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Monthly Archives: March 2017

4 Year Blogiversary GIVEAWAY!

Hello everyone! πŸ˜€

So, fellow friends, amigos, compadres – yes? Right. You already know about the giveaway, but do you know the PARTICULARS? I think not. Now, let’s continue…

I am doing something special this year…. I think all of you know about my Etsy shop where I sell crocheted costumes for dolls, yes?


YEP! This year I am giving away a custom crocheted costume for your AG doll! That means that if you win, you can pick any costume you’d like (that isn’t in my Etsy shop) your doll to have and I will make it for you! Isn’t that exciting?! πŸ˜€


1: I have the right to refuse to make a costume you choose if I find it inappropriate or offensive in any way. Also, some costumes may be too difficult for me to make, but if that happens, we can do our best to figure out a way to represent the character, simplify it, or just choose a new costume if worst comes to worst. πŸ˜‰

2:Β I can only ship to the U.S.

3.Β It will take 4-6 weeks (possibly more depending on the costume) for your prize to be ready to ship. Designing new costumes takes a lot of time and work, but you will get your prize! πŸ˜‰


1: Please get a parent’s permission to enter if you are under 18 years of age.
I will be needing your email and home address so I can ship your prize to you. Rest assured, I will not share your information with anyone.Β I only need this information so I can ship your prize to you if you win :)

2: When you comment, say that you would like to enter. Then tell me what costume you would request if you win!

3: You have until Monday, April 10th at midnight to enter. All entries after that time will not be counted.


1: Follow me on Instagram – @littlehouseofamericangirl (Make sure to tell me your username you follow with so I know to count your entry!)

2: Favorite my Etsy Shop.Β (Make sure to tell me your username you follow with so I know to count your entry!)

3: Follow my other blogs, Little Miss FluffetΒ and He Rights My Wrongs.Β Also, follow LHOAG if you aren’t already πŸ˜‰

4: Share about this giveaway with a friend, on your blog, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest, then come back here and leave me a comment linking toΒ me where you shared it.

The giveaway ends Monday, April 1oth at midnight. I will reveal the winner on Tuesday, April 11th.

Oh, and if you share about my giveaway, feel free to use the image I made! πŸ˜‰

Well, I believe that’s everything… BEST OF LUCK TO YOU! πŸ˜€


Happy Birthday, Dear LHOAG!

Well, LHOAG, my dear blog – today is the day I celebrate you and the wonderful blog you have grown into. For 4 years now you have been a friend of mine – a place where can I express myself and my love for American Girl dolls.


We’ve come a long way – you and I. We’ve gone through frustrations and fears of losing all our hard work, but we have experienced such joy in the posts we’ve made, the followers we’ve gained, and all the thousands of comments we have received.


Which brings us to something important, doesn’t it, LHOAG?

My blog and I would like to thank you, dear reader, for following LHOAG – whether you’ve been here from the start in 2013 when I was an inexperienced 14 year old, or if you’re a new follower just getting to know the crazy 18 year old and her blog (which is now much more experienced) – we thank YOU for being here today and for every comment and like you have given! Even if you’re just a “behind the scenes” reader, thank you for your interest in my blog! <3


I can’t begin to express how thankful I am to have this blog! I have learned so much, gained so many friends, and reached a following that I didn’t think would ever be possible for me!

Now that I’m 18, undoubtedly a few of you have had the thought come into your head – “I wonder if Jaclynn will stop blogging?”

My answer is…..


NO. I can’t see a time in my future when I won’t be blogging here. I love it so much – it’s like a part of who I am! The only time I could see that as a possibility is maybe when I one day have kids of my own. Because working with 2 year olds makes me realize how crazy life as a mom can be. XD But I’m sure that IF that happens – I will come back. πŸ™‚


So…. As with my past blogiversaries I’ve done giveaways, haven’t I? Well, my friends, just make sure you check back a little later to see what my thank you gift to you will be this year πŸ˜‰


Before I go, just thank you all so much again! I know I say it every year, I know you hear it all the time, but I mean this so much – I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. You gave LHOAG and I the wings we needed to soar and I couldn’t be more grateful! THANK YOU!!! πŸ˜€ <3


When did you start reading LHOAG? What do you love most about my blog?


Ahsoka Tano Release!

Hi everyone! πŸ˜€

So if ya’ll didn’t know, I have an obsession with Star Wars. And Ahsoka. She’s amazing. <3



If you don’t know who Ahsoka is, she was once a Jedi (a Padawan under a very well known Jedi), but she left the Jedi Order when some things were going on (to put it mildly). She comes back in Star Wars Rebels and is an epic beast and she’s just awesome. XD

I had some problems creating this costume – Ahsoka’s outfit is very complex, but I managed to work everything out πŸ™‚

I’m planning to make some more Star Wars Rebels costumes in the future – maybe have a Rebels line released? :O


Please head on over to myΒ Etsy shop and give Lady Tano some love! πŸ™‚

What’s a costume you would like to see me make next? Your wish may come true sooner than you think…. πŸ˜‰


Much Appreciated~ A Photostory

Hi everyone! I have a photostory for you today that I hope you’ll enjoy! Especially since the pics were taken in a room in my dollhouse… πŸ˜‰ XD

Riven-Delle was super busy baking up a storm; she had already made cupcakes, cookies, muffins – now she had a blueberry pie in the oven! She had wanted to bake a cake, too, but she had received too many interruptions by her siblings that took her away from her baking several times that day. From Clara fainting twice to Lana causing an argument to the little ones getting underfoot time and again – Riven-Delle was at her wit’s end. She wasn’t even the oldest of the kids, yet everyone seemed to be coming to her for everything – just as they always did.

Kiara stepped into the kitchen just as Riven-Delle was putting a dirty bowl by the sink (I say “by” since it was overflowing with dishes already) and let out a quick gasp. “Wow! That’s a lot of goodies!” She said, eyeballing the cookies.

“Yeah, well, that’s what I like to do,” Riven-Delle smiled, “Do you need something?” she asked, trying to hide her dread.

“Oh, no, I just came in for a drink of water,” Kiara said and went to find a glass. Riven-Delle let her shoulders sink in relief and continued with her work…

…but she hesitated when she heard the faucet turn on and heard dishes clanking around. “Uh – Kiara? What are you doing?” Riven-Delle asked.

“There’s a mountain of dishes that need washing, so I thought I’d help you out and start washing,” Kiara said, soapy sponge in hand.

“Oh. Well, that’s nice of you, but really, it’s not necessary,” Riven-Delle said.

“It’s okay, I want to do this,” Kiara said with a smile.

Riven-Delle turned her head away, annoyance crawling up her spine. “Really, Kiara, you can go,” she said.

“Riven-Delle I don’t think you’re being very nice. I’m not going to disrupt your work by doing the dishes for you – in fact, I’ll be helping you along with your work by taking this load off your back,” Kiara said. Riven-Delle sighed and said, “You’re right. I’m sorry, Kiara. It’s nice of you to help me.”

The timer went off for the oven, so Riven-Delle got her oven mitts on to check on her pie while Kiara began scrubbing away.

While they were both preoccupied with their work, sneaky little Merida tip-toed into the kitchen and swiped a plate of cupcakes off the table and scurried off before anyone could notice she was ever there.

When Riven-Delle decided the pie was done baking, she took it out of the oven and set it on the table, only to be horrified by the emptiness that faced her.

“Where are my cupcakes?” Riven-Delle cried.

Kiara instantly stopped scrubbing the dishes and joined her sister’s side. “What on earth…”

“They’re gone,” Riven-Delle said, her voice shaky.

“Hey, it’s okay. I bet one of the little ones came in and took them – let’s go see if we can find them!” Kiara suggested.

“No, I’m sure they’re all gone by now anyway,” Riven-Delle said.

“Well, isn’t that a good thing? I mean, don’t you bake all these treats so we can eat them?” Kiara asked.

“Yes, but….,” Riven-Delle sighed, “Truth is, I’m not so upset about the cupcakes. I’m just so frustrated. I’ve been planning this baking day for weeks and I’ve been looking forward to having some time to myself, doing the thing I love. But all day I keep being interrupted by everyone and constantly dragged away from my baking. Why does everyone always want me?” Riven-Delle asked, a couple tears trickling down her cheek.

Kiara placed her hand on her sister’s shoulder and said, “I understand, everyone needs their own space, but really, think about how amazing it is that everyone loves you so much. I think just about everyone in this family looks up to you. And in a big family like ours, that’s something to be thankful for. You’re so appreciated in this house and I think you should learn to appreciate that.”

Riven-Delle smiled through her tears and hugged her sister tightly. She knew that lately she hadn’t been as appreciative of her family as she should have been and she was so grateful to Kiara for reminding her that appreciation goes both ways.

The End

Challenge: This week show someone you wouldn’t normally think of that you appreciate them. It just may make their day πŸ™‚


Monthly Recap~ February 2017

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted!

I do want to apologize for that. Honestly, I’ve been feeling so unmotivated lately – I’m having a hard time doing anything….

I know this is just for a time, though and I will get motivated and inspired again soon. πŸ™‚

Anyways – February has been officially over for about 2 weeks now so that means it’s time for another monthly recap! πŸ˜€

The highlight of February was definitely celebrating my 18th birthday! My mom and I went out to lunch and did some shopping then we came home and had dinner and I opened presents from my brother and parents. Should I do a haul of all my gifts on LMF? πŸ˜‰
My parents got me a beautifully shiny red laptop and I absolutely LOVE it!! I’ve been wanting a laptop for such a long time now and I’m definitely getting a lot of use out of it! πŸ˜€ (IT’S SO PRETTY!!!)
We also watched Return of the King on my birthday – I cried through the whole ending of the movie. My heart. <3

I was really excited that Jordan and Aaryn were able to come down for my birthday so we could all get dressed up and go to dinner as a big, happy family. It was so great seeing them again and being able to celebrate my birthday with my whole family πŸ™‚

Also for my birthday my mom layered my hair for me and put some blonde highlights in it – it’s very light, so kinda hard to tell in pics, but it’s easy to see in person – I really love it! πŸ˜€


Aside from all the birthday excitement, I also began brainstorming a new book idea! It was really fun because I created backstories and history for the characters and the land which is something I hadn’t done before. It made me really excited and I’m in love with one of the characters πŸ˜€ <3
I wrote about a thousand words for this book so far… I’m on pause with it right now cause I still wanna do some more planning for it. I’m hoping that maybe I can turn it into a trilogy, but we’ll see if that happens ;D

I got sick just a few days after my birthday and I’m still recovering. I’m so congested. Bleah! XD

ell, obviously it’s already March 12th, so some exciting things have already happened! Like…

I watched Moana – We didn’t see it in theaters, but we bought it the day it came out on DVD and I REALLY liked it! I don’t love it, but I really liked it – the songs are amazing (I’ve been listening to them on repeat pretty much nonstop XD ) and I really like the story. It felt relatable to me in some ways, like how Moana is trying to find who she is and how Maui realizes that hook or no hook, he’s Maui. πŸ™‚

Once Upon a Time continued – AGH!!! NEW EPISODE TONIGHT!!! *fangirls*

And Jordan and Aaryn came down again for 4 days!! That was the best ever!! They came down because Jordan might be getting a job down here again and he had to take a test for it. Fingers are crossed!! πŸ˜€ But it was really great – we watched Storks together cause they hadn’t seen it yet and Jordan and I watched some episodes of Word Girl (oh, the memories), and then on their last day here, our neighbors/friends (they’re like family) came over and we all played a game together and talked about old times. It was super fun! πŸ˜€

And what more do I have to look forward to?

LHOAG’s birthday is coming up super soon!! I need to start planning a way to celebrate ;D

Hopefully Emma and I will be going to AG soon to buy our final dolls…

I’d also really like to be actually writing that book I mentioned earlier – I NEED TO PLAN SO I CAN WRITE. XD

And I’m really just gonna be working a lot on being responsible and growing in my walk with God. I need to stop being so distracted by worthless things and start DOING things, even if I don’t feel like it.

I’m hoping to get more active on my blogs, but in the meantime, please continue to bear with me. I’ve got a lot I’m trying to figure out right now πŸ™‚

How have you all been? Is 2017 treating you well? Did you like Moana (if you saw it)?


My Etsy Shop

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