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Meet Belinda :)

Yesterday, I went to the thrift store with my mom and sister. There were SO many dolls, it was amazing!! Although we had 6 dolls in our hands, I had to choose one to buy. Let me show you who I got – I’m so in love with her! πŸ˜€


Can you guess what doll she is? πŸ™‚

If you guessed Karito Kids Leza, then you are correct! We got her for $6- a great price! She had so many marks on her and her hair was a complete mess! The ends of her hair are still not in the best condition, but with the way we styled it, you can hardly tell! πŸ™‚

She didn’t come wearing any clothes, so I made this dress for her last night, since dresses go by more quickly and she just really needed some clothes on πŸ˜‰

Look how nicely her legs can cross!! I love that!! She has a little trouble standing, though…

I named her Belinda (her nickname is Lindy) and she is 16 years old. The reason I made her so old is because she’s really tall- 22 inches!

Her head can be posed in so many different ways! Looking way up, way down, straight, side to side, or tilted! I love dolls with more movable heads πŸ˜€

At first I kept thinking she was cute, but now she has totally grown on me! She’s SO PRETTY!!



Her hair and eye color are so pretty!

In case you’re wondering, to get off all of the marks that were on her vinyl, I used Magic Eraser. There are still a few marks that won’t come off, though. I’ll probably try something else πŸ™‚ And as for her hair, I washed it with shampoo and conditioner, combed it out and set her down to dry. Within a few hours, her hair was dry! My mom also cut her hair for me and styled it with her hair straightener. I wish her hair could’ve been longer, but apparently her previous owner gave her a really uneven hair cut πŸ™


Her pretty hair πŸ™‚




I LOVE this picture!! πŸ˜€


Oh, my goodness, it was so funny! Right when I took this picture and right when the sun came out, I felt a drop of water on my hand – it started raining!! Β There was a rainbow, too! I love rainbows πŸ˜€


And here is a height comparison of Belinda and Kaya. As you can see, Lindy is much taller! πŸ™‚


They’re so sweet!! πŸ˜€

Have you ever heard of Karito Kids Dolls?Β 


50 Responses to Meet Belinda :)

  • Belinda is so pretty! I love her!:) great photos!

  • Great find! I think I had heard of Karito Kids, but I don’t know much about them. The dress you made for her is really pretty. πŸ™‚

  • Oh my goodness! I just used my sister’s name and email address for that comment. That was a mistake. It was actually from me. πŸ˜› Sorry!

  • Great find! Congratulations on the addition to your family.

  • Cool! It does make sense for her to b older-she looks very sophisticated!
    Good name too,.

  • You’ve given her a new lease on life. Well done!
    Congratulations on such a great find!

  • She’s so pretty, what a great find!

  • Wow! What a beautiful doll! And tall too! Congrats on getting Belinda!

  • Oh! And I LOVE the dress!!!:D

  • Awesome find! I love doll rescues! I recently found an Anna toddler doll! I have a post about it on my blog if you’re interested. What others dolls did you almost get?

    • Thanks! πŸ™‚ I love doll rescues, too! πŸ™‚
      Oh, that’s awesome! Well, there were two OG dolls, a Jasmine toddler doll, a H4H doll, and some other tall doll that was super poseable! There were actually two of that one, though. I was mainly trying to decide between Belinda and the H4H doll πŸ™‚

      • Hey Jaclynn, I just wanted to share my exciting find with you! I went back to the thrift store where I found anna and I found the elsa that goes with her! And she even had a dress!

  • Hey Jaclynn! I nominated you for an award on my blog! Come check it out!

  • I’ve heard of Karito Kids, but I don’t have any. Congrats on your new doll!


  • Wow, that is awesome! Belinda is so pretty! πŸ˜€ I’ve heard of Karito Kids, but don’t know too much about them. Now I know they are really cute, though. πŸ˜› Congrats on your find!

    Oh, and her dress is super pretty. I’m learning to crochet now. I just finished a scarf for myself. πŸ˜€

    ~Lydia~ <3

  • Wow, that’s awesome!! Congrats! She is really pretty.
    Sometimes me and my Mom go to the thrift store by our house and no kidding every time I find a doll πŸ™‚ In fact, my Mom won’t let us go there anymore because of that reason! πŸ™‚

    • Thank you! πŸ˜€
      That’s awesome! I haven’t found an AG doll yet, but I’m hoping to someday! Oh, my goodness! LOL! Have you bought any from the thrift store?

      • You’re very welcome! πŸ™‚
        I know! Same here. We probably will someday πŸ˜€ Yes, I got three non AG dolls in all. What about you??

        • Oh, that’s great! I’ve rescued three dolls from the thrift store – a Madame Alexander doll, a Bitty Baby, but my mom sold her cause it was the same one I had, and Belinda πŸ™‚

          • Thanks! Wow, great finds there! I remember that Madame Alexander doll! πŸ™‚ Oh- the Bitty Baby- thats the one you found with Mia’s bed, right? That was an amazing find. πŸ™‚

          • Thanks! πŸ™‚ Yep, that’s right! I know, I can’t believe it was there!! πŸ˜€

  • Lovely, dolling! lol!

  • Wow!! Belinda is really pretty! I think the name Belinda really suits her. I go thrift shopping a lot, and I’ve found a lot of great dolls there, like my BFC inc dolls and even a mini 25th Anniversary Kirsten. ^_^
    What were the other dolls that were there, if you remember? (I’m just curious about how you chose her)

    • Thanks! I think so, too! πŸ™‚
      Oh, that’s awesome! We never used to see any dolls there, but lately there’s been a lot! πŸ˜€
      Yes, there were two OG dolls, a Jasmine toddler doll, a H4H doll, and some other tall doll that was super poseable! There were actually two of that one, though. I was mainly trying to decide between Belinda and the H4H doll πŸ™‚

      • Yeah, if it were me, I probably would’ve had to choose between Belinda and the H4H doll, too, even though I already have 3 H4H dolls.

  • *looks at meet the dolls page, and mutters “Samantha, January; Kaya, February; Jess, April; Clara, May; Kiara, October; Jenna; December; Riven-Dell and Belinda, January. That is 8 dolls in one year!”*
    Seriously, how do you get that much money? Do you have a job? Or just from Etsy, and presents from family?

    • Yeaaah, it is… LOL! πŸ˜›
      Let me think here… Samantha I got when I was making a ton of sales on Etsy, then Kaya I bought on my birthday and most of that money came from family, Jess was Etsy money, Clara I had saved up money still from Etsy sales and my friend gave me the last few dollars so I could buy her, Kiara my mom bought, but I’m planning to pay her back, Jenna was a Christmas gift, Riven-Delle I had money saved from my craft fair and from Christmas and then my mom paid the rest as a birthday present. I’m saying Riven-Delle is my birthday doll and the debut was my birthday trip, so I won’t be going to AG for my birthday this year πŸ˜‰ And then Belinda my mom bought πŸ™‚
      So it is all mostly from Etsy sales and I bought most of the dolls myself, but I know that this year I won’t be getting that many dolls, which is TOTALLY fine! I feel really content with the dolls I have right now πŸ™‚

      • Haha, I thought getting three dolls in a year was a lot! And two were $20 OG dolls, and one my grandmother paid the rest of the money (around $40) for as a bday present for my sister.
        Wow, I never realized how much money you get from your Etsy shop. How long was it until you got your first sale? We’ve been down since Christmas revamping. Our shop has been open for 5 1/2 months, but no sales yet. πŸ™

        And we went to a craft fair this fall, but we were at the very end of a row, and at the very back, and only a few people were there. Last year it was Claire, my friend, and I, but then she decided not to, but she said we could continue the business if we wanted, but she had all the supplies from last year, (which was all our savings from three months before that) and so we had to re-buy practical everything. We had to re-buy all our supplies, so my sister Claire and I spent $80, and my mom paid for the booth, ( it was like $20) and after we paid back my mom, we had $5 left. I’m not even joking. It was awful. Plus, my friend (the one who was doing it last year with us) was making the same exact thing at a booth right by the entrance/exit, with another one of my best friends, and I didn’t know either of them were even going to be in it, because I hadn’t seen them for a month or two. Overall, there was just quite a bit of drama, and she used some of my ideas from last year, and we apparently used something she had come up with, so that whole day was basically really emotional for me. She hasn’t talked to me since, and I keep apologizing and I don’t really know what I did exactly. Any suggestions?

        Oh, wow! Ok, I was thinking that a lot of your dolls were presents from your parents, but apparently not. We don’t get AG dolls for Christmas or birthdays. If my sister and I share the doll, and it is our only present, other than stocking stuffers ($55 for each plus shipping and tax each) then we might get a doll. So far, that hasn’t happened because last year was the first year my sister was willing to do that.

        You’re really lucky your Etsy shop has sold so much.

        You won’t? Oh. :(. We have 9 18″, plus a Bitty Baby. I would love to have a lot more diversity in my doll collection. Out of all 9 of our dolls, I really only have chosen 3. (one of them was on our Xmas wishlist, and we chose Ruthie and Alejandra ourself. I didn’t choose Rubye, Hally, Sydney, or Katelyn, because they were all chosen by my sister or by my parents as presents. And someone gave us Ana and Emily.) I’m going ti post an updated wishlist soon, if you’re interested in seeing what dolls I like. πŸ™‚

        I’m glad you get so many sales and have so much fun with all your dolls! πŸ™‚

        Kathleen of the long comments.

        • Yeah, the money really came in once I made the Anna and Elsa dresses. I was selling SO many of them, I was actually getting tired of making them LOL! It took a LONG time until I finally started making sales. Once all the want for Frozen dresses ended my shop went back to normal (meaning no sales). I haven’t had any sales in my Etsy shop for a while now πŸ˜•

          Awww! That’s really sad! I’m so sorry πŸ™ Oh, my goodness that’s awful! I honestly don’t know what you should do. I think you’ve done your part already by apologizing several times to her and reaching out to her, so now it’s up to her to forgive you. πŸ™‚

          Yeah, I do have a lot from my parents, but I’d say that I’ve bought most of my dolls πŸ˜‰

          Yeah, but who knows, if I have the money and if there’s a doll I’m dying over, then I’ll probably buy it LOL! πŸ˜›
          Oh, cool! I’ll have to check out that post! πŸ™‚

          Thank you! πŸ™‚
          P.S. I would also really appreciate it if we could keep this blog on the topic of dolls. I’m sure you probably just forgot, and that’s fine, but I’d like for us all to follow my rule πŸ™‚ Thanks! πŸ˜€

          • Haha, I wish that happened to me! I’ve made two……..
            I know! Im like “But what if they come out with another I love and have to get?”
            P.S.-Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I forgot all about that! Sorry! I’ll remember that for next time. πŸ™‚

          • Well, maybe it will someday! πŸ™‚
            LOLOL! Yep! I know for a fact that I’ll still be buying AG dolls when I’m 60 LOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
            P.S. It’s okay πŸ™‚

  • I have a Karito k=Kid named Rachel, she is originally named Ling and she is chinese and GORGOUS! I love how realistic they are, I have to say out of all the Karito Kids, Ling is the most realistic looking. Belinda is so pretty too!

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