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The Disappearing Heirs Series

Interview With The Stars of The Crown Reclaimed

Join us for an interview with the stars of The Crown Reclaimed! I will type in this color, Kiara will answer in blue, Jenna will answer in red, and Riven-Delle will answer in pink. 

Question #1- What was your reaction when you first got the role of playing Allie/Monica/Corinne?

I was SO excited! I had auditioned to play Allie, but I saw a lot of other girls there auditioning and I just got so nervous and I didn’t think I would get the part, but then they told me “You got it!” And I was like- YAY!

Okay, please don’t think this is weird, but I actually was like one hundred percent sure that I would get the job, so it wasn’t really a surprise for me, but I was still super excited and I just couldn’t wait to begin! 

I felt really nervous, actually. I had auditioned just to try it out, but I did NOT think I would actually get the job. So when they told me that I was going to play Monica, I just froze and said, “Wait, what?” I was overwhelmed with excitement and shock and for a brief moment I was like, “Should I tell them I changed my mind?” But I didn’t and when I met the rest of the cast, I just knew that it was meant to be that I get the job because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have made all of these wonderful friends.

Question #2- How do you get along with the rest of the cast?

Oh, my goodness, I just love them so much! Riven-Delle and Jenna are just awesome. They’re so sweet and we have had a blast filming this together.

I don’t even know where to begin! Kiara and Jenna are two of the most amazing people you could ever hope to meet. We have all shared so many laughs and tears together and I am just so thankful that we all made such good friends.


We all get along so great, it’s been a real pleasure getting to know them. Our friendship has grown so much since the first day. We’ve all been so supportive and we’ve just always been there for each other. It was really hard filming the last few scenes because we knew that it was all going to be over and we don’t even know if there’s gonna be a third movie, so saying goodbye was really hard.


Question #3- If there is to be a third “movie”, what would you hope/expect to happen?

Well, I would want Allie to get reunited with her dad. I can’t tell you how upset I was when I found that she doesn’t get reunited with her dad, I was like “This is not acceptable! I protest!” Of course I wasn’t serious, but I AM really sad that they didn’t get reunited.


I don’t really know if there’s something I would hope to happen, except for Allie and her dad being reunited, but as for expecting, I don’t really that know that either. Corinne obviously got what she wanted, she’s an agent at a detective’s agency and that’s great, so yeah, I’m not so sure. Maybe Corinne could turn bad again or something…


Oh, they just need to be reunited! I don’t even have to say the names because I know everyone knows who I’m talking about. That ending was just terribly awesome. I mean, leaving everyone clueless as to what happened that’s so rude, but cool and I just loved the ending, but I also really didn’t like it. And um, I do know that the director is considering making another “movie”, but she isn’t entirely sure, so that’s why she ended this one that way so that it leaves an opening for a new one in case she gets an idea for a sequel.

Last question! Do you feel like your character was in any way like you?

Oh, yes! Totally! Allie is like literally me! Like everything about us is the same, except I’m a little more happy than she is. But yeah, we’re like the same person and I think that may be why I got the role of playing her.


No, not at all! Corinne is way too like, tough and focused, and I’m just not that way. We are both extremely opposite!


No, me and Monica are so different. Like we’re both quiet, but Monica is quiet because she’s a detective so she’s very concentrated and she’s got a lot of things on her mind. But I’m quiet because that’s just the way I am 🙂

Thank you all for your answers! We really enjoyed hearing what you had to say!

That concludes this posting day! I hope you enjoyed it! 😀



The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 10~ The GRAND FINALE

“Ugh! There’s nothing here!” Corinne said in frustration. We’d been looking for hours, and so far there was no mention of me in any of the books.


“Just keep looking! There has to be something here.” I said, not wanting to give up.


“Hey! I found something!” Monica exclaimed from a nearby desk.


“What is it?” I asked as Corinne and I rushed over.


“It’s the royal family line! I found Josh and his wife, Angela and under them it says, baby girl, but no name.” Monica pointed out. “Well, now I have my answer, so let’s get back to the palace!” I said, and we left.

“Stewardess! I have the answer to your question.” I said, bursting into the throne room.


“Please, leave. Before you waste both of our times.”


“My mother, Princess Angela, gave me no name when I was born! My name is Allie, and I will say it once again, I’m the rightful heir to the throne! Back away, now!” I said forcefully.


She stared at me for a moment, a look of disgust on her face. Then she stood.


“Your throne, Your Highness.” She said in a fake kind voice.


Slowly, I walked over and took my seat on the throne, Monica and Corinne smiling on.

At last, I was home…


The days turned into months, and I found myself thinking a lot about my father. I wondered what happened to him, and if he was safe. I realized how much I longed to see him again, so I called Uriah into the room.

“Yes, Your Highness?” She asked when she stepped in the room.


“I need you to get a message to Agent Corinne for me, please.” I said. If I was going to find my father, I needed Corinne to assist me. I was going to do whatever it takes to see my father again….

*In our world*


“Agent, this letter just came for you.” A man said.


Corinne read the note and a smile spread across her face. “Get me my hat! I’ve got a new case that requires immediate attention.” She called out and ran out the door to fulfill Allie’s requests.


*pant, pant, pant*
“GET THAT MAN!” “Where’d he go?” “Let’s check over this way!” 




STAY TUNED! Check back in one hour for an interview with the stars of TDH Season 2: The Crown Reclaimed!


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 9

To my surprise, many of the people believed I was the lost princess, and the next morning, several of them turned out in front of the palace yelling “We want Allie!” “Give us our rightful queen!” “Allie! Allie!”


“Stewardess, you see who the people want! Don’t you want to give them who they are asking for?” I shouted, so she could hear me over the people’s loud voices.


The stewardess looked on at the people, her eyes wide. She clearly didn’t know how to respond to this.

“I am who they want! And that is because I’m the rightful heir to the throne!” I said, pointing my hand to the crowd.


“I don’t care who they want! You have no proof that you are the lost princess!” The stewardess shouted back.


“Actually, I do. You do know about the royal birthmark, don’t you?” I asked.


“Yes, of course! What of it?” She asked, sticking her nose into the air.


I climbed up the wall and pulled my hair out of the way. “Look at my neck.” I told her, and when she did, her eyes grew wide again.


“This is ridiculous! It doesn’t mean anything! You could have just put a mark on your neck!” She yelled.


“You’ll have to do something far greater in order for me to believe you are the princess. Tell me what your name was when you born!” She demanded.


I froze. I hadn’t even known I was given a name when I was born! The only name I’d ever known was, Allie.


“Ah ha! I knew you weren’t the princess!” She yelled and walked away.


I slowly turned my head to the crowd. “Why wouldn’t Josh have told me my real name?” I wondered.


Corinne and Monica looked at me, their faces bewildered.


I came down and asked, “Corinne, do you remember my dad saying anything about my real name?”


“No, I don’t think he mentioned it.” She replied.


“I thought so.” I sighed.


“Well, maybe he doesn’t even know! Maybe your mother died before she had a chance to tell him!” Monica suggested.


“Yeah, that would make sense. My mom died shortly after I was born and my dad wasn’t home.” I said. Then I looked around for Adella. “I’m gonna see if Adella knows anything about my real name.” I said.


“Adella, do you know what name I was given when I was born?” I inquired.


“No, I’m afraid not. But perhaps you could check the library! There are many books in there about the kingdom’s history that I bet even the stewardess doesn’t know about.” Adella suggested with a smile.

“Oh, that’s perfect! Thank you so much!” I said and Corinne, Monica, and I headed for the library.

That concludes this part! Look for the GRAND FINALE coming next!! 😀


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 8

Corinne leaned on one of the bars in our cell and sighed. “So, what’s the plan?” She asked.


“I don’t know. We have to find a way to get out of here.” I stated.


“There’s no way out. It’s hopeless.” Monica said doubtfully.


I plopped down with a huff and said, “Well, I guess we’re stuck here.”


“Wait! This bar is loose… Check some other bars, maybe we can slip out of here!” Corinne said hopefully.


Monica wiggled some bars and one of them fell right out.


“Come on! Push through the bars and let’s get out of here!” Corinne said with determination.

When we got out, Monica asked, “So now what’s the plan?”


“How about we sneak into the palace, tie up that stewardess and throw her in the dungeon!” Corinne said angrily. She really hated that stewardess.


“Uh, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. The guards would just let her out and throw us back in the dungeon.” I stated.


“Oh! I have an idea!” Monica exclaimed.


“What is it?” Corinne and I asked in unison.


“Go around the homes of the kingdom and tell them who you are and how you want to help them! Then perhaps they’ll all side with you and beg for you to be their queen!” Monica suggested.

“But how would I get them all to believe that I am the lost princess?” I wondered.


“Show them your birthmark!” Corinne said, getting excited about the whole plan. “I just don’t know if I can do this…” I said doubtfully and Corinne put her hand on my shoulder. “You can do it, Allie.” She said comfortingly.


Monica smiled at Corinne and said, “Alright, then let’s get going.”

That concludes part 8! Next part coming in one hour, so stay tuned! 😀


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 7

If you are a little lost on what is going on right now, you can get caught up by hovering over the “Photostory Series” page in the upper menu and clicking “The Disappearing Heirs Season 2 The Crown Reclaimed” 🙂

Getting into the palace was actually not as hard as everyone said it would be. The guards let us go right in once I told them what I was doing there. I felt frozen when I saw the stewardess sitting on the throne. I didn’t know what to say.


“Who are you?” The stewardess asked with annoyance.


“I am Allie Gramer and I am here to make a claim to the throne.” I said, swallowing my fear.


“Oh, so you claim to be the lost princess, do you?” The stewardess inquired.


The stewardess stood and came up to my face. “Well, I have news for you. The chances of my believing you are the lost princess are about a million to one! I have seen several girls claiming to be her royal highness and some of them looked more like her than you do!” She growled and I felt my face burning with anger.


With a wave of her hand she said, “Please leave me now!”


“Are you going to leave or shall I have the guards throw you into the street?” She said, raising her voice.


“You can’t just decide she isn’t the princess without hearing more from her!” Corinne yelled angrily.

“How dare you speak to me that way? I can do as I like!” The stewardess shouted. “She is Joshua’s daughter! We are both witnesses of their meeting!” Monica said in our defense.

The stewardess’ eyes widened at the mention of Joshua.


“They met back in Manhattan, from our world.” Monica stated.


“I don’t CARE!” The stewardess yelled furiously.


“Guards! Take them away!” She called and there was nowhere for us to go.


“What are we going to do?” Corinne asked as the sound of the guards footsteps grew louder. “We have no choice. We’ll have to figure something out in the dungeon.” I replied.



And with that, the guards dragged us down to the dungeon. I had failed, but I was going to get out of this, and I was going to take back my kingdom.

That ends part 7! Look for part 8 coming in one hour! 😀


The Disappearing Heirs~ The Crown Reclaimed Premiere!

So, I thought it would be fun for the first post of the day to be about the “premiere” of TDH The Crown Reclaimed! Let’s get started! 😀

Standing in front of the “theater” are Riven-Delle, Kiara Belle, and Jenna Faith – the stars of The Crown Reclaimed!


Here is Kiara! The crowds are cheering for her. For her first role in a “movie”, she certainly gained a lot of fans fast!


Here we have Jenna! Everyone loves her and are all asking her the same question: “How did you get rid of your Irish accent for the “movie”? Jenna replies: “That’s a secret to being an actress. If you try hard enough, you can do it, too!”

And last, but certainly not least, we have Riven-Delle! She also has received many fans! We believe it’s because she used to be bad, but then turned good. Others are also asking how she got rid of her accent, but she answered about the same as Jenna did. I believe The Crown Reclaimed has set the way for many more “movie” opportunities for all of these young ladies!


Now, we’d better hurry! The show is going to start soon, so we’d better grab some popcorn and get a good seat! See you in the theater (check back in 1 hour for the first part!)! 😀


I Am Writing Up A Storm!

Whew! I have been writing SO much lately! I wrote two whole stories plus I finished a couple, and now my brain is already thinking, “What next?!” 😀 I made a list of all of the series that I have in the works and there are 15 total!! Three of them are a trilogy that I’m making with Emma and we’ll be starting the first one REALLY soon! 😀


Speaking of series, above is a poster for The Disappearing Heirs Season 2: The Crown Reclaimed, so please feel free to print it out and hang it up in your (or your doll’s) bedroom! 🙂

I finished typing up the last few parts of The Disappearing Heirs today, and I hope you’ll join me on Saturday, March 21st to see the series finished!! I’ll be posting one part every hour and once it’s done, there will be a couple other TDH related posts! 😀

I’m so excited for all the photostory series I’ll be posting this year! It’s gonna be so much fun!! 😀
Well, I’m gonna get back to my writing. Bye for now! 🙂


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 6

To see the previous part, just scroll down a post 🙂

As we walked through the small village, a little girl with red pigtails came up to me. “Excuse me, can you help us?” The little girl asked softly and shyly. I looked around for a mother or a father, but there was no one around. “Help you with what?” I asked kindly.


Then another little girl with big blue eyes came up beside the other girl and stared up at me.


“Where are your parents?” I inquired.


The two girls glanced at each other with sadness behind their eyes. I wanted to help them, but I couldn’t if they weren’t willing to be open with me.


A young lady began walking by us and I stopped her. “Excuse me, miss, do you know these children and where they live?” I asked her.


The lady looked at the children with pity and then back at me. “They’re orphans. They have no home.” She whispered.


My heart ached for these kids. They were so young and sweet, I couldn’t imagine them living on the streets. “There isn’t an orphanage here?” I inquired.

“No. The stewardess doesn’t want to spend the money on building one. She doesn’t care about anyone or anything, except for money. They are only a couple of the orphans here, there are many more.” The lady replied.


“Well, can’t the people here pitch in some money to build one?” Monica suggested.


“Yeah, or even, why doesn’t anyone give them a place to live for now?” Corinne asked.


“No one can afford anything like that. The taxes here are sky high. Folks around here barely have enough money to buy supper for the table.” The lady explained.

Another lady walked by us and stopped, gazing directly at me. “How dare you wear clothes like that here! This is absolutely inconceivable!” The woman shouted. Then Corinne mouthed the words “You should’ve worn the dress.” at me. I just sighed and shrugged it off.


“I’ve never seen you here before. Who are you?” The woman asked with suspicion.

“I’m Allie Gramer, the rightful heir to the throne of Feorden.” I said proudly.


“Y- you’re the lost princess?” The other young lady stammered.


“Yes, I am. And I want to help restore the peace and happiness of this kingdom.” I stated with a smile.


The other woman laughed and said, “Good luck with that, dearie. The palace guards wouldn’t even let you enter the palace. And even if they did, the stewardess would deny you as the lost princess.”

The other lady came up to me and whispered, “Can you really restore this kingdom?”


“Yes, I will do everything I can.” I replied boldly.


She gave me a hopeful smile and said, “Then go. The sooner this kingdom is restored, the better.”


As I was walking past her, she stopped me. “I have to tell you that the stewardess is insanely stubborn and obsessed with ruling. She will not easily give up the throne to you.” She warned.


“Whether it’s easy or not, really doesn’t matter, because I am taking back the throne no matter what. But thank you for the warning, miss.” I said gratefully.

She smiled and said, “You can call me Adella. Best of luck to you, Your Highness.”

That’s the end of this part! Next part coming soon! 😀


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 5

I landed with a thud on the ground. “Ow…” I moaned as I stood up.

“Hm, this must be Feorden…” I thought aloud as I noticed a castle at the top of a large hill. “Psst! Allie!” I heard a familiar voice whisper.

“Corinne? Where did you get those clothes?” I asked as I joined her behind an old wood shed. “Weeelll…” She said slowly.

“You didn’t steal them, did you?” I asked with concern. All she did was smile.

“I can not believe I’m wearing this. Corinne, what did you do with my old clothes? I want them back now!” Monica demanded.

“Oh, stop, Monica. You’re fine. Besides, when some old woman saw me in my old clothes she screamed and said I shouldn’t be dressed like that. She was seriously outraged. It’s better if we try to blend in.” Corinne stated.


“Uh, I’m sorry, Corinne, but I’m not wearing stolen goods.” I said firmly.


“Well, they aren’t exactly stolen, more like borrowed off a laundry line.” Corinne pointed out. “Well, still, I’m not changing.” I stated. My mind was made up, and when my mind is made up, I don’t change it.


“You’re lucky you’re a princess, Allie. You get to do what you want.” Monica said, still annoyed that she had to wear a dress.

I snickered and said, “Come on you two, let’s see exactly what’s wrong with this kingdom.”

That concludes this part! Sorry that it was so short, but I promise that this story is gonna get very interesting 😀


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 4

“Here we are. That old woman said the portal should be somewhere around here.” Monica announced as we came across a field full of tall grass.


“Okay, sooo… Let’s go.” Corinne said, sounding a little unsure of the looks of this place.

“Allie, are you coming?” Corinne asked, turning away from the field to face me.

“Oh, right, yeah. I’m coming.” Allie said nervously. Something about that field felt creepy, but the thought of jumping through a portal to get to my kingdom felt even creepier.


“Then let’s get going! We can’t just linger around.” Corinne said sternly. Although she was one my best friends now, she still drove me insane at times.


After walking for miles in the very large field, we stopped dead in our tracks. “Sooo, who first?” I asked without moving a muscle.


Corinne glanced at me and Monica and could tell that we were nervous. “Alright. I’ll go first. I guess I’ll see you on the other side.” She said with a smirk.

And with a leap, she was gone.

“So how about on three we both jump?” I suggested to Monica and she agreed.

“One……………Two……” I counted, but before I was ready….


“THREE!” Monica yelled as she jumped head first into the portal.


I hesitantly followed after her, not knowing if I was jumping into some sort of trap.

DUN DUN DUUUUN!! Hehe! The next part will be up soon! 😀


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