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Awards & Tags

I Won A DollMag Blogger Award!!

Not too long ago, Bella and Lulu over at TheDollMag had their readers nominate their favorite blogs to receive a DollMag Blogger Award. Next the voting came and I was one of the nominees for Blog with the Best Photostories!! I was so excited to be part of the voting!! Now skipping ahead, I got an email from Bella and Lulu a few days ago, telling me that…..


I had WON!!! OH, MY GOSH!!! I was BEYOND excited and totally honored to have won Blog with the Best Photostories!! The thought of how many of you voted for me just makes me want to cry, because you all love my stories that much! I can’t even tell you how happy that makes me!! πŸ˜€


Make sure you head on over to TheDollMag and read their current issue! And I just have to say that I am SO happy for all the blogs that won a DollMag Blogger Award! They all totally deserved it! πŸ™‚

Thank you for the votes, and CONGRATULATIONS to all the other winners! πŸ˜€


The Summer Bucket List Tag

Hey everyone! So, I’ve decided to start doing awards and such now, but if I’m nominated multiple times for one award, I’ll only answer the questions from the first person who nominated me πŸ™‚

SoΒ I got nominated for the Summer Bucket List Tag by Emma πŸ™‚

The rules are-

1. Write 15 things that you want to do this summer (if you can’t think of 15 that’s okay) and publish it in a post.

2. Insert the picture (Anyone know where it’s at?)

3. Nominate 4 other people to do the tag.

4. Have fun!

Okay, here we go:

1. Post- I hope to do a series (or maybe even 2!) this summer and to just post a TON! πŸ™‚

2. Write- I love writing and have so many ideas, so I really wanna work on them πŸ™‚

3. Hang out with Emma- Hopefully we can get together a lot and do fun things this summer! πŸ˜€

4. Stick to my riding lessons, no matter how hot it is!

5. Read- Emma has books for me to borrow that I’m super excited to read!

6. Practice my singing- It’s hard, but I’m getting better all the time πŸ™‚

7. Okay, you’re gonna laugh, but take screenshots and make awesome Jelsa collages LOLOL! πŸ˜€

8. Work on some new costumes and modern clothing for my Etsy shop!

9. Go thrift shopping and hopefully find some AG dolls πŸ™‚

10. Do lots of shopping! I want some new clothes πŸ˜€

11. Customize a boy doll- I need SO many boy dolls for my series!!

12. Play a board game (or 2 or 3 LOL) with my family πŸ™‚

13. Work on keeping my room clean…. Hehe!

14. Get more videos on my YouTube

15. Make a Frozen voice-over with Emma (we seriously need to do this!!) πŸ˜€

I nominate:

DelightfulWorldofDolls (Madison)

OhMyDollies (Shelby-Grace)

Mint4AGDolls (Mint)

SilverCreekDolls (Lydia)

Have a nice day! I’ll post my favorite reads of the week soon! πŸ™‚


My Etsy Shop

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