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Happy Birthday, Dear LHOAG!

Well, LHOAG, my dear blog – today is the day I celebrate you and the wonderful blog you have grown into. For 4 years now you have been a friend of mine – a place where can I express myself and my love for American Girl dolls.


We’ve come a long way – you and I. We’ve gone through frustrations and fears of losing all our hard work, but we have experienced such joy in the posts we’ve made, the followers we’ve gained, and all the thousands of comments we have received.


Which brings us to something important, doesn’t it, LHOAG?

My blog and I would like to thank you, dear reader, for following LHOAG – whether you’ve been here from the start in 2013 when I was an inexperienced 14 year old, or if you’re a new follower just getting to know the crazy 18 year old and her blog (which is now much more experienced) – we thank YOU for being here today and for every comment and like you have given! Even if you’re just a “behind the scenes” reader, thank you for your interest in my blog! <3


I can’t begin to express how thankful I am to have this blog! I have learned so much, gained so many friends, and reached a following that I didn’t think would ever be possible for me!

Now that I’m 18, undoubtedly a few of you have had the thought come into your head – “I wonder if Jaclynn will stop blogging?”

My answer is…..


NO. I can’t see a time in my future when I won’t be blogging here. I love it so much – it’s like a part of who I am! The only time I could see that as a possibility is maybe when I one day have kids of my own. Because working with 2 year olds makes me realize how crazy life as a mom can be. XD But I’m sure that IF that happens – I will come back. πŸ™‚


So…. As with my past blogiversaries I’ve done giveaways, haven’t I? Well, my friends, just make sure you check back a little later to see what my thank you gift to you will be this year πŸ˜‰


Before I go, just thank you all so much again! I know I say it every year, I know you hear it all the time, but I mean this so much – I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. You gave LHOAG and I the wings we needed to soar and I couldn’t be more grateful! THANK YOU!!! πŸ˜€ <3


When did you start reading LHOAG? What do you love most about my blog?


*Throws Confetti*

EEE!!! Do you know what March 23rd is? It’s quite a special day, actually!

Today is my 3 YEAR Blogiversary!!! YAAAY!!! If you knew that already, that is quite impressive πŸ˜‰
Also, thanks to my mom for making me that sweet picture and sending it to my email this morning as a surprise – I love you πŸ™‚

Wow… 3 whole years… Time flies doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday that I made my welcome post.

When I first started my blog, I didn’t expect to ever have so many followers (I have 80?! OMGEE THANK YOU!!!) or to win an award for Best Photostories or to ever know and meet so many people through my blogging.


I’ve definitely learned a lot through my blog. I’ve learned what to say and what not to say, to be honest, and I’ve learned that I shouldn’t compare myself to other blogs, because where’s the fun in that? I want to have funΒ with my blog and if I’m constantly comparing myself to blogs who are above me and trying to reach their level, then I’m not having fun, am I? No. It isn’t good to compare. I can only do what I can do to have fun with my blog and my readers and that’s all that’s important when it comes to blogging. Blogging is about havingΒ fun.

I’m amazed at how many amazing people I’ve met through my blog. I love talking with all of you – you have no idea how many of your comments have made my day, literally, even some have brought me to tears! Thank you so much for your support! πŸ™‚


This year, my goal is to make my blog more about my readers. I want to know YOUR opinions, I want to play games, and just interact with you more! I want to make more posts that are of what you want to see. I’ll be having some polls sometime soon, so look out for that πŸ˜‰

Speaking of my readers, let me just thank a handful of you, okay?

I’d like to thank:

Lizzy – who has left me some of the sweetest comments. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate them, Lizzy πŸ™‚

Amelia – who I was super excited to meet in person. You’ve been with me from the beginning and we’ve been friends for even longer πŸ™‚

Clara – who always leaves super nice comments with usually a little something in it to make me laugh. She was even going to come over at 1AM to finish painting the dollhouse for us, just so she could smell it. XD Oh, and by the way, Clara, when can I come over and pet your baby goats (I might look at that picture of Clover like… Every day) XD

Kathleen – who has always been one of the biggest supporters of my blog. I believe we even had a conversation once of starting a club for blazers and leather jackets or something… Oh! Also, she’s obsessed with BB-8! πŸ˜€

Peace – who is another huge supporter of my blog and my photostories πŸ™‚

American Girl Doll Artist – who I’ve enjoyed getting to know this past year and who is a huge Star Wars fan πŸ˜‰

Madi – who leaves super long sweet comments πŸ™‚

My mom – Β who has always been so supportive and encouraging with my blog. Thanks for all your help in making LHOAG possible πŸ™‚

My dad – who, even though he doesn’t care about dolls, still shows an interest in my blog πŸ™‚

Emma – my BFF in real life, who I love to talk about blogging with and who has actually forced me to make posts a few times… And I’ve done it to her, too LOL! Sometimes we need that push, though ;D


There are really so many more I’d love to thank individually, but this is getting quite long, so let me just say…. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! You all deserve your favorite dessert *hands each of you your favorite dessert*


I’ve been through a lot with my blog. Joy, laughter, excitement, frustration, confusion, tears, and even guilt. But even through all the bad, this blogging journey has had so much good in it that it far outweighs the bad. I don’t believe I will ever quit blogging – I enjoy it way too much πŸ™‚


Now for an announcement! Today I am having a….. GIVEAWAY!!! And this time, I’m giving away an actual AG product that I purchased specifically to give away – you all deserve it! So check back later today for that! πŸ˜€

Bye for now! And thank you all, again! LHOAG would not be where it’s at today without YOU! <3


2 Years Ago Today…..

…. I started this blog!! Yep, today is my 2 year blogiversary!!! It is crazy for me to think that 2 years have already passed. It feels like I just started my blog and I got my first few comments and posted the video on how to curl Saige’s hair. Time certainly flies!

I would just like to take a moment to thank each of you for being such amazing friends and loyal readers of my blog! You all mean so much to me and I thank God for you all each day. I wish I could meet you all in real life because you’re all just the sweetest, nicest girls! πŸ™‚

So many new blogs have started since I entered the blogging world, and yet so many have left. Whenever I see a blog leave, it just makes me want to cry. I know I am not the best at posting regularly and I know that TUT pretty much failed because I was so forgetful about it, but I really want you all to know, that I am trying very hard to be more responsible and organized with my blog and I really hope that by the end of the year, I along with all of you, will see a change in that area.
My blog is such a huge part of my life and I just love making posts! Even though you might not see me post for a week, I still absolutely love making posts and I will be posting for many years to come! I know I will never grow out of dolls and it’s so crazy and exciting for me to think of what my posts will be like when I’m 40! I hope that my posts will remain just as fun and entertaining for you all as the years go by πŸ™‚


Now for a couple little announcements!
1. I am starting something called “A Few of My Favorite Reads”. So at the end of each week, I will share some of my favorite posts that I read during the week on other girl’s blogs.
2. I’m starting another thing called “PIC of The Month”- PIC stands for- Play, Imagine, Create. This will be posted monthly and it will be a super random story with my dolls where a few things won’t make sense. It’ll be really fun!
3. I am having a……. GIVEAWAY TODAY!! I’ll be giving away an outfit/costume that I crocheted, so be sure to check back later this afternoon! πŸ˜€

I hope you have a great day!! πŸ˜€


LittleHouseofAmericangirl’s 1 Year Blogiversary!!

One year ago today I started my blog. Time goes by so quickly! I still remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was super excited to finally have a blog and I couldn’t wait to do my first photostory! When I look at posts from the very beginning and then look at the ones from now, it makes me so happy to see how far I’ve come! I did not expect to have so many readers and commenters and I get so happy when I get comments saying things like, “I love your blog!” “I check your blog everyday!” “You are so good at photostories!” It’s comments like those that inspire me to keep going! Without all of you LHOAG would not be where it’s at today! Thank you all SO much! You’re all such amazing friends! πŸ™‚

My blog is so important to me and I love doing it! You may or may not know, but about 2 weeks ago we thought that my blog had been deleted. We couldn’t visit it. Every time we tried it said the website could not be found. Immediately my mom started to do some research and see what was going on. After a while we read that once a blog is deleted, it can’t be brought back. That means EVERYTHING I’ve done would be lost!! I was crying so much. I really believed that my blog was gone and that all of my photostories, pictures, everything was gone. If you had seen me crying you would’ve thought that I just heard someone died. But after hours of being worried and crying, we finally found the problem! It was our router and all we had to do was unplug it and plug it back in. I was overcome with joy!! I was so relieved and happy that my blog was still out there! I thank God that everything turned out alright πŸ™‚

I have some big plans for this year on my blog! One of them is on my Contact Form! You can now attach 3 pictures to your emails for me to post on “Tell Us Tuesday!” It’s basically the same thing as From A Friend Friday on AGFan- send in a maximum of three(3) pictures with a description. You can start sending in photos now! I will post them on Tuesday πŸ˜‰

Now, I thought it would be fun to show you my stats!
I currently have:
169 Posts
4 Pages
30 Categories
153 Tags
And for the grand finish-
You are all so awesome!!! Thank you for all of your comments! I LOVE reading them!! πŸ™‚

This is not the last post of the day, look for a GIVEAWAY coming up soon!

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