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Just a Little Update :)

Hi Girls!

Whew! I am so tired! I have been cleaning, cleaning out, and organizing my bedroom for three days now. And no, it is not done yet. When I just do a regular cleaning job on my room it doesn’t seem like I have that much packed in there, but when I clean it out, whoa! LOL! πŸ˜›
It’s been a little hard cleaning things out. The other day I packed up some of my Webkinz (who were on a shelf in my room), brought them in the garage, and started crying. I just couldn’t do it! πŸ™ So they are now back in my room where I can look at them whenever I want πŸ™‚
I now have a shelf in my room full of just AG stuff! That is probably one of my favorite shelves in my room, hehe! πŸ˜€
And also, on top of cleaning, when I ‘m done for the day, I go sit in the living room and work on my orders. I can not wait until this is all done, so I can play with my dolls and do a post for you all! πŸ™‚

I hope you have all been having a nice week and that you’re having fun with your dolls!


43 Responses to Just a Little Update :)

  • I hope you had fun doing it! I actually kind of like organizing and cleaning stuff. Except for the dust. πŸ˜› I like everything all nice and neat. πŸ™‚

    • I guess it is a little fun, but I just don’t like to clean πŸ˜›
      Once my room is all clean I’m gonna try to keep it that way πŸ™‚

  • I have been cleaning out my bedroom too! I was trying to make room for all my AG stuff! πŸ™‚ But now it is all clean! My closet is packed tight just to make room to make an apartment type house for my dolls! lol! πŸ™‚
    I know how it feels being tired after cleaning for days. I takes forever it seams for me to clean! hope you finish cleaning soon! and hope you can finish your orders very soon! πŸ™‚


    • LOL! That’s pretty much why I’m cleaning out my room! πŸ˜€
      Oh, that’s cool! I bet your dolls love it!
      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚

  • I understand what it’s like to clean out your room and find a bunch of stuff hidden in all the nooks and crannies. Last time I cleaned out my room, I had three bags of garbage, literally πŸ˜›
    Jaclynn I know this is off topic, but I just wanted to ask you if you could pray for me and my family. My grandma just died, and I know it’s going to be a rough road ahead, and I don’t know if I or anyone in my family is prepared for it.
    Sorry for going off topic. I hope you understand.

    • LOL! That’s exactly how it is with me πŸ˜›
      Oh, no! I’m SO sorry for you and your family. I know how hard it is to lose someone you love. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. πŸ™
      P.S. And yes, I understand. It’s perfectly alright. I always approve comments with prayer requests in them.

      • I know right? I never knew how much stuff was in my desk that I never used πŸ˜›
        Thanks Jaclynn. I really appreciate it.
        Okay, one more thing, You know I just got Felicity a while ago, and I’ve been trying different hairstyles and outfits, and I realized that I really don’t like her in most of my doll clothes, and many of the hairstyles I’ve tried don’t look too good on her. I think that might just be the fact that she’s PC. So, I was thinking about changing her into a boy doll, since I’ve wanted one for a while, and she doesn’t have as much makeup as the AG dolls, and I can find very cheap wigs right here:
        But then I get thinking that I might grow to like her. So I’m kinda battling myself right now, any advice?
        P.S. Oh okay, I see. I’ll remember that.

        • LOL! Yep! That’s totally me! πŸ˜›
          You’re very welcome πŸ™‚
          Oh, that’s sad! I wonder why you’re not liking her?
          Well, I guess you could change her into a boy if you want to, but I kind of think that you should wait at least a month or two before deciding. That way you can play with her a little more and try to find some outfits and hairstyles that you like. But if you really want to change her into a boy then you go right ahead πŸ™‚
          Hope this helps!

          • I know, it’s kinda weird, like I haven’t bonded with her yet. Like I can’t figure out her personality or something like that.
            That’s actually a really good idea, I think I’ll wait till the beginning of March to decide. That’s probably best anyways since I’m working on my new doll room, waiting for Kanani to come home, and trying to clean my room, so the last thing I need is another project πŸ˜›
            Thanks, it did help πŸ˜€

          • Yeah, I understand that. I’m still trying to find Elijah’s personality. I haven’t completed it yet πŸ˜‰
            LOL! That makes sense then! Oh, so you did send Kanani to the hospital? Was she the one with loose limbs or something? Or were you getting her hair fixed? You must be so anxious for her to come home! I would be so sad πŸ™ πŸ˜›
            Good! I’m glad I could help πŸ™‚

        • My friend has an old Felicity doll, she looks cute in a lot of outfits. But maybe you have a special sense of style! πŸ™‚

          I always thought a boy doll would be fun, I say keep her for a month or two and see how it goes (or did you already comment that? I so bad at things like that! :D)

    • That’s what cleaning my room is like, too!

      I’m sorry your Grandma passed away. Things must be tough, though I wouldn’t know. I’ll pray for you.

  • Wow! It looks like you have been busy!
    I have a small bin of webkinz that I just love πŸ™‚
    Wow!! Thats great that so many people want orders!

    • I sure have! Yeah, my Webkinz are bins, too πŸ™‚
      It is really cool! I’ve had 10 orders in my Etsy shop now! It is so exciting! πŸ™‚

  • That is basicly what I am doing. I have been organising and cleaning my room for days, and the rest of the time I am crammed with school work and ballet compitition. I never have time for my dolls anymore. πŸ™ I hope you aren’t getting to stressed out. Although I have never met you, I you seem like a good friend and a lovely girl!

    • Aww, that’s so sad! I hope you get some time to play with your dolls, soon. πŸ™
      Well, I’m a little stressed with my orders, but not with my room πŸ˜‰
      And thank you so much! That was so sweet of you to say πŸ™‚

  • WHOA! So I went to Ag this morning and they have the rain set for over sixty! Unless you want to buy the shoes and umbrella without the raincoat for about 34.
    What do you think about the prices? They also have a cute hair piece/bun for Caroline thats $18.

    • Oh, my! I saw that! I will probably buy the coat and boots for $24, since that is what I would most likely use πŸ™‚
      And I saw that, too!! I LOVE all of the new hair styling sets they made for the Historicals! πŸ˜€

  • wow.i’m sure that would be my favorite too. the dolls and i are having a great week.

  • I know how you feel! I just can’t seem to part with any of my things!
    Always take time for yourself, or break your cleaning up so you can take short breaks.
    I feel that way with my whole DAY! I am homeschooled, so I have to make sure I do all my homework and things ontop of general pickup in the house!(and with four siblings, that’s not easy)
    Have a great day! ( an sorry for the ridiculously long comment)
    : D

    • That’s usually how I am, but I’m doing pretty good at giving things away. It makes me sad, though πŸ™
      Yeah, I usually take a break every hour or so, LOL!
      Oh, dear! Sounds like you’re busy! I hope you get a chance to be in your room and play with your dolls once in a while πŸ™‚
      Thanks! You, too! πŸ™‚
      P.S. LOL! That wasn’t long at all, actually πŸ˜‰

    • Man, Kate, I can’t get over our similarities, lol!! My whole day is like that too!! (And stress-filled! πŸ˜› )

  • I love webkinz too! My parents keep telling me to sell them or something, but I just yell “I OBJECT!!!” And hug them all. πŸ˜›

  • Omg the same thing happened with the webkinz to me! I actually considered selling them because I just didn’t have the space with all my dolls, then brought all of them back into my room after seeing a picture of me with my first one! I can’t part with them! So now my room is packed with my webkinz! Hope you have a great week!

  • Exactly! I want her to be girly or sporty, but then I don’t, it’s weird πŸ˜›
    Yes I did. I sent her 6 days ago to be precise. She’s getting her hair fixed, and shipping takes 2-3 weeks, and I’ve never been more anxious in my life! When I was doing school today, the UPS guy came and went into the back of his truck to get some packages. I was thinking “Could that be her, 8 days early?!?!??!?!?!” But, it was some boring stuff for my mom, all that anxiety for nothing! πŸ˜›

    • Hmm.. well than maybe she could be girly and like sports? I don’t know, LOL! πŸ˜›
      Oh, I see. So, even though she’s retired they can still fix her hair? Are they re-wigging her?
      LOLOL! I know what you mean! That has happened to me before πŸ˜€

      • True, good solution! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
        No, she’s getting a new head. I don’t know if they have to make another one specially, or they still make heads for her, or something else. Though if re-wigging was an option, I’d go with that, and I originally was going to do that, but I couldn’t find a Kanani wig anywhere, so I sent her to the hospital.
        I know right? It’s torture! πŸ˜›

  • Oh and also, did you enter Liz’s Valentine’s Day Photo Contest?

    • No, I didn’t (which I’m sure you know now, since the entries were posted πŸ˜› ). I didn’t really have an idea of what I wanted to do for the picture, so I just decided not to enter πŸ˜‰

  • I like to clean. And, a few months ago, I really thouroughly cleaned my room, and I have been keeping it pristine ever since! Yay!! πŸ˜€ I am a complete and total neat freak. πŸ˜›
    Oh. My. Gosh, Kate!!! We are SO alike!! I am homeschooled with 3 of my brothers (I have 5 brothers) and they do not really clean much. I’m not saying they’re BAD, just..well, a little annoying! πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰ And I clean up after them. It’s very stressful, that’s for sure. πŸ™
    Do you clean up after your siblings, Kate? Man, it’s hard!! πŸ™

  • Hey Kate maybe we could be email pals? Oh my gosh that would be AWESOME!!!! We are so alike, I would love to have an email buddy that’s just like me! We practically have the same name and life! LOLOLOL!!!! πŸ˜‰

  • I could email Jaclynn, and have her send you my email address, and you can write to me–only if you want to. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€
    I’ll ask my mom and/or dad, you ask your parent (s) if you want to do it. I feel like I know you, cause we’re so similar! (Or so it seems πŸ˜‰ )

  • Same thing I did yesterday (Clean my room) . πŸ™‚ ~Leah

  • NO problem! Everyone gets VERY BUSY and it can be a struggle to post on my own blog sometimes. But it’s something I LOVE to do and want to do regularly so that motivates me to get school done, chores/routines done and get postin’! πŸ™‚
    And I can TOTALLY relate to the Webkinz things! I had adventures with my other stuffed animals and my heart BREAKS to think I could never put them away. Now they’re in their special little drawer and i play with them sometimes. πŸ™‚

  • Sorry Katie M., I don’t feel comfortable doing that. Sorry!

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