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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Guys….. I’m 18. 

Yep, you read that right. The 14 year old girl who started a doll blog is 18 today and still happily blogging with her dolls.

It’s been so weird lately thinking that I’m gonna be 18 – that’s when you’re considered an adult! So this is very strange for me. I don’t feel like I should be 18, but I am, and in a way – I can feel that I am. It’s just super strange. XD

It’s also been scary thinking that I’m gonna be an adult now. I know things won’t flip like a switch and the adult thing will be a process, but it is kinda scary thinking of the responsibility and everything. It is exciting, though, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for my future! 😀

I had planned to do a birthday photoshoot today, but I got really distracted this morning and need to get ready to go out with my mom, so I’ll leave you with this picture of the lovely Jocelyn – the doll who looks most like me 🙂

Thank you all for being my friends, for encouraging me, being a huge support and motivation, for just being awesome and sticking with me for all these years! I’m so grateful to have you all as my friends! <3


Happy Valentine’s Day! (2017)

From my dolls and yours, Happy Valentine’s Day! <3

Do you or your dolls have any plans for today?


My Letter to American Girl

Today I sent in my letter to American Girl stating my opinions and how I feel about the terrible decisions they are making.

Here is my letter:

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Jaclynn and I have been collecting American Girl dolls for 9 years now. I have 23 dolls, 3 sets of Bitty Twins (which are unhappily, not available anymore), one Bitty Baby, and one Wellie Wisher.
I also run an American Girl doll blog that I’ve had for going on 4 years now where I post photoshoots and stories with my dolls. I have a large following on there and I follow nearly 100 other doll blogs myself. And we are all saying the same thing; What is AG doing?

For many long years we have bought your products and poured our talents, our hearts, and our souls into them. Creating stories, capturing the doll’s personalities on camera, making stopmotions and movies – we have supported you and loved you all our lives, but now I fear that if you don’t revert to your old ways – you are going to lose hundreds of customers.

This is a list of things that are painfully upsetting to me and hundreds of your fans and customers:

1. Permanent underwear – What makes no sense to me is that on Facebook you asked for our opinion on this matter, but I’ve already seen images that you are doing it anyway, despite how your customers feel about it. Why on earth are you making the dolls have permanent undies? Is it too expensive now for you to make real underwear for your dolls? On the bottom of the doll it honestly looks like they have a lump of something in their “underwear.” It’s completely disgusting and so cheap of you to do this. Why even come out with a bathroom set when the dolls are going to have to sit on the toilet or bathe with their underwear on? In play – girls will want to remove the underwear and now they won’t be able to.

2. Squishy vinyl – I have also seen photos of your dolls now being squishy. How far will you go? For years the dolls have been firm and if they started to squish in that was bad and meant they were exposed to too much heat. So now, with this new vinyl – if they are exposed to too much heat, will they melt? Because it certainly doesn’t seem like they could squish in any more than they are already. This is beyond upsetting.

3. The packaging – The new doll boxes feel like you are buying a doll from Walmart and that is NOT a good thing. The boxes used to feel like you were buying a keepsake doll that was special – like it was more than a doll you were buying. But now it just feels like you’re buying some cheap doll from Walmart for over a hundred dollars. And honestly – some of the packaging on the clothes have left holes in the clothing. That’s awful.

4. Selling AG products in other stores – Kohls, Toys R Us, Sears – every time I see your products in one of these stores my heart sinks and I want to turn my head away. It feels so shameful for these products that used to be so special being sold in stores like these. I feel that you have taken away the specialness of your products.

5. Wellie Wishers – Although they are cute and I own one myself, these dolls don’t look AG. They’re like misfit dolls that look like a brand Toys R Us created and should only be sold there.

6. Discontinuing the Bitty Twin line – I was so sad when this line was discontinued. When I was younger, the Bitty Twins were a main part of my every day play. I have so many great memories with them and I always hoped you would make more – especially Irish ones with freckles. You can imagine my disappointment when they disappeared.

7. Getting rid of the Best Friend dolls – This one breaks my heart. The friends are such a huge, main part of the stories and you took them away. They were beautiful and important. And even when you brought back Samantha, you didn’t bring Nellie. Now you’re bringing Felicity back and not Elizabeth. Honestly – if you had brought back Nellie I would have bought her in a heartbeat. She was always one of my favorites, but I was so young when she retired that I didn’t have a chance to buy her before she was archived. And now, even though you got rid of all of the classic friend dolls that everyone loved, you are bringing in Tenney Grant and her friend Logan Everett and I’ve heard possibly also Tenney’s friend Jaya. You would make more sales bringing back the retired friend dolls than you will these – especially with the changes being made to these dolls.

8. The movies – Honestly, the movies are terrible now. I struggled through the Grace Thomas movie – the acting was terrible, there’s way too much singing and dancing now, and your 9 year old characters look like they’re 13. The historical movies are the best and made with real effort and quality. I wish you would make more of those.

9. Modernized historical clothing – Years ago, when American Girl was still Pleasant Company, the historical outfits were extremely high quality, well made, and really looked and felt historically accurate – and the outfits cost way less. Now the historical outfits are way too modernized, made with cheaper fabric, and cost more. We want the historical clothes back – the way they used to be. Please stop trying to make the historical dolls modernized when they are really from hundreds of years ago.

10. The pets – Why are the pets now creepy looking stuffed animals? It looks like they have oversized stuffed animals as pets instead of actual pets.

All of the topics listed above lead to one thing – I, along with many others, want you to stop changing things. You are only making things worse and will continue losing customers because of it.

Once you revamp the dolls to have permanent underwear and squishy vinyl I can tell you that I will no longer be purchasing your dolls. The money will no longer be worth it for me. And I cannot put into words how much it pains me to write those words because I had thought I would be buying dolls from you for my entire lifetime. I never in my wildest dreams thought this company I loved so dearly would come to this; that I would be forced to make such a decision or even to write such a letter.

I thank you for who you used to be – for bringing joy and fun into my life. Without you, I never would have created my blog and without my blog, I wouldn’t have made such great friends who loved AG as much as I did.

Sincerely Yours,


Writing the end of the letter brought me close to tears. It was painful to say those words – to say that I wouldn’t buy anymore dolls from them. I love AG, the way they used to be, but not now. This isn’t AG anymore. 🙁


If you are unhappy with the changes AG is making and already have made, I highly encourage you to write them your own letter! They need to know just how many of their customers are unhappy with what they are doing and why.

Fight for quality AG!


Lovers of American Girl – UNITE!

Once again, it is time for all of us – as lovers, long time buyers, and supporters of American Girl to unite.

For a while now I haven’t really been fond of what AG is doing. Discontinuing the Bitty Twin line, bringing in the Wellie Wishers (which, although are cute, do look like a Toys R Us brand), the new packaging, zip ties on their necks, and now get this – sewn on doll underwear.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am personally really upset in the direction AG is going – with the choices that are being made. The boxes we get our dolls in look so cheapy – it makes me feel like they’re something from Walmart. I’ve always loved their doll boxes and all their packaging – everything felt like a keepsake – like you were buying something super special.

Oh – and what I really can not stand – is that you can now buy American Girl products (dolls included) in Toys R Us and Kohls.
Now I know that a lot of people like that because they don’t have stores close by, but here’s the thing – AG is supposed to be special. I’d rather buy their stuff online than from a place like TRU or Kohls! Every time I see AG products in those stores my heart sinks. I feel like the special, keepsake, high quality of these dolls and products have died down.

And that is what I’m here to talk to you about…

American Girl hasn’t been the same for a long, long time. For years the quality has been leaving us, but I’ve never really thought about it all that much – until now. The historical outfits are too modernized, the packaging stinks (really, holes got in some of the outfits because of how they were packed), their movies are AWFUL now (seriously, where did their effort go? Samantha and Felicity are AMAZING movies!), they’re making their stories way too similar, and now we’re getting sewn on underwear?? Really??

I am going to be writing to AG – kindly telling them how I feel and asking for the quality AG to return.

I ask you to do the same. American Girl believes that girls can make a difference, right? Then let’s make a difference!
I believe that if we all work together that we can make a difference – I believe there is a chance that we can get quality AG back!

So please, send them a letter, write them an email – whatever works best for you! I only advise that you are kind in your letter – please don’t hate on them 😉

And once you have decided to help – I ask that you put this button on your blog with a link back to this post and also share this post all around the blogosphere (or even Instagram and YouTube if you have those!) – the more people that see this, the more people we’ll get to participate. And the more people we get to participate – the bigger the chance we have to make a difference. 🙂

Thank you all!


Monthly Recap~ January 2017

Well, here I am again to bring you a monthly recap that is actually on time! XD

I’m currently lying in my bed watching Storks cause I’m really tired and just feel kinda blah – I think I’m getting sick :/

Anyhoo! Let’s get on wiiitthhh….


Ooh, lookie! I made a cool image thingy! XD

1. I started playing piano. Really the keyboard since we don’t have a piano, but ya know. XD I’m having so much fun with this!! I can’t wait until I get REALLY good! 😀

2. I’ve practiced my singing a lot more. I really love to sing and lately I’ve been focusing more on singing on key and using my actual voice instead of my fake singing voice. I think I’m getting pretty good 🙂

3. IT HAILED – OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS IT WAS AMAZING!! There was a storm like last week and it kept hailing off and on. There was lightning, winds, thunder, pouring rain – I literally died. It hasn’t hailed since I was super young so it was almost like a first experience for me. XD There was so much it seriously looked like it had snowed!! And afterwards the mountains you can see from our house were covered in snow, but it’s all pretty much melted now. 🙁

4. We went to our friend’s wedding – which was SO beautiful! Okay, guys. The parents walked down the aisle to “The Last Goodbye” music and I forget who (probably the bride), but someone walked down to “All I Ask of You” music. I was crying. It was amazing. *dies*

5. We are looking into moving- yet again we’re in the searching stage. I really think that this time we’re going to move so it’s exciting and scary and emotional and yeah…. Prayers concerning this would be appreciated. 😉

1. TENNEY AND LOGAN WERE REVEALED – I’m not going to post any pictures, but oh my goodness me needs. O_O

2. The. Last. Jedi.
Just – oh my gosh. Can you even believe that it’s THIS YEAR?? *dies*

3. LOTR POP!s were revealed!! :O FRODO and SAM!! Oh my heart. <3

4. Rey is a Solo. I’m like totally convinced. I’ll be surprised if it’s not true, that’s how convinced I am. O_O (I made that image after reading an in depth theory of Rey being a Solo and fell in love with the idea. XD )

Tenney and Logan’s release- isn’t it so exciting?! They’re almost here!! :O

My 18th birthday- Guys I’m gonna be 18 this month. Isn’t that bizarre?! I started this blog when I was 14…. So crazy… O_O

So with my 18th birthday means….

A fancy dinner, blonde highlights, and Jordan and Aaryn coming down! I’m so excited! 😀

I’m also planning to start writing another book this month since this month will be a year since I started my last one 🙂

I don’t know what else will happen this month, but that’s okay – if I knew everything that was going to happen life wouldn’t be much of an adventure, now would it? 😉

So tell me…

How was your month? Was it a good start to the New Year? Anything exciting to look forward to in February?


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