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Day 23

Hi there! Today I’ve been watching movies and shows and crocheting (I finished my order! WHOO HOO!). It’s been a very relaxing day 🙂

So, Day 23 – Where I’ve traveled:

Okay, well I already told you this, but I went to Arizona! Believe it or not, that’s the only vacation my entire family has had. We just aren’t very vacation-ish people 😉
Since I already told you where I’ve traveled, I’ll tell you where I’d like to go and why 🙂

New Zealand – The Lord of The Rings movies were filmed there and you can actually visit The Shire. I want to go there so badly!

Florida – One reason; Disney World! They have SO many rides, it’s HUGE, and they have such cool and different lands!! And seriously, they’re making a Frozen ride there in the Norway area!! Why can’t they build that here? *cries* Well, at least we’re getting Star Wars land! 😀

Germany – Honestly, the only reason I wanna go here is because I’m learning German. No other reason beside that LOL!

London – I LOVE their accents!!! Well, okay, I love accents in general, but I think London accents may be my favorite… Plus, I love the name “London”, and it just sounds so royal and beautiful! I’ve wanted to go to London for as long as I can remember! 😀

Paris – Oh, AG… What did you do to me? Ever since Grace came out I’ve suddenly grown a love of Paris, although I’ve always liked it LOL!

New York – It just seems like such a neat place! I don’t know what it is about it, but I’ve always wanted to visit there, too. Plus the biggest AG store is there ;D

Alright, I think those are all the places I’d like to visit! And also, I’d basically like to visit anywhere with gorgeous scenery that’s perfect for photoshoots 😉

Where would you like to travel to?


15 Responses to Day 23

  • I’m SO excited for Star Wars Land!!!

  • I would LOVE to go to Australia! Second on my list is probably Ireland because my family is Irish. I went to Spain when I was really little, but I would like to go again now that I speak Spanish 🙂
    New Zealand sounds fun too! My cousin did an exchange program a few years ago.

    • Oh, yeah, Australia would be awesome! And Ireland! 😀
      That’s cool that you speak Spanish! I tried learning when I won a few months of free lessons online, but it did not go well LOL!

  • My family is very vacation-y so I”ve been to about half of the states I think? I’ve been to New York, and it’s pretty good besides New York City. SO CROWDED, it’s worse than LA! We didn’t go to the AG store, I wanted to but it just didn’t happen. NYC is NOT anywhere near where I’ll live in the future. I’ve been to Arizona a LOT because my sister (who’s in college right now) lives there for college. And we only live 5 hours away, being in CA.

    Also, I think I forgot to tell you. I’ve been accepted into the craft fair at my church!! I’ll be sewing and knitting and crocheting a lot up to November! I’m doing mostly doll clothes, along with Rebekah and Charisma (my cousin) so we’re splitting the cost of it, which since it isn’t a MAJOR craft fair isn’t that big. I”M SO EXCITED! 😀

    • Oh, wow! That’s so cool! 😀

      Oh, yay!! Congrats and good luck to you and your friends! I’m sure you’ll all have a great time! 🙂

  • I have been to disney world once when I was 6. Honestly I don’t remember it that much and we are going again for Xmas. It is big, it can take 6 days to see it all! I also want to go to paris, I started liking it a LOT when grace came out! And I also want to go to London, my dream guy is blond with a london accent!

    • That’s so cool that you’re going to Disney World! Have fun! 😀
      LOLOL! Oh, my gosh that’s so funny cause lately I’ve been telling my mom that I need to marry a guy with an accent XD

  • One word-San Francisco! I get to visit ALOT, but it has lots of cool stuff to see and do. I <3 San Francisco. 🙂

    • Oooh, yeah! My brother went there with his friends last year and he said it was awesome! He brought me back a keychain and a map! I LOVE that map so much! 😀

  • Well, a lot of the same places as you! 😀 I guess just a huge trip to a whole bunch of countries in Europe would be ideal. 😉


  • I live about45 minutes away from London

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