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Bring Me a Package ~A Photostory

Hey guys! I have a fun little photostory for ya’ll today featuring the doll with the mystery name… I’ve decided to reveal her true name for you all at last because this has just been ridiculously long… XD See, I was going to buy McKenna and have her be her twin sister, which I still plan to do at some point, but let’s start using Jane’s real name, shall we? πŸ˜‰

‘Twas six days before Christmas and ornaments elegantly adorned the Christmas tree…

Presents wrapped with care had been placed beneath the tree…

And decorations were scattered all throughout the house.

On this particular day, a girl sat on the loveseat motionless. Listening. Waiting.

Her head snapped suddenly at the sound of a truck outside that sounded very much like the mail truck.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she had leaped off the couch and dashed out the front door screaming; “THE MAIL IS HERE!!”

Her sisters, Saige and Rebecca followed the screams outside, bewildered by the sight they saw.

The screams had stopped and they found Mariah standing as still as a tree. “Uh, Mariah, are you okay?” Saige inquired.

“Wait.” Mariah said as she watched the mail carrier intently, waiting for her to come up and hand her a small brown box addressed to Mariah Johnson.

Rebecca and Saige joined her side now, looking at her quizzically. “Mariah? What are you doing?” Rebecca asked. Mariah let out a disappointed gasp as the mail carrier returned to the truck.

“WAAAITT!!! COME BACK!!” Mariah screeched. Her sisters held her back as she dashed forward.

“Mariah, what on earth is the matter?” Saige asked. Mariah whimpered and kept saying; “No. No. No.”

“It didn’t come…. I’ve been waiting for days…” Mariah said with a sniffle.

“What was it?” Rebecca inquired.

“A gift from my pen pal…,” Mariah said.

“Oh, Mariah, it’s okay. I’m sure it’ll come soon. You shouldn’t be so upset, though,” Rebecca said sweetly.


“I know it’s disappointing, but really, you’ll get it soon, I’m sure. You just have to take your mind off of it,” Saige advised.

Mariah sighed and bent over dramatically.

“You’re right. I’m going to go hermit,” Mariah said, turning toward the house.

Saige and Rebecca watched their sister walk groggily back to the house and noticed just how pitiful she looked in her bare feet pattering against the cold concrete.

Mariah wrapped herself in a soft Christmas blanket and sat in front of the tree, staring blankly at the presents.

“What is life anymore…?” Mariah mumbled.

“Mariah! A package just came!” Saige announced with a smile, but Mariah just leaned back and closed her eyes with a sigh.

“It’s probably for someone else, Saige. My package was coming in the regular mail,” Mariah said.

“No, they came back! She said she missed it in the truck. It’s your package!” Saige explained.

Mariah’s eyes jerked open. “WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO?!”

Mariah leaped up and ran past Saige so fast, she fell to the floor.

Saige remained on the floor, groaning inwardly at her insane sister and could hear her screaming, “GIMME MY PACKAGE!!!”



I hope you enjoyed! I had fun making this story. XD

People, I actually went out front to take pictures. And guess what?! A FEDEX GUY CAME AS I WAS TAKING PICTURES. So I looked back and he was looking at me quizzically so I gathered my dolls and hurried inside. Then a little bit after I had to go back out and set them up and start again. XD THEN the regular mail came by again and since it was a woman I was like – eh, whatever. So she came up and handed me the package and asked if one of my dolls was Grace. I thought that was kinda cool that she knew what my dolls were. XD

Do you like getting packages?



*Throws Confetti*

EEE!!! Do you know what March 23rd is? It’s quite a special day, actually!

Today is my 3 YEAR Blogiversary!!! YAAAY!!! If you knew that already, that is quite impressive πŸ˜‰
Also, thanks to my mom for making me that sweet picture and sending it to my email this morning as a surprise – I love you πŸ™‚

Wow… 3 whole years… Time flies doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday that I made my welcome post.

When I first started my blog, I didn’t expect to ever have so many followers (I have 80?! OMGEE THANK YOU!!!) or to win an award for Best Photostories or to ever know and meet so many people through my blogging.


I’ve definitely learned a lot through my blog. I’ve learned what to say and what not to say, to be honest, and I’ve learned that I shouldn’t compare myself to other blogs, because where’s the fun in that? I want to have funΒ with my blog and if I’m constantly comparing myself to blogs who are above me and trying to reach their level, then I’m not having fun, am I? No. It isn’t good to compare. I can only do what I can do to have fun with my blog and my readers and that’s all that’s important when it comes to blogging. Blogging is about havingΒ fun.

I’m amazed at how many amazing people I’ve met through my blog. I love talking with all of you – you have no idea how many of your comments have made my day, literally, even some have brought me to tears! Thank you so much for your support! πŸ™‚


This year, my goal is to make my blog more about my readers. I want to know YOUR opinions, I want to play games, and just interact with you more! I want to make more posts that are of what you want to see. I’ll be having some polls sometime soon, so look out for that πŸ˜‰

Speaking of my readers, let me just thank a handful of you, okay?

I’d like to thank:

Lizzy – who has left me some of the sweetest comments. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate them, Lizzy πŸ™‚

Amelia – who I was super excited to meet in person. You’ve been with me from the beginning and we’ve been friends for even longer πŸ™‚

Clara – who always leaves super nice comments with usually a little something in it to make me laugh. She was even going to come over at 1AM to finish painting the dollhouse for us, just so she could smell it. XD Oh, and by the way, Clara, when can I come over and pet your baby goats (I might look at that picture of Clover like… Every day) XD

Kathleen – who has always been one of the biggest supporters of my blog. I believe we even had a conversation once of starting a club for blazers and leather jackets or something… Oh! Also, she’s obsessed with BB-8! πŸ˜€

Peace – who is another huge supporter of my blog and my photostories πŸ™‚

American Girl Doll Artist – who I’ve enjoyed getting to know this past year and who is a huge Star Wars fan πŸ˜‰

Madi – who leaves super long sweet comments πŸ™‚

My mom – Β who has always been so supportive and encouraging with my blog. Thanks for all your help in making LHOAG possible πŸ™‚

My dad – who, even though he doesn’t care about dolls, still shows an interest in my blog πŸ™‚

Emma – my BFF in real life, who I love to talk about blogging with and who has actually forced me to make posts a few times… And I’ve done it to her, too LOL! Sometimes we need that push, though ;D


There are really so many more I’d love to thank individually, but this is getting quite long, so let me just say…. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! You all deserve your favorite dessert *hands each of you your favorite dessert*


I’ve been through a lot with my blog. Joy, laughter, excitement, frustration, confusion, tears, and even guilt. But even through all the bad, this blogging journey has had so much good in it that it far outweighs the bad. I don’t believe I will ever quit blogging – I enjoy it way too much πŸ™‚


Now for an announcement! Today I am having a….. GIVEAWAY!!! And this time, I’m giving away an actual AG product that I purchased specifically to give away – you all deserve it! So check back later today for that! πŸ˜€

Bye for now! And thank you all, again! LHOAG would not be where it’s at today without YOU! <3


Sadie’s Hope~ Part 4

YAY! It’s here!! If you haven’t seen the last part, or perhaps just forgot what happened, check it out by clicking here πŸ™‚

Alrighty, you all caught up? Great! Let’s get started! πŸ˜€


The woman dragged them down to the basement.


“I have something planned for the two of you. You shall never see each other again!” The lady shouted with an evil look on her face.


She shoved them to the floor, hurried out of the empty room, and locked the door behind her.


Sadie ran to the door and began pounding on it. “Let us out!!” Sadie screamed, but Amy came up to her and touched her shoulder.


Sadie flinched at the touch of Amy’s hand and cried, “I can’t be stuck in here again!” Amy and Sadie stood there in silence.


“You’ve been down here before?” Amy inquired with a sympathetic look.


Sadie nodded, trying to hold back her tears.


“I’m so sorry, Sadie.” Amy said softly, not really knowing what to say.


“HOW DARE MARK!” Sadie shouted, and banged against the door again.


“I know, it was wrong of him.” Amy said calmly.


“HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM!” Sadie cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.


“Sadie, believe me, I’m upset, too, but right now isn’t the time to be playing the blame game. Let’s just try to think of a way out of here.” Amy advised.


“Fine.” Sadie replied, but then the door shook and it opened.


Sadie jerked forward, but Amy grabbed her arm and held her back.


The woman appeared in the doorway with two guards. “That one, take her to the train station along with the others.” The lady ordered, pointing at Sadie –


– and one of the guards grabbed her.


Emma will be posting the next part on her blog soon! πŸ˜€


Golden~ A Photoshoot

Hey everyone! Today I thought I’d brave the heat and take a photoshoot of the beautiful Rebecca for you all! She’s been dressed and ready for a photoshoot for like two weeks now… I probably would’ve done it last week, but my gramma was visiting, so I didn’t have much of a chance to post πŸ˜‰
So here are the pictures!



She’s so pretty!!! OH MY GOSH!! LOL!



I am in love with these stick on earrings!










Isn’t she so beautiful?! I seriously love her in Saige’s Sparkle Dress, too! πŸ˜€

I hope you enjoyed the pictures! I loved taking them and making this post! I’m listening to Disney songs as I type this, so that just makes everything fun! πŸ˜€

Oh and very important for those of you who have been waiting- Sadie’s Hope Part 3 was posted on Emma’s blog, so make sure you go read it! πŸ™‚

What are your thoughts on Rebecca?


What My Dolls Are Up To

Hey everyone! Yesterday I cleaned out under my bed (my doll’s bedroom) because I’ve been having a ton of baby spiders in my room lately (*shudders*) and the other day I noticed a few under there, so I freaked out… Anyways! Back to the subject of this post – I set up my dolls to where they’re all doing something and I thought it’d be fun to show you what they’re up to πŸ™‚


So here’s the overview! Some of them are hiding behind the curtains, though LOL!


Over here, Dallas is getting Pepper out of his bed so he, Eli, and Jeremy can play with him. Rapunzel is asking if she can play with him, too and Lissie is trying to get a book, but Dallas is in the way. You can kinda see Clara back there just hanging out πŸ™‚


Bella, Ellie, and Snow are being as sweet as can be playing with Licorice πŸ™‚


Belinda is helping Cecile with some school.


And Merida wants Belinda for something…. Probably to help her climb something πŸ˜›


And of course Caleb and Kendra are fighting and screaming at the top of their lungs. Kristoff is trying to pull Caleb off of Kendra and Annika starts to intervene. Mickey and Minnie are sad and scared by their fighting as usual, too πŸ˜‰


Kanani, Riven-Delle, and Annika had all been talking, but then stopped instantly when they noticed Caleb and Kendra fighting. Anna was gonna talk to Riven-Delle, but also stopped when she noticed the fight.


Janie looking over at Caleb and Kendra. They attract a lot of attention to themselves whenever they fight πŸ˜›


Julie, Kaya, and Samantha are talking πŸ™‚


And oh, dear! Marie-Grace was talking to Saige (who is painting) when she was supposed to be practicing her singing, so Lana told her to stop talking to Saige, Marie-Grace got mad, and now Jess came over and is trying to tell Lana that it’s okay for Marie-Grace to talk to Saige. My goodness!


Josefina and Kirsten were about to bake and are now trying to persuade Rebecca into helping them, too. Addy was talking to Kirsten πŸ™‚


Jenna doing some things at the vanity πŸ™‚


And Kiara and Caroline are chatting πŸ™‚

Do your dolls have a usual thing that happens every day? Like how Caleb and Kendra always fight? What do your dolls like to do?


Sadie’s Hope~ Part 2

YAY! Sadie’s Hope has started!! I was going to post the first part, but then we decided that Emma should post it, so be sure to go read the first part on her blog BEFORE reading this part πŸ™‚


Sadie hesitantly followed her. Amy led her outside and down a few blocks until they reached a little shack, from which Sadie could hear lots of loud voices.


Opening the door, Amy gestured to the suddenly silent group of kids.


“Hey, Amy, who’s this?” A dark haired girl inquired.


“This is Sadie-” Amy paused to remember her last name, but soon remembered they hadn’t been properly introduced, “What’s your last name?” Amy questioned. “Darrell.”


Amy nodded her head in acknowledgement and said, “Sadie, these are some friends of mine. We’re a small group of kids who try to help other orphan children who have no home.”


Amy continued and listed their names, “This is Viveca,” Amy gestured to the black haired girl,


“and this is Gretta,” She pointed to the African American,


“and this is Mark.” Amy said and the boy nodded. “What’s she doing here, Amy?” Mark asked, sounding a little annoyed.


“She’s a new–” Amy paused and searched for the right word, “Friend. We are going to help her.”


“We? Nah, I don’t think so.” Mark refused.


“Mark!” Amy shouted.


“Honestly, Mark, why even be in the group if you don’t wanna help out another orphan kid?” Viveca questioned with annoyance. Mark rolled his eyes. Sadie knew there was going to be a lot of tension between Mark and her, if he was going to help.


“What do you even want our help with?” Mark asked, eyes suspicious.


“I need to get my little brother out of the orphanage.” Sadie said.


“Oh, you’re lucky he’s even alive. You know those orphanages are teeming with deadly diseases.” Mark smirked. Sadie felt her face grow hot, and she pursed her lips together to keep from saying anything rude back at him.


“Mark! Really, could you just quit it!” Gretta shouted.


Mark could tell that Sadie was upset, so he asked, “Your brother must feel pretty bad to have a sister like you – you abandoned him, didn’t you?”


Sadie looked at him with wide eyes, trying to hold back her guilt.


Mark snickered and said, “I knew it.”


Sadie looked down, her cheeks hot. “Mark Campbell, if you say one more unkind word to Sadie, I will take away your food for the week!” Amy shouted, her face burning with anger. Mark frowned, but said no more.


Amy glanced over at Sadie, who’s eyes looked all teary. “Hey, don’t let him bother you. He’s always saying something mean to somebody.” Amy comforted silently.


Sadie looked away, embarrassed that she was letting him get to her. “Yeah, um, when can we go and get him out?” Sadie asked.


“Well, we will have to make a plan first. Anyone got any ideas?” Amy inquired.


“Maybe we,” Gretta pointed to her and Mark, “can distract the lady at the front desk while you two sneak in,” She pointed at Sadie and Amy, “and grab your brother?”


“And what about me?” Viveca asked, feeling a little left out.


“Oh, um, you can come with us to distract the lady, you’re good at coming up with lies!” Gretta added.


Viveca smiled, “Alright, that sounds good to me!”


“Okay! Everything sounds great! We can go as soon as you want, Sadie.” Amy said.


“Well, then, let’s leave now!” Sadie said, quite determined to get her brother back.


“Oh, for a second there I thought you were going to leave him in the orphanage for a couple other days.” Mark grinned devilishly.


Sadie flashed Mark a dirty look and was just about to say something back, when Viveca intervened-


“WELL! We should really get on our way, shall we?” Viveca asked Amy.


“Yes, let’s get going!” Amy agreed.


Mark laughed and followed the girls out the door.

And that concludes this part!! Emma and I hope you liked it! πŸ˜€

The next part will be posted on Emma’s blog πŸ™‚


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 9

To my surprise, many of the people believed I was the lost princess, and the next morning, several of them turned out in front of the palace yelling “We want Allie!” “Give us our rightful queen!” “Allie! Allie!”


“Stewardess, you see who the people want! Don’t you want to give them who they are asking for?” I shouted, so she could hear me over the people’s loud voices.


The stewardess looked on at the people, her eyes wide. She clearly didn’t know how to respond to this.

“I am who they want! And that is because I’m the rightful heir to the throne!” I said, pointing my hand to the crowd.


“I don’t care who they want! You have no proof that you are the lost princess!” The stewardess shouted back.


“Actually, I do. You do know about the royal birthmark, don’t you?” I asked.


“Yes, of course! What of it?” She asked, sticking her nose into the air.


I climbed up the wall and pulled my hair out of the way. “Look at my neck.” I told her, and when she did, her eyes grew wide again.


“This is ridiculous! It doesn’t mean anything! You could have just put a mark on your neck!” She yelled.


“You’ll have to do something far greater in order for me to believe you are the princess. Tell me what your name was when you born!” She demanded.


I froze. I hadn’t even known I was given a name when I was born! The only name I’d ever known was, Allie.


“Ah ha! I knew you weren’t the princess!” She yelled and walked away.


I slowly turned my head to the crowd. “Why wouldn’t Josh have told me my real name?” I wondered.


Corinne and Monica looked at me, their faces bewildered.


I came down and asked, “Corinne, do you remember my dad saying anything about my real name?”


“No, I don’t think he mentioned it.” She replied.


“I thought so.” I sighed.


“Well, maybe he doesn’t even know! Maybe your mother died before she had a chance to tell him!” Monica suggested.


“Yeah, that would make sense. My mom died shortly after I was born and my dad wasn’t home.” I said. Then I looked around for Adella. “I’m gonna see if Adella knows anything about my real name.” I said.


“Adella, do you know what name I was given when I was born?” I inquired.


“No, I’m afraid not. But perhaps you could check the library! There are many books in there about the kingdom’s history that I bet even the stewardess doesn’t know about.” Adella suggested with a smile.

“Oh, that’s perfect! Thank you so much!” I said and Corinne, Monica, and I headed for the library.

That concludes this part! Look for the GRAND FINALE coming next!! πŸ˜€


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 6

To see the previous part, just scroll down a post πŸ™‚

As we walked through the small village, a little girl with red pigtails came up to me. “Excuse me, can you help us?” The little girl asked softly and shyly. I looked around for a mother or a father, but there was no one around. “Help you with what?” I asked kindly.


Then another little girl with big blue eyes came up beside the other girl and stared up at me.


“Where are your parents?” I inquired.


The two girls glanced at each other with sadness behind their eyes. I wanted to help them, but I couldn’t if they weren’t willing to be open with me.


A young lady began walking by us and I stopped her. “Excuse me, miss, do you know these children and where they live?” I asked her.


The lady looked at the children with pity and then back at me. “They’re orphans. They have no home.” She whispered.


My heart ached for these kids. They were so young and sweet, I couldn’t imagine them living on the streets. “There isn’t an orphanage here?” I inquired.

“No. The stewardess doesn’t want to spend the money on building one. She doesn’t care about anyone or anything, except for money. They are only a couple of the orphans here, there are many more.” The lady replied.


“Well, can’t the people here pitch in some money to build one?” Monica suggested.


“Yeah, or even, why doesn’t anyone give them a place to live for now?” Corinne asked.


“No one can afford anything like that. The taxes here are sky high. Folks around here barely have enough money to buy supper for the table.” The lady explained.

Another lady walked by us and stopped, gazing directly at me. “How dare you wear clothes like that here! This is absolutely inconceivable!” The woman shouted. Then Corinne mouthed the words “You should’ve worn the dress.” at me. I just sighed and shrugged it off.


“I’ve never seen you here before. Who are you?” The woman asked with suspicion.

“I’m Allie Gramer, the rightful heir to the throne of Feorden.” I said proudly.


“Y- you’re the lost princess?” The other young lady stammered.


“Yes, I am. And I want to help restore the peace and happiness of this kingdom.” I stated with a smile.


The other woman laughed and said, “Good luck with that, dearie. The palace guards wouldn’t even let you enter the palace. And even if they did, the stewardess would deny you as the lost princess.”

The other lady came up to me and whispered, “Can you really restore this kingdom?”


“Yes, I will do everything I can.” I replied boldly.


She gave me a hopeful smile and said, “Then go. The sooner this kingdom is restored, the better.”


As I was walking past her, she stopped me. “I have to tell you that the stewardess is insanely stubborn and obsessed with ruling. She will not easily give up the throne to you.” She warned.


“Whether it’s easy or not, really doesn’t matter, because I am taking back the throne no matter what. But thank you for the warning, miss.” I saidΒ gratefully.

She smiled and said, “You can call me Adella. Best of luck to you,Β Your Highness.”

That’s the end of this part! Next part coming soon! πŸ˜€


My Birthday Haul~ 2015

Hey everyone! Thank you all so much again for all of your birthday wishes! I had a really nice day and I got some great stuff!! So I’m gonna show you what I got (remember, I’m not bragging at all. I just know that a lot of peeps like to see hauls, and I wanna show you cause I’m excited πŸ™‚ )!! πŸ˜€ Oh, and there are some non-AG things mentioned in this post, too πŸ˜‰

Two of the things I got are the Birthday Accessories (sorry if I’m wrong about names. I really cant remember what these are called πŸ˜› ) and the Birthday Outfit! And oh, my goodness, I can’t believe I’ve had Saige for 2 years! It seems like she JUST came out!


Here’s the front of the birthday card. Coconut is so adorable!


And here’s the inside of the card πŸ™‚

I LOVE the present!! Annnd…


It actually opens! So you can actually put little things in there! πŸ˜€ Oh, and sorry about my pants in the picture LOL! πŸ˜›

The little bracelet is really cute, too!

I am so in love with this crown!!! I’m gonna be using this a lot, I’m sure!! πŸ˜€

These shoes are ADORABLE!! I love the little rhinestones!! πŸ˜€

The skirt is really cute, but I’m bummed with how short it is.. Eeks. It says happy birthday all over it and has pretty flowers πŸ™‚

I love the birthday cake on this shirt!! πŸ˜€


The sleeves are super cute, too! πŸ™‚

Oh! And here are the stick-on earrings! Aren’t they cute?? πŸ˜€

And I got four OG outfits!!

I haven’t opened them all yet, but they all have pieces that are great for mix and matching πŸ˜€

This was my favorite of the OG outfits! I love the colors of it! πŸ˜€

The shoes looked way too big to me at first, and when I compared them to AG shoes, I wasn’t sure they were gonna fit properly, but surprisingly, they fit perfectly!


This purse is SO cute!! I love it!!

Here’s a closeup of the pretty, ruffly vest and you can see the brown belt included, too πŸ™‚

My complaint with this outfit is that the sleeve ripped. So now I’m rolling up the sleeves so it isn’t noticeable πŸ˜›


I LOVE this bow!! It’s SO pretty!! I know I’ll be using this A LOT! πŸ˜€


I got the Bruno Tsum Tsum!!! Isn’t he ADORABLE?! πŸ˜€

I was so loving the sky outside!! πŸ˜€

Okay, so I also got a caramel leather jacket with a Β grey hood, a black duster jacket, a white ruffly tank top, a shirt that says “Warning: I know all the words to Frozen and I will sing them to you.”, Β some money, and ONE other BIG thing that I am saving to show you for another post! PLUS there’s the other big thing that I bought which is coming on Wednesday!! EEEEK!! I can’t WAIT to show you these two things!!! πŸ˜€

Have a nice day! πŸ˜€


American Girl February Release 2015

I was having a heart-attack last night (not literal, I was just SUPER excited)!!! My dad was asleep in the other room and I was trying SO hard not to yell and scream over everything!! LOL! πŸ˜›

***Note: Picture credit goes to American Girl***
Okay, so are you all ready to see this awesome release?! Good! Let’s get started! πŸ˜€

Samantha’s Flower-Picking Set $48- This is really cute, but in my opinion, it looks too much like her Meet Outfit. All the colors and all, don’t you think?

CHG76_main_2Samantha’s Special-Day Dress $32- This is SO CUTE!! I LOVE THE MINT AND PINK! πŸ˜€

Samantha’s Travel Coat & Hat $32- Oh. My. Gosh. I can not even type in all caps because I am so dead over this coat. πŸ˜€

Samantha’s Travel Bag Set $28- This is adorable!! It’s an adorable little carpet bag!!! I can’t help but think of Mary Poppins. I love carpet bags, thanks to her πŸ˜€

CHG79_main_2Samantha’s Painting Set $36- This is cute, but the easel is way too much like Saige’s πŸ˜‰

CHG80_main_2Samantha’s Summertime Treats $45- I love this set!! It’s so cute!! I love the little petits fours and the napkins!! πŸ˜€

Samantha’s Outdoor Serving Set $75- This is amazing!! I’ve always loved those serving carts!! πŸ˜€ Oh, and this set and the above treats can also be bought as one set for $120 πŸ™‚

Samantha’s Gazebo Garden Set $268- OMGOSH!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!! IT’S HUGE!!! I really want this!! The Gazebo alone is $200. That’s not bad at all!! I’m positive that I will be buying this someday!

Julie’s Skateboarding Set $48- This is okay, I’m not too fond of the colors πŸ™‚

Julie’s Mix-Print Maxi Dress $28- I AM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS!!! But wait- why is this only $28 with quite a few accessories, but Samantha’s Coat & Hat is $32? πŸ˜›

Modern Fancy Shawl Outfit $48- I love this!! It is so cute and I absolutely adore the red on Kaya! I also really like the white on her! πŸ˜€

Kit’s Chicken Keeping Set $48- AWWWWW!!! I totally LOVE this outfit!! And oh my goodness, that chicken looks so soft and sweet and cuddly! πŸ˜€

CHG87_main_2Addy’s Dress & Sewing Set $48- I LOVE the colors of this outfit!!!! And the sewing stuff is super cute, too!! πŸ˜€

Rebecca’s Seashore Set $48- I’m sorry, but I don’t really like this. It looks way too modern to me, and those boots literally look like boots that girls wear today. I will say that the chair is cute, though πŸ™‚

Alrighty, ready to move into MAG? Me too!!


Shimmer & Lace Party Dress $30- This is SO CUTE!! I love the color and how lacy it is! πŸ˜€

CHD44_main_2Pretty Plie Ballet Outfit $34- This is cute, but I think it’s funny that they made two ballet outfits right after Isabelle is retired πŸ˜›


Pretty Pink Tutu Set $28- Again, it’s cute, but I won’t be buying either of them πŸ™‚ You can also buy both of them in a set together for $62 πŸ˜‰

Boho Beachy Swimsuit $28- YAY! A one piece at last! πŸ˜› I like the colors and design of this, but I don’t really like the ribbons πŸ™‚

Beachy Hair Beads $15- These are okay. They look kinda cheapy and plastic-y in the hair to me πŸ˜›

Sunshine Garden Outfit $30- This is SOOO CUTE!! πŸ˜€

Sparkly Jazz Outfit $34- I have nothing positiveΒ to say about this and I don’t want to offend anyone, so let’s just move on πŸ™‚

Soccer Team Outfit $38- This is kinda cute! I mainly want the soccer ball, though LOL! Clara looks adorable in it, too! πŸ™‚

Sparkle Spa Robe $24- I like this, but I’d rather it be a longer robe πŸ™‚ I love how soft and plushy it looks though! πŸ˜€


Sunshine Gardening Bench Set $68- This is adorable!! It made me realize that I don’t have a doll that likes gardening yet! Hmm…. I wonder what doll I want could fit that role…. πŸ˜›

Now onto the Bitty Babies!

Pastel Carousel Outfit $26- This is really cute! I love the colors and the style of the shirt! πŸ™‚

Basics Sweet Dots Top $14- This is so sweet! πŸ™‚

Basics Elephant Leggings $10- These are also really cute! I love the ruffle! I wonder why they’re selling them separately, though?

Ribbons & Ruffles Outfit $28- This is so sweet!! My Beth would look adorable in this!! πŸ™‚

Tennis Pro Outfit $34- This is kinda cute πŸ™‚

Hole-In-One Outfit $34- Again, it’s kinda cute πŸ™‚

Now for books!

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Danger in Paris: A Samantha Mystery $9.99- Ooooh! This sounds so interesting!!

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The Jazzman’s Trumpet: A Kit Mystery $9.99- This one sounds kinda interesting, too! πŸ™‚

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The Smuggler’s Secrets: A Caroline Mystery $9.99- Ooooh!!!!! I likey πŸ˜€

A Smart Girl’s Guide: Drama, Rumors & Secrets, OH MY (couldn’t help myself LOL!) $12.99- So, yeah, I think the title describes what it’s about LOL! πŸ˜›

Drama-rama $9.99- This is a quiz book to go with the book above πŸ™‚


Doll Pets $24.99- THIS LOOKS ADORABLE!! I love this!! πŸ˜€

Alright, so that was the entire release (except for the girl’s sized clothes πŸ˜‰ )!! I am VERY happy with this release!! And A LOT of new items have gone on my wishlist!! I think my favorite item in this release is Samantha’s Gazebo. I can not get over how amazing that is! πŸ˜€

What are your thoughts on the release? What was your favorite new item?

P.S. SO sad that Josefina got NOTHING new πŸ™

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