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3 Year Blogiversary Giveaway!!


Here I am again, ready to bring you this very special giveaway! Are you ready to see what youΒ could win?

I am giving away this adorable Maryellen Larkin Mini Doll! Isn’t she cute?!

She is one of my favorite Mini dolls – just look at that face! πŸ™‚


The quality of her dress seems to be amazing!

She also comes with a mini Maryellen book.

The whole doll so you can see πŸ™‚ Look at her little shoes!! πŸ˜€

The back of the box πŸ™‚

So, are you ready to enter to win?! Read the rules below to find out how!

How to enter:

1: Please get a parent’s permission to enter if you are under 18 years of age.
I will be needing your email and home address so I can ship your prize to you. Rest assured, I will not share your information with anyone. This is all only so I can get you your prize if you win πŸ™‚

2: You must be following my blog either by email or through WordPress.

3: When you comment, say that you would like to enter. Then tell me what your favorite doll brand is besides American Girl πŸ˜‰

4: You have until Wednesday, March 30th at midnight to enter. All entries after that time will not be counted.

5. I can only ship to the U.S.Β 

Bonus Entries:

1: Follow me on Instagram – @littlehouseofamericangirl (Make sure to tell me your username you follow with so I know to count your entry!)

2: Favorite my Etsy Shop.Β (Make sure to tell me your username you follow with so I know to count your entry!)

3: Follow my other blog, Little Miss Fluffet.

4: Share about this giveaway with a friend, on your blog, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest, then come back here and leave me a comment linking toΒ me where you shared it.

As stated above, the giveaway ends Wednesday, March 30th at midnight. I will reveal the winner on Thursday, March 31st.

Have fun and good luck to all who enter! πŸ˜€


Maryellen’s Birthday Dress~ Another Photoshoot

I’m really sorry about all the photoshoots lately, but I am really planning to put the next part of Masquerade up tomorrow πŸ™‚

Anyways, you might have heard that I won Maryellen’s Birthday Dress in Madison’s giveaway! Well, it arrived today and it is SO STINKIN’ GORGEOUS!!! Thanks so much again, Madi!! I love it SOOO much!!! πŸ˜€

On with the photoshoot!

The colors of the dress and shoes and just everything is so pretty! And it looks just fabulous on Maryellen! πŸ˜€

Oh, just an FYI- this is a long photoshoot and I got kinda experimantal with angles and whatnot so just be prepared for that πŸ˜‰

Doesn’t her hair look amazing up against the green?! AAAAH!


I love how cute and simple the headband is! Of course there was a ginormous tag on it that had to be removed… Why AG? LOL!


The contrast of pink in this outfit is so pretty! The little rose adds just the perfect touch πŸ™‚

And all the tulle is just gorgeous as well!

Okay, these shoes are adorable!!! I love the white bows πŸ˜€

Maryellen and I love this outfit to pieces and we recommend it 100%! I have no complaints about this outfit whatsoever! It’s gorgeous (as I’ve probably stated a gazillion times by now XD ) and is made of a great quality! I can see the Velcro snagging the dress, though, so I’d just be careful with that if I were you πŸ˜‰











Well’p, that’s all for today! I think Maryellen is definitely getting a new profile picture. She just looks so beautiful, doesn’t she? πŸ˜€

Thanks again, Madi! I can’t tell you how much I love this outfit! πŸ™‚

Which picture was your favorite?


Store Photos From Maryellen’s Debut~ Part 1

Okay, I took like a gazillion pictures at the store of like EVERYTHING, so this is gonna have to be split into two or three parts! Crazy, huh?! So this part I’ll be focusing on the Beforever Characters πŸ™‚


Here’s the table with all the food. I didn’t eat any of it…. What is wrong with me?! I think it’s because I felt stressed (we got there like 10 minutes before 10), they were just about to have a drawing, and I had gum. So yeah… I really wanted a muffin, though! LOL!


So true! πŸ˜€


Here’s the drawing – you had a chance to win Maryellen’s TV or a Bitty Baby!


Here’s Maryellen’s display!!! YAY!!


I love her collection SO much!! Like seriously – I want a lot of it! LOL


Doesn’t that spot look so empty?? I feel like there should be more there than just Maryellen herself!


Here’s her diner!! AAAHH!!!! It’s SO amazing!!! I can’t tell you how much I love it. I don’t care how much it is, I will buy this someday! πŸ˜€


Here’s my Maryellen visiting Grace’s La Patisserie πŸ™‚

I just now realized that those are the only Maryellen photos I took…. What is wrong with me?! Ugh!


Oh! LOL! Here’s another picture of her diner! Isn’t it amazing??? πŸ˜€


Here’s Julie’s display πŸ™‚


I love this coat so much, like oh my gosh! :O


I also really love this dress! It’s so cute!


What do you think of her new pajamas? I personally like her old ones better, but I think the new ones are still cute πŸ™‚


Samantha’s Gazebo…. Aaaahh! So pretty!!!


The coat… :O I have a thing for coats, jackets, vests, pretty much anything that you wear over something LOL!


Oh, gosh, AG!! Why do you have so many amazingly huge furniture pieces that I want???


Samantha’s display is so full!! She has so much stuff!! (why not make Josefina’s collection a little bigger….)


Kit has a lot of cute stuff in her collection! I love the desk, the typewriter, her outfits – I really should get some of her outfits…


Like this one!! OMGOSH isn’t it the cutest?! πŸ˜€


*Sigh* Poor Josefina. Her collection is so small. I feel like she’s so neglected…. πŸ™


Yay! Rebecca!! πŸ˜€


This dress is so amazing!


Alright, Addy and Josefina really need some more attention! Their collections are so small compared to the others! πŸ™


Well, that ends this part! I’m sorry I didn’t get more pictures of Maryellen’s collection… Maybe I was too into looking at her stuff that I just forgot to take pics or something. Sorry about that πŸ˜• Ummm…. I just realized that I have no pictures of Kaya or her collection…. I don’t even remember seeing her there! I must have walked passed it or something… Hmmm….

Anyways, it was a really fun day and it was so great to meet Mya, Amelia, and Rebekah! πŸ˜€

Look for part 2 of “Masquerade” coming later today and I will post the next part of the store photos tomorrow! Bye for now!


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