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What’s Done On The First Day of Hillside?

Hey everyone! I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted and I thought that now would be a good time to post since I’m tired from decorating our house today. So I’m sitting in a chair next to our Christmas tree and typing this post up on my phone, feeling quite relaxed πŸ™‚

So, I thought it would be fun to show and tell you all what happens on the first day of the Hillside craft fair. Ready? Great, cause I definitely am! ;D

Well, first of all, I have to get up at 6 AM. Repeat, 6 AM! I’m SO not a morning person. I get up at like 10 a lot of days, so 6 is no bueno. So anyway, I’ll be super tired and freezing and I’ll be shaking as I get dressed cause I’m so dead tired and cold and then I get ready to go and make sure I have everything I need for the day. Then we leave at 7:00.

And we drive through Starbucks! It’s our Hillside tradition to get Starbucks on the way each day of the craft fair. And I always get my usual, no matter how cold it is outside; a tall decaf coffee frappucino double blended with whipped cream. It’s quite amazing πŸ™‚

I always look at this mountain. I call him “My Angry Mountain” because he looks upset. Can you see his “face”? The two bumps at the top are his eyes, the line going down the middle is his nose, and the line curving down is his mouth. Can you see it? No? Okay, I guess it’s just me cause I’m pretty sure everyone I’ve pointed it out to hasn’t seen it LOL!

Then we get there and I’m beyond excited and still freezing and shivering! In case you’re wondering what the temperature is, it’s probably about 45 degrees or so in the morning… I just get really cold LOL! So after we unload our van (which is completely packed with stuff) we have to put up our tent, set up the tables, and then I get to work on setting up my table. I lay my purple tablecloth down, unpack all the doll stands and racks, and set my very important sign in place πŸ˜‰

(Sorry about the weird angle. I felt kind of rushed πŸ˜‰ ) And then I unpack my precious dolls. Don’t worry, they’re pretty well protected πŸ˜‰ 

Next, I put each doll on a doll stand. It takes forever and some of those things will not stretch and I’ve hurt myself trying to get them on. And when they won’t get on the doll it’s even worse because my fingers are so numb from being cold and I’m so tired. 

Then they’re all set up! Aren’t they so pretty? πŸ™‚ 

I forgot to take a full picture of it all finished (well, you kind of got one already in a different post…), but after they’re all set up, I put out the rest of my stock on the table and I set out my business cards. And then I’m done setting up!

So the rest of the day I sit behind our booth waiting and talking to customers. I’ll also go over to Emma’s booth or she’ll come to mine and we hang out. Sometimes we go sit on a swing and we’ll also go walking around to see all the other vendors. And of course, I buy an amazing ginger cookie (or two!) and we’ll have our lunch from The Chuck Wagon. The burgers are seriously so amazing! :O 

Hillside is such a fun place to be and I always have such a great time there! I can’t wait to go back again in the spring! πŸ˜€

As a bonus, here’s some random pics I took at Hillside πŸ™‚

I think this was my view when I looked up while Emma and I were on the swing πŸ™‚

Here’s the swing! πŸ˜€

Well, that’s all I’ve got for you today, but I hope you enjoyed this post! πŸ™‚

Have you done or gone to a craft fair? What was your favorite part about it?


46 Responses to What’s Done On The First Day of Hillside?

  • Don’t worry, Dee. I see the face, too!XD

  • Wow, that looks like a whole lot of work… but I bet it’s fun, too! I’d love to go to a craft fair… *sigh* πŸ˜‰ Also, Emma has a booth? What does she sell? Just wondered. πŸ™‚

    • Yes, it is a ton of work! My mom and I are always so exhausted each night and it gets harder and harder to get up each morning. But, yeah, it’s also SO much fun! πŸ˜€
      Yeah, she and her sister make bullet jewelry. It’s really cool! πŸ™‚

  • Wow this is cool! It does look like a lot of work though…:) And I see the face in the mountain! πŸ˜€

    ~Ms. AGdoll~

    • Thanks! I’m glad you liked it! It is definitely a lot of work, but it’s always worth it πŸ™‚
      YAAAY!!! πŸ˜€

  • I saw most of the face too! I see a lot of stuff like that that my sisters don’t, it seems. πŸ˜‰


  • Cool! I could so do a craft fair… XD I would probably sell my bracelets.
    What does Emma make?

  • oh, and yes, I can see the face on the hill! haha. πŸ™‚

  • My sister and I did a craft fair together many years ago, it was a lot of fun. I’ve since gone to many of them just to shop as well. And yes, I see the face! He does look angry!

    • That’s awesome that you were able to do a craft fair with your sister! I think doing it with a family member or a friend definitely makes it more fun and special πŸ™‚
      I’m so glad everyone sees the face! πŸ˜€

  • I saw the angry face on the mountain as soon as you said, “Angry Mountain” – it really does look angry! πŸ˜‰

  • Hillside sounds like loads of fun(well, minus the getting up part. I have to get up at 7:15 to start school despite being homeschooled, and I wish I could sleep longer.)
    I love the little BB-8 next to the Rey costume! You did fabulous on all the costumes.

    • It is super fun! Oh gosh, that stinks that you have to get up so early to do school :/
      Thanks! Everyone loved seeing little BB-8 on my table and even some of the little boys wanted to buy him ;D
      Thank you so much! πŸ™‚

  • I can see the Angry Mountain! πŸ˜€
    And your dolls are so pretty! All the crocheted outfits look so well made. πŸ™‚
    ~Christian Homeschooler

  • I’m not a morning person, either! I’ve been known to wake up at as late as 1:30. πŸ˜› Your Hillside mornings sound similar to my co-op mornings . . . I have to get up early to go to a writing class before my homeschool co-op starts. My mom always has to wake me up SUPER early because it takes me, like, half an hour to actually get out of bed. xD

    I can see the face in the hill! That’s so cool!

    I LOVE the BB-8 you set up beside Annika/Rey! And your dolls all fit their roles as whoever they’re portraying so perfectly. πŸ™‚


    • Oh my gosh! That is LATE! I’ve done that once and it was when I stayed up till like 4 in the morning XD
      LOL! That is so funny!
      Yay! I’m so glad everybody sees my little Angry Mountain πŸ™‚
      Hehe! Thank you so much! BB-8 was definitely a perfect little prop πŸ™‚

  • I see the Angry Mountain face! πŸ˜€

    I love the Rey outfit, especially with the little BB-8. So cute! πŸ™‚


  • Your dolls look amazing!


  • I’m glad you earned lots of money! Your dolls look so pretty! Every time I read your post I think of you actually writing and making the post because we met so I know what you look like. Do you ever do that?

  • I love being in craft fairs! They’re really fun.

    • They sure are! πŸ˜€
      LOLOL! By the way, I LOVE your new name! XD
      It’s a BB-8 sipper! I got it at Disneyland πŸ˜€

      • Haha, thanks!
        I did’t realize you were posting TFA stuff on Little Miss Fluffet! (I may have commented and fangirled all over the place and I also may have just used my regular old name……)
        *hyperventilates* I think I officially need one. I’ve officially decided that making a doll sized BB-8 is pretty hard when I think more about it, but maybe if I just get that or a white soccer ball……

        P.S. — Yesterday my friend said BB-8 wasn’t memorable! *dies*
        (No, what do you mean, I’m not fangirling nor am I randomly talking about TFA)

        • LOLOL! Yes, I got all those comments and thoroughly enjoyed them! What SW fangirl wouldn’t? πŸ˜€ XD
          *jaw drops* *eyes widen* *tears enter my eyes* *one slips down my cheek* BB-8 IS MEMORABLE!!! HE’S AMAZING!!! AAAAH!!!!
          Sorry. As a fangirl I must stick up for my movie “friends” XD

  • I see the face, Jaclynn! And I totally understand about getting up early, Amelia and I had to do that too for the craft fair we were in. But thankfully it wasn’t very cold. And, coffee…yum!

  • Oh my word! What brand I’d BB-8? I NEED that for my dolls!!!!!!
    ( I see the mountain lol)

    • LOL! Isn’t he ADORBS?! I got him at Disneyland. He’s actually a sipper, but I keep him on display in my room. Plus he is quite doll sized! πŸ˜€

  • Wow! You are very talented. I love Starbucks. πŸ™‚

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