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Good Friday Photostory

Happy Good Friday Everyone! I’m so excited for Easter and it’s just in 2 days! Yay!
My dolls are having fun preparing for Easter in a bunch of different ways. Take a look!

Saige and Caroline are going through the outfits trying to figure out who’s gonna wear what on Sunday. Felicity is helping them decide.


Kanani and Marie-Grace getting the plates out for all the desserts and fun foods we’re going to have!


Josefina ready to pop the last batch of cupcakes in the oven.


Rebecca frosting the cupcakes! Don’t they look SO good?


Kirsten making Rice Krispy Treats! I love those!


“Josefina! You don’t have an apron on! You’re gonna ruin Rebecca’s dress!” Addy said, in her “older” tone.
“Oh, Addy! I’m fine! I’m putting the last batch in right now and then I’m done! I don’t need to put an  apron on just for that!” Josefina replied, a little annoyed.
“Well, still. Next time put it on, ok?”
“Aye, yi, yi! Alright! Josefina replied once again- annoyed.


“I’m so excited for the egg hunt! I wonder what kind of candy we’ll get?” Kirsten wondered trying to change the subject.


“I don’t know, but I hope we get lots and lots! I hope it’s a beautiful day on Sunday!” Josefina said, getting very excited herself.

“Girls! Come on, gather round! I have something to tell you.” I said.
So they all gathered round and I made my announcement.


“Girls, I know you’ve been looking forward to Easter and the egg hunt, but it’s supposed to rain. So I’m afraid we’ll have to cancel the egg hunt.” I said feeling so sorry for my girls.


” Oh no! What will we do?”
“Will we still get candy?”
“I’ve been looking forward to it for so long!”
“My first Easter here and I can’t have an Egg hunt.” They all said and questioned. Then Rebecca spoke,


“I have an idea! Since we can’t have an egg hunt outside doesn’t mean we can’t have an egg hunt inside! There’s enough room so, why not?” She said trying to cheer up her sisters.


“Rebecca, that’s a wonderful idea!”
“We get to have an egg hunt after all!”
“You’re the best, Rebecca!”
Many hugs were passed to her that day! They were all so happy to get to have their egg hunt after all!


“It IS a wonderful idea, Rebecca! So now that that’s all settled- can we eat some cookies?” Josefina said in her silly mood. And everyone laughed and enjoyed the rest of the day!

Are your dolls doing any preparing for Easter today? Have you ever had an indoor egg hunt?
Have a great day everyone!!

Who Do You Think Looks Best In Caroline’s Work Dress?

Something I love seeing when I dress my dolls is how different they look in each outfit! Like putting Kirsten in Rebecca’s School Dress! It’s just so cool! I decided it would be fun for YOU to decide who looks best in Caroline’s Work Dress!


First we have Marie-Grace!


Second- Felicity!


And third- Rebecca!

Now all you have to do is look at each picture and write in the comments below who YOU think looks best in the dress! I will let the voting go on for 2 days and on the 3rd day I’ll reveal the winner!!
Have fun!

My Etsy Shop

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