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Bring Me a Package ~A Photostory

Hey guys! I have a fun little photostory for ya’ll today featuring the doll with the mystery name… I’ve decided to reveal her true name for you all at last because this has just been ridiculously long… XD See, I was going to buy McKenna and have her be her twin sister, which I still plan to do at some point, but let’s start using Jane’s real name, shall we? ๐Ÿ˜‰

‘Twas six days before Christmas and ornaments elegantly adorned the Christmas tree…

Presents wrapped with care had been placed beneath the tree…

And decorations were scattered all throughout the house.

On this particular day, a girl sat on the loveseat motionless. Listening. Waiting.

Her head snapped suddenly at the sound of a truck outside that sounded very much like the mail truck.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she had leaped off the couch and dashed out the front door screaming; “THE MAIL IS HERE!!”

Her sisters, Saige and Rebecca followed the screams outside, bewildered by the sight they saw.

The screams had stopped and they found Mariah standing as still as a tree. “Uh, Mariah, are you okay?” Saige inquired.

“Wait.” Mariah said as she watched the mail carrier intently, waiting for her to come up and hand her a small brown box addressed to Mariah Johnson.

Rebecca and Saige joined her side now, looking at her quizzically. “Mariah? What are you doing?” Rebecca asked. Mariah let out a disappointed gasp as the mail carrier returned to the truck.

“WAAAITT!!! COME BACK!!” Mariah screeched. Her sisters held her back as she dashed forward.

“Mariah, what on earth is the matter?” Saige asked. Mariah whimpered and kept saying; “No. No. No.”

“It didn’t come…. I’ve been waiting for days…” Mariah said with a sniffle.

“What was it?” Rebecca inquired.

“A gift from my pen pal…,” Mariah said.

“Oh, Mariah, it’s okay. I’m sure it’ll come soon. You shouldn’t be so upset, though,” Rebecca said sweetly.


“I know it’s disappointing, but really, you’ll get it soon, I’m sure. You just have to take your mind off of it,” Saige advised.

Mariah sighed and bent over dramatically.

“You’re right. I’m going to go hermit,” Mariah said, turning toward the house.

Saige and Rebecca watched their sister walk groggily back to the house and noticed just how pitiful she looked in her bare feet pattering against the cold concrete.

Mariah wrapped herself in a soft Christmas blanket and sat in front of the tree, staring blankly at the presents.

“What is life anymore…?” Mariah mumbled.

“Mariah! A package just came!” Saige announced with a smile, but Mariah just leaned back and closed her eyes with a sigh.

“It’s probably for someone else, Saige. My package was coming in the regular mail,” Mariah said.

“No, they came back! She said she missed it in the truck. It’s your package!” Saige explained.

Mariah’s eyes jerked open. “WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SO?!”

Mariah leaped up and ran past Saige so fast, she fell to the floor.

Saige remained on the floor, groaning inwardly at her insane sister and could hear her screaming, “GIMME MY PACKAGE!!!”



I hope you enjoyed! I had fun making this story. XD

People, I actually went out front to take pictures. And guess what?! A FEDEX GUY CAME AS I WAS TAKING PICTURES. So I looked back and he was looking at me quizzically so I gathered my dolls and hurried inside. Then a little bit after I had to go back out and set them up and start again. XD THEN the regular mail came by again and since it was a woman I was like – eh, whatever. So she came up and handed me the package and asked if one of my dolls was Grace. I thought that was kinda cool that she knew what my dolls were. XD

Do you like getting packages?



47 Responses to Bring Me a Package ~A Photostory

  • I LOVE getting packages! I always get this warm, fuzzy feeling inside when I do. Great photostory! Mariah is an adorable name, and her personality is contagious. I smiled just reading about her! I have a doll who’s middle name is Jane too! Her first name is Vivian.
    Vivian: Hey Mariah, we’re middlie twinsies!

    • SO DO I!! Packages are so fun – especially when they are addressed to you! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Awe, thank you! She’s my favorite doll as far as personalities go ๐Ÿ™‚
      Mariah: AAAGH NO WAY!! TWINSIES FOR LIFE!!! *fist pump*

  • Aww!! Poor Mariah!! Waiting for packages is so hard!! XD I love the Christmas lights wrapping paper.. ๐Ÿ˜›

  • AHH!! I was laughing so hard at the end!! It’s so cute!!!!

  • LOLOL!!!! This was SO funny! I know a certain someone who has been acting like that recently…. ๐Ÿ˜€ Wonder who it could be…
    – Taffy

  • This is so funny! I love getting packages!

  • Merry almost Christmas to you too! I like Moriah’s name (and her sweater XD ). That’s neat that you went in your front yard! We just moved, and I’m nervous to. I might not for a while… we’ll see. Or maybe I’ll hide a doll in a bag and go to the empty park. XD I feel like it shouldn’t be so embarrassing… but it is! lol

  • LOLOLOL! I love your dolls’ hilarious personalities! And Moriah is such a cute name for #39! I love how insane she is. XDXDXD

    This was an AWESOME photostory, Jaclynn! I just want to tell you how much I seriously love your photostories and posts. You are so humble and sweet and it sounds like you have so much fun making your posts! You’re always so appreciative of every comment and I really love your dedication to reply to each one! You are one of the most humble and sweet bloggers I’ve ever known and I absolutely love your amazing blog and your awesome personality! You are so kind, inspiring, and of course – awesome! I’m so glad to be your friend! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Now, where was I going with this comment… Oh yes! XD I’ve had delivery people come as I was taking pictures, too! (AWKWARD…) We order stuff online a lot (Amazon, Vitacost, and paper companies for my uncle’s mortgage business we do mailings for) and a lot of the times it is the same exact lady. O.o She commented on my dolls once and asked if I knew what Chatty Cathy dolls were (which I did not, but my mom talked with her for a bit and she did, so I guess those dolls were a long time ago XD)
    Oh, and my neighbors or people driving by all stare at me quizzically while I take pictures with my dolls in front. Yesterday evening, I had to lay in the grass for a shot I was taking (MOSQUITOES ALMOST ATE ME ALIVE) and a lady walking her dog nearby just stared very curiously at me and my dolls. XD In awkward moments like those I pointedly ignore them and I pretend to be super duper focused on my camera. XD (Actually, maybe I should stare at them back. XD I’m going to do that next time and see what peoples’ reactions are! XDXDXD)

    LOL! This was a random comment! I shall now attempt to wrap it up. XD Once again, I loved this photostory as well as everything you so on your blog! You are literally one of the most humble and sweetest people I know online, and you have such an absolutely incredible blog! You are so awesome.

    I’ll stop talking now. XD


    • Thanks so much, Madi! I love her insanity, too! XD

      AWWW!! Oh my goodness, Madi, thank you so so so so SOOO much!! You are seriously one of the sweetest people I know – your comments never fail to bring a smile to my day! Thank you so much for your kind words! ๐Ÿ™‚ I am so glad to be your friend, too <3

      LOL! That is so funny! At my craft fair I had a lady ask me if I knew what Chatty Cathy dolls were, too, and then my mom started talking with her about them! DEJA VU! XD
      Oh gosh, it sounds like you go through a lot of that! I can’t stand it when people are just staring like that. Talk about awkward… XD

      Thank you so much again, Madi!! Your comments seriously make my day! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • You are SO welcome! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ And aw, thank YOU! That means so much!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ <3
        Oh my goodness, really?! LOLOL! XD
        And yes! It's extremely awkward! XD Our neighbor across the street always mentions something to me if we're in the front yard at the same time and I'm doing doll stuff… In the summer, he came over and asked what I was doing as I was making an AGSM, and then he and my mom talked about my blog and my videos, while I just hurriedly finished the outside scene and slinked back indoors quietly. XD When I was doing Hang on to Hope, I had to go out in my front yard almost every day for an entire week just taking pictures for it, and on one of the days he was pulling out the driveway in his car and he called to me, "I've been watching you!" I literally had no idea what to do or say, so I just kind of smiled and waved awkwardly as he drove off. I am probably the most awkward person I know… XD XD XD
        And aw, you are so welcome!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ <3

        • LOLOL! That’s hilarious!! But I totally get that! XD And that sounds creepy… “I’ve been watching you!” – wow. What a thing for a man to say to a young girl. O_O XD

  • And oh my gosh, HAVE YOU SEEN ROGUE ONE YET?! *DIES* I saw it in theaters on Sunday! I don’t really fangirl over movies, but that movie… that was AWESOME. XD

    • YES I DID!!!! IT WAS SO SAD AND SO GOOD LIKE – AGH!!! ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™‚ <3 XD
      Who was your favorite character?? ๐Ÿ˜€

      • I KNOW RIGHT?!?! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
        Oh my gosh, that’s so hard! XD It’s probably a tie between Cassian and Jyn. I literally can’t pick between them. XD In my opinion, Cassian was like a way better Poe! Cassian was caring, loyal, and brave, and I was definitely attached to that character. And Jyn was awesome! She was caring and brave, too. And I think I like her better than Rey mostly because she saved that little girl, which I don’t know if Rey would’ve done. ๐Ÿ˜› Anyway, those were totally my two favorite characters! Did you have any favorites? ๐Ÿ˜€

        • CASSIAN AND JYN! JYNSIAN!! AAAHHH! *dies* I just ship them so hard. XD
          Hmm… I see what you mean about Cassian being better than Poe, but I still really love Poe! It’s kinda hard to choose just yet since we don’t know Poe super well yet. I love Poe, though. ๐Ÿ™‚ XD
          I loved Jyn and Cassian, too! And also K-2SO and Chirrut! They were both great characters! ๐Ÿ˜€
          I’m seeing it again tomorrow and I can’t wait!! I think I’m gonna die this time. O_O XD

  • This is such a cute story!

    Haha, the mail people. It’s pretty cool that she knew it was Grace!

  • HAHAHA!!! XD
    Most crazily, ~Olive

  • Aw! Mariah is a perfect name for her, and her braid is perfect. ๐Ÿ™‚ I loved this photostory, packages are SO hard to wait for! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Omigosh, when people come by when I’m taking pictures it freaks me out! Seriously, I have a designated hiding spot in my bushes for when people come by. ๐Ÿ™‚ That’s so perfect a FedEx person came! And that the mail lady was nice and knew about AG! ๐Ÿ™‚
    <3 , IrishAG

    • Thanks so much!! ๐Ÿ˜€ They really are… XD
      LOLOL! That’s awesome! I wish I had a hiding spot… XD
      Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Aww…this is so sweet! Merry Christmas, Jaclynn! ๐Ÿ˜€ I love your photostories. ๐Ÿ™‚
    ~Grace <3
    P.S. I sent you an email about TEROW! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Cute! I haven’t had that happen to me yet! You were so brave., Jaclynn… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • I honestly completely forgot about Jane lol. Ha, that’s so me with packages. If I have something coming I track it way too much, like it won’t come for three more days but watching it will totally make it come now.
    Did you see Rogue One?!?!?! Ahh!

    • LOL! Yeah, I don’t blame you. It’s been forever. XD
      I’m the same way!! XD
      YES!!! Did you die? XD

      • Yess! So sad but so good and aghhhh. I really liked not having the suspense of whether they would succeed or not, but I soo didn’t expect them all to…
        What about you? What were you expecting?! Did you like Jyn?

        • Ugh I know… *cries*
          I don’t know what I was expecting… Before seeing the movie I thought that maybe Jyn would turn to the Empire, but I wasn’t sure… I kinda thought Krennic might manipulate her into joining them.
          I did like Jyn!! Which was a pleasant surprise because I couldn’t stand her in the previews. XD (by the way I totally ship Jyn and Cassian…)
          I thought Rogue One was REALLY good and I loved it, but I didn’t DIE like I did over TFA. And I don’t even think I actually cried… I don’t know, I think it was just hard to feel attached because they were all new characters and there were so many of them that I had to learn about and care for in such a short amount of time. XD I also didn’t think it felt like a Star Wars movie until the inciting incident.
          But oh my gosh, it was SO good and I really wanna go see it again!! XD
          Who was your favorite character? I really liked like Chirrut and K-2SO ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Hmm..I had no idea what Jyn was going to turn out as, but I agree, I totally ship Jyn and Cassian! That last scene was so AGHHH. It was hard to know the characters from just one movie and then the ending..I liked the new droid, so funny! I was so sad because I thought they would just take his chip stuff out and put it in a new robot after that one scene but then my hopes were shattered. In some ways I like Rey more but in others Jyn..but then the whole RO movie is hard to get attached to and OH MY GOODNESS THAT LAST SCENE WHERE JYN AND CASSIAN I WAS FREAKING OUT. I like them more than Rey/Finn got some reason.
            Are you going to be making a RO inspired crochet pattern? A woman at my church is going to reteach me to crochet and I so want to get the Rey pattern, if you had a RO like that it would be so cool.

          • YES!!! OH MAH GOSH! *sobs*
            Oh, I know!! I was so sad when K-2 – you know. ๐Ÿ™
            I do want to make a RO costume sometime, but I’m not sure when ๐Ÿ™‚

          • We rewatched Rogue One and Aghhh so many different feels. Especially after Carrie Fisher and her mom! I found myself way more sad about the movie this time, but I still like it, but I don’t know how I feel!

          • Awww!! I know, I totally think I’m gonna die when I see it next. *dies*

  • So cute ๐Ÿ™‚
    Are you finished building your dollhouse? Is there any way you could make a dollhouse tour? I really want to see how it looks ๐Ÿ™‚


    • LOLOL! I literally laughed out loud reading that… XD
      Well, that’s alright though. You’re just being yourself, right? He has no place to judge! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Awe this was so cool! I love getting packages!!!

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