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Some Random Things :)

So, the other day, when me and my mom were doing some errands, I mentioned how I have four GOTY dolls, and I asked my mom if she knew them. She thought for a while and she named each one! Although she did have to ask for one hint, she still did really good! Then I asked if she could name ALL of my AG dolls! She probably only asked for about three hints!! I was seriously so proud of her!!! I was so excited that she knew all of my dolls well enough to name each one! πŸ˜€


Now, another thing, is that I noticed that I must really like names that end in the “uh” sound. I realized that ALL of my MAG dolls have that! AnnikA, ClarA, KiarA, JennA! And then as I was looking at my “Doll Wishlist” poster thingy, I have three MAG’s on there that have that, too! EricA, MariAH, AlishA! I just thought that was really hilarious LOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›


One more thing:

You know you’re obsessed with AG dolls when:
1. You see the speed limit on the street that says “55” and you immediately say, “MAG #55. Annika.”
2. You’re playing a game and see the number “33” and you immediately say, “MAG #33.”

Yep, that really happened to me LOL! πŸ˜€

Do your moms know your dolls well enough to name them? Do you have repetition with your doll’s names? Do random numbers make you think of MAG doll numbers?


34 Responses to Some Random Things :)

  • I think my mom probably could name all my dolls. I have a lot of C names, Caroline, Chental, Chaitali, Carli, and Ciara. I have a lot of “uh” dolls, too. Alissa, Natalia, Daniella, Ginerva, Ciara, and Kendra. Also, a lot of names or nicknames end with the ee sound, Lissie, Shaynie, Natalie or Nattie, Carrie, Chenni, Lorie, Jaicee, Chaitali, Ginny, Carli, and Kennie. That’s all my dolls there except Ciara. I love names!


  • LOL! That’s so true! You do love names that end with uh! I’ll have to remember that when I’m giving you name suggestions!;) I really love names that end with “ie” I guess- Nikki, Julie, Sophie and Molly.:) And I want a doll named Hailey and Chloe! LOL! Pretty pictures!!:D

    • LOLOL! Yeah, that might help! LOL! πŸ˜›
      Oh, yeah! I remember us talking about that! That’s so funny πŸ˜› Thanks! πŸ˜€

  • I think my mom can name all my dolls, but not in order! But she does know the order of the GOTY dolls that I have, which is 2008-2015, so she is doing pretty good! The dolls I have right now don’t really repetitive names, but my doll Alaska is named after a book character and all the doll names I like for future dolls are based off of fictional characters as well! Also, when someone tells me their name and it is the name of an AG, the doll is the first thing I think of. I met someone named Kirsten the other day and kind of freaked out. LOLOLOL πŸ™‚

    • Oh, wow! That’s awesome! πŸ˜€
      Yeah, I’m sure that if I read a lot of books, I’d be naming my dolls after the characters LOL! πŸ˜›
      Oh, my gosh that’s hilarious!!! I’d probably freak out, too! LOLOL! πŸ˜€

  • Wow! That’s crazy that you’re mom could name all your dolls! I am not sure I could….
    My mom could probably name me and my sisters dolls, all put together 11, but that’s probably becuz we are always following her around, ” doesn’t (insert name here) look cute in this outfit? Lol!
    Wow, you do like “uh” names- I am like that, exept with “y” names.
    I actually didn’t even know that the MAGs had numbers until recently. πŸ™‚

    • LOL! Yeah, the only thing I get confused about, is the order I got them in LOL! πŸ˜›
      I do that, too! Not always, but sometimes! πŸ˜€

    • Yeah the MAG number system is sort of weird, but I guess it’s the best way, and it’s way better than naming every single MAG ever made.

  • As a mom, I am always surprised when mom’s don’t know the name of their daughter’s dolls! They say ‘We have a doll… I don’t know, which one…. Maybe Kit?”

    • LOL! I know, it’s kinda funny. I think it’s because they aren’t so interested in them, though πŸ™‚

  • That’s funny, I never thought about it, but of my 8 dolls, 5 end in “uh” too!

  • Oh, I highly doubt my mom could get all of my doll names- even though I just have four… ;-P But I should ask her sometime! Hey, I just might be surprised. πŸ˜‰

    Fun post!


  • Hmmm…. My mom might be able to. I honestly don’t know. She doesn’t know which is which, but she might know the names. I’ll have to see.
    That’s actually one of the reasons I change a lot of my dolls names. We have a Hally (we pronounce it Hailey), and one of the our doll’s original names was Kaylee, so we changed that, etc.
    We have a:
    Becca Ana Rubin (Ana) (Nicki GOTY)
    Emily Jane Bennet (Emily)
    Hally Catherine Kitteridge (OG Hally)
    Isabella Rose French (Bella Rose, Bella) (OG Kaylee)
    Katelyn Marie Kitteridge (Kate/Katie Cat/ Kate the Great Weather Machine) (OG Katelyn)
    Malaila Anila (last name in progress, H4H Shola, based off of Malala Yousafzai)
    Maria Alejandra Lucita de la Cruz (called Alejandra) (OG Alejandra)
    Piper Lucy Pensieve (H4H Dell, now WW2 French girl)
    Rachel Chantal (last name in progress, H4H Rahel)
    Rubye Althea Kitteridge (OG Robyn)
    Ruth Ann Smithens (Ruthie) (AG Ruthie)
    Sydney Lee Smithens (Sydney Lee for, OG)

    Yesterday, we found a H4H Tipi in my grandparent’s city, so they picked her up, and next time we see them they said they would bring her! Ack, so excited! We’re still planning her out a bit, but we have the main idea of her likes and dislikes.
    Then, on Friday, we went to get a Zelia from a Target, and I had gotten the wrong Target, but they had Surjan there, who we liked even better! So, as a super early birthday present, my parents bought her for me. I don’t get to open her until nearer my birthday, but….
    This morning, Claire and I were talking about it, and she was so excited, because she said something like “Kathleen, we have almost as many dolls as Jacklynn has,” because to her, your meet the dolls page is like going to the AG store. πŸ™‚

    P.S. Reading LOTR for the first time in 4 years. Now I get why everyone likes it so much. πŸ™‚

    • Oh, that’s nice that you don’t have a lot of repetition! LOL! πŸ˜›
      Wow! You have a lot of dolls! That’s so nice of your grandparents to do that for you! πŸ™‚
      Aww! That’s so cute!! πŸ˜€
      P.S. YAY!! πŸ˜€

      • That’s my main thing with naming dolls, honestly. They have to have no repetition. If you ever add a new doll to your wishlist, you might want to try writing the alphabet in a Word (or whatever you use) document, and write all the dolls you have or will get with an A’s name under A, then all the Bs, etc.
        Like this
        Elizabeth (1+2. Would you keep 18″ Elizabeth as Elizabeth, or change her name?)
        Yeah. It’s kind of funny, at this time last year we had 6 18″, and now we have 9, plus almost-5-but-3-in-our-room H4H. We probably have 25-35 dolls altogether, what with baby dolls and a few vintage and what not. Most of them probably won’t ever appear on my blog, but there are a few that I’m sure will be on there, because they’re sized nicely to be 6 or so against the AGs, and have plenty of hair.

        I was watching a video of our Christmas a year or two ago, and in the background you can hear me say “Mom, Jaclynn got a MT! She has, like, 50 dolls.” even though it was only 11, and we have 14 now. It’s funny how many dolls you count as a lot depending on how many you have at that time. We had 5 then, so that was a huge amount to me.

        P.S.-Now to watch the movies!!!!

  • Every time I name a doll, I try to make her name unique. But I’m sure that gets harder and harder every time you get another doll! So far, I only have three, so naming my dolls hasn’t been too hard… πŸ™‚ Both my mom and my dad can name all of my dolls from memory. They are so supportive of my AG obsession! I love my parents… πŸ˜€

  • I only have two dolls and my mom doesn’t really care about my dolls names! I met someone named Velicity once and I mis heard her and thought she said Felicity. She said ag was going to name felicity Velicity but her mom made ag change it because her daughter was going to be named Velicity. That was so bizarre! I was just kinda like “Uh huh”. It was SO weird why her mom would do thatm

  • My dolls are:

    Anna Lisbeth Peters – 17 (23″ My Twinn)
    Catherine Jennifer Hinton – 17 (23″ My Twinn)
    Sarah Elisabeth Carpenter – 16 (23″ My Twinn)
    Carrie Michelle Andrews – 16 (23″ My Twinn)
    ‘Cait’ Caitlyn Amanda Kittredge – 15 (my Mom’s Gotz doll)
    Melody Sympathy Larson – 15 (my Mom’s MAG #14 – first name by her)
    Samantha Penelope Parkington -15 (AG)
    Nellie Melanie O’Malley – 15 (AG)
    Elyssa Patricia Natalie Cartwright – 15 (MAG #23)
    Lindsay Elizabeth Sommers – 15 (AG Elizabeth)
    ‘Nicki’ Nicole Valerie Jenna Fleming – 14 (AG)
    Julie Jade Albright – 14 (AG)
    Ivy Mai-Lee Ling – 14 (AG)
    ‘Kit’ Margaret Mildred Kittredge – 13 (AG)
    Kirsten Heidi Larson – 13 (AG)
    Molly Hope McIntyre – 12 (AG)
    ‘Cindy’ Cynthia Nancy Walker – 10 (18″ Berenguer Classmate)
    ‘Cherry’ Cherie Jaime Vanilla Bessett – 7 (14″ 1970’s Furga doll)
    Michael Peter Andrews – 5 (My Twinn Cuddly Brother)
    ‘Rae’ Rachel Liesl Hinton – 4 (My Twinn Cuddly Sister)

    I don’t think there’s too much repetition (although there are a few variations of ‘Elizabeth’ :P), but then a lot of the names I came up with myself were from or after people or characters.

    Rachel [Liesl von Trapp]
    Cherry [Cherry Ames/Jaime Sommers]
    Cindy [Cindy Brady/Nancy Blackett/Titty Walker]
    Kirsten [Heidi was a girl I knew who looked like Kirsten]
    Ivy [Mai-Lee from the ‘Cherry Ames’ books]
    Julie [Jade was her previous owner]
    Nicki [Valerie from ‘Commander Kellie and the The Superkids’/Jenna from Balto]
    Lindsay [Lindsay Wagner/Jaime Sommers]
    Elyssa [Elyssa Davalos]
    Nellie [Melanie from ‘Not Quite An Angel’]
    Cait [Caitlyn from Airwolf]
    Carrie [Carrie and Michelle are two other characters I wrote about]
    Sarah [Sarah Jane Smith/Elisabeth Sladen/Nikki Carpenter]
    Anna [Agentha Faltskog/Lisbeth from the ‘Kirsten’ books]

    12 out of the 29 names I chose myself end in the sound ‘ee’ though, and 7 in in ‘ah’. πŸ˜›

  • I hope she wont mind me saying this, but my mom calls all my dolls “Molly Dolly” , or at least she did. And I have a JG callie(which I renamed Jess) who she calls Maya.

  • LOL! That’s so awesome your Mom could name all of your dolls- I don’t think I could do that! LOL!
    Oh my! All your MAG’s have uh ending names- that is so interesting! πŸ˜€
    P.S. I love the photos of Julie! She looks so adorable in her outfit!! πŸ™‚

  • My mom can – Isabelle,&Emily πŸ™‚

  • My mom could probably name all mine, but I only have 12. πŸ™‚ I’m the same way with the MAG numbers. πŸ˜€

  • Lol! The speed limit thing with the numbers???happens to me all the time XD!

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