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Monthly Archives: August 2016

WellieWishers Willa Doll Review

Hi everyone!!

I guess the title gives it away, but YES! I got Willa!!! I’ve had her for a few weeks now and just yesterday got around to taking pictures of her (sorry for my absence by the way. I’ve been having trouble with finding time to take pictures…)

Isn’t she too cute! *heart eyes*

Here is a closeup of Willa’s face. She has ADORABLE freckles sprinkled across her nose and stunning hazel eyes! She has orange feathered eyebrows and a sweet little smile with 2 teeth showing.

Willa comes wearing this red and pink hedgehog Β shirt that velcros in the back. The face is printed on and two little ears stick up at the corners.

I absolutely love her skirt!! THE HEDGEHOGS ARE SO CHUBBY!! There’s a little knot at the side of her skirt and it is trimmed in red.

Her little bunny ears headband is the same print as the skirt with pink trim to match the shirt. The headband is fabric until it reaches the underneath part where it’s just elastic (and has a humongous tag). It’s easy to slip on and off the doll’s head.

Her Wellies are adorable little ladybugs. They’re a little difficult to get on and off.

Of course I had to show a closeup of its cute little face πŸ™‚

Willa’s hair is strawberryΒ blonde and is the exact same color as Maryellen’s hair.

She has several highlights in her hair.

Okay, so I know this is awkward, but I felt it needed to be shown. When you take off her underwear there’s a little Wellie Wishers logo engraved on her. Also, Willa is all vinyl and has a cute little belly button πŸ˜‰ Β There is also “American Girl made in China” and some numbers engraved on the back.

The Wellie Wishers are $60 and I think perhaps slightly overpriced. Normally I say AG’s things are worth the money and while I absolutely ADORE Willa, I don’t think she should be a $60 doll πŸ˜‰ I think $45 might be a better price for them.
AG says they are for ages 5+ and I feel like that’s accurate πŸ™‚

You knew it was coming, didn’t you? XD Time for a PHOTOSHOOT! πŸ˜€

I forgot to mention that her head is always in a tilted up position. I think it’s adorable and will probably work well for when she looks up to the AG dolls πŸ˜‰

I went into the sunlight and used the gold side of my reflector for a different lighting. What do you think?

I don’t know why, but the reflector didn’t shine a golden light in this photo… My mom really liked this pic, so I decided to post it anyway πŸ™‚

Well, there you are! Willa is simply adorable and quite photogenic! I’d like to take her to a park sometime and get more pictures of her πŸ™‚ And yes, the Wellie Wishers are perfect little sisters for AG dolls πŸ˜‰

What do you think of the Wellie Wishers? Are any of them on your WISHlist? (Haha, get it? XD)Β 

Have a great day everyone! And I hope to start posting more soon! πŸ™‚


Masquerade ~Part 16

Whoo! First off, sorry for disappearing for so long! I needed it to be shady out back to take these pictures and, well, I was getting up too late and then getting tired too early, so I kept missing the shade… XD

Okay, now on with what you’ve all been waiting for! πŸ˜€

News of Jeremiah’s death came as quite a shock to me. When I asked Edmund about it, he said he suspected it was Frederic who murdered him. Believing that Edmund didn’t have a hand in it and that in fact, he had been honest with me before, I let him out. And now here we were, looking at Jeremiah’s tombstone.

“Are you alright, Liesel?” Edmund asked with concern.

“Yes, I’m fine. We didn’t love one another in the least. Though I am sorry that this all happened.” I replied.

“Do you think Frederic will come after you now?” I asked him.

“He may, but I think I can get him first.” He said.

“You won’t kill him, will you?” I questioned.Β 

“No, not at all. I’m not like them.”

I let out a sigh of relief and looked to the distance. “I feel at peace now. I feel – free. Like I can live as I please. I can be happy now.” I said in a faint whisper.

“I can understand that. I feel much the same way.” Edmund agreed.

Edmund stepped closer to me and gently lifted my hand into his and said, “This can be a fresh start for us.”

“Now that you’re unmarried, the kingdom needs to be secure. The people will expect you to marry again before long.” He said, a gleam in his eye. I felt my heartbeat quicken as he spoke.

“Yes, I suppose so.” I said, trying to hide my smile.

“I’d be honored if you would ever consider choosing me, Liesel.” He said, holding both of my hands now.

I just smiled and hugged him, feeling safe and secure in his arms. “I more than consider you, Edmund. I choose you.


Okay guys. Finale is next. Are ya’ll excited or sad? ;D


Posters for Masquerade!

Hi everyone! Mya recently asked me if I could make some posters for Masquerade, so today I got to work on that! I can’t believe I never made these sooner… Thanks for asking for the posters, Mya! πŸ™‚

*giddy laugh* I’m really happy with how this one turned out! πŸ™‚

My heart…. *sobs*

Thanks to Emma for creating the shipping name! Awe, I’m so honored to have my very first shipping name created! πŸ˜€ I’m going to start creating shipping posters (like the above) that you all can put on your sidebar if you ship those characters! Feel free to do so with this one and make sure to link back to my Masquerade page πŸ˜‰

So that’s all of them! You’re absolutely welcome to print these out or put them on your blog’s sidebar (I’d appreciate a link back πŸ˜‰ )! πŸ™‚

Oh, and also, I decided to show you some edits I sent to Emma when she was mad at me for killing off Jeremiah….

Hee hee hee hee….


Okay, I’ve had my fill of evilness for today. XD

Also, Emma sent me this….

LOLOL! She’s very mad. XD

Okie dokie then! I hope you like the posters!! πŸ˜€


Masquerade ~Part 15

Okay, guys. There should be one or 2 more parts after this one. Are ya’ll ready? *sinister grin*

POV of Jeremiah:

“You wanted to see me.” Frederic said once he saw me approaching.

“Yes. We have a problem.” I said.

“What is it this time?” He inquired.

“Remember that little task I had you do a few years back?” I asked.

“You mean the one where you had me kill your new bride’s father?” He asked.

“Yes, that one.” I confirmed.

“What about it?” He pushed.

“The witness is back. He’s threatening to tell everyone about what we did.”

Frederic looked to the side and let out a satisfied sigh. “Well, that means I can kill him now.”

“No. We can’t kill him. He’s Liesel’s old beau. She would never forgive me if we killed him.” I said.

“The witness…. Is your wife’s old beau? And you don’t want me to kill him? I’d think that would make you want him gone more than ever!” Frederic said through gritted teeth.

“So what do you plan to do then?” He inquired and I could tell he was frustrated.

“I don’t know. For the moment he’s locked in the dungeon and can do us no harm. But it’s only a matter of time before Liesel requests his release. We need to think of something soon.” I stated.

“He needs to die, Jeremiah. As he long as he lives he will be a threat. I won’t go to prison and I will notΒ be hanged.” He growled, not making eye contact.

“No! I will not allow you to kill him. I want a chance to be happy with Liesel and that would ruin it.” I said firmly.

“We’ll meet back here tomorrow to discuss our plans.” I said and Frederic stayed unmoving.

As I walked away, I heard a trigger click back.

I turned around and saw Frederic pointing a gun at me with a scowl on his face. “What are you doing?” I asked, afraid for my life.

“I told you, I will not die for what you had me do. You won’t let me kill the witness, so I’ll kill you instead.” He said with disdain. I stood petrified and all too fast –

– he pulled the trigger.


*insert sad music here*

RIP Jeremiah….


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