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31-Day Blogging Challenge 2015

Day 27, 28, 29, 30, & 31

Eeks! I got so carried away with Maryellen and my new photostory series that I ignored the blogging challenge for 5 days! Oopsie!

Day 27 – My hidden talent:

Burping. I won’t go into any details because I don’t wanna gross any of you out, so let’s just move on, shall we? LOL!

Day 28 – Favorite movie I never get tired of:

LOTR of course!! I will never get sick of these movies like I do with others. I will be watching them and loving them just the same for the rest of my life! πŸ™‚

Day 29 – Something that never fails to make me feel better:

Actually there are a few things; Talking to my mom, texting Emma, ice cream, and talking to God πŸ™‚

Day 30 – Why do I blog?

Well, I first got inspired to blog when I started going to AmericanGirlFan, but my mom actually was the one who suggested I start one. Back thenΒ I would play all day with my dolls and do super fun things with them and we both thought it would be so cool if I could share those stories and the things I did with my dolls with everyone else! Now, I didn’t actually end up doing that on here. I never made a post about the stories I would play with my dolls, but instead made up other things specifically for my blog πŸ™‚

The reason I blog now, is because I just seriously love it! It’s fun for me to share my love of dolls with all of these amazing doll lovers who have become my friends and to be able to write stories and create photostory series out of them! I love how I get to use all of my talents through my blog and I’m so glad to have made so many friends in this doll loving/blogging community! πŸ™‚

Day 31 – Why did I enjoy completing this challenge?

NOOO!! It’s OVER!! I’m really sad that this challenge has ended. It was such a fun thing to do and some of the questions were hard for me to answer and really made me think! I also liked completing this challenge because it really challenged me to post every day for a month, which I think I did pretty well at πŸ™‚ I think it’s gotten my brain circulating again and that I will have plenty of posts for you for a long while. Thank you so much, Hayley for starting this 31-Day Blogging Challenge! I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it! πŸ˜€

Alrighty, I’ll be back later with another post, so stay tuned! πŸ™‚


Day 26 & Updates

What I always think “what if” about:

I don’t know if I really have ONE thing I always think “what if” about… Usually my “what ifs” are something kinda like this:
“What if it gets stuck at the top?”
“What if I pass out?”
“What if I fall?
“What if it breaks?”
“What if someone thinks I’m weird?

Okay, there’s the one. “What if someone thinks I’m weird?” I deal with that a LOT. I know I always encourage you girls not to be ashamed or to feel weird taking pictures of your dolls in public, but the truth is, I go through the same problem as all of you. I’ve always been horrible at listening to my own advice, but I try my best to follow this one so I can maybe be an example to those of you who still feel weird about it. And yet there are times that I fail. I can’t even bring a doll in my own front yard because the neighbors across the street are always outside and I don’t want them watching me and thinking I’m weird. You know those pictures I took of Jenna at Tom’s Farm a few days ago? I hadn’t even wanted to do that, but Emma convinced me. She reminded me that it doesn’t matter if people see you taking pictures of a doll and think you’re weird. They have no place to judge us because they don’t even know us. But if they do, then who cares? We’re never gonna see them again anyway! If I can be my absolute craziest with my family at Disneyland around hundreds of people, then surely I can bring a doll somewhere and take pictures. I’m not weird, I’m a teen blogger and doll collector and there’s nothing not normal about that! Everyone has something that they are into, and that’s just fine πŸ™‚

So yeah. That’s my big “what if” question. I’m still working on it, so don’t think I’m fully over it yet, but I hope to start making progress in getting over that fear πŸ™‚

Now, about tomorrow….

I’m SO EXCITED!!! I’ll probably have anxiety tonight and won’t be able to sleep. It happens every time, but it’s fine LOL! XD

So, the outfit I’m wearing has changed slightly. I’m going to wear jean capris with a raspberry pink tank top that has foil gold stars on it. And black flip flops and I think I’ll be wearing a gold headband or a ponytail. It depends on my mood LOL!

Also, I will be getting at the AG store at or around 8:45 AM. I just wanna be there a little early πŸ˜‰

I’m looking forward to seeing you there! Bye for now! πŸ˜€


Day 25

Have I changed in the last two years?

Well, of course I’ve changed! I’m obviously taller and I look older now LOL! I’ve cut my hair and part it off to the side, too.

I have learned a lot more about God from last year till now and have just grown so much in my faith and am a better person because of it. I’m more mature spiritually and just in general, but I think I’ll always be a kid at heart πŸ˜‰

My personality and interests have pretty much remained the same except for now I LOVE clothes and going shopping! I used to totally hate shopping and I never wanted to get clothes as gifts, but now I’m planning to have a clothing shopping spree on my next birthday! πŸ˜€

My writing and photography skills have changed a lot since then, too! I mean, look at this picture:



Compared to this one! Oh, gosh, now I wanna take pics of Rebecca! XD

That was a hard and interesting thing to think about… I’ve always thought I’ve just been the same for forever, but I have changed quite a bit πŸ™‚

Well, that’s all for now, folks! Talk to ya’ll (I have no idea why I just said that LOL!) tomorrow! πŸ˜€


Day 24

If the world were to end tomorrow, what would I do with my remaining time on earth?

This is such a hard question for me to even answer, but I’ll do my best. I know I definitely wouldn’t waste my time sitting around the house and watching movies that I love. I’d want to spend some good quality time with my family. I’d tell each of them how much I love and care about them and give them all a gazillion hugs! People that I know I wouldn’t be able to see before the end, I’d definitely try to get in contact with. Like friends and other family members. I’d also probably make a post on my blog and tell you all how much you mean to me and maybe just post all my pirate stories without pictures, so you could read them before the end πŸ™‚

I don’t know if there’s anything else I’d want to do. It’s not like I’d wanna go shopping cause that would just be a waste. I wouldn’t wanna watch movies or read or really anything like that. All that would be important to me, is spending time with my family and friends (if possible) and making sure they truly know how much they mean to me. And if spending time with them means watching a movie one last time together or going on a bunch of rides at Disneyland, then that’s fine by me! OH! I think I’d wanna go to Six Flags with my brother, too πŸ™‚

So there ya go! Questions like these are always so interesting to think about and are usually hard for me to answer LOL!

Have a nice rest of your day everyone! πŸ˜€


Day 23

Hi there! Today I’ve been watching movies and shows and crocheting (I finished my order! WHOO HOO!). It’s been a very relaxing day πŸ™‚

So, Day 23 – Where I’ve traveled:

Okay, well I already told you this, but I went to Arizona! Believe it or not, that’s the only vacation my entire family has had. We just aren’t very vacation-ish people πŸ˜‰
Since I already told you where I’ve traveled, I’ll tell you where I’d like to go and why πŸ™‚

New Zealand – The Lord of The Rings movies were filmed there and you can actually visit The Shire. I want to go there so badly!

Florida – One reason; Disney World! They have SO many rides, it’s HUGE, and they have such cool and different lands!! And seriously, they’re making a Frozen ride there in the Norway area!! Why can’t they build that here? *cries* Well, at least we’re getting Star Wars land! πŸ˜€

Germany – Honestly, the only reason I wanna go here is because I’m learning German. No other reason beside that LOL!

London – I LOVE their accents!!! Well, okay, I love accents in general, but I think London accents may be my favorite… Plus, I love the name “London”, and it just sounds so royal and beautiful!Β I’ve wanted to go to London for as long as I can remember! πŸ˜€

Paris – Oh, AG… What did you do to me? Ever since Grace came out I’ve suddenly grown a love of Paris, although I’ve always liked it LOL!

New York – It just seems like such a neat place! I don’t know what it is about it, but I’ve always wanted to visit there, too. Plus the biggest AG store is there ;D

Alright, I think those are all the places I’d like to visit! And also, I’d basically like to visit anywhere with gorgeous scenery that’s perfect for photoshoots πŸ˜‰

Where would you like to travel to?


Photos From Tom’s Farm & Day 22

Hey everyone! Today I went with Emma to Tom’s Farm and we took our dolls along to take pics of! I only took about 4, but I hope you like them anyway! πŸ™‚


My mom said that I should edit some of the pics, so I did! What do you think of this one?


Jenna and Jess are so cute πŸ™‚


I like this picture! πŸ˜€


And this is my absolute favorite! The water was so pretty! πŸ™‚

Day 22 – What I’m looking forward to:

Okay, well obviously….. The MARYELLEN DEBUT!! Like seriously, I’m SO excited for it!! πŸ˜€
I’m also really looking forward to being a bridesmaid in my brother’s wedding next year!! EEE!!! πŸ˜€
Opening some Vinylmation boxes in a few days (I hope I get Kanan, I hope I get Kanan)!
Going to Disneyland! We just got unblocked for the summer, so I’m really excited to go back! πŸ™‚
Aaaaanddd…. Hmmm…. I think that’s probably it for now! Of course I’m looking forward to Christmas and colder weather. BRING ON THE JACKETS AND BOOTS AND HATS, OH MY! LOLOL! Sorry, I’m a little crazy today πŸ˜€

What are you most looking forward to?


Paper Cut (and Day 21)

Hey guys! Today I got around to making a photostory and then I cleaned my room, so I feel really good right now! Plus, I’m listening to the Tangled soundtrack, so that’s always awesome! πŸ˜€

Now, let’s get on with the photostory!


“Samantha? Do you have to do that right now?” Riven-Delle asked her sister who was busy cleaning out the closet.


Without looking up from her work she replied, “Yes! If I don’t do it no one else will and it needs to be done!”


With a sigh and a shake of her head, Riven-Delle leaned back in her chair and tried to concentrate on what to write in her writing journal.


Clara entered the room and spotted Samantha cleaning out the closet. “Um, Samantha? Didn’t you just clean out the closet yesterday?” Clara inquired.


“Yes, but it has to be done again because no one ever puts things away properly!” Samantha stated in frustration. Clara knew very well that the purses at least hadn’t been touched at all since she cleaned the closet last, but she didn’t press the matter for she knew that Samantha loved to clean more than anyone.


“Are you okay, Riven-Delle? You look tired.” Clara observed.


“Oh, no, I’m just having trouble concentrating.” Riven-Delle replied with a slight grin.


“Oh, I see. Well I’m just getting some paper, but I’ll do my best not to distract you.” Clara said with a smile.


As Clara grabbed a sheet of paper, it slipped and lightly scraped her finger.


“Ow!” Clara yelped and then let out a quiet hiss. “What happened?” Samantha asked as she instantly turned her head at Clara’s cry of pain.


“Oh, it’s nothing. Just a paper cut.” Clara reassured her sister.


As Clara picked the paper off of the floor, she looked at her finger and saw that it was bleeding.


Clara instantly closed her eyes and turned away while taking deep breaths. “Clara, what’s wrong?” Riven-Delle inquired as she jumped out of her chair.


“I’m feeling faint.” Clara said softly.


Riven-Delle and Samantha rushed to their sister and helped her to the chair.


“Alright, put your head down. You’ll be okay.” Riven-Delle comforted as Clara did as she was told.


“What made you get all faint so suddenly?” Samantha asked.


“I looked at my finger and saw that it was bleeding.” Clara explained.


Clara sat up once she was feeling better and said, “You know, Riven-Delle-


-I hate paper cuts.”


So yeah, this photostory was inspired by the paper cut I got yesterday. When I saw my fingerΒ was bleeding I had to instantly look away cause I felt close to faintness. I wasn’t nearly as bad as Clara, but since she faints a lot, I thought it could work with her LOL!

Now, for Day 21 – Favorite recipe:

Hmm…. This is hard. I guess I’ll just go with the Funfetti Cookie recipe! They’re SO good and my brother, Jordan LOVES them!Β I can’t wait to make them this winter! πŸ˜€

Do you ever get faint when you see blood?Β 


Day 20

EEE!! One more week until Maryellen’s Debut!! πŸ˜€

Today, I’m going to show you an old picture of me.


“Here I am. This is me. I come into this world so wild and free.” LOLOL! Sorry, sorry, that song just popped into my head πŸ˜›
But anyways, there’s me at age 4! This was taken on our vacation to The Grand Canyon! Since I was so little, I hardly remember any of it. I can kinda remember being ready to move on before any of the others, though LOL! We also visited my gramma’s house who lived in Arizona at the time, went to a deer farm where all the deer were literally following us EVERYWHERE! And apparently we went to a baseball game, but I have NO memory of that at ALL! So don’t ask me how it was LOL! I also remember riding a pony in some parking lot and me and my entire family were briefly on TV, but I don’t know what for. It was probably for some background thingy that isn’t really worth mentioning LOL!

So, now you’ve got a brief description of our trip to Arizona and you have officially seen me at age 4! πŸ˜€

Have you been to The Grand Canyon? Now that I’m older, I’d really like to visit it again so I can appreciate it LOL! πŸ˜€

Oh, and I’m so sorry about not many posts with dolls in them. It’s been SO hot outside and that’s keeping me from going out to take pictures. I’ll try to get around to a doll post soon! πŸ™‚


Day 19

Alrighty, so today I’m going to list my five favorite blogs! Ready? πŸ˜€

*Note: These are in no particular order and I might do more than 5 πŸ˜›

1. AmericanGirlFan will always be a favorite, because it was the first blog I discovered and the one that inspired me to make a blog of my own πŸ™‚

2. DollyDormDiaries is another fave. The pictures and set ups are absolutely gorgeous beyond words and so realistic!

3. OhMyDollies is a newer favorite of mine. Shelby-Grace is so sweet and her pictures are always beautiful! How can you not love all that bokeh?

4. SimplyDollightful had me completely entranced the first time I visited. Christina’s photography is amazing and she is a great writer!

5. Clarisse’sCloset is amazing! Literally, when I first visited her blog I was on there for what seemed like hours! I looked at almost every post in one night and finished the next morning. I couldn’t stop talking to my mom about it. The pictures and the outfits were just breathtaking!

6. And of course, how can I not say my best friend’s blog? Wack-A-Doodle-Dolls has entertaining photostories and some of them make me die laughing! Adam is the best LOLOL! XD

So, yeah, that was 6, but they all needed to be up there! If you haven’t gone to any of these blogs yet, please check them out! You won’t be disappointed that you did! πŸ™‚

And I’d like to give a special shout-out to a new blog; MyNotSoLittleDollWorld! AGcmg just started her blog a few days ago and her posts have been great so far! She is so nice and I’m sure she’d just love it if you dropped by and left her a comment πŸ™‚

Please do not be offended if your blog is not listed up there. I had to choose 5Β favorites, which is hard to do when you visit almost 70 blogs. Chances are that I probably love and really enjoy your blog! πŸ˜€

What are your 5 favorite blogs?


Day 18

I’m SO excited for today’s assignment!! πŸ˜€

Day 18 – Favorite childhood book:

At first, I couldn’t think of a single book! I was going to choose “Little Rabbit Foo Foo”, but then my mom reminded me of a book I absolutely adored!


Sleepy Dog is my favorite childhood book! My mom read it to me ALL the time, that soon, before I could even read, I knew this book by heart and would “read” it to everybody! Literally, I loved this book to death! πŸ˜€ Oh, my gosh, I just read it right now with the biggest smile. Aaah… TheΒ memories LOL! πŸ˜€

What’s your favorite childhood book?


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