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New Dolls

Mystery Revealed! :D (Plus an announcement)

Oh, I had so much fun seeing all your guesses about what I bought!! Now are you ready to see who guessed correctly? πŸ™‚

The only one who guessed correctly was Morgan! Congratulations! πŸ˜€


Seriously, they’re the cutest things. ever. EV-ER. (Jaclynn, you’re forgetting about BB-8 and Baymax and…)

I have loved these two ever since they came out and for a while I was planning to buy Tenney. Then I was planning on just getting Logan. Then I wanted both of them. Then just Tenney again. And then I was like – no, I don’t need anymore dolls.

And that was it for several months, but then Dara really reawakens my love for dolls and she’s practically the reason I bought these two. And I have NO REGRETS. They are so cute and arrived in such perfect condition. Most of the ones I’ve seen in person have had messed up hair, so I felt concerned about ordering them online, but I thought I’d chance it. I’m so glad I did. I couldn’t have asked for two dolls in better condition! <3

So, something you should know. I am renaming them to Amy and Ty because I need a pair of dolls that are named after one of my favorite couples. XD

They can hold each other’s hands. Stop it right now. *heart eyes*


I love her hair <3

<3 <3 <3



His hair is perfection.

(I’m sorry, I really can’t get over his hair. XD )


So, I may be slightly more in love with Logan than I am with Tenney, but it’s exciting having an official boy doll from AG. He’s just so cute, I can’t handle it. XD

Also, we all know AG dolls have an amazing smell. I hadn’t smelled that in such a long time, so opening these two and smelling the top of their heads was just pure heaven. <3 (my mom bent down and sniffed Tenney’s head before I even had her out of the box. She’s the best. XD )

Are you guys surprised? Because honestly, I am! I didn’t expect to do this, but again, I don’t have any regrets. So, thank you Hershey, for inspiring me to buy these two. ;D

I’m 99% sure these are my last dolls. But ya know, AG can be irresistible sometimes… πŸ˜›

As for the announcement, I am currently designing a brand new author website for myself and am in need of some more subscribers to my email list! So if you enjoy my stories and want to see more of what I’m writing, subscribe to my email list using the form below. You’ll get exclusive content sent directly to your inbox and will also be the first to know when my author website launches!

Thanks in advance if you do sign up! πŸ˜€

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WellieWishers Willa Doll Review

Hi everyone!!

I guess the title gives it away, but YES! I got Willa!!! I’ve had her for a few weeks now and just yesterday got around to taking pictures of her (sorry for my absence by the way. I’ve been having trouble with finding time to take pictures…)

Isn’t she too cute! *heart eyes*

Here is a closeup of Willa’s face. She has ADORABLE freckles sprinkled across her nose and stunning hazel eyes! She has orange feathered eyebrows and a sweet little smile with 2 teeth showing.

Willa comes wearing this red and pink hedgehog Β shirt that velcros in the back. The face is printed on and two little ears stick up at the corners.

I absolutely love her skirt!! THE HEDGEHOGS ARE SO CHUBBY!! There’s a little knot at the side of her skirt and it is trimmed in red.

Her little bunny ears headband is the same print as the skirt with pink trim to match the shirt. The headband is fabric until it reaches the underneath part where it’s just elastic (and has a humongous tag). It’s easy to slip on and off the doll’s head.

Her Wellies are adorable little ladybugs. They’re a little difficult to get on and off.

Of course I had to show a closeup of its cute little face πŸ™‚

Willa’s hair is strawberryΒ blonde and is the exact same color as Maryellen’s hair.

She has several highlights in her hair.

Okay, so I know this is awkward, but I felt it needed to be shown. When you take off her underwear there’s a little Wellie Wishers logo engraved on her. Also, Willa is all vinyl and has a cute little belly button πŸ˜‰ Β There is also “American Girl made in China” and some numbers engraved on the back.

The Wellie Wishers are $60 and I think perhaps slightly overpriced. Normally I say AG’s things are worth the money and while I absolutely ADORE Willa, I don’t think she should be a $60 doll πŸ˜‰ I think $45 might be a better price for them.
AG says they are for ages 5+ and I feel like that’s accurate πŸ™‚

You knew it was coming, didn’t you? XD Time for a PHOTOSHOOT! πŸ˜€

I forgot to mention that her head is always in a tilted up position. I think it’s adorable and will probably work well for when she looks up to the AG dolls πŸ˜‰

I went into the sunlight and used the gold side of my reflector for a different lighting. What do you think?

I don’t know why, but the reflector didn’t shine a golden light in this photo… My mom really liked this pic, so I decided to post it anyway πŸ™‚

Well, there you are! Willa is simply adorable and quite photogenic! I’d like to take her to a park sometime and get more pictures of her πŸ™‚ And yes, the Wellie Wishers are perfect little sisters for AG dolls πŸ˜‰

What do you think of the Wellie Wishers? Are any of them on your WISHlist? (Haha, get it? XD)Β 

Have a great day everyone! And I hope to start posting more soon! πŸ™‚


Customizing Weston!

Today I’m going to show you how I went about making Weston! Basically all I had to do was re-wig him and boy! was it hard!

So here are my supplies (minus the wig, of all things I forgot to bring out! XD ). I bought a Julie doll on eBay recently for about $40 – luckily she came in great condition! I had been searching and bidding on Julie dolls for a long time, but they always ended up getting too high in price. You can imagine my delight when I won her! πŸ˜€

Julie’s hair was pretty ratty, so the first step I took in preparing to re-wig was brush out her hair, misting it with water to help get the tangles out πŸ™‚

This is how it looked after I brushed it out for a while. I wasn’t too concerned with getting it absolutely perfect, but I at least wanted to get it looking nicer than it did πŸ˜‰

A lot of hair came out… And tons more was all over me. XD

After brushing out her hair, I grabbed my Magic Eraser and started scrubbing her skin. Magic Eraser really works wonders!

Here’s the Eraser after I finished cleaning. Not too bad!

Then I grabbed the spoon and started pushing near the back of her neck. Ugh, it was so hard. In this picture it’s actually my mom doing it – my thumb was hurting from pushing so hard, so we took turns XD She helped loosen it up and then I took over. After I got most of it done, I let her do the rest cause my hand was killing me XDΒ 

Also, you can see that Julie had her ears pierced. I was worried about the holes showing at first, but I’m so relieved that the wig covers them up πŸ™‚

Here she is without her wig! I don’t mind telling you, I felt evil as I was removing her wig. But knowing that I was gonna have an adorable new boy doll afterward really helped motivate me to keep going!

The wigs are glued on all around the edge of the head and right at the top.

Just thought you might wanna see the back of the head XD IT LOOKS SO WEIRD!! XD

And TA-DA! Here’s Weston! I didn’t end up gluing his wig on just because it fit so perfectly without it. I’m not worried about it coming off at all and it’s not like I’m gonna be a crazy person with his hair, so it should totally be fine without it πŸ˜‰

I was surprised that it actually didn’t take as long as I thought it would to re-wig him. Again I’ll say, though, it was painful! My thumb was literally raw that whole day and each time it touched something it hurt. Not fun. XD But yeah, you’ve really gotta jab into the edge of the wig with the spoon and press up, trying to lift it and separate it from the head. I also forgot to mention, I put Julie’s hair in a bun so it would be easier to work with πŸ˜‰

If you have any questions about something I maybe forgot to mention, I’d be happy to answer them in the comments! Don’t hesitate to ask πŸ˜‰

Have you ever re-wigged a doll?

Have a great day!


Dine & Dash~ A Photostory

Wait, what? Two photostories in a row? I can’t even remember the last time I did that! Well, you are about to find some of my deep, dark secrets… Okay, not really, but you will find out something you’ve been dying to know πŸ˜‰

“Hey, Delle. That guy over there keeps looking around the diner. Think he’s up to something?” Eli asked his older sister.


Riven-Delle casually looked over to where the guy was sitting. She guessed he was an older teen. Maybe 16 or 17? He seemed kind of suspicious- mostly cause he was wearing a black leather jacket.

They quickly turned their gaze away from him when they noticed he was looking at them.

The teen guy stood up, his food gone except for a few fries andΒ a little left of his grape soda.

Then Riven-Delle casually watched as he walked away from the bar and went out the door.

“Eli, stay here.” Riven-Delle instructed. “I’m gonna go talk to him.”

“Uh, I don’t think you should do that, Delle. He’s obviously not a good guy. It’s not safe.” said Elijah. Riven-Delle didn’t listen, though.

Riven-Delle followed the guy out the door and watched him for any strange behavior. “It seems safe.”Β She thought.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Riven-Delle called out and he paused abruptly, as though thinking “Oh no. I m caught.”


“You talking to me?” He inquired as he turned to face her.

“Yeah, I am. You just left the diner without paying.” She stated firmly.

He chuckled and turned his head away.

“Look, don’t say anything about this to anyone. I need to get out of here.” He said urgently.

“What’s your hurry?” She asked.

“I need to help my friend. He’s sick.” He informed.

“Sure he is.” Elijah said as he walked up.

“I told you to wait for me.” Riven-Delle scolded.

“I think he’s just making all this up to get away.” Eli said bluntly.

“Actually, I’m not, kid. My friend really is sick.” He stated.

“Look, I don’t have time to chat with a couple of kids. I gotta get going.” He said, turning to leave.

“I don’t think you should be talking to us that way. I’m actually 14, how old are you?” Riven-Delle inquired.

“16. And before you ask, my name is Weston.” He introduced.

“Well, here’s the thing Weston. If you don’t have any money, I’ll pay the bill for you. And I won’t turn you in.” Riven-Delle offered kindly.

Weston turned away with a sigh. Inside he felt guilty because he did have the money, but he couldn’t tell them that. He needed to get back home and help his friend. “Deal.” He agreed.

And that was the last word they heard him say.

“I hope he’ll be okay.” Riven-Delle said.

“I hope we see him again. I just need to touch that hair. How does he get it to stay up like that?” Eli wondered and Riven-Delle just laughed. She hoped to see him again, too, mostly because she felt sorry for him. She hoped he would turn from his wrong ways…


YES!! I MADE A BOY DOLL!! I’ve been planning to make him for months now, but I was finally able to do it today! I’m just so in love with him. He’s so amazing!! πŸ˜€

I’ll be posting pics soon of the customization process πŸ˜‰

Do you want a boy doll? What would you want him to look like?Β 

P.S. I also apologize for the first few photos. The lighting in my room is terrible….

Stranger at the Park~ A Photostory

It was a warm, sunny day, so I decided to bring the kids to the park. Jess and Lana sat on a bench chatting. Or rather, Lana chatted and Jess didn’t pay much attention.

“…and then half an hour later, I saw Samantha dusting AGAIN! I’m telling you, she cleans wayΒ too much.” Lana observed, though Jess didn’t seem to notice her talking.

“Humph! I’ve been sitting here doing allΒ the talking while you just sit there staring at nothing! I’d rather be talking to Josefina – even if she always blows her top with me, Β at least she would respond!” Lana grumbled, and still Jess didn’t say a word.

With a heavy, over exaggerated sigh, Lana leaped to her feet and walked away in a huff.

“Um, hi! You’re one of the girls from that huge family that lives on Daisy Street, right?” A strange girl inquired as she walked up to the bench Jess sat miserably on.

“Oh, yeah. You live across the street from us, huh?” Jess asked.

“Yeah, I’m still kinda new. We moved there in January. Uh, so, do you mind if I sit with you?” The girl wondered.

“Sure, it’s fine.” Jess replied.

“I’m Leia, by the way. What’s your name?” Leia introduced.

“I’m Jess. How old are you?” She asked.

“I’m 16. You?”

“Oh, I’m 14.” Jess answered, turning her head away.

They sat in an awkward silence for a while, but Leia was determined to get to know her better. “Are you okay?” She inquired.

Jess sighed and closed her eyes. “No, I’m not.”

“Well, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s wrong?” Leia pressed.

“Today marks 6 years since my brother and sister died.” Jess struggled through the words, but she somehow managed to get them out without bawling.

“Oh. I’m so sorry.” Leia said, looking down at her compass.

“H-how did they die?” She inquired.

“In a terrible accident. A cave in.” Jess informed as she stared into space, her eyes wet with tears.

“That’s awful…. Couldn’t someone have tried to get them out?” Leia asked.

“They did, but it was too late.” Jess answered.

“Have you ever lost someone?” Jess inquired.

Leia turned her head and stared into open space. “No.” She answered simply.

“Well, I’d better be going. It was nice to meet you, Jess.” Leia said as she rose to her feet.

“It was nice to meet you, too, Leia. Maybe you could come over sometime?” Jess offered.

“Yeah, maybe. Well, bye!” Leia said with a smile.

Leia walked away and Β holding onto her compass, she said, “I’m not gonna lose you. I will find you.”


Hiii! I felt like making a photostory today and YAY! Now Leia is introduced! XD I know, it took me forever to introduce her, but I had other plans for her, but then things changed so I was able to make her introductory photostory at last! ;D

I hope you liked it! Have a great day!


A Comparison of Lea and Rebecca

Hi everyone! I’m so excited because it’s raining right now and it’s cold! I was just lying on the couch with a blanket and reading Lea Dives In – so far, it’s really good! It makes me kind of sad, though because of Lea and Zac’s relationship… Okay, let’s get back on track!

Today I thought I’d do a comparison of Lea and Rebecca. I didn’t realize how many similarities they had until I took them outside for some pictures. They would make some really great twins or even just sisters πŸ˜‰

Aren’t they just adorable? So the first thing that’s the same about them, is that they both have the Josefina face mold. In my opinion, Lea’s face looks slightly chubbier and her lips also look bigger, but we’ll get into that later πŸ˜‰


Here is Rebecca’s eye. She has a beautiful bright green hazel color with grey-ish brown and black stripes. Her eyebrows are basic.


This is Lea’s eye. They are a darker green than Rebecca’s and have lots more brown in them and she also has the black stripes. Lea also has a thick ring of black around her eye. Her eyebrows are thicker, similar to Grace’s and arched, which is new. 

Here are Lea’s lips. They are painted mauve.

And these are Rebecca’s lips. They’re like a light peach almost. I think due to the darkness of Lea’s lips, it makes them look bigger than Rebecca’s because they stand out.

Here you can also see the difference in the skin color. Lea’s skin is tan and Rebecca’s is white. 

Side view. Here, Lea’s skin looks similar to Kanani’s. I’ll have to compare their skin soon πŸ˜‰

And finally, their hair! I had no idea that their hair color was so alike, and now I can definitely tell that Lea’s hair is brown. Lea’s hair goes down to her hips and is curly/wavy with light blonde and auburn highlights. Rebecca’s hair goes a little past her shoulders and is curly.

Even though they share the same color brown in their hair, I still have to say that Lea’s is slightly lighter than Rebecca’s which I believe is because of her light highlights. 

So here’s a list telling how they are alike:

1. They both have brown hair, with Lea’s slightly lighter.

2. They both share the Josefina face mold.

3. They both have green hazel eyes, with Rebecca’s being much brighter.

As I stated earlier, I really think that Lea and Rebecca would make great sisters. Even though not everything is the same, they share many similarities πŸ™‚

What are your thoughts on Lea and Rebecca? Do you think they look alike?


Leia~ A Photoshoot

Happy New Year, everyone!!

As some of you may know, I went to Lea Clark’s debut today with Emma and we both had so much fun! Weeelll… As I’m sure you can tell by the title – I GOT LEA!!! But, I’m spelling it “Leia” because, well, okay, because it’s Star Wars-y πŸ˜€

I only have a little bit of time right now, so I can’t do a photostory or review with her just yet, but be on the watch for it! πŸ™‚ Now, here is Leia!

*drools just a little bit* She is such a GORGEOUS doll!!! I can’t handle this!! She’s AMAZING!!! *dies*

I tried getting a clear picture of her eye color for you. I think in person it is slightly more green than in the picture πŸ˜‰ Also, here you can see the shape of her eyebrows. I’m pretty sure that they’re new as they appear to be more arched.

*sniffs* Leia is next to me right now and seriously, all I smell is her :O She smells so new!!

Here is a full body shot! Isn’t she adorable?! If you’re wondering about the messenger bag and compass necklace, yes, they are included with the doll and book for $120 πŸ™‚ But, ahem, they are in a terrible spot. We were like- I thought she came with the bag and necklace! I’m so disappointed! And so my mom looked it up on the site (we were already in the car) and it said that it’s supposed to be included. So just as Emma’s mom was about to call AG to ask about it, my mom is like “Are you sure it’s not anywhere? Is it behind the book?” And Emma and I were like- “No, it is not behind the book.” So then Emma picked up the part the book is in and saw in back of that package, that the bag and necklace were right there… Hehe…. XD

The necklace is seriously adorable!! And the arrow actually moves!! AAH!!

And the bag- OMGEE! I believe this and the compass will be used a LOT! πŸ˜€


Β Β 

Isn’t this such amazing hair?! :O

She has beautiful highlights! Light blonde and red! AGH! I think her hair color is like a caramel-y brown… It’s hard for me to tell πŸ˜‰

I love her eyes next to this plant!

Isn’t she beautiful?! I’m so glad that I was able to purchase her as well as have her ears pierced! You’ll have to see the other thing I got soon πŸ˜‰

What are your thoughts on Lea Clark?


Bonus pic!

It’s pretty much the same as the previous one, except the lighting is different πŸ™‚

Hi-Yah!~ A Photoshoot

Hiiii!! Wow, I’m so happy to be posting on here again! Thank you all SO much for your prayers while I was sick! It really helped and I am completely well now! πŸ˜€

Anyway, right before I got sick, I got a new doll! Are you ready to meet her? Okay, then here she is!

Hehehehehe! I’m horrible, I know. You’re probably like, SHOW HER FACE!! XD

Here she is! Meet Mulan! πŸ˜€

I have wanted Mulan for a long time, so I was so happy when she went on sale and I was able to buy her! Isn’t she so cute? πŸ˜€

I think she will be very reserved. She looks like that kind of girl, huh?


Look at LITTLE BROTHER!!! AGH! I just adore him!! πŸ˜€


Here is an overview of her outfit. I like it all except for the pants… There’s just something about the way they lay πŸ˜‰

The details on her shirt are amazing! I love all the blossoms and branches! Can’t you just hear the beginning music of Mulan and see the branches and blossoms taking form? Oh gosh, now I wanna watch that movie XD



I think that this is one my favorite pics of her! She looks so adorable πŸ™‚
Alrighty, well that’s the end of this photoshoot! And also, I’m sorry I haven’t posted a photostory for a while. Things have just been so busy and photoshoots are the easiest post for me to make during a busy time like this. When things calm down I’ll try to get a photostory up πŸ™‚

Also, my craft fair is this Friday! Eek! I have so much left to do… At least I’ll have a couple new outfits to show πŸ™‚

What are your thoughts on Mulan?

I hope you all have a great day!


ADORA-ble Dolls!

Hey everyone! So today, I am featuring some non-AG dolls that are super cute, super detailed, and super ADORA-ble! Do you know what dolls I’m talking about? Yep! Adora dolls! πŸ˜€ Actually, Adora baby dolls πŸ˜‰

So how did I come to start collecting these dolls? Well, it was all my mom’s doing, actually!

My mom is just one of those awesome moms who will go on eBay, Amazon, and the like, searching for inexpensive AG dolls and stuff (it was thanks to her that I got Kiara and Dallas! πŸ™‚ ) and I think it was one of those times that she discovered these dolls on Amazon. She fell in love with a sweet little redheaded green-eyed baby boy and I fell in love with a happy brunette blue-eyed boy. My mom ordered hers when he went on sale (yes, my mom LOVES these dolls! She’s so awesome! πŸ˜€ ) and I think it was right after she placed her order that I decided I wanted to buy my little boy. So he was ordered as well. I named mine Henry (after OUAT. I couldn’t get the scene out of my head of Regina holding baby Henry when he was crying and saying “Heeenry!”) and my mom named hers Dominic from Anne of Green Gables. We got them on December 14th, 2014. They arrived at the worst time too cause I was just leaving to go Christmas shopping with my dad and I had to wait till I got home to open him! I was dying LOL!

Now skipping head, today a new addition arrived. Everyone, meet….

Annie Rey (her middle name is Rey)!!! She is the Froggy Fun Girl- isn’t she ADORABLE?! AGH!!!

Here is Annie and Henry. They are just the sweetest, happiest little babies!

Awwwww!!!! So, Annie is named after Anne from Anne of Green Gables and Rey from the new Star Wars movie. She has red curly hair and green eyes and the happiest expression EVER!!! πŸ˜€

These dolls are just so detailed. The eyes seriously look so real and beautiful! The dolls are also weighted and have a baby powder scent! They smell sooooo good!

Here is her little hand. I love all the realistic wrinkles and the fingernails!

The skin is vinyl and their bodies are cloth along with part of their arms and legs.

The Adora dolls can fit in Newborn baby clothes, but some areas might be a little big on them πŸ™‚

Awww, my little Henry! Something also you should know is that the dolls usually look a LOT different in person than they do in the stock photos. Online, Henry’s face looks way chubbier than it actually is, and same goes for the others. I was a little disappointed when I got Henry cause he didn’t look the same as online, but after a day or two, I got used to him and now I think he is just as sweet as can be! πŸ™‚

I just love the color of his eyes!

Annie and Henry both have different hand molds. I love that so much! And the way their hands are is just so baby-ish!

Henry didn’t come with any shoes or socks (which I thought was kinda of sad), but his feet are just so cute!

Aside from all the details in the dolls themselves, their outfits are extremely well made. It’s like actual baby clothes. Amazing. Even Annie’s sandals have a little buckle instead of Velcro!

Heehee!! She’s so cute!! I love her little curls and can’t wait to take her hair down. That’s something I forgot to talk about! The hair! Okay, it’s so soft!!! The quality in the wig seems like an AG doll’s wig. I read in a booklet that came with the box how to take care of her hair and it is very similar to how you would style an AG’s. It even says to lightly mist it with water to help get out tangles!

The prices of these dollsΒ vary from I believe (I could be wrong) $100 and up. Annie was a really good price, though, at about $60 from Zulily! And it was awesome, too, cause she shipped yesterday (When she was supposed to ship on November 1st) and got here today! YAY! πŸ˜€

Aww look at his teeth!!

Oh you can see them much better here! And look! They even gave him a tongue!! AAAAH!!!

Yes, I hold him like a real baby. I honestly can’t help myself πŸ™‚

And here is my mom’s new little girl, Regina Joy (Joy is her middle name πŸ˜‰ )!!! I think she is so cute, too! My mom named her after Regina from OUAT. Isn’t that funny? She has two dolls, one named after a OUAT character, the other after Anne of Green Gables, and so do I! We both think that’s hilarious and we didn’t even plan it! XD

Her pretty brown eyes <3

Regina is so sweet and my mom just loves her to pieces!

And here is the sweetest of all, little Dominic πŸ™‚

I just love his face!! Oh my gosh!!!

I just love how his top lip is going over his bottom lip!

I’m pretty sure he has the same eyes as Annie. They are such a pretty green πŸ™‚

Well, I hope you enjoyed being introduced to our precious little babies and that this review was fun and interesting to read πŸ™‚ I didn’t think I would have ever bought another baby doll, but these faces are just so irresistible!! πŸ˜€

Do you like baby dolls still? What do you think of the Adora baby dolls?


Think Tink

Along with my Periwinkle Barbie sized doll, I also got the Disney Animator’s Collection Tinkerbell Toddler Doll! She is so stinkin’ adorable and so fun to take pictures of! Prepare for a kinda long photoshoot of adorableness πŸ˜‰

Isn’t she just so cute?! You may be thinking that her bangs are weird and I thought they were a little weird, too, but now I’ve gotten used to them πŸ™‚ Oh, and a quick story, when I first opened up Tinkerbell and was taking her out of the box- her head popped off and rolled onto the floor! It was the saddest thing ever! But Disney sent us a replacement so now I sorta have two Tinkerbell’s. I’m not sure what we’re doing with the broken one yet LOL!

Agh! Her face!!


As if Tink wasn’t cute enough, look at her cute little Croccy plush!!! AAAAH!!! :O

I love the little pom poms!

I love how the Animator doll’s heads are so poseable! It makes for great pictures! πŸ™‚

Aren’t the wings just too cute?! They are plastic and attached to the dress, in case you were wondering πŸ™‚

EEE! Her little ears!!

Tink + Croccy = <3

That’s all for this photoshoot! I’ll try to get her added to the “Meet My Non-AG Dolls” page soon! πŸ˜€

What are your thoughts on the Disney Animator’s Collection Dolls?


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