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Day 9 & 10

Hey! Sorry again about not posting yesterday! We had a baby shower to go to and my little cousin kept me quite busy, so I was pretty tired when we got home πŸ˜‰

Day 9 – If I won the lottery (in no particular order, just in the order I think of them πŸ˜‰ ):

1. I’d buy my family a new two story house where I’d have a nice big bedroom, or perhaps a “studio” where all of my dolls, doll stuff, and photography things are kept….

2. I’d buy myself a horse and a Husky! Two dreams come true for me! LOL!

3. I’d go on a shopping spree at American Girl and buy everything! Well, not literally, but everything I wanted LOL!

4. I’d buy myself a gazillion clothes!

5. I’d get an awesome camera and a reflector and any other awesome photography stuff πŸ˜›

6. I’d buy an iPhone

7. I’d make sure all my family had plenty of money to live off of

8. I’d go to London, New York (which is probably where I’d have my AG shopping spree πŸ˜‰ ), and New Zealand.

9. I’d buy my entire family (well, whoever wants it) and my friend and her family Premium passes to Disneyland

10. I’d get some POP!s, Vinylmations, and Tsums

And there you have it! Now onto today’s assignment!

Day 10 – An average day:

Haha. My average day doesn’t really consist of much, but here we go πŸ˜›

I wake up anywhere from 8-9:30 in the morning, say hi to my mom, go on my computer until around 10-10:30 and then start my school. I finish around 11:30 ish and then I have lunch. At this point I’m usually starved cause, as you may have noticed, I didn’t eat breakfast (heh heh heh…). Sometimes I’ll watch I Love Lucy with my lunch, other times I’ll go on my computer and see if there’s a new interesting post to read, or I’ll just sit at the table. It depends on my mood LOL! Throughout the day I’ll be texting Emma and going on the computer. I’ll empty the dishwasher and sweep the kitchen floor and perhaps do some dusting and other cleaning. Sometimes I’ll make a post, too, which takes about 2 hours probably. Around 4:30 I get pretty lazy and just start sitting around and sometimes act crazy. We eat dinner at about 6:00 and after that’s all done, me and my mom (and my dad, if he feels like it) will go in the living room and watch a movie. After the movie ends, there will only be a short time until I have to get ready for bed, so we watch an episode or two of Andy Griffith. Then I get ready for bed and help my mom make lunches for my dad and brother to take to work. Then I go to bed around 10:30.

So there you have it! That’s my average day. It sounds kinda boring, huh? πŸ˜›

Tomorrow I’ll list the top 10 things on my bucket list! That’s gonna be hard. I better get thinking! LOL!

Bye for now! πŸ˜€


8 Responses to Day 9 & 10

  • I loved reading about what you’d do if you won the lottery! πŸ˜€
    Also, your days sound sooooooo relaxing! πŸ˜‰ Have you technically started school yet? Or do you not take off for the summer?
    P.S. Not sure if I ever told you this before, but I’m homeschooled too! πŸ˜€ And have been for 4 years.

    • Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it! πŸ™‚
      LOLOL! Yeah, they are! πŸ˜€ No, I haven’t started school yet. I have the whole summer off, so I start up again on the first day of Fall! πŸ˜€
      P.S. Oh, I think I remember hearing that! That’s awesome! πŸ˜€

  • I love reading this!!! My typical day:
    Get up, and eat-
    pick up the book I am reading, or start a new one, and read for a while- sometimes the whole morning! Haha, but I also do crafts, or knitting or something too….
    I do my math a lot of mornings… I hate fractions. πŸ™
    I eat lunch, of course…. Haha!
    In the afternoons I might be found taking my dog for a walk, doing more ‘making’ in general-knitting, beading, felting, doll crafts ect-
    Around 3:00- 4:30, I have some screen time, and write on storybird.com ( the most awesome story/book writing website ever)
    Eat dinner, and afterwards me, my mo, and my sister might watch tv, or else we just read…
    So that’s my day! I don’t know why, that felt fun to do it too!
    If I won the lottery, I’d probably move my family to where ver we want to be, and get a horse. I have been riding for like forever, so this would be a dream come true! I would also take an absolutely huge book shopping spree, and buy all my favorites in hardback, And signed copies, and- okay, I’m getting carried alway! Haha…
    I would also travel- to Japan, Bali, Ireland, England in general… Everywhere!

    • Thanks! Your day sounds really fun! πŸ™‚
      Ireland would be a really cool place to visit, too! There are so many places I want to travel to LOL!

  • Wow! You can’t get your schoolwork done in an hour?!?!!

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