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Masquerade~ Part 5

The palace guards had caught me red-handed with the Rainbow Stone and dragged me down to their deepest dungeon. I was to stay there until further notice. I worried terribly about my mother who would wake up the next morning to find me missing and discovering that I had been sent to the dungeon in Ethenia.


I felt like I was awake all night, but knew it wasn’t so when I woke up to a gentle voice saying, “Liesel. Liesel!”


I opened my eyes and saw my mother standing on the other side of my cell wrapped in her golden shawl and carrying an old folded up blanket. “Are you alright, darling?” My mother inquired, her voice quavery.


“No, I’m not, but I am better now that you’re here. Mother, I’m so sorry about all – ” I began, but Mother interrupted me,


“It’s alright. Here, I brought you a blanket to keep yourself warm.” She said as she handed me the blanket through the cell bars.


“Thank you.” I said gratefully and wrapped it around my shoulders. “Mother, truly, I am so sorry. I should have told you about my meeting with Frederic, but I was scared. I thought I was doing the right thing by keeping our secret, but I ended up getting put in jail. I’m so sorry.” I apologized as a few tears entered my eyes.


Mother wrapped her hand around mine and said, “I know, dear. And it’s okay. We’re going to work this out.”


“Times up.” The jail guard said and mother looked back at him sadly.


“I have to go now, but don’t worry. I’ll be back soon. I promise.” Mother said sincerely. “Goodbye, Mother. And thank you.” I said and watched her go with an aching heart.


The next morning, I lay on the floor of my cell sobbing. I missed my mother, my home, and I absolutely hated being locked in the dungeon. I was beyond miserable and completely depressed.


I heard footsteps stop at my cell and looked up, expecting to see my mother, but instead was disgusted at the sight of my visitor. “What are you doing here?” I inquired angrily.


“I’m here to give you the good news. I’ve spoken with the king and he has agreed to let you go.” Frederic said with a broad smile that made me suspicious.


“Why are you smiling?” I asked suspiciously.


“Oh, maybe just because I know that you’ll end up poorer than a lowly servant before long.” He replied with a grin.


“What? What did you do?” I demanded of him.


His face grew serious. “You didn’t get me the Rainbow Stone and now you never will. Therefore, our deal has fallen through. I told several people back at your home kingdom the truth about your father and by now the word is spreading like wild fire. Before long, you and your mother will be in so much debt that you’ll be forced to sell your home and all your belongings. You’ll be living on the streets!” Frederic finished with a merry laugh.


I turned away and said, “No…”


Frederic began walking away, but he said over his shoulder, “You really should thank me. After all, I just gave you back your freedom!” He may have given me back my freedom, but now my life and reputation was destroyed.

To be continued in Part 6!! 😀


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