile (even when I’ve been mad at him. I can never be mad at him any longer than a minute cause he just makes me laugh!). He’s always been himself everywhere he goes and he loves the Lord!

Thank you, Jordan, for being such an amazing brother! Happy Birthday!! πŸ˜€


Older Girls Love AG, Too!

Hello everyone! I’m sure a few of you are wondering why I haven’t posted about TrulyMe yet, but don’t worry! There will be a post on that within the next few days πŸ™‚

Right now, I am here to ask YOU to email American Girl. Why, you ask? Well, here’s why;

Yesterday, I went to enter in the Truly Awesome Sweepstakes that AG is having now through August. Each week you can enter to win a different prize and this week it’s your choice of a TrulyMe doll and the new Love to Layer Accessories. So, guess what happened when I went to enter? I was putting in my birth date and I couldn’t go any farther back than 2001. I clicked on the rules and saw that only girls ages 8-13 are allowed to enter. That is really unfair! AG should not have an age limit in the sweepstakes! Girls ages 14 and up (and I mean WAY up), LOVE AG still! How couldΒ they block us out from being able to enter?

I wrote an email to AG about this because it is just wrong. They clearly do not realize how many of their customers are older teens and women. It’s up to us to make that known to them! So here’s what I’m asking;

Write to AG telling them how you are disappointed that you can’t enter the sweepstakes because of the age limit, or tell them that you think it’s unfair to the older girls. Then, if you have a blog, post about this situation on your blog and ask your readers to write as well. Let’s spread this around! The more letters/emails AG receives, the better. I don’t know if they’ll even do anything about it, but I feel that we need to get our point across! πŸ™‚

Enjoy your night, everyone! πŸ™‚


Flowers & Bows~ A Photoshoot

You know those days when you look at your doll and see what outfit they’re wearing and you just say to yourself- “Oh, my gosh, you look so adorable! You need a photoshoot!” Well, that’s exactly what happened to me today when I looked at “Jane”! A couple of the photos are edited, but most of them aren’t πŸ™‚




Do you see why she needed a photoshoot? She just looks so amazing in this outfit! LOL! πŸ˜€



This is one of my faves! πŸ™‚




I really liked how this picture came out! It looks like she’s looking at you out of the corner of her eye! πŸ˜€


Pretty blue eyes πŸ™‚





It suddenly got windy and Jane’s hair blew in her face. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a shot like this, but I really like it! πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! I’d love to know which picture was your favorite! πŸ™‚

Have a nice rest of your day!


A Few of My Favorite Reads~ May 16th, 2015

Hey everyone! It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted this and I’m really sorry about that! First I had a craft fair and then I think the next week I was writing all day… So, yeah, I’m sorry!

So, let’s get on to my favorite reads of the week!


AmericanGirlChick did a really pretty photoshoot of her doll! I love her outfit, the lighting, everything is just so pretty! πŸ™‚


This post was neat to read! It’s so interesting to see how 2 of the same exact doll, can have so many differences! Be sure to check out this comparison by clicking here πŸ™‚


This is my first time visiting AGFernFriends and I really like it! And what makes it even more awesome, she lives in New Zealand!!! I need to go there and visit The Shire…. Ahem, anyways- these pictures Lydia took of McKenna are so cute! That park is just beautiful! πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoy these posts as much as I did! If you have a doll blog you think I should visit, please link it to me in the comments πŸ™‚

I hope you all have a great weekend! πŸ™‚


Crazy Play!

Apparently I am in a crazy weird mood today, because this post was just gonna be a normal story of Jane going to the doctor, but it turned into something MUCH more than that! Jane will take it from here πŸ™‚


I walked up to the front desk at the doctor’s office to sign in for my annual checkup. The lady appeared to be busy and I don’t think she noticed I was there, so I cleared my throat to get her attention.


“Oh, hello! Do you have an appointment?” The lady asked, looking up from her work.


“Yes, it’s with Dr. Albright for 2 o’clock.” I replied.


“Ah, yes! Jane Potter! Could you just fill out this form for me, please?” She asked as she handed me a form and a pencil. I filled out all my information then took my seat in the waiting area until finally the doctor called my name.


“Jane!” She called, pushing aside the curtain, and I went to her.


“Hey what are you guys doing?” Eli asked.


“Oh, we’re playing doctor.” I answered as I turned to face him.


“Cool! I’ll be the doctor!” He said as he entered the room. Julie glanced at me with that “Oh boy” look and I tried not to smile.


“Have a seat, please!” He said in a British accent and I did as I was told.


“Now, I will listen to your heartbeat.” He said as he held a calculator up to my heart (It’s supposed to be a stethoscope. We didn’t have one, so we had to use what we had on hand πŸ˜‰ ).


Eli suddenly gasped very dramatically. “OH NO!!! NURSE!! OUR PATIENT IS DYING!!!” Eli shouted with his hands in the air.


“Wait, what?!” Julie shouted back in confusion.




“Invisible monkeys?” I asked with a giggle. I didn’t know where this was going!


“So you know, don’t you?!” Eli inquired and at first I just stared at him, but then I flashed him a playful grin.


“Yes! Yes, I am beginning to feel it in my heart!” I said as I lied down dramatically. Eli laughed at my quote. He’s such a LOTR fan, just like me. “There is only one thing that can save me!” I continued.


“What is it?!” Eli asked frantically.


“Waffles…” I whispered. Inside I was trying so hard not to laugh at how ridiculous this was!


“What is going on?” Julie asked in bewilderment. I don’t think she was all that good at playing games with guys yet, otherwise she would know that things get insane when a boy gets involved with your story.


“It’s improv, Jules! Just go along with it and be crazy and random!” I whispered. “Ooooh…” She said.


Julie leaned over the table and pretended to cry. “WE. HAVE. NO MORE WAFFLES!!!” She cried.


“Then there is only one more thing to do!” Eli said as he stood on the examining table.


“WHAT IS IT?! I’ll do ANYTHING!!” Julie cried.


“You must sing about waffles!” Eli said to me. “Do you think it will work?” I asked with worry. “It’s worth a try!” He said with determination. “Alright. Waaaafflessss! I love them buuuuutteryyyy! And with syyyyrrruuuup!” I sang and Julie was busting up!


All of a sudden, Caleb walked in the room! “Hi!” He said with a giggle. My guess is that he was laughing at how silly we all looked and sounded. “OH NO!! HE’S THE ONE THAT STOLE ALL THE WAFFLES!!” Julie cried as she climbed on top of the table to avoid him.


“I cookie!” He said. That’s his way of saying that he wants a cookie.


“Now he wants our cookies!!! STAY AWAY!!” Eli said and we all stood and tried to keep our distance from the little “food monster” as I called him.


So that is what my day consisted of! We ended up having to journey half way across the world to find waffles and when we did, I ate them and was healed. Some more of the kids had started playing with us too and we all sang an ending song at the end to close our game. We were all singing so loud and nothing matched or made sense. It was so awesome! It just goes to show that sometimes things don’t always have to make sense when you play, because you can have a ton of fun just being crazy and random with your friends or siblings πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoyed this random post! Bye for now!


My Haul From The AG Store, Reviews, and a Photoshoot!

Heeeelloooo everyone! Wow, I guess I’m a little excited right now LOL! Okay, well, I Β am super excited (see? XD) to show you what I got at the AG store, and I know you all must be, too, so let’s get on with it, shall we? πŸ˜€


Grace’s Opening Night Outfit- I have been wanting this so badly, and when I realized I had enough money, I was like, “Okay, I’m buying this!” It is such a pretty outfit and I have no regrets of choosing this outfit! The headband stays in place and the little bow is adorable! It just adds so much to the outfit!


The dress is absolutely gorgeous and good quality! I love the different layers in the skirt and all the pretty sequins! The black “sash” is velvet and just so cute! Pink and black are a favorite color combo of mine πŸ™‚


The sandals are amazing! These are literally some of my favorite sandals I own! I rate this outfit 5 out of 5 stars. If you have been trying to decide whether or not to buy it, don’t hesitate! It’s amazing!


I was really happy to find out that AG’s sale was also in store! I have loved The Rainy Day Coat ever since it came out, but I just never wanted to spend the money on it. $16 is much more reasonable πŸ™‚


This coat is so stinkin’ adorable! I love the pink with white polka-dots and all the adorable buttons! I have absolutely nothing bad to say about this coat, so I rate it 5 out of 5 stars!


Here’s a bonus pic of Kiara since she looked so adorable πŸ™‚


“Who could it be? This animal dollyΒ who I did see? Can you help me guess this mysteryyyy?” If you know what that song is from, that is awesome! LOL! πŸ˜€


I got MAG #39!!! She is SO adorable and I’m so happy to have her!! πŸ˜€ She’s going to take over and explain some things to you now πŸ™‚


Hi! My name is- oh! I forgot! I can’t tell you that! What’s that? Why can’t I tell you what my name is? Well, I’m going to explain all that to you, but first I have to do a review!


As I’m sure you have noticed, Jaclynn bought me the Starry Hoodie Outfit! It is so comfy and I just love it!


The headband is super easy to get on and I just love the braided look! I’m just not sure about the yellow with this outfit…


The sweatshirt is very soft, therefore making it suuuuper comfy!!


Normally I am not a fan of print leggins, jeggins, pants, whatever. I just don’t think they’re very cute, but surprisingly, I like these! The stars look so relaxing and with how soft the jeggings are, it makes me want to sleep! OH! It makes me want to watch STAR WARS!!!! *said in a deep dramatic narrator’s voice* “In a galaxy far, far away…” Oops! Sorry, I just get so excited when I start talking about something I love!!


And last, the shoes are super cute! Gotta love the sparkles! Only, they’re a little harder to get on than AG’s other flats…Β 


To make it easier to pull the hood over your head, there is a little slit in the hood, which, when on, looks a little weird. I get why it’s there, but it just looks weird, ya know?


But it looks adorable from the front, so that makes up for it! I rate this outfit 4 out of 5 stars, because of the yellow in the headband, the difficulty to get on the shoes, and the slit in the hood πŸ™‚


Now, then here’s the answer to why I can’t tell you my name yet- I’m incomplete.Β 


I can tell you that I’m 14, I love chinchillas, and the rest I can’t just straight up tell you.


Why am I incomplete? I can’t tell you that either. Right now I am just a doll. I’m not a member of Jaclynn’s “family” yet and I won’t be until I’m complete. When will I be complete? Time will tell, but I certainly hope I will be this year. But don’t worry! I will still appear in posts and I have already been assigned a star role in several pirate stories, which I’m really excited about! “It is a drawring of a key.” I need to watch Pirates of The Caribbean… AH! I LOVE THOSE MOVIES!!!Β 


Even though I can not tell you my first name, I can tell you my middle name, so that you have something to call me until I am officially introduced. You can call me Jane. “No, no, no, no. I’m Jane.” AGH! There are too many amazing movies!!! Well, I have said everything there is to say and I am starving, so I shall bid you all farewell! *bites lip and blinks back tears whilst thinking to herself “Hobbit!”* Until next time! Bye!

Isn’t she so sweet and fun?! I just love her!! She has one of my favorite personalities of my dolls!! πŸ˜€

Have a nice night everyone! πŸ™‚


AG Store For Emma’s Birthday!

Hey everyone! Yesterday was SO much fun! I went to the AG store with Emma for her birthday, then we had lunch, and then we hung out at my house until 9PM! It was seriously so much fun!! πŸ˜€

I don’t have a ton of pictures, but here’s a few πŸ™‚


Here we are! She is sooo much taller than me LOL!


Emma is checking out her doll to make sure it’s perfect, and I’m trying to find the one I want πŸ™‚


Finally my mom spotted her! Literally, she was the only one I saw in the store! Thank goodness she looked perfect πŸ™‚

And now that we have gotten everything we want, it’s time to calculate and see if we have enough money for it all πŸ˜€


I ended up taking one thing out, but it’s totally fine! There’s still plenty of time to get it in the future and I wanted the other things more πŸ™‚


Now we’ve made our purchases and we were totally ready to eat! About that time we started getting a little crazy. We were super crazy yesterday LOL! πŸ˜€

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! Emma will be posting on her blog soon what she got, and I’ll do a haul later today, as long as it isn’t raining πŸ™‚

Have a nice day!


I Won A DollMag Blogger Award!!

Not too long ago, Bella and Lulu over at TheDollMag had their readers nominate their favorite blogs to receive a DollMag Blogger Award. Next the voting came and I was one of the nominees for Blog with the Best Photostories!! I was so excited to be part of the voting!! Now skipping ahead, I got an email from Bella and Lulu a few days ago, telling me that…..


I had WON!!! OH, MY GOSH!!! I was BEYOND excited and totally honored to have won Blog with the Best Photostories!! The thought of how many of you voted for me just makes me want to cry, because you all love my stories that much! I can’t even tell you how happy that makes me!! πŸ˜€


Make sure you head on over to TheDollMag and read their current issue! And I just have to say that I am SO happy for all the blogs that won a DollMag Blogger Award! They all totally deserved it! πŸ™‚

Thank you for the votes, and CONGRATULATIONS to all the other winners! πŸ˜€


My Etsy Shop

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