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A Royal Dilemma~ Part 4


2 years have passed and I was still living with Aunt Bea. Things began to slowly get easier and I got used to the country life. But one day some dreadful news reached me….


“Mornin’, Aunt Bea! I’m all through with the milkin’.” I said cheerfully as I walked through the back door. Bandit came over and licked my fingers.


“Landsakes, girl! That took quite a while, I’ve already finished breakfast! Come set yourself down and eat!” Aunt Bea said.


“After you’re through, could ya’ finish the chores for me? I gotta go into town today.” Aunt Bea asked.

“Sure, I don’t mind!” I replied. Then the phone rang.

“Well, who’d be calling this time of mornin’?” Aunt Bea wondered.


“Hello? Yes, this is Aunt Bea. Oh, well, hi! Is everything alright? Uh-huh. Oh, dear.” Aunt Bea said. I listened with great curiosity.
“Ye-yes, of course, she’ll be down there this morning. Thank you for calling. Bye.” Aunt Bea said sadly.


“Aunt Bea? What is it?” I asked.

“It’s your mother and father. They are very sick. The doctor thinks you should be there with them.” Aunt Bea explained.

“Ho-how sick are they?” I stammered.


Very sick, dear. The doctor says it will not be long now. You must leave immediately.” Aunt Bea said as she touched my shoulder. “Would not be long? They’re- dying?” I thought to myself.

I went into my room and changed into one of my dresses. Then I fixed my hair nice. I came out and Aunt Bea was sadly standing by the door.


“You be brave, okay? I love you, Ruby!” Aunt Bea said as she blinked away her tears.


“I love you, too, Aunt Bea! Goodbye.” I said. I wanted to make the parting short. If it had been any longer I knew I wouldn’t have been able to take it.

I arrived at the castle and Maggie showed me into my parent’s chambers. Lizbeth was in there straightening up their bed sheets.
“Thank you, Lizbeth. Would you leave us alone please?” I asked and she left.


I sat by my parent’s bed and just wanted to cry. I had never seen them so sick before. I grabbed my mother’s hand and whispered, “Mother, Father. It’s me, Ruby.”

“Ruby!” My mother whispered happily and my father turned his head towards me.

“Ruby, we have something we need to tell you.” Father said seriously. “18 years ago you were born to us, but not alone.”


“What do you mean?” I asked.


“What your father means to say is that- you have a twin sister.” Mother said with tears in her eyes.

“What? What happened to her? Why have I never met her and why have I never known?” I asked forcefully, but tried to calm down. I knew they were ill and I didn’t want to excite them.


“You two were only three when she was kidnapped. I am sure that Diamond does not even remember us. Yes, Diamond. You were both our two little jewels.” Father explained.

“Why haven’t you ever told me about her?” I asked.

“Ruby, everything we did, not telling you about Diamond, never being allowed to go outside, it was all for your protection. We could not bear loosing another daughter.” Mother said.


“Ruby, I love you so much. You will be a wonderful queen.” Mother said as she touched my cheek.


Then she was gone.

“Mother? No! Mother, please!” I cried.


“Mother!!” I gave her a big hug.


“I love you, Ruby. Be selfless, brave, and true and you will be a good queen. Just like your mother.” Father cried and soon he was gone, too.


I lied myself on top of them and cried for a long while. I never knew how hard it would be to lose a loved one forever.

A week after the funeral, a big day came for me. It was Coronation Day.


As I walked down the aisle I felt scared and sad. I could never be a great queen like my mother.


Maggie placed my mother’s crown on top of my head and I held back tears. Then Maggie curtsied and everyone chanted, “Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!”


As I sat in my throne, I knew what my first act as queen would be. I was going to find my sister, no matter what the cost!

That’s the end of Part 4! Look for Part 5 coming soon! 😀

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