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Rest In Peace…

Hey everyone! I know I’ve been inactive on my blogs for a while, but I have a couple of reason; 1- I was super busy preparing for a craft fair which we had to miss because, going into reason 2- my mom and I needed to go be with my Gramma. Her husband, my step grandpa (Papa Chuck) was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in March and given 3 months left to live. We were all planning to go over on Mother’s Day weekend and see him, but my gramma called and said she didn’t think he would make it until then. So, since the rest of my family couldn’t make it, my mom and I came to be with my gramma. 

We arrived on Saturday and went to visit Papa Chuck who was in a hospice home. He didn’t look very good and his breathing wasn’t right. I knew that it could be any moment. I was scared it would even happen when we were there. But we left for a while to get dinner and go shopping and we had a great time. We were out pretty late, but we went back to see Papa Chuck and, well…. He was gone.

It was a long hard night, but I’m glad I got to see him one last time. I didn’t know him very well, but I feel like I did when I hear all the stories. I grieve for my gramma and I’m very heartbroken about my grandpa, but I know where he is. He’s in Heaven and there he has no more suffering, no pain, no sadness, he can hear now, and he is praising God and walking on streets of gold. Who could ask for a better birthday present than to be experiencing that and being in the Lord’s presence? (It was his 69th birthday on Saturday, when he passed away.) We all find peace and relief in knowing that. 

He was a good man who touched the lives of many people. He will always be remembered. 

(Grapevines in my grandparent’s backyard, planted by my grandpa.)

I love you, Papa Chuck. I look forward to seeing you again someday.

Also, I just want say thanks to all who prayed when they read my prayer requests post on He Rights My Wrongs. They really meant a lot πŸ™‚


81 Responses to Rest In Peace…

  • I’m so sorry about your grandpa! ? My last grandpa passed away this year and he had similar breathing problems, but not cancer. Your family will be in my prayers, and I’m glad you got to see him one last time! Was he saved?

    • Thank you so much, Amelia! It’s really appreciated πŸ™‚
      I’m sorry for your grandpa, too… πŸ™
      I am, too! Yes, he was πŸ™‚

  • I am so sorry about your grandfather I know how you feel because my grandmother and grand father both died 1 month apart and my grandfather died 4 days after his birthday. I am so sorry and I will pray for your family. πŸ™

  • I know what it feels like Jaclynn. Almost the same thing happened to me in February. My grandma was sick in the hospital, but no one told us how bad she really was. Then she had 3-5 days to live. My whole family except my brother went down to AZ. I know the pain that you are feeling. I hadn’t seen her in 9 years. I’m also sad that we didn’t know each very well. My family down there hadn’t really tried to keep in contact. I think that my grandma and I would have had a lot in common. She’s the one who started me on AG. I’m sorry for your loss.

  • oh i’m so sorry πŸ™ . My grandpa died in june. He also has grapevines. It’s a good thing you got to see him before he died.

  • I’m so sorry, Jaclynn! πŸ™ But you’re right, what an amazing birthday present for him. πŸ™‚

  • My grandma is going through the exact same thing, except worse. She has only a few weeks at the most, and she lives in Europe, so I will never see her again. I am really sorry about your grandpa.

    • Oh, C! I’m so, so, sorry about your grandma! I’ll keep you in my prayers πŸ™
      Thank you πŸ™‚

  • I’m so sorry, Jaclynn! πŸ™ Your grandpa sounds like a great guy. I’m so glad you got to be with him in his final hours. (Although I’m sorry to hear you had to miss Hillside!) That’s amazing that he died on his birthday. πŸ™‚
    You all are in my prayers. πŸ™‚
    P.S. This wasn’t the same grandpa that built the dollhouse, right?

    • Thank you, Sunny! Yeah, I’m glad I got to see him again, too πŸ™‚
      P.S. No, that’s a different one πŸ˜‰

  • So sorry to hear this. Hugs to you, your family and especially your grandma.

  • Jaclynn, I’m so sorry for your loss. I had an uncle that died from cancer when I was little, and I barely remember him. I’m sure it must be harder when you’re older and know them more, so that probably isn’t a very good analogy. ? I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

  • Oh my goodness…I feel so bad for you, Jaclynn. You and your family will be in my prayers. That’s wonderful that he was saved, though:)

  • I’m so sorry, Jaclynn! πŸ™ I’ll be praying for you!

    -Clara <3

  • I’m sorry to hear that. But he is rejoicing and praising God in heaven! You can have peace and joy about that. I will be praying, Jaclynn.

  • I know how you feel, Jaclynn. I’m sorry… I know that doesn’t help much, but comfort is all we can give.

  • I’m so sorry, Jaclynn. You will be in my prayers. πŸ™‚


  • I’m sorry about your loss, Jaclynn. Praying for you and your family!

  • Aw, I’m so sorry!

  • Oh, I am so sorry! He sounds like he was a very nice man. I send my thoughts your way, and hope you and your family are recovering..my great-gramma died a while ago and it was very sad.

    <3 maplelea <3

  • I am so sorry, Jaclynn! But happy for you at the same time. πŸ™‚
    I’m so glad he came to know Christ, and is now living in His glory.
    Best. Present. Ever. <3
    ~ Suzy

  • So sorry about your Grandpa. You must miss him a lot! πŸ™ I will diffently keep you and your family in prayer!

    ~ Charity < 3 <3
    From Am I Cute or What?

  • I am so sorry for your loss… ;(

  • Jaclynn, I’m so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I’m overjoyed to hear that he was saved and that you could visit him one last time.
    ~Grace <3

  • I’m sorry your Grandpa died. He sounds like a wonderful man. You and your family are in my prayers.
    Love, IrishAG

  • I am super sorry about your grandpa πŸ™ I bet he was an amazing person with a wonderful heart. He is in a great place now πŸ™‚
    With lots of love and prayers,

  • I will be praying for you and your family during this difficult time. Revelation 22:1-5 and John 14:2 have brought me encouragement in times of grieving by reminding me that Heaven is more beautiful than we could ever imagine and that Christ prepared us a place there, and I hope this encourages you too.

  • I’m so sorry about your step grandpa….that’s so sad….but at least he’s in Heaven now.

    My grandpa, who I called Papa, passed away three years ago from liver cancer, and I didn’t even know that he had cancer until November and he died in January. I know now that had cancer for a while before that, since he was in the hospital twice the year before he died and had chemotherapy, and I didn’t realize until after he died that people only have chemo when they have cancer. When my Papa died, I was really sad about it, and I feel like I didn’t know him that well even though I saw him a lot.

    I think that your grandpa dying on his birthday makes his death more sad. My grandpa died on the day after his 83rd birthday so it’s hard to know it’s his birthday one day and the day after is the anniversary of his death.

    I feel like I’m not a very religious person, but I do believe in God and Heaven, and that your step grandpa is happy in Heaven. πŸ™‚


    • Thank you, Annie!
      I’m so sorry to hear about your grandpa… That is so sad… πŸ™
      Thanks again!

  • Sorry for you loss. I just prayed for your family. Isn’t it great that the saved have assurance of seeing their saved love ones again? 1 Thess. 4.13


  • I’m sorry to hear that, Jaclynn! But he is better off now. πŸ™‚ I will keep your family in my prayers.
    ~Christian Homeschooler

  • I’m sorry for your loss. πŸ™ One of my teachers died recently and he had an oxygen tank. His memorial was on Saturday . . . :'(

  • I’m sorry your grandpa died. You must miss him.

  • So very sorry for your loss. Sending prayers to you and your family. I am glad you got that time to be with him and especially to help your gramma after.

  • Oh Jaclynn — I’m truly so sorry! I can’t really imagine what you’re feeling right now but please know that you, your family, and your grandpa are in my thoughts and prayers.
    God bless!!!

  • I super sorry about you grandpa. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  • I will pray for you and your family! When a Christian passes on, of course we are sad for the loved ones but we can really rejoice in his continued life with Christ!

  • I’m so sorry, Jaclynn. I send my thoughts your family’s way. My great-grandmother died when I was little, and I didn’t even know she was really sick until we got the call. I’m glad you were there for your grandma. Your grandfather sounded like he was really nice.


    • Thanks so much, Miri πŸ™‚
      That’s really sad. I’m so sorry about your grandma πŸ™

  • Jaclynn, I’m so sorry. I know it’s very hard to lose someone like that, but you’re right- he’s in heaven and you will see him again one day. I’ll be praying for you!

    -American Girl Doll Crafter

  • I’m extremely sorry about your grandpa. I truly mean it. πŸ™
    My thoughts (and prayers) are with you and your family.

  • I’m so sorry about your grandpa! I know exactly how you feel. I had a little sister named Jordan, and she was premature, and she also had Hypoplastic right heart. She didn’t make it. So I know how you feel.

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your grandpa. πŸ™

  • I’m so sorry! My great aunt died of breast cancer metastasized( which means more tumors grew) to the brain. She died last month.

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