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Much Appreciated~ A Photostory

Hi everyone! I have a photostory for you today that I hope you’ll enjoy! Especially since the pics were taken in a room in my dollhouse… πŸ˜‰ XD

Riven-Delle was super busy baking up a storm; she had already made cupcakes, cookies, muffins – now she had a blueberry pie in the oven! She had wanted to bake a cake, too, but she had received too many interruptions by her siblings that took her away from her baking several times that day. From Clara fainting twice to Lana causing an argument to the little ones getting underfoot time and again – Riven-Delle was at her wit’s end. She wasn’t even the oldest of the kids, yet everyone seemed to be coming to her for everything – just as they always did.

Kiara stepped into the kitchen just as Riven-Delle was putting a dirty bowl by the sink (I say “by” since it was overflowing with dishes already) and let out a quick gasp. “Wow! That’s a lot of goodies!” She said, eyeballing the cookies.

“Yeah, well, that’s what I like to do,” Riven-Delle smiled, “Do you need something?” she asked, trying to hide her dread.

“Oh, no, I just came in for a drink of water,” Kiara said and went to find a glass. Riven-Delle let her shoulders sink in relief and continued with her work…

…but she hesitated when she heard the faucet turn on and heard dishes clanking around. “Uh – Kiara? What are you doing?” Riven-Delle asked.

“There’s a mountain of dishes that need washing, so I thought I’d help you out and start washing,” Kiara said, soapy sponge in hand.

“Oh. Well, that’s nice of you, but really, it’s not necessary,” Riven-Delle said.

“It’s okay, I want to do this,” Kiara said with a smile.

Riven-Delle turned her head away, annoyance crawling up her spine. “Really, Kiara, you can go,” she said.

“Riven-Delle I don’t think you’re being very nice. I’m not going to disrupt your work by doing the dishes for you – in fact, I’ll be helping you along with your work by taking this load off your back,” Kiara said. Riven-Delle sighed and said, “You’re right. I’m sorry, Kiara. It’s nice of you to help me.”

The timer went off for the oven, so Riven-Delle got her oven mitts on to check on her pie while Kiara began scrubbing away.

While they were both preoccupied with their work, sneaky little Merida tip-toed into the kitchen and swiped a plate of cupcakes off the table and scurried off before anyone could notice she was ever there.

When Riven-Delle decided the pie was done baking, she took it out of the oven and set it on the table, only to be horrified by the emptiness that faced her.

“Where are my cupcakes?” Riven-Delle cried.

Kiara instantly stopped scrubbing the dishes and joined her sister’s side. “What on earth…”

“They’re gone,” Riven-Delle said, her voice shaky.

“Hey, it’s okay. I bet one of the little ones came in and took them – let’s go see if we can find them!” Kiara suggested.

“No, I’m sure they’re all gone by now anyway,” Riven-Delle said.

“Well, isn’t that a good thing? I mean, don’t you bake all these treats so we can eat them?” Kiara asked.

“Yes, but….,” Riven-Delle sighed, “Truth is, I’m not so upset about the cupcakes. I’m just so frustrated. I’ve been planning this baking day for weeks and I’ve been looking forward to having some time to myself, doing the thing I love. But all day I keep being interrupted by everyone and constantly dragged away from my baking. Why does everyone always want me?” Riven-Delle asked, a couple tears trickling down her cheek.

Kiara placed her hand on her sister’s shoulder and said, “I understand, everyone needs their own space, but really, think about how amazing it is that everyone loves you so much. I think just about everyone in this family looks up to you. And in a big family like ours, that’s something to be thankful for. You’re so appreciated in this house and I think you should learn to appreciate that.”

Riven-Delle smiled through her tears and hugged her sister tightly. She knew that lately she hadn’t been as appreciative of her family as she should have been and she was so grateful to Kiara for reminding her that appreciation goes both ways.

The End

Challenge: This week show someone you wouldn’t normally think of that you appreciate them. It just may make their day πŸ™‚


What My Dolls Are Up To

Hey everyone! Yesterday I cleaned out under my bed (my doll’s bedroom) because I’ve been having a ton of baby spiders in my room lately (*shudders*) and the other day I noticed a few under there, so I freaked out… Anyways! Back to the subject of this post – I set up my dolls to where they’re all doing something and I thought it’d be fun to show you what they’re up to πŸ™‚


So here’s the overview! Some of them are hiding behind the curtains, though LOL!


Over here, Dallas is getting Pepper out of his bed so he, Eli, and Jeremy can play with him. Rapunzel is asking if she can play with him, too and Lissie is trying to get a book, but Dallas is in the way. You can kinda see Clara back there just hanging out πŸ™‚


Bella, Ellie, and Snow are being as sweet as can be playing with Licorice πŸ™‚


Belinda is helping Cecile with some school.


And Merida wants Belinda for something…. Probably to help her climb something πŸ˜›


And of course Caleb and Kendra are fighting and screaming at the top of their lungs. Kristoff is trying to pull Caleb off of Kendra and Annika starts to intervene. Mickey and Minnie are sad and scared by their fighting as usual, too πŸ˜‰


Kanani, Riven-Delle, and Annika had all been talking, but then stopped instantly when they noticed Caleb and Kendra fighting. Anna was gonna talk to Riven-Delle, but also stopped when she noticed the fight.


Janie looking over at Caleb and Kendra. They attract a lot of attention to themselves whenever they fight πŸ˜›


Julie, Kaya, and Samantha are talking πŸ™‚


And oh, dear! Marie-Grace was talking to Saige (who is painting) when she was supposed to be practicing her singing, so Lana told her to stop talking to Saige, Marie-Grace got mad, and now Jess came over and is trying to tell Lana that it’s okay for Marie-Grace to talk to Saige. My goodness!


Josefina and Kirsten were about to bake and are now trying to persuade Rebecca into helping them, too. Addy was talking to Kirsten πŸ™‚


Jenna doing some things at the vanity πŸ™‚


And Kiara and Caroline are chatting πŸ™‚

Do your dolls have a usual thing that happens every day? Like how Caleb and Kendra always fight? What do your dolls like to do?


Happy St. Patrick’s Day~ 2015

When I woke up, I completely forgot that today was St. Patrick’s Day! I was glad I was wearing a green shirt when I got up LOL! πŸ˜€

So, I took some pictures of Jenna and Merida today, in honor of St. Patrick’s Day πŸ™‚


Don’t they look so cute? I love Julie’s Patchwork top on Jenna! πŸ˜€


Here’s an overview of Jenna’s outfit. I think the red flats look so great with the outfit πŸ™‚




And of course, here’s my feisty, independent, Merida! I just love the expression on her face πŸ™‚


I had to put a green bow in her hair so she wouldn’t get pinched by her older brothers or Julie. They are quite the pinchers πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›


“Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!” The toddlers will watch VeggieTales “The Sumo of The Opera” today since it has a short story in it that tells about St. Patrick’s Day, and the rest wanna watch Brave, since a few of our newest family members haven’t seen it yet πŸ™‚

What will you and your dolls do today? Will you eat corned beef and cabbage?

Have a great day! πŸ˜€


Sneaking Around

Oh, dear! What am I going to do with Anna and Merida? Yesterday they did something pretty sneaky….


“Are you sure it’s okay to be out here?” Anna asked. “Yeah! The door was open, so we came out! If you don’t wanna be out here, then go inside.” Merida replied.


Merida walked off and Anna stood there watching her.


“Well, the door was open…” Anna said to herself, then hurried to join her sister.


“You wanna climb this slide?” Merida asked excitedly.


“I don’t know… Prob’ly not.” Anna said, unsure if I would be okay with that.


Anna and Merida walked around the yard for awhile, then finally they stopped and just stood.


“Merida? Are you mad?” Anna asked, breaking the silence.


“Everything fun I wanna do, you’re saying no to.” Merida replied with a tone of annoyance.


“I like fun, but I don’t know if mama would want us to do those things.” Anna explained.


Merida hung her head down and didn’t say a word. “Merida?” Anna asked.


Merida swooshed her head away from her sister. “I’m sorry, Merida.” Anna said sweetly, but Merida didn’t move.


“Do you wanna play hide and seek?” Anna asked. Merida turned her head slightly with a little smirk.


“1….2….3….4….”Β Merida stood by a pole and counted to ten.


Anna found a place to hide and giggled. “She won’t find me here!” She thought.


“HERE I COME!” Merida yelled.


Merida walked around, then she tilted her head…


“FOUND YOU!!” Merida yelled from across the pool. Anna laughed and laughed.


Anna ran over to her sister, still laughing. “How’d you find me?” Anna asked. “I saw your hair!” Merida replied.


I realized that Anna and Merida were nowhere in the house, so I decided to look outside. “Anna, Merida, what are you doing out here?” I asked firmly.


Anna hung her head down and Merida stared to the side with a smirk.


“Anna, do you want to tell me what you’re doing out here?” I asked gently, but Anna shook her head “no”.


I sighed and looked over at Merida. “How about you tell me?” I asked. Merida’s smirk grew bigger, and I knew, by the look in her eyes, that I was in for a very dramatic (and not true) story…

Do you have any sneaky “kids”?

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!


My dolls are gonna have their little party today and Saige wanted to show you how everything looked before it started πŸ˜‰


They are gonna eat sliced green apples, cucumbers, and celery sticks! I helped Saige make the place mats, napkins, and napkin holders this morning πŸ™‚


“I hope you all have a great day today! Oh, and one more thing…”


“If you’re not wearing green today, then I pinch you! Hahahaha! Just kidding! Bye for now!”

With help from

Just a Random Pic ;)

Hi and Merry Christmas again!!

So, whenever I introduce my “kids” to each other I always line them up or just set them up in some way. Well, today my mom came in my room just as I had finished lining them up. She decided that she had to take a picture because it is just so crazy how many there are.


I counted 11 toddlers and 11 of the 18″. WHOA! Now I have 12 of the toddlers and 12 of the 18″ πŸ˜›
If I keep getting dolls, pretty soon they are gonna end up sleeping on the floor! They are all totally squished in their beds right now. Poor little things- LOL!

How many dolls do you have? Where do they sleep?

My Etsy Shop

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