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Monthly Recaps

Monthly Recaps~ March 2017

HELLO! How are you all doing this lovely day? I’m currently eating lunch and not wanting to do anything but Skype my friends, but as that can’t happen right now, I need to be productive, so I have in store for youuuu….

MARCH RECAP!! *cheers* XD

The first topic is crazy frens, because as I have come to realize, March has been a month of friendship for me! XD

1. Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Hermie the Hermit Hut!! At work (childcare) they added this glorious hermit hut to our room (without realizing it was a hermit hut and would be conquered by Emma and yours truly)! I LOVE IT SO MUCH I JUST WANNA TAKE IT HOME AND HERMIT IN IT WITH FOODIES AND BLANKETS! XD The first day it arrived, Emma and I spent the majority of the day inside it and trying to get the little chubs to go in and enjoy our dear little Hermie. That was an insanely fun day. XD

2. THE TRIALS OF PATTY CAKE! XD So apparently, Emma and I are weird and couldn’t remember exactly how to play Patty Cake…? She looked it up and we watched a tutorial on how to play then played it ourselves. We’re weird, we know. XD

***Click the picture to see what it says***

3. Jedi vs Sith. I don’t know how it happens, but so many times when Emma and I are texting we suddenly become a Jedi (that’s me, peeps) and Sith and argue back and forth about the Light and Dark Side. Emma used to be my Padawan, but she left me for the Dark Side, so now American Girl Doll Artist is my new Padawan and her brother is Emma’s Apprentice. XD

4. SKYPE! Emma and I are really good friends with AGDA (and her siblings) even though we have yet to meet in person (SOON THOUGH) and we Skype a LOT! There’s tons of laughing and noise involved. XD



The most important thing I can talk about in this topic is Beauty and the Beast. Before I continue, I know I said I wasn’t going to see it because of a certain character, but my sister saw it and gave us a review on the movie and said it was pretty minor, so we decided to go see it. πŸ˜‰

And let me just say that it is one of my absolute favorite movies right now! I have been listening to the songs almost non stop since I saw it and I’m just so dead over this movie!! Seriously, with all the hype over it, I’ve barely been excited for Rogue One coming out on DVD on Tuesday. O_O Β IT’S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL AND THE SONGS ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE THE BEAST <3 <3 <3 (I’m planning to see it again – which will be my 3rd time) I had chills practically through the entire movie and was smiling throughout. I only cried once and that was during an added song that is probably on my list of top 5 favorite songs. <3 I think this is my favorite Live Action remake from Disney… πŸ˜€

If you were hesitant to see the movie because of the character, I can say it was super minor and nothing extreme was done with it. He just acts a little weird and the worst of it is during the Gaston song πŸ˜‰

Okay, more fandoms…

Image found on Pinterest

I think I covered this in the last recap since I did it late (heh heh), but I watched Moana and it’s SO GOOD! The songs are so fun and this movie is almost making me want to learn how to speak Polynesian just so I can sing those parts like a boss. XD


I got the Star Wars Rebels Smuggler’s Bounty Box!!! I may or may not have hyperventilated and gone completely insane over everything in it. *heart eyes* I can not wait for the next box!!

OOH and the new trailer for War for the Planet of the Apes was so amazing!! I love Caesar. :O (I don’t know if ya’ll have seen those movies, but I had to put it in here cause I’m excited for it! XD )

This month I got a book called Lady in Waiting. It was an absolutely amazing book that followed the book of Ruth and was all about becoming the right woman while you are waiting for the right man to come into your life. It really spoke to me and made me see that as a young single woman, this is the perfect time to grow close to God and put Him first in my life because once I’m married and eventually have kids, the time you’ll have available to spend with God will be precious. This is the time for me to grow in my walk with God and let Him mold me into the woman I’m meant to be πŸ™‚

I cooked dinner this month! XD It was a recipe I found on Pinterest and it was pretty yummy! Though it totally took me an eternity to prepare. O_O XD

I finished my Ahsoka costume and listed it in my Etsy shop! I’m so glad I finally stopped procrastinating and just did it! XD

And, naturally, I had my 4 year blogiversary!! πŸ˜€ Also, if you haven’t yet, make sure to enter the giveaway I’m having for a chance to win a custom made costume for your doll! πŸ˜€


Okie, let’s see…

1. I work every Wednesday this month which means I get to see my chubs a lot more! XD

2. We’re going to visit Jordan and Aaryn for Easter!! We’ll get to see their apartment and I’ll also be seeing my grandparents! SO EXCITED! XD *chants roadtrip*

3. Obviously Rogue One comes out on Tuesday! YAAY!!! DARTHY! JYNSIAN! XD

4. I’ll have to prepare for the craft fair this month… So not prepared to prepare. XD

And I believe that’s it for now! I feel really excited for this month and the unexpected adventures it will bring! πŸ˜€

Tell me, how was March for you? What are you looking forward to in April?

P.S. This post is over a thousand words long…. O_O

Monthly Recap~ February 2017

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted!

I do want to apologize for that. Honestly, I’ve been feeling so unmotivated lately – I’m having a hard time doing anything….

I know this is just for a time, though and I will get motivated and inspired again soon. πŸ™‚

Anyways – February has been officially over for about 2 weeks now so that means it’s time for another monthly recap! πŸ˜€

The highlight of February was definitely celebrating my 18th birthday! My mom and I went out to lunch and did some shopping then we came home and had dinner and I opened presents from my brother and parents. Should I do a haul of all my gifts on LMF? πŸ˜‰
My parents got me a beautifully shiny red laptop and I absolutely LOVE it!! I’ve been wanting a laptop for such a long time now and I’m definitely getting a lot of use out of it! πŸ˜€ (IT’S SO PRETTY!!!)
We also watched Return of the King on my birthday – I cried through the whole ending of the movie. My heart. <3

I was really excited that Jordan and Aaryn were able to come down for my birthday so we could all get dressed up and go to dinner as a big, happy family. It was so great seeing them again and being able to celebrate my birthday with my whole family πŸ™‚

Also for my birthday my mom layered my hair for me and put some blonde highlights in it – it’s very light, so kinda hard to tell in pics, but it’s easy to see in person – I really love it! πŸ˜€


Aside from all the birthday excitement, I also began brainstorming a new book idea! It was really fun because I created backstories and history for the characters and the land which is something I hadn’t done before. It made me really excited and I’m in love with one of the characters πŸ˜€ <3
I wrote about a thousand words for this book so far… I’m on pause with it right now cause I still wanna do some more planning for it. I’m hoping that maybe I can turn it into a trilogy, but we’ll see if that happens ;D

I got sick just a few days after my birthday and I’m still recovering. I’m so congested. Bleah! XD

ell, obviously it’s already March 12th, so some exciting things have already happened! Like…

I watched Moana – We didn’t see it in theaters, but we bought it the day it came out on DVD and I REALLY liked it! I don’t love it, but I really liked it – the songs are amazing (I’ve been listening to them on repeat pretty much nonstop XD ) and I really like the story. It felt relatable to me in some ways, like how Moana is trying to find who she is and how Maui realizes that hook or no hook, he’s Maui. πŸ™‚

Once Upon a Time continued – AGH!!! NEW EPISODE TONIGHT!!! *fangirls*

And Jordan and Aaryn came down again for 4 days!! That was the best ever!! They came down because Jordan might be getting a job down here again and he had to take a test for it. Fingers are crossed!! πŸ˜€ But it was really great – we watched Storks together cause they hadn’t seen it yet and Jordan and I watched some episodes of Word Girl (oh, the memories), and then on their last day here, our neighbors/friends (they’re like family) came over and we all played a game together and talked about old times. It was super fun! πŸ˜€

And what more do I have to look forward to?

LHOAG’s birthday is coming up super soon!! I need to start planning a way to celebrate ;D

Hopefully Emma and I will be going to AG soon to buy our final dolls…

I’d also really like to be actually writing that book I mentioned earlier – I NEED TO PLAN SO I CAN WRITE. XD

And I’m really just gonna be working a lot on being responsible and growing in my walk with God. I need to stop being so distracted by worthless things and start DOING things, even if I don’t feel like it.

I’m hoping to get more active on my blogs, but in the meantime, please continue to bear with me. I’ve got a lot I’m trying to figure out right now πŸ™‚

How have you all been? Is 2017 treating you well? Did you like Moana (if you saw it)?


Monthly Recap~ January 2017

Well, here I am again to bring you a monthly recap that is actually on time! XD

I’m currently lying in my bed watching Storks cause I’m really tired and just feel kinda blah – I think I’m getting sick :/

Anyhoo! Let’s get on wiiitthhh….


Ooh, lookie! I made a cool image thingy! XD

1. I started playing piano. Really the keyboard since we don’t have a piano, but ya know. XD I’m having so much fun with this!! I can’t wait until I get REALLY good! πŸ˜€

2. I’ve practiced my singing a lot more. I really love to sing and lately I’ve been focusing more on singing on key and using my actual voice instead of my fake singing voice. I think I’m getting pretty good πŸ™‚

3. IT HAILED – OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS IT WAS AMAZING!! There was a storm like last week and it kept hailing off and on. There was lightning, winds, thunder, pouring rain – I literally died. It hasn’t hailed since I was super young so it was almost like a first experience for me. XD There was so much it seriously looked like it had snowed!! And afterwards the mountains you can see from our house were covered in snow, but it’s all pretty much melted now. πŸ™

4. We went to our friend’s wedding – which was SO beautiful! Okay, guys. The parents walked down the aisle to “The Last Goodbye” music and I forget who (probably the bride), but someone walked down to “All I Ask of You” music. I was crying. It was amazing. *dies*

5. We are looking into moving-Β yet again we’re in the searching stage. I really think that this time we’re going to move so it’s exciting and scary and emotional and yeah…. Prayers concerning this would be appreciated. πŸ˜‰

1. TENNEY AND LOGAN WERE REVEALED – I’m not going to post any pictures, but oh my goodness me needs. O_O

2. The. Last. Jedi.
Just – oh my gosh. Can you even believe that it’s THIS YEAR?? *dies*

3. LOTR POP!s were revealed!! :O FRODO and SAM!! Oh my heart. <3

4. Rey is a Solo. I’m like totally convinced. I’ll be surprised if it’s not true, that’s how convinced I am. O_O (I made that image after reading an in depth theory of Rey being a Solo and fell in love with the idea. XD )

Tenney and Logan’s release-Β isn’t it so exciting?! They’re almost here!! :O

My 18th birthday- Guys I’m gonna be 18 this month. Isn’t that bizarre?! I started this blog when I was 14…. So crazy… O_O

So with my 18th birthday means….

A fancy dinner, blonde highlights, and Jordan and Aaryn coming down! I’m so excited! πŸ˜€

I’m also planning to start writing another book this month since this month will be a year since I started my last one πŸ™‚

I don’t know what else will happen this month, but that’s okay – if I knew everything that was going to happen life wouldn’t be much of an adventure, now would it? πŸ˜‰

So tell me…

How was your month? Was it a good start to the New Year? Anything exciting to look forward to in February?


November Recap ~ 2016

Hello, my friends!! *waves* πŸ˜€

Okay, so I know it’s already December 9th (HOW DID THAT HAPPEN), but I just really wanted to post one of these! XD

I have never done this type of post before, so just bear with me. Let’s see if I can make this interesting… XD

Highlights of November:

Doing NaNoWriMo and SUCCEEDING!! 

It was really hard for me to keep up and fell behind a lot, but in the end I succeeded and that’s what matters right? I ate quite a bit of dark chocolate to help me through it… XD

Getting the professional wedding pictures!

AGH!!! They’re all SO beautiful!! I’m planning to post a bunch on LMF, so be on the watch for that πŸ˜‰

When we got these pictures in literally all my mom and I did was look at them all day long. The photographer did an AMAZING job!

Getting to see my family do worship together <3

I don’t know if any of you know this already, but my family is quite musically talented. My dad has been a worship leader for years and he taught my brother, Jordan to play guitar and he served on the worship team for a long time, as well as Aaryn, my new sister in-law who sings beautifully! And my brother in-law plays the drums, so it was really awesome to get to see them all play together – they do an amazing job! It was super special this time because it was the last time for who knows how long, before Jordan and Aaryn moved away… <3


YES! *happy sigh* it was so awesome doing the Hillside craft fair again. Though there was rain, freezing cold, and major winds, we did have a lot of fun and the last day was perfect in every way! πŸ™‚

Having my first latte from Starbucks!

I’ve been hesitant to try a latte for a long time, just cause I’m super picky and I love my frappΓ©s, but I finally gave in and I totally loved it! Even though I almost burned my tongue… XD

Crazy Moments:

Sleeping over at Emma’s and cracking up at her insanity.

This night was just – BIZARRE! Emma was out of control crazy and I was laughing at her like all night! XD The one thing I don’t understand is how exactly does she drink from a water bottle so creepily?? LIKE HOW?! XD

Being creeped on by Emma The Insanely Creepy the entire time at Hillside.

No joke, I literally look over at her booth (we’re right across from each other, as you can tell in the picture) and she’s staring at me like this!!! And I don’t know, is she part Indian or something, cause she’s always sneaking up on me and I’ll turn around and she’s there staring at me with this creepy face!! XD It’s creepy, but hilarious. XD

Bundling up in a tablecloth at Hillside.

IT WAS FREEZING!!! It was raining, windy, and just – FREEZING!! My mom and I both wrapped ourselves up in tablecloths and put on hats, hoods, and scarves – we were cracking up! XD

Sad Times:


Though this was a great day and we were all happy to be together, it was really bittersweet and not all of us were our normal, happy, crazy selves. This was our last family gathering together before Jordan and Aaryn moved away and saying goodbye to them that night, though it wasn’t our last goodbye, was extremely painful. πŸ™

Saying Goodbye to Jordan and Aaryn.


My mom, dad, Jen, Jason, and I went over to say goodbye to them Friday night, the day after Thanksgiving. I can’t tell you how much we all hugged and cried. And though it was one of the hardest things, saying goodbye to them – I realized also how beautiful it was. That we as a family could come together with the freedom to cry and embrace like that over “losing” 2 beloved family members. I know it might sound silly that we were all crying so much, especially since they’re 6 hours away and I know some people have family even farther away – but we’ve always been together and we love each other so much. It was really hard to say goodbye, but I think we’re all doing a lot better now. <3
Looking Ahead:

– Posting more often! I’ve really missed posting here, on LMF, HRMW, and on TEROW, so I’m really hoping that this month I can get a lot of posting done! πŸ˜€

– CHRISTMAS!!! No, no, this year it isn’t for the presents that I’m so excited (though I am excited for that, too… XD). This year I’m excited for Christmas because then our whole family will be together again! πŸ˜€ <3

– Work next week!! You all remember me saying that I got a job working in childcare, right? Well, we went on break and I thought I wouldn’t get to go back until January, but thankfully we get a day next week! I MISS THE CHUBLETS!!! XD (I can feel Emma glaring at me right now…. XD )

– Rogue One! ANYONE WHO IS EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE PLEASE SAY SO! My sister and I are the only ones in our family who are excited for it. O_O

– Annndd… I can’t think of anything else right now. I’m just excited to see what else this month has in store for me! πŸ˜€

What about you? How did your November go? Is there anything you’re looking forward to this month?


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