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Talent Show!

It was dark and silent and the audience waited patiently for the performers to go on.


After what seemed like forever their host finally came out-


“Good Evening, Campers! Thank you for joining us tonight. I am your host Felicity and I think it’s time to get started! First weΒ present Kanani Akina doing the Hula Dance!” Felicity finished and everyone clapped.


Kanani danced and danced!


“Are we on next, Kirsten?” Rebecca asked.

“I think so, why are you so nervous? I thought you would love doing this?” Kirsten replied.

“I do, but I’m just not used to it.” Said Rebecca.


Everyone loved Kanani’s dance!


“Hi girls! How did I do?” Kanani asked when she had caught her breath.

“You were wonderful!” said Saige.

“Good job, Kanani!” Kirsten said.

“Were there a lot of people out there?” asked Rebecca.


Although Rebecca had major stage fright- she did great!


Saige showed her painting skills.
“And that’s how you make shadows!” Saige said.


Everyone received an award!

“Saige, you get first prize! Your prize is a Merida Vinylmation from theΒ Disney Store!” Felicity said.


“Kanani, you get second place! Your prize is a brand new BelleΒ Vinylmation from the Disney Store!”


“Kirsten, you get a Cinderella Vinylmation.”


“And Rebecca, you get a Rapunzel Vinylmation.”


“CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!” Felicity shouted and the whole audience cheered and clapped! It was a great Talent Show πŸ™‚

What are yourΒ doll’s talents?

30 Responses to Talent Show!

  • The talent show looks fun! Linda played guitar kit danced to it and molly taped danced!
    Although Linda prefers writing and singing she wanted to try something new!
    She says great job!

  • It looked like your dolls had a good time! I love how everyone got a prize!
    Well it would take forever to list them all, but to be brief, Julie is a great actress, Kanani is a dancer, Cecile is an actress (but she likes dramatizing things), Saige is good with animals, Molly and Kit are good at public speaking, and Abbie likes acrobatics.
    P.S. I’d appreciate it if everyone would please pray for me, I have a really bad sore throat, and it’s hard for me to talk (that’s why I like the computer, I don’t have to talk!)
    P.S.S. Jaclynn, did you get my email?

    • They did! Hehe- yeah, I thought it would make it more exciting! πŸ™‚
      Those are all very good talents! Did you do your Talent show?
      P.S. Oh, no! I will definitely pray for you! Go lie on the couch/bed and hug Saige! πŸ˜‰
      P.S.S. Oh! I just saw it right now! I’ll write back today πŸ™‚

  • Yeah I thought it was way more exciting! πŸ™‚
    Yes I did, they did it on Friday night. And by the way, did you hear about Molly and Emily?
    P.S. Thanks! Yeah, I definatly will. My routine this morning has been go on couch, lie down, watch something, go on computer, do something with my dolls, go back on couch, and so on!
    P.S.S. Oh okay! I’ll check my email πŸ™‚

    • Oh, ok! I was going to do it Friday, but I was out all day πŸ˜‰
      No, what about them? Are they being retired?
      P.S. Hehe- that’s about how I usually am when I’m sick. I watch so many movies that I feel like I’ve watched every single movie we have! LOL!
      P.S.S. πŸ™‚

      • Oh okay!
        Well, it’s not for sure, but I was on the AGFMB and one of the girls there went to the AG store, and one of the employees told them that they would soon retire Molly and Emily, and they would announce it at the end of June. I’m not certain though.
        P.S. Hehe! Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing! Only I’ve been watching my favorite T.V. show all day. But every once and a while, I come in my room and do my dolls hair, change their clothes, and stuff like that.

        • Woooooow!! I knew that they would be retiring someone pretty soon here. I mean like, they can’t make another Historical until they get rid of someone, because they need more room. Even though I don’t care for them it makes me kind of sad. Like, they’re so original! Well, I’m going to the AG Place tomorrow so I could ask if that’s true πŸ˜‰
          P.S. So you have your favorite TV show on dvd? Shows and Series of things are really good to watch when you’re sick πŸ˜‰
          Oh, that’s good!

          • I know! I was so surprised and shocked! And there is only one outfit of theirs that I want, so hopefully I can get it, if not I’ll look on Ebay. Yeah, it makes me sad too, but I have Molly and I don’t really care for Emily, so I’m not falling down on my knees and sobbing, but I am kinda sad πŸ™ They do seem like the original, especially since Molly was the first doll ever from AG! Oh okay!
            P.S. Well we do have it on dvd, but I like to use this thing, it’s called Roku, and it has all these differant things on it like Netflix, Amazon, Pandora, and even Facebook! So I watch it on there, it’s a lot faster than changing the dvd.
            Yeah, I try to not be lazy all day, so I go in change their hair, or do a craft, something like that.

          • Yeah, it’s a good thing that you have Molly! Now imagine how crazy it’s going to be online and in stores. Saige AND Molly leaving us this holiday season (or while supplies last-hehe)- People are gonna be going crazy! LOL!
            Ok, how in the WORLD did I not know that she was the first doll ever? Now that’s even more sad! πŸ™
            P.S. Oh, ok! Yes, it is faster πŸ˜‰
            Yeah, that’s a good thing! πŸ™‚

  • Linda wants one of the cupcakes!! She is currently making them now!

  • She just finished making them! To bad there plastic! It was the baking photo-shoot cupcakes!
    Only they are” fresh”!
    Linda says she wants a new sister still… Molly and kit want a brother to rough house with.
    Saving up for one! Already got their personalities done! I guess they are almost the same… I am debating the names Jacob and Ben
    For the girl Alice, Jenifer and Ella
    Oh P.S forgot to say it was bitty twins

    • Hehe! You better go try one! You know how kids want their mom to try the food they make πŸ˜‰
      Jacob is one of my brother’s names! Hehe! I personally like Jacob better than Ben πŸ˜‰
      Which ones are you getting? The brown hair/eyes? And oh my gosh! Jennifer is my sister’s name! Wierd! Especially if you made the girl be older than the boy! LOL!

      • that is really weird! Oh my gosh you and your brother and sister all have a j in their name!I like Jacob better then ben to!! Haha! I am still having a hard choice between ella and though… Jennifer. Jennifer is my aunts name too!!
        Hmm I think the boy is going to be older then the girl though…
        Linda says hello! This time kit didn’t eat all of the cupcakes!! Hehe!

        • Yes, I do! And I have another brother named Jordan and a brother- in- law named Jason! And both of my parent’s names start with a ‘T’! LOL!
          Ella is a cute name! But if you want to make them seem more twin-ish I would do the same letter or something πŸ˜‰
          Oh, ok! Cause if you made the girl older than the boy and name then Jennifer and Jacob- then that would be crazy! LOL!
          Hi, Linda! Hehe! Good Kit πŸ˜›

          • Haha that’s too funny!!! LOLOL that would be crazy!! That is a good idea!! I really like the names Caleb and Kendra!!

          • It would be! LOL!
            Aw, thanks- hehe πŸ™‚

  • Carli: Do you mean getting archived? I heard about that from a friend.

  • Okay I just have to say this. I love your blog!You have inspired me greatly to start a blog! Maybe in a year of so… I’m not ready yet I don’t think I could stay on top of it!!
    Thanks soooooo much!!
    – Grace
    Linda wants you to post LOTS of pictures of annika when you get her!

    • Aw, thank you so much, Grace! You have no idea how much that means to me πŸ™‚
      Good luck with your blog! πŸ˜€
      You’re welcome! And thank YOU!
      LOLOL! Okie-dokie! You can count on it! πŸ˜€

  • Fun post! I didn’t do camp this week because I was away at my Grandma’s. That’s why I wasn’t commenting so much.
    Doesn’t Rebecca like to act? Just wondering. πŸ˜‰
    My doll Elsie loves to paint too! πŸ™‚
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    • Thanks!
      Oh, ok! I was wondering where you were, but I figured you were busy πŸ˜‰
      Yes, she does, but she had never done it in public or on stage before so that’s why she was nervous.
      Cool! Did you make an easel and painting supplies for her? πŸ™‚

      • Your welcome! πŸ™‚
        Yes, well, we were busy-just in a different state. πŸ™‚ Watch out for an email from me later today-hopefully. πŸ™‚ And pictures!
        Oh, well I guess that’s understandable. πŸ™‚
        Well, not an easel, but my sister made a paint set and pictures to paint and gave them to me for my birthday. And my sister has the doll dining easel, so she can borrow that. πŸ™‚
        ~Christian Homeschooler

        • Okie-dokie! I’ll check my email soon πŸ™‚
          Oh, ok! That’s cute! Yes, that easel is good for that πŸ˜‰

  • It looks like they had lots of fun!:)

  • ADORABLE! I really need a stage backdrop for my dolls to show off their talent XP

    • Hehe! Thank you πŸ˜€
      It’s pretty easy to make! You would probably have fun with it πŸ™‚

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