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Monthly Archives: September 2016

Bloggers Are People, Too

Hi everyone!

I’ve been known to make some posts here about some deep-ish topics. Today is one of those days.

Over the past nearly 4 years of blogging, I’ve come to realize that people (in this case, our readers) tend to treat bloggers in a very rude way. They expect a lot from us. If we don’t follow through on posting something the day we said we would, we get mad at and/or yelled at.

This isn’t fair to us. We as bloggers first started our blogs as a fun thing to do. Like a hobby. It was meant to be something that we enjoy doing. It’s not supposed to be a job (unless that’s you’re goal for it). But over time, we come to really appreciate our readers and we tend to want to please them more than ourselves at times. So we make promises to make a particular post that they want and when we don’t follow through, they get mad at us.

To you bloggers; I know you know what I’m talking about. We’ve all experienced this at some point. The pressuring comments that never seem to stop asking “when will you post this?” or “when will you post that?” and even “Why didn’t you post this? You promised you would! It’s been forever!!” and then they might even sign their name as “a very angry__.”
It’s really hard to deal with this at times, at least it is for me. I know you all love Masquerade and I appreciate that more than I can say, I really do. But when I have people constantly asking me about it, it puts a lot of stress on me. And because I know how much you all want the next part, I keep saying, “Soon” or “This week!” But, guys, I never actually know for sure when I’ll be able to post it, but I’m always looking for an opportunity.

To you readers; I understand the excitement and the torture of waiting to read the next part or wanting the next episode in your favorite TV show. I’m a human, too, so yes, I understand these feelings. But guys, here’s the thing. We bloggers need you to remember that we are only human. We have lives outside of blogging and sometimes they get pretty hectic. When the busyness finally wears off, we just want a break. We need our days of rest without stressing ourselves out about making a post.

And hey, photo stories take an uber long time to make. I’ve spent entire days working on just one part. You have to get the dolls ready, find all the props, set up, find the right location/lighting you need, take the pictures, upload them, resize them, write the story, preview it – it all takes a huge chunk out of your day and by the end of it, you feel pretty worn out.

With Masquerade I shot out so many parts, one after another, and it was a ton of fun, but tiring. I not only got physically tired, but emotionally as well. I was tired of making photo stories. So I took a little break from that to post some photoshoots and what-not. I needed to post some things that I felt like posting. Because although we do post for our readers, we also post for ourselves. If we don’t keep up with also pleasing ourselves, then the fun of blogging is going to die away for us.

Basically all I’m asking is this, and it’s very simple;

Please, everyone, try to be a little more understanding. We (bloggers) have lives. We get busy. Life gets away from us, just like with anyone else in the world. So when photo stories suddenly take a break, try not to freak out. In most cases, it will be continued, but we just need a break.
And don’t only comment on posts asking when the next part will be. That’s not a pleasing question to read. It makes us groan and sigh and be like; “Ugh, I need to do this, but I’m so busy/I don’t want to right now…” And then we feel guilty.

That’s another thing. We do feel bad to make you guys wait so long. And we feel really bad when we can’t post when we said we would.

And I’m going to admit here, that I am guilty of putting this pressure on other bloggers, too, but I have tried extremely hard not to be that way anymore. Usually if I ever do that, I do it in a dying sort of funny way that’s super dramatic. Something along the lines of; “NOOO I CAN NOT WAIT OH MY GOSH HURRY AND POST THE NEXT PART BEFORE I DIE!!! XD”

Just an example πŸ˜‰

Again, please, be more understanding. It would mean the world to me and I’m sure any other blogger out there! πŸ™‚

I just wanna say really quick before I sign off that I am by no means trying to be or sound mean. This is an issue I’ve seen in the blogging community and personally experienced and issues like these need to be addressed before they get worse. I love you all so much and I don’t know what I would do without you! Your comments make my day and I do not want to discourage any of you from making comments. We bloggers thrive on comments. It’s why we’re still around. It’s why we still post. So please, keep those comments coming and keep them nice πŸ™‚


What Would You Name Her? ~September 2016

Hello, girls! Long time since I did one of these, right? Well, at least it hasn’t been a year. XD

I’m absolutely in love with this new doll, so I decided I needed to do a NTD with her! πŸ˜€

Now, you all know how this game works, I’m sure, but here are the rules just the same:

Comment below your favorite names for this doll – I’m going to limit you to choosing a maximum of 10 names only – this will make things easier for me when going through the suggestions later ?

I will choose my 5 favorite names out of the ones you suggested and post them here on September 19thΒ  for you all to vote for your favorite one. I’ll post the winning name on SeptemberΒ 24th :)

Now, get thinking! πŸ˜€


It’s Shady & Golden Outside~ A Photoshoot


Ahem. Sorry for the screaming…

But to explain further, I haven’t posted in so long because it had been sunny like 24/7 outside and when it wasn’t, I’d have to get up super early or take them at night when I’m getting tired, so I couldn’t really take pics… πŸ™

BUT ITS FINALLY SHADY IN THE AFTERNOON!!! *fireworks* *confetti* *donuts* wait, what? XD

Leia is the star again because, let’s face it, she’s gorgeous and insanely photogenic! XD

I’m not sure what I think of this one… I’m usually not a fan of the doll looking at the camera… Unless it’s for a portrait, of course. πŸ˜‰

Her hair… ?

That’s it! Which one is your favorite? πŸ™‚

I loved holding my camera again and crouching down to take pictures of a beautiful doll. *sighs happily*

To those of you waiting for the next part of Masquerade; I PROMISE I will get it up very soon! With lighting problems and just being super busy, it’s been hard to think about getting a photostory up πŸ˜‰

Have a wonderful rest of your day! Have a donut! Or 2 or 3…. How about a baker’s dozen? XD


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