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Monthly Archives: July 2017

Fate of The Unborn ~ Part 1

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, fangirls and all, it is my great pleasure to present to you….

…..a sequel to the beloved photostory series…..


…..an all new epic series….

….following the story of Liesel and Edmund (#liesmund)….


Fellow friends, I give you:

As the moon rises against the sun,
So does man rise against man.
In 20 year’s time,
When the young bird flees from its nest,
It will fly into a storm and be struck down.
After it has lingered in the shadows a while to sprout its wings,
It will return a strong griffin ready to attack it’s prey.
And the griffin now full of hatred and strength,
Will devour the prey of its wellspring.
For as the moon rises against the sun,
So does man rise against man.

Eight years in prison. Eight years trapped behind bars. Eight years feeding on darkness.

Seven months fearing what would come to be. When Liesel became pregnant for the second time, it didn’t take long for the prophecy to reach Frederic’s ears, even in a place so isolated as a dungeon. But he had made an ally among the prince’s men. One who was very obliging to aid Frederic in any way he could and today was the day that he would prove his loyalty. Today was the day Frederic would put his plan into action…



Looking out the window toward our palace garden, I took in a deep breath and let the air from outside fill my lungs. My life had turned out quite differently than I had expected it to. Ten years ago I never imagined that I would be a princess, married to the love of my life, and blessed with a beautiful little girl.


It was truly a miracle that my life had turned out so amazing and soon another little blessing would be added to it.


“Mommy, have you seen Daddy? I can’t find him anywhere!” My sweet daughter asked as she bounded up to me.

“I haven’t seen him all morning. Let’s see if we can find him together.”

Elsie and I stumbled upon Edmund walking toward us, his eyes fixed on the ground as though something was weighing heavy on his mind.

“Edmund, are you alright?” I asked when he didn’t even stop to look up at us.


“Oh, I’m sorry, I was lost in thought,” he said with a smile, but I knew something was bothering him.
“Daddy, can you walk with me in the garden?” Elsie asked, eyes full of hope.


“I’m sorry, not right now, sweetie,” Edmund said. It wasn’t like him to turn down time spent with his daughter. Something was definitely wrong.


Edmund must have sensed that I knew he was hiding something because he asked Elsie to leave us alone for a moment. “It won’t be for long,” he assured her.


“Go on, Elsie. I’ll walk with you later,” I said.
“Okay, Mommy,” she said right before skipping away.

“Edmund what is it?” I asked as I reached for his hand. Edmund closed his eyes and touched my belly. “It’s a dream I had last night…,” he began.

“I’m afraid to tell you about it,” he said, not even daring to look into my eyes.

“Edmund, I’ve never seen you like this. What is it?” I pressed. He was unsettling me more and more with each word he spoke.


“I dreamed something happened to our child… Someone was after it… and-” Edmund paused. “I can’t bring myself to tell you the rest. It was too real and I don’t want to frighten you unnecessarily if it turns out to be nothing more than a silly nightmare.”

“Edmund, tell me wha-” I stopped my sentence when I heard a familiar sound in the distance…


The alarm bells were ringing for all the kingdom to hear. They meant something bad or even dangerous had occurred. But what frightened me most was when Edmund spoke…

“My dream….it’s happening.”



What is happening?! :O Yes, I know that I know, but it’s still fun to say. *innocent grin* XD

I don’t know when the next part will be up cause I have VBS all week, but I will get it up just as soon as I can! 😀

I hope you enjoyed the beginning of Fate of The Unborn! 😀


This Just In – Masquerade Returns In An ALL NEW SEQUEL

According to a very reliable source aka me we have heard that the creator me again of famous photostory series Masquerade has plans to release a sequel to the beloved story this summer!

Though the creator is always quite discreet regarding her work, she does have a poster which she has been so kind as to share with us.


The series is titled Fate of the Unborn and the original cast will be returning to deliver another stunning performance.

As we can recall in the final episode of Masquerade, we see Liesel is pregnant and she has a daughter who is about 7 years old. Fate of the Unborn obviously will be focusing on Liesel and Edmund’s unborn child. The creator of the series has not informed us of exactly what the fate is of the child, but it appears to be rather ominous.

When will Fate of the Unborn be airing? We do not know. The creator is quite fond of surprises, so we think it could be any day now as she usually reveals posters close to the release date. Whenever it releases, we will be ready!

Article by Jaclynn

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