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A Ball In Honor of A Newborn Princess!

I love Camp DD’s theme this week, don’t you? With how obssessed I am with Disney (and princesses) I knew this week would be great for me as well.

This post, however is not exactly part of Camp, but the theme gave me the idea! So this post is something that I used my imagination withΒ and pretty much made up- not part of Camp πŸ˜‰


In honor of the newborn Princess- a Ball was thrown in her honor!



Several guests were invited to share the Royal Family’s special moment.

The orchestra was playing happy music, the guests were dancing, eating, and talking. It was certainly a special night!


Kanani grabbed a plate and tried to decide what to eat, while Josefina grabbed a cookie.


Saige- “I’m not too good at dancing Kirsten, I hope you don’t mind.”

Kirsten- “I don’t mind at al- Ouch!”

Saige- “Oh, I’m sorry!”

Kirsten- “It’s okay- just follow my lead.”


Later on, the guests lined up for a group dance.


They twirled around and switched places to some fast andΒ happy music πŸ™‚


They danced and danced!


The Princess Annika and her younger sister, Princess Caroline watched their guests spin around to the music.

Princess Annika- “Our guests seem to be having a lovely time.”

Princess Caroline- “Yes, indeed! And the Ball Room looks beautiful, does it not?”

Princess Annika- “Yes, it does. Sister, dear, you should go fetch Daisy now. It is nearly time for me to make the introduction.”

Princess Caroline- “Oh, yes, of course!”

Β image

Princess Annika- “My people- As your Princess it is my duty to make all announcements and introductions until my mother- the Queen- is able to do so. Now without further ado- please welcome my new baby sister- and your new Princess, Daisy!”


Princess Caroline brought outΒ Princess Daisy. She was a perfect littleΒ angel!


Β Princess Annika and her sister, Caroline, both held their new little sister up together. The guests were thrilled!

Everyone- “Hoorah for Princess Daisy!!!”

The End

Have your dolls ever been a “Princess” before?


113 Responses to A Ball In Honor of A Newborn Princess!

  • Aw, that was a great photo story! Hehe! I loved how Saige wasn’t that good at dancing!
    That’s funny, at our church we do country dances every once and a while, like the Virginia Reel, The Irish Washer Woman, The Yellow Stockings and more, and it’s SO much fun!
    But did you know that The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge (AKA Prince William and Princess Kate) had a baby boy just yestesterday! And it’s on the news, he just got out of the hospital earlier today and had a “Royal” viewing I guess you could say, and they’re going to name him in a week or so!
    No, I don’t generally play that with my dolls because I don’t really have any fancy clothes, besides Cecile’s meet outfit. But I think that’d be fun to play, if I had more gowns πŸ˜‰

    • Thank you!
      Hehe! Yeah, she’s not so much of dancer πŸ˜‰
      Oh, my gosh! That sounds like so much fun! Only- I don’t know how to do those dances- LOLOLOL!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      Oh, yes, I did! I read about it on Doll Diaries. I didn’t even know anything about the baby- I didn’t even know she was pregnant! LOL! πŸ˜›
      Oh, wow! That’s a long time to wait- I wonder what they’ll name him?
      Aw, that’s sad! You need to ask for some fancy doll clothes for Christmas! Hehe!

      • You’re welcome!
        Hehe! My Saige isn’t really a dancer either, Cecile is really my only doll that can dance well.
        Yeah, it is a lot of fun! LOLOLOL!! Well, they explain how to do most every dance for newcomers, except for the Virginia Reel, and that’s got to be one of my favorties, because the last dance, we do the Virginia Reel, only we do it FAST!! And that’s really fun!
        LOL! Yeah I know, I just learned a few months ago!
        I don’t know, but I’ve heard they’re thinking about George and Edward. But that could just be a rumer.
        I know! I’ll just have to do that. And I can get modern clothes for my birthday, perfect! Hehe! And not only that, but my other challange is hairstyles! I can’t really think of any that could be considered “Royal” except for one I tried on Saige, I pulled two sections of hair from the front behind like I was going to make a half up half down, and then I tie it off and make that into a bun, and it’s really pretty! And I think I saw that you did something like that on Kirsten?

        • That makes sense. Felicity and Marie-Grace are probably my best dancers πŸ™‚
          Oh, that’s good! That sounds like a lot of fun! πŸ˜€
          I just saw a comment on DD and someone said that they named him George Alexander Louis- I think that’s what it was πŸ˜›
          That is perfect! I think I’m mostly going to ask for modern clothes- I have plenty of dresses! LOL!
          Oh, yeah! That is hard. Liz has some beautiful hairstlyes, though! You should look at those when you can’t think of anything πŸ˜‰
          I think I get what you’re saying- Yeah, I did do something like that on her πŸ™‚

          • Oh I didn’t mean to sign my name twice! πŸ˜›
            Yeah that would make sense, since they’re from eras when dancing was important.
            Yeah, it really is. It’s kinda tiresome, but it’s fun! πŸ˜€
            Oh I just saw that comment, and ran into the kitchen to tell my mom! πŸ˜› I saw your comment on DD and if you were still wondering, HRH stands for His/Her Royal Highness. They put that on ships and stuff like that πŸ˜‰
            LOL! We each have what the other person wants! LOL! πŸ˜€
            Yeah, I’ve seen some of hers and they’re GORGEOUS!!! I’ll go through those again to see if there are any I’d like to try.
            Oh okay, it looks really pretty on her πŸ™‚

          • LOL! I noticed that- Hehe! πŸ˜€
            Right, most of my dolls know how to dance, but Saige and probably Annika aren’t as good as the rest πŸ˜‰
            Yeah, dancing seems like SO much fun! When me and my mom watch movies with balls/parties and there’s dancing-I wish I could do those dances so bad! All the dances that they do look like so much fun! πŸ˜€
            LOL! You’re excited about Prince George?
            Oooooh- Okay! That makes sense- hehe! πŸ˜›
            I know! You have all the modern clothes and I have all the Historical/fancy clothes! Hehe! πŸ˜€
            Yeah, Liz is so good at crafts and hairstyles! And everything she makes either so good, so beautiful, or so delicious! LOLOL! πŸ˜€
            Thanks! πŸ™‚

  • that is so cute! I love the theme on Doll Diaries also!
    I just might play that this afternoon!
    I haven’t played in SO long just by myself LOL!
    Do I see an AG braid in her Carolines hair? If I do is it from MAG or collection?
    I LOVE the LOTR outfit! Speaking of that I should go read more of the hobbit!
    I also love the outfit Caroline is wearing!
    Time to go check etsy!

    • Thank you!
      Yes, you do! It comes with Caroline’s Holiday Gown, actually πŸ˜‰
      Thank you! How did you know it was LOTR? You haven’t seen the movies have you?
      LOL! Yes, you should!! πŸ˜€
      Thank you, very much!
      Hehe! Well, those two you liked aren’t on Etsy, yet. I need to take some new pictures of the one Caroline is wearing and some pictures of Annika’s outfit πŸ˜€

  • Heehe! Just checked! your shop is so cute!
    Oh and by the way I DO have and etsy shop it is sunflower doll clothes but I am improving my knitting before I put stuff on there!
    Time to go and dress up my dolls!!
    Oh and another question I keep meaning to ask:How did you get so many votes on the valentines photoshoot? My sister and I are taking pictures this afternoon! She is not into AG but she knows I am so, she trys to help as much as possible!

    • Thank you πŸ™‚
      Oh, really? That’s awesome!
      So, you don’t have anything listed on there, yet?
      I just asked my friends and family to vote for me- and some of their friends voted as well πŸ™‚
      Oh, that’s great! She sounds like a good sister πŸ™‚

  • Love it!!! πŸ™‚
    I didn’t really care about the theme, especially because I didn’t really make sense with camp. But the crafts and stuff looked fun to make. πŸ™‚
    I love the treat table-so adorable!!! πŸ™‚
    I also LOVE Saige’s dress!!!

    • Thanks! πŸ™‚
      Oh, well it’s like a theme for the dolls to use their imagination with- Hehe! πŸ˜€
      Thank you, thank you! Saige’s dress is the Minnie dress I’ve made- only she’s wearing it without the hat- LOL! πŸ˜›

      • Your welcome!!
        Yeah, I guess. But my dolls like to read home and do other stuff-they don’t always want to be at camp. πŸ˜‰
        Oh, well it is beautiful!! πŸ™‚ I really like Caroline’s sparkly dress, too. Oh, when did you get Caroline’s Christmas outfit? The same time you got Caroline?
        My dolls never really pretend they are princesses, or anything like that. They just like to do regular things. πŸ˜€
        Annika almost looks like a mermaid! πŸ˜€ Is she wearing a LOTR thing? hehe!
        Are you going to make a throne? hehe! I am not!!
        ~Christian Homeschooler
        P.S. No offenses or anything, but I really don’t care that much about the royal baby in England. I mean, it is great for them, but it was like, ALL over the news. πŸ˜› What do you think? πŸ™‚

        • Oh, yeah- I get that πŸ™‚
          Thanks! Yes, I got it for Christmas πŸ˜‰
          Hehe! They aren’t all princess-y, then?
          Yes, It’s Arwen’s Coronation Gown and Crown. It doesn’t look like a mermaid at all- It’s just that in the back it flows out a lot πŸ˜‰
          I want to, but I don’t have the materials πŸ™
          P.S. I honestly don’t really care either. It’s just cool because there is a new baby prince born πŸ™‚

          • Oh, that’s cool. πŸ™‚ Do you have anything else of Caroline’s. I really like her cat. πŸ™‚ Don’t you? I also really like her pink meet dress. πŸ™‚ I LOVE IT!!!
            Yeah, not really. πŸ˜‰ My smaller doll, Lily might be a little like that, but she is just silly and funny. πŸ™‚
            Oh, well, it just looks like that because it is so long in the front-you can’t see her feet. πŸ˜‰
            Oh that’s too bad. I think that the one Doll Diaries made is great, but my dolls don’t really have a use for a throne. πŸ˜‰
            ~Christian Homeschooler
            PS. Haha! At least someone thinks the same as me. πŸ˜‰

          • All I have of Caroline’s is her (of course- LOL!), her accessories, her nightgown, and her Holiday Gown πŸ˜‰
            Honestly, I don’t like AG’s cats. They don’t really appeal to me very much πŸ˜›
            Yes, her meet dress is SO pretty!
            Oh, ok. Well, it’s also long in front like that in the movie, too πŸ˜‰
            Yes, that throne is GORGEOUS!! I wish I could make one and make it looks just like that! LOL! πŸ˜€
            P.S. Hehe!

  • So do you like her nightgown a lot? I kinda always thought that it was ridiculous because there is only a bow on one side of it. What’s with that?
    Oh, well I don’t care that much about them either. But I do like Inkpot and Praline. I REALLY don’t like the new Licorice, and I don’t like Ginger either. And I think that Rebecca’s kittens are way small. πŸ˜›
    Is it good quality? That’s part of the reason that I want Caroline!! LOL!
    Okay!! I didn’t think you made it bad, it looks great!! But it looks a LITTLE bit like a mermaid thing-don’t you think? hehe!
    Yeah, that’d be great. But you’d need gold ducktape-we don’t have any. Not to mention we really don’t have any felt. πŸ˜› Do you have patterned docuk tape? We don’t. We have some blue, yellow, and red, though.
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    • Yes, I like it! I think it’s really cute πŸ™‚
      Well, there doesn’t need to be a bow on both sides- it’s just a cute little bow πŸ˜‰
      I don’t remember Praline or Ginger. Rebecca’s kittens are really cute though! I forgot about them- hehe! πŸ˜€
      Her Meet Dress? Yes, it is! Her dress is great! Go back and look at the review I did of her πŸ˜‰
      Oh, ok- Thanks πŸ™‚ No, I don’t thik so- I made it and looks exactly like the dress she wears in the movie, so you know- I wouldn’t think that πŸ˜‰
      We don’t have any duck tape. We only have purple. We do have some felt though! πŸ˜€

      • Oh, well I am not fond of the look. πŸ˜‰ Different opinions. πŸ˜€
        Well, Praline and Ginger are My AG pets. Here are the links to them: http://americangirl.wikia.com/wiki/Praline_%28cat%29
        They don’t sell either of them anymore. πŸ˜›
        OH, yeah! I remember now that you did a review of her and her dress!! πŸ™‚
        Yeah, I understand that. πŸ˜‰
        Wait-you don’t have regular gray duck tape!? That is like, really important to don’t you think? Purple is pretty good though. You could use that instead, couldn’t you? Purple is royal and all. πŸ˜‰
        ~Christian Homeschooler

        • πŸ˜€
          Oh, yes- I remember them now! They’re cute, but I think I like Ginger best πŸ™‚
          Hehe- Yes, I did! πŸ˜€
          Well, we probably do, but I was just talking about colored duck tape- LOL πŸ˜›
          Yes, it is royal! I’m not sure if it would look right, though- I’d have to look at it πŸ˜‰

          • Haha! Again, we have different opinions. πŸ˜‰ I don’t really like Ginger’s black spot around her eye. πŸ˜›
            Oh, hehe! We have a lot of different colors, just not patterned duck tape.
            Okay! You should! If you put shiny star stickers(do you have anything like that?) on it, it might look real nice. πŸ™‚ Or anything shiny and gold. πŸ˜‰
            ~Christian Homeschooler
            P.S. I entered the photo contest on AG fan!!! I can’t wait to hear what you think about my picture!!!!
            Oh, and also, you should have some sort of photo contest on here. It’d be so fun, I think. πŸ™‚

          • Oh, hehe! That’s funny πŸ˜›
            Yeah, we don’t either πŸ˜‰
            I think we do, but they’re really small so it might not look good. I probably won’t be able to make it anyways because you know- we don’t have card board- LOLOL! πŸ˜€
            P.S. That’s great! I’m sure I’ll like it πŸ™‚
            I wish I could enter, though- I guess I kinda understand, but it’s still a lot of fun to do! πŸ˜‰
            That’s a good idea! Maybe I’ll do one at Christmas time!! πŸ˜€

  • Hehe! πŸ˜€
    Yeah, my modern dolls don’t really know how to dance, except Kanani, she can do the Hula, but not traditional dancing.
    It is fun! And there are only a few dances that I don’t really want to learn and those are the ones that you see on Pride and Prejudice, they look too complicated! Hehe!
    Well, since you don’t know me personally, I come from a long line of Royal lovers, starting with my grandma, my mom, my aunts, and me! On the night of Prince William and Kate’s wedding, mom, my aunts, and I all slept over at one of my aunts house (the one who’s moving into that HUGE house) and we all woke up at 4:00 AM to watch their wedding (since it was 11:00 in Wales)! It was crazy, but fun! πŸ˜€
    We each want what the other person has, but I don’t know if I’d want to trade, hehe! πŸ˜€
    Yeah, Liz really has a gift for that. I’ve made a lot of her crafts and every one I’ve tried turned out great!
    You’re welcome!

    • Hehe- my Kanani knows how to hula, too! (A little bit- LOL!)
      LOL! They do look complicated and hard to remember, but I would still LOVE to learn how to dance like that! All of the dances (in those type of movies) look like so much fun! πŸ˜€
      Whoa- that’s crazy! I wouldn’t even do that for some special AG movie premiere! That’s just too early for me-LOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› Yeah, I guess it could be fun, though πŸ™‚
      Oh, no! Not at all! LOLOL! πŸ˜›
      Yes, she does. I love her crafts and hairstyles! They’re amazing!

      • LOL! Yeah, my Kanani can hula, but she’s gotten a little rusty over the years… πŸ˜›
        Yeah, it does seem like fun, but I’m just wondering how the actors and actresses learn the dances! They’ve probably never danced a country dance in their life! LOL! πŸ˜›
        Yeah, it was crazy, and what was crazier, was after we watched the wedding, we had to go babysit some kids and we had to be there at 7:00. We didn’t even have time to go home!
        LOL! πŸ˜›
        They are amazing! I LOVE to craft, but I just don’t do it that often. Except a few days ago, I made a pipecleaner crown, and it turned out great! I even added some red, blue, and green pieces of pipecleaner to be jewels! But I don’t generally think of stuff like that out of the blue. It generally takes some thinking, though I wish they just came out of the blue! Hehe!

        • Hehe!
          Well, I’m pretty sure there’s a dance instructor telling them what and how to do it, but they cut it out for the movie πŸ˜‰
          LOL! Probably not!
          Oh, my gosh! That sounds pretty stressful! LOL! πŸ˜›
          Same here- I wish I did, though!
          Oh, that’s cool! When I had a Webkinz party a long time ago we made pipecleaner crowns for our Webkinz- it was fun πŸ™‚
          Me either- it’s rare if I do!
          LOL! I know, right? πŸ˜›

          • You’re probably right, but I remember once in Pride and Prejudice (have you seen it?), when Elizabeth dances with Mr. Darcy, it shows her sister Jane nodding her head to the music, like she was keeping the beat, while she was dancing.
            It was VERY stressful, and I was exhausted when we got home!
            I know. I feel like I have all these ideas on what to make, but I don’t know how to make them!
            Thanks. Oh okay, that sounds cool! It sounds fun too πŸ™‚
            LOL! Next time Liz does a Q&A I’m going to ask her how she thinks of all these awesome crafts… πŸ˜€

          • Yes, I have seen it! I love that movie! πŸ˜€
            Oh, really? I haven’t watched it a lot- next time I watch it I’ll look for that πŸ˜‰
            Oh, I bet!
            Exactly! It drives me crazy! πŸ˜€
            LOLOL! That’ll be a good question! I’ll double it so that maybe she’ll answer- Hehe!
            P.S. I wonder why Liz stopped doing Q&A? She was still getting a lot of questions and it was really fun for us all. Hmmmm….

  • Jaclynn! I am super excited right now! I am in the finals in caption that doll picture on AG fan! But I am kinda sad that she is not doing it after Monday for awhile. I completely understand though!

    • I saw that! And I voted for you, too πŸ™‚
      Yeah, I wonder what she is going to be posting? I’m so excited to find out! πŸ˜€

      • you voted for ME!
        Thank you SOO much!
        When you showed up I voted for you also! (not in this one though!)
        I wonder also! I am super excited to!
        P.S. did you enter for the trailer and car on doll diaries?
        I did!

        thank you again so much for voting for me!

        • LOL! Yes, I did!
          Aw, thank you πŸ™‚
          P.S. No, I forgot- it’s ok, though- I don’t really want it THAT bad πŸ˜‰
          You’re welcome πŸ™‚

  • Hey, Jaclynn, did you ever check out this site(http://americangirl.wikia.com/wiki/American_Girl_Wiki) that I told you about before? It is better than I thought! πŸ˜€ If you wanted to know anything that AG ever sold, you could find it there!! πŸ˜€
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    • No, I haven’t- I forgot to ask my mom! LOL! πŸ˜›
      That’s awesome! I really need to ask if I can go on there- it sounds great! πŸ™‚

  • One thing that I learned there, is that Josefina’s first name is really Maria!! And her middle name is Josefina!!! But my Josefina’s name is this: Josefina Marie Montoya. So what do you think? πŸ™‚
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    • Oh, really? I would’ve never known that!
      Very pretty- my middle name is also Marie πŸ™‚

      • Yes, me neither!
        Thanks. I really think that Marie is a pretty name. Also, my sister’s middle name is Marie. πŸ™‚

        • It is a pretty name. I also like the name Maria, but not as much as Marie πŸ™‚
          That’s cool! Me, my older sister, my mom, my gramma, and I think my aunt all have Marie as our middle name. It’s a passed down thing πŸ™‚

    • Actually, it says in Josefina Learns a Lesson (she writes her name at the end) Maria Josefina Montoya. πŸ˜‰

  • And also, did you know that Coconut was first released as a male dog!!?

  • Oh, that’s too bad. What about gold ribbon? LOLOL!!! πŸ˜€
    ~Christian Homeschooler
    PS. Oh, thanks!! πŸ™‚
    Yeah, it is too bad(I would love to see what you’d come up with), but it kind of is fair.
    Yes, it really is! πŸ™‚ It took an hour to get my picture. πŸ˜€
    Thanks! Oh, that’d be just great! πŸ™‚

    • LOLOLOL! Nope- fresh out of ribbon! πŸ˜›
      P.S. You’re welcome πŸ™‚
      I guess so- it’s just disappointing πŸ˜‰
      Oh, wow! That’s crazy! My Valentine picture might have taken that long, too, but I’m not positive πŸ˜‰
      Hehe! I think so, too πŸ˜€

  • Oh okay. Yeah, my mom and I LOVE to watch it, and every once and a while when there’s nothing good on Netflix, and when my dad isn’t at home, we watch P&P.
    So there are two Pride and Prejudice’s, a newer one and an older one, so I don’t really know any actors or actresses, so in the one you’ve watched, did Elizabeth have straight or curly hair?
    Ugh! I know! I’m going to have to take some crafting lessons pretty soon here! I’m all out of ideas!
    Hehe! That should work! πŸ˜€
    P.S. I have no idea, but she just recently did a Photo Contest Q&A, which answered some of my questions, but it’s been a few months since her last Q&A.

    • Yeah, I love those types of movies πŸ™‚
      She had straight, I guess- the actress who plays her is Keira Knightley- she’s also in Pirate’s of The Caribbean. Are we talking about the same P&P? πŸ˜›
      Hehe! Yeah, same here- that would be cool to take lessons, huh? πŸ˜€
      LOL! Yes, it should πŸ˜€
      P.S. Yeah, she needs to do it again- hehe!
      Gotta go now- we’re watching The Fellowship of The Ring- LOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

      • Yeah me too πŸ™‚
        Oh okay, I didn’t know she was in the Pirate’s of The Caribbean. Hehe! Actually no, there’s an older one with Colin Firth, you may not know him, but he was in A Christmas Carol that was made in 2009. And just on a side note, I just learned that Sammi Hanratti was in A Christmas Carol too, she played The young Cratchit girl and Want Girl.
        Yeah, it would be cool! πŸ˜€
        P.S. Yeah she does. Hehe!
        LOLOL! Oh okay! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

        • Yeah, she’s a main character πŸ˜‰
          No, I don’t know him. I never watched that movie πŸ˜‰
          So, did you see the one that I’ve seen? Or did you see the one with Colin Firth? LOL!
          My mom has the P&P with Keira Knightley and then she has a P&P that’s like a series- I think it was on TV or something. I haven’t seen that, though.
          P.S. LOLOLOL!! You’re probably thinking “Her and Lord of The Rings!” LOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

          • Oh okay. I’ve only seen the first one, but I watched it like three years ago!
            Oh I get it. I didn’t really like it. But I don’t really like A Christmas Carol in general!
            I’ve seen both, because we own both of them. Well the one with Colin Firth is kinda like a series, it has six episodes, and each episode is 45 minutes, so that might be what your talking about. And the girl who plays Elizabeth, her name is Jennifer Ehle πŸ˜‰
            P.S. LOL! Sometimes, yes, I do! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› But I have a question, do you ever cry while you watch LOTR?

          • Oh, ok! I’ve seen the first 2, I haven’t seen the third one, yet πŸ˜‰
            Yeah, I think that’s what she has- I’m not sure, though πŸ˜›
            Oh, ok! So the one where Jane nods her head to the music- is it the movie (the one I’ve seen) or the series thing? LOL!
            P.S. LOLOL! My family thinks that, too- except for my mom πŸ˜€
            Oh, yeah!
            The Fellowship of The Ring- I cry and get teary
            The Two Towers- At one part I get teary or cry- it depends on my mood- LOL!
            The Return of The King- I’m crying all over the place! LOLOLOL!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

  • Jaclynn!!! Did you see American Girl Fan!!?? πŸ˜€

    • Hehe! Yes, I was just there!
      You’re picture is SO cute!! πŸ˜€ And I can see now why you took almost 100 photos- LOL! πŸ˜›
      How did you set up that big blue sheet in the background?

      • OH, great!!
        Thanks so much! πŸ™‚ Yeah- πŸ˜€
        Well, there is actually a fence there. We thought that a fence wouldn’t really look very good, so we just put a blue sheet there-watcha think? πŸ™‚
        So what photo do you like best? What photo did you vote for? I won’t feel too bad if you didn’t vote for mine. πŸ˜‰
        Did you get my email? I sent it to you this morning. πŸ™‚ It was about the photo contest… πŸ˜€
        ~Christian Homeschooler

        • You’re welcome πŸ˜€
          Oh, ok! It didn’t look like it in the picture.
          Very creative! I think it would’ve looked fine with a fence, though πŸ™‚
          I don’t even know- I haven’t voted yet! I keep going back to look at them and I just can’t decide! LOL!
          Hehe! I’ll check if I got it πŸ˜‰

          • Right, well, that’s because we put that blue sheet there. πŸ™‚ And we thought if the fence was visible, it would look like a cage! πŸ˜›
            Oh, that’s so funny! But it’s the same way with me. I did vote for myself, but I decided that #37 was the best(not considering mine)Here is the link to it: http://gardendesk.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54efed408883401901e837054970b-pi
            So what do you think of it? I think it is pretty good-otherwise I wouldn’t think it was the best!! πŸ˜€
            ~Christian Homeschooler

          • LOL! I don’t think it would’ve looked like a cage- it would’ve looked like a fence πŸ˜€
            Oh, really? I thought that one was just a bit too plain. πŸ˜›

  • UGH!!! Sorry, I didn’t mean to post that last comment… again… πŸ˜›
    Oh okay, I think my parents didn’t want me to see the second one because of Davy Jones, with the squid face, or that might be somone else, but it’s kinda hard to keep me from seeing him because when I’m looking for a movie and I bump into the second one, he’s on the cover! And did you know there’s a 4th one out?
    LOL! Where she nods to the music is in the series πŸ˜‰
    P.S. Hehe!
    LOLOLOL!! My friends say that they always cry when they watch LOTR, and I’m not sure about the Hobbit, but I think they’ve cried when they watched the Hobbit too!

    • LOLOL! It’s ok! Do you want me to just delete it? I will if you want me to πŸ™‚
      Oh, yeah- I used to be scared of him when I was really little. My older brother had a shirt of him and I used to hate it when he wore it because it scared me! And when we would go on the ride at Disneyland- there’s a part where it shows him and he talks- I used to look down. Now that I’m older, though he doesn’t scare me. πŸ˜‰
      Oh, yeah- he is on the cover!
      Yes, I did know that. My family went to see it when it came out πŸ˜‰
      Oooooh, ok! So I guess I can’t look for that, then! LOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      P.S. LOL! I’m telling you- it’s a crier! ESPECIALLY the last one- I literally get teary just thinking about it. Like- I’m not joking- right now as I’m typing this I’m getting teary because I’m thinking of all the sad, awesome, and relieving things that happens in it. LOLOLOL!
      Oh, yeah- I didn’t cry on that one, but I did get teary πŸ˜›

      • Sure, that’d look a little bit better πŸ™‚
        Yeah, I don’t think he’d scare me now, but my parents haven’t watched the second one in a while. I don’t remember the last time they did! Well I’m not surprised they have stuff like that at Disneyland. Have youe ever been to Disneyworld?
        Oh okay, so did you like it?
        LOL! Nope, I guess not! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
        P.S. LOLOLOL! I get that. I haven’t seen LOTR or the Hobbit, but I’ve read the Hobbit, and that was pretty good, but for some weird reason I stopped reading LOTR, I think I may have lost interest.

        • Okie-dokie! It’s gone πŸ™‚
          Yeah, he probably wouldn’t πŸ˜‰
          Have what stuff? πŸ˜›
          No, I haven’t, but I REEEEEEAAAALLLLYYY want to!!! LOLOL!
          Oh, no- I haven’t seen that one. My brothers and parents saw it and my sister stayed home with me πŸ˜‰
          LOLOL! πŸ˜€
          P.S. Oh, my gosh!! You read The Hobbit?!? I didn’t know that! Ok- now don’t say anything about it, but did you love it??
          Oh, I can see that- the first few chapters are kinda slow, but once you get going it gets SO good! I have to read The Return of The King now. I just haven’t found a good peaceful time to settle down and read it, yet πŸ™‚

          • Okay, thanks πŸ™‚
            Stuff like rides showing Davy Jones, and stuff like that.
            LOL! Oh okay, I haven’t been to Disneyworld, but I knew some girls that went to Disneyworld every year because they’re grandparents lived down there and had an apartment or something like that at Disneyworld!
            Oh okay, that makes sense. I know an 11 year old who’s seen it, but he lives in a big family, so it’s hard to find something everyone wants to watch. And it’s possible that his 9 year old sister watched it and maybe even his 7 year old brother!
            P.S. Oh, I thought you read it already! Okay I won’t! I LOOOVVVEEED it! The first chapter starts out kinda slow, I think, but then it gets really exciting! And LOTR makes WAY more sense once you’ve read The Hobbit.
            Hmm… Well maybe one day I’ll read it again, but something that’s kinda funny is my dad read The Hobbit and loved it, and I read The Hobbit and loved it, he started reading LOTR and lost interest, and I started reading LOTR and lost interest! Maybe it’s a genetic thing… LOL! πŸ˜›

          • No problem πŸ™‚
            Oh, yeah. It’s just a super short thing, though. And they have signs outside of the ride I think that say like “There may be frightening images” and stuff like that. πŸ˜‰
            Oh, my gosh! That is so amazing! My mom has an online friend who has passes to Disney Worold and they go like all the time!
            Yeah, I know some people who’ve seen it, too. Wow! That is just way too young to see movies like that!
            P.S. No, I need to read it. I just finished The Two Towers and now I’m on The Return of The King πŸ™‚
            You are amazing!! LOLOL! I LOVE that you LOVED it!! LOL!
            Yeah, Lord of The Rings is the same way.
            No, not really. You could read LOTR first and it wouldn’t be confusing. πŸ™‚
            YES! YOU NEED TO READ IT AGAIN!! LOLOL! Sorry, I just really want you to love it, too! LOL! πŸ˜›
            I’ve already cried and gotten teary at the books. And I haven’t even read Return of the King yet! Hehe!
            It’s also awesome seeing the movie before reading the books because you can hear their voices and see scenes from the movie in your head. And you can also see what they look like πŸ™‚
            Oh, that is funny! LOL! No, it’s like I said- it’s slow in the first few chapters, but it starts to pick up and it gets really exciting!! πŸ˜€

  • Oh okay, that makes sense.
    Yeah I know! They would kinda brag about it too, but it didn’t really bother me because I’m not a big fan of amusement parks! πŸ˜›
    Yeah I know, but they’ve seen lots of movies like Harry Potter, and Star Wars, but I kinda like Star Wars, at least the one I’ve seen! And they just have differant tastes I guess!
    P.S. Oh okay, I get it. LOL! I think you’ll love it, if you love LOTR, then you’ll probably love The Hobbit.
    Yeah that makes sense, they were written by the same auther!
    Well, I think you can kind of understand the characters a little bit more, because- well its hard to explain it without saying anything, but it focases on a time before LOTR, and it has pretty much the same characters only they’re younger. I hope I didn’t just spoil it for you πŸ˜›
    LOL! Well that’s probably my only hope of seeing the characters again because I just learned a while ago that my mom doesn’t like LOTR, the movie that is.
    Oh really? Hm… I don’t know if I know anyone who’s gotten teary at the books, but if they got teary at the movie then they probably got teary at the books! Hehe!
    Yeah, that’s always nice unless the auther has pictures and they look completely differant! Like in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, it looks like Edmund has blonde hair, and in the movies he has dark hair!
    That’s true, I know The Hobbit started off slow for me, but that could just be me! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

    • Hehe! It would bother me since I LOVE amusement parks! LOLOL! πŸ˜›
      Oh, yeah. Star Wars is really good! I’ve seen 4 of them and I just need to watch Episodes 2 and 3.
      P.S. Oh, no! I meant I haven’t read Return of The King, yet. I read The Hobbit before I started on The LOTR Trilogy. πŸ˜‰
      In The Hobbit the only characters that are the same are Bilbo and Gandalf- hehe! πŸ™‚
      But, I think it would be fine if someone read LOTR first and then The Hobbit- I don’t think it would be confusing or anything. But I wanted to read The Hobbit first because it comes first- even though it was written AFTER LOTR! LOL! πŸ˜€
      She doesn’t like it? That’s kinda sad πŸ™
      It’s the most amazing and emotional movie on earth! I think that you would love it if you saw it! It might be confusing for you at first, but you would still really like it πŸ˜€
      Well, now you do! LOL! πŸ˜›
      Oh, your book had pictures? Mine doesn’t, so it wasn’t too big of a problem for me πŸ˜‰
      Hehe! No, it did start off slow for me, too. Same as Fellowship and Two Towers! πŸ˜€

      • LOL! I’m not a fan of amusment parks, but if we were down there, I’d like to see Disneyworld and Disneyland.
        Yeah I’ve only seen… I can’t remember which one it was… πŸ˜›
        P.S. Ooooh! I get it now!
        They don’t have the Dwarves in LOTR? I thought they did. I might be thinking of something else…
        Oh yeah they could, It wouldn’t not make any sense at all, but I just like to start at the beginning πŸ˜‰
        Actually, I think the Hobbit was written first because that was published in 1937, and I think LOTR was published in 1957, or something like that πŸ™‚
        Yeah, it’s too violent for her, I guess.
        Hehe! πŸ˜€
        LOL! That’s right!
        Yeah, but they were pictures that people around the world drew, so Bilbo always looked differant! πŸ˜›
        Oh okay, I see πŸ˜€

        • Oh, yes! You would have to see Disneyland! And honestly you don’t have to go on all the rides- you can just find a relaxing place to sit and just stay there for awhile. We always say “It’s just so much fun being there” πŸ˜€
          LOL! πŸ˜€
          P.S. Hehe! πŸ™‚
          Well, there are Dwarves in the movie, but not the same ones as in The Hobbit. Actually I don’t know who they are because they only introduce one and that’s Gimli. πŸ˜›
          In the book (Fellowship) It says that Gimli’s dad, Gloin is at this one place (I won’t say anything because I don’t know how far you read), but he’s not there in the movies. πŸ˜‰
          LOLOL! Yeah, I do, too! πŸ˜€
          Oh, really? Because on the cover of The Hobbit book I have it says something like “From the best selling author of The Lord of The Ringd” Or something like that. So I thought that Hobbit was written after. I’ll have to check my book πŸ™‚
          I guess it can be a bit violent for some people, but it’s so amazing! Hehe! πŸ™‚
          Oh, that’s weird! I wouldn’t like it if there were pictures in my book. It would drive me crazy because I’d be thinking the whole time “That’s not what they look like!” LOL! πŸ˜›

          • Yeah, I just told my mom today that I’d lke to go to Disneyland just for the experiance. Oh yeah, and the food… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
            P.S. Oh okay, that makes more sense.
            Well it might say that because LOTR is more popular, or something like that, but I don’t really know!
            Hehe! Well if you know my mom she likes movies where she can go to bed happy and not crying! Hehe!
            LOL! I know, that’s why I’m so glad I’m reading the Voyage of the Dawn Treader now because I can’t look at the pictures and think they had plastic surgery! LOL! πŸ˜›

          • You’re awesome! Hehe!
            Oh, yes! The food is SO good! For snacks I LOOOOVE their popcorn, funnel cakes (Have you had those before?), and churros! And on a hot day it’s nice to get a lemonade or a frozen lemonade.
            At winter time my favorite snack to have (besides popcorn) has to be their beignets. They are SOO GOOD!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
            So, how did your mom react when you told her you want to go to Disneyland? πŸ™‚
            P.S. Yeah πŸ™‚
            Hmm…Maybe! I don’t know either! πŸ˜€
            LOL! That kinda sounds like my friend. πŸ˜€
            LOLOLOLOL!! You’re funny! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

  • Well, the fence it too close to the pool, so that’s why it would look like a cage, since the dolls are small compared to the fence. πŸ˜‰
    Well, maybe, but I thought it was a good representative of summer. Also, I really like #31. Do you like that one? πŸ™‚
    ~Christian Homeschooler

  • Hehe!
    Actually I have never had Funnel Cake, but maybe I might try one at the Fair tomorrow, or at least a corn dog or something like that!
    Oh I LOVE churros! I used to get them at Costco alot, and they’re REALLY GOOD!
    What are beignets?
    Oh boy, all this food talk is making me hungry… πŸ˜›
    Well, she was surprised, and glad. Because going to Disneyland or Disneyworld is pretty much a once in a lifetime chance, if you don’t live close to it, like it’s 1,008 miles from where we live, and it would take 14 hours and 59 minutes in current traffic if we were to drive, kind of a long ride for a day trip πŸ˜›
    P.S. Yeah, it’s kinda strange that they put that there.
    Oh really? That’s it’s kinda me too πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› But if it’s a really good movie then I might watch it again.
    Thank you πŸ˜€

    • *GASP* You’ve never had funnel cake? It is SO GOOOD! You HAVE to try it! I usually have mine with just powdered sugar, but you can also get like strawberry toppings and stuff like that πŸ™‚
      Oh, yes! I forgot to mention that Disneyland’s corn dogs are the best ones on earth! LOL! πŸ˜€
      Yeah, churros are really good!
      Beignets are like a donut/pastry type of thing. They’re shaped (at least these ones are) like a Mickey head and they’re coated in powdered sugar. And they always come warm so I love to have those in the winter πŸ˜€
      LOLOL! I know, right? I suddenly got starved! πŸ˜›
      Oh, wow! That’s a long time! Well, you would have to stay at a hotel for a couple nights πŸ™‚
      P.S. Hehe! You would watch it again! πŸ˜€
      You’re welcome πŸ˜€

  • Hehe! Nope. I didn’t even know what it was until I saw a youtube video about it, which was a few weeks ago… πŸ˜›
    LOL! Okay, I’ll have to try those sometime too! πŸ˜€
    Oh okay, they kinda remind me of Greek Donuts, only they’re circles, and they are covered in honey instead of powdered sugar, and they’re not warm, but they’re still really good!
    I know! I need to go grab a snickerdoodle cookie… πŸ˜›
    That’s true. 15 hours there and back is not my idea of a day trip! Hehe! πŸ˜€
    I just talked to my parents and my dad was really shocked when I said I wanted to go to Disneyland, and I told him two reasons: The food, and the experiance. And maybe if we have time, the AGP in LA! I didn’t tell him that though πŸ˜›
    P.S. Hehe πŸ˜€

    • Wow! You need to try one someday! πŸ˜€
      Hmm… I don’t know how I would like those- I’m not so much of a honey fan πŸ˜›
      LOLOL! Those are good! I just had one of those red, white, and blue popsicles- SO good and refreshing! πŸ˜€
      LOL! Yeah, that would be crazy! πŸ˜›
      Hehe- good reasons!
      Yeah! That would be so cool! And then we could meet up! That would be so amazing! πŸ˜€

      • I know, I will! πŸ˜€
        Hehe! I’m not either but I LOVE these, they’re not soaked in honey, just glazed, but I bet there are some people who don’t like them.
        They are good, my sister’s own recipe! That sounds amazing! Hehe! πŸ˜€
        Yeah and plus, it’d be 6 hours more than a day for just driving, so it’ wouldn’t be a day trip! LOL! πŸ˜›
        Hehe! I thought so too!
        I know! That’d be really awesome! πŸ˜€

        • Oh, ok! Yeah, I think I’d be one of those people tonot like them- hehe! I’m very picky πŸ˜›
          Mmmmm… Yum! πŸ˜€
          It was so amazing! LOL!
          LOLOL! I was thinking that after I commented! Hehe! πŸ˜€
          Yes, it would πŸ˜€

  • Hehe! I’m pretty picky too. Have you ever heard of a girl who scrapes most of the frosting off her cupcakes? Hehe! πŸ˜›
    I know, the last cookie is haunting me. It’s calling to me! I can’t stand it any longer!!!!! But if I eat it mom will not be happy, and make me do chores all day long!

    • Ew! I don’t like cupcakes! There are some pretty ones at Disneyland with lots of frosting (there’s probably more frosting than there is cupcake!) and they make it look like a Disney Princess or something. My mom always wants to buy me one and I say no every time. It’s just way too much! πŸ˜›
      LOL! When I read that I was thinking of the Ring from LOTR! πŸ˜›
      Oh, my gosh! Just for one cookie? πŸ˜€

  • I like them if they’re homemade, but it depends otherwise. I don’t like it when the frosting is all light and fluffy. It reminds me of cotten candy, and I do NOT like cotten candy! It sounds like way too much! Hehe! πŸ˜›
    LOL! πŸ˜›
    No, that was just an exageration. But if she told me not to eat it and I ate it, she might ban me from TV or the computer for a day or something like that πŸ˜‰

    • LOLOL! I like the taste of cotton candy, but not the texture- it’s kinda weird πŸ˜›
      Oh, ok. I get it πŸ™‚

  • I know, it’s like it melts the minute it hits your tongue! πŸ˜›
    I thought I would just share with you one thing I got for my birthday, so my big gift from my parents was….
    an Iphone!! *SCREAM!!!!!* But there’s only one problem with it, I don’t feel old enough to have a phone! πŸ˜› And then I got some money to spend on AG stuff and maybe something for my horse fund! πŸ˜€

    • Yeah, it does! LOL!
      Oh, my gosh!!! That’s so awesome!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
      LOL! I know that kids younger than you have phones, so I think it’s ok. Maybe it’s the iPhone that feels too *old* for you? πŸ˜‰
      That’s great! When was your birthday, by the way?
      HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

      • LOL!
        I know, it still fels weird thought πŸ˜›
        Yeah, like my cousin got a phone when she was 8 an Ipod a few years ago, then an Iphone around 2 years ago, and it’s an Iphone5 so it’s better than her mom’s Iphone, but she saved up for it, and then she got an Ipad for her birthday this year I think. But that’s too much “I” stuff for me πŸ˜›
        That could be it.
        It was Sunday, now I’m officially 13!!!!
        Thank you! My friend’s dad sang me happy birthday like this:

        • WOOOOOW!! That’s a lot of i-Things! LOL! (That’s what my sister calls them and so we do as well)
          Like, why would somebody need so many of the same type of thing? My mom has an iPhone and an iPad, but that’s understandable because her iPad she uses to read patterns when she’s crocheting and look up pictures.
          YAAAAAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again)!!!!!!!!
          LOLOLOLOLOL!!! That’s funny!
          My brothers always sing “Happy Birthday” with some weird and funny voice. It gets so funny that I’m laughing while I’m singing to the person! LOLOL!

          • It is a lot of i-Things! I wouldn’t want that much, I might want an Ipad, but nothing else. And I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to get 600 dollars or more for an Ipad, I’m always saving for AG stuff! LOL! πŸ˜›
            Well, I don’t know, she told me the other day that she doesn’re really use her Ipod because it’s basically the Iphone only the Iphone can call and text! ANd her Ipad is just so big, so she doesn’t use that alot. Yeah I get that, and when your on road trips you can watch movies on it, since it’s kind like a mini TV! Hehe! Or at least that’s what I would use it for, I need to convince my mom to get my dad one of those someday… πŸ˜›
            Thank you (again)!!!
            My dad thinks it kinda has the same tune and Handel’s Messiah, only WAAAAYYY louder! πŸ˜€

          • Yeah, I would want an iPod and maybe an iPad Mini. It’s cute- Hehe! πŸ˜€
            LOL! Same thing with my brother. He used his iPod ALL THE TIME and then he just bought the Samsung Galaxy S4 (I think) and now all he uses his iPod for is music πŸ˜›
            Hehe! Yes, it is kinda like a TV! But we don’t go anywhere far enough to watch movies on it. Probably half of a movie πŸ˜›
            LOL! Good luck! πŸ™‚
            You’re welcome!
            Is that a song? I don’t know that one.. πŸ˜›

  • Hehe it is cute! And it’s like 200 dollars cheaper! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
    Really? Wow, that’s strange, but makes sense, since an Ipod can’t call. But it’s an Ipod Touch right?
    Hehe! Oh really? When we go to the beach, we go to this place called Pacific City (our friend owns a beach house down there) and it’s three hours away! And when we go to a place called Sunriver, that’s also three hours away! And when we went to a place called WildLife Safari (you can drive through areas where they keep wild animals and they rome free, except for the lions… :P) that’s six hours away! And even Seattle is three hours away! Something’s not right about that… πŸ˜›
    Thank you! I just talked to my mom about getting an Ipad for my dad for his birthday next month, but she said probably not. GRRR!!! πŸ˜›
    LOL! Well it’s a VERY old song, it was written in 1741, so I’m not surprised you haven heard of it πŸ˜› I’m sure you could find it on Youtube if you want to listen to it πŸ˜‰

    • LOL! Yeah, seriously! πŸ˜›
      My brother’s iPod? Yeah, it’s an iTouch πŸ˜‰
      Oh, I’ve heard of that- WildLife Safari! I think when I was younger and would watch PBS Kids they would have commercials for that! Whoa- I’m having some memories flow through my brain right now- LOLOLOL!! πŸ˜›
      LOL! Cause the AGPlace is there? πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      Aw, man! LOLOL! πŸ˜€
      Oh, wow- that is old! Well, if it’s that old I probably wouldn’t like it πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

      • That’s what I thought, because the other Ipod, can only play music! LOL! πŸ˜›
        Yep that’s it! We went there a few years ago, it was AMAZING!! We drove through all the animals, and when we were driving through the Giraffe pen, I stuck my head out the sunroof thingy in our car, and got really close to the Giraffe, but I probably won’t do that again! And we got to feed some lions (behind bars obviously) and ride a camel and an elephant!
        Here’s a link to their About page on their website, if you wanat to read about it πŸ™‚ :
        Yeah, then I can wear it when I go to the AGP in Seattle! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
        I know, right?! Well I’ll think of something else… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
        Well it’s kinda like a hymn I think, I’m not quite sure, I don’t really remember! LOL!

  • Oh and did I tell you my package from AG’s sale will most likely arrive on Wednsday?!?!? I’m SOOO excited!!! πŸ˜€

  • It is exciting. But what is even more exciting is the came TODAY!!!! *SCREAMS* Everything is SO cute, and the funny thing is the Cadet Cap (for me) on the side says “American Girl Fashion Show” And it’s the exact same color as the shorts that you have Annika modeling! It also has this star-like firework design on one side! Isn’t that funny?

    • OMGOSH!! YAAAY!!!
      That’s great! How’s the Everyday Play Jumper? Would you recommend it to somebody?
      Oh, wow! That is funny! It must be some special event that they had, then. πŸ˜€

      • I know!! YAY!!! πŸ˜€
        Oh totally! It’s so cute!
        The jumper is made of coderoy material, and has little flower designs on the what looks like ruffles (sorry if that’s confusing) on the dress. And on the left side it has an AG tag on the bottom.
        The shirt is a turtle neck and the sleeves are almost kinda like a puffed sleeve, and it has a flower design on the right sleeve, and on the left side it has an AG tag on it.
        The boots are anklets and are SO cute! They are a gray color, and they’ll be able to go with many differant outfits!
        I plan to take pictures of Molly in it today, and maybe pictures of some of my other stuff! πŸ˜€
        Yeah, I wonder what though, I might ask an employee the next time I go to the AGP.

        • Awwww!!! I wants it!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
          I’ve always liked that outfit- it’s so cute πŸ˜€
          Yeah, that part was a little confusing, but it’s ok πŸ˜‰
          How exciting! Have fun taking your pics!
          That’s a good idea! πŸ™‚

    • They actually have American Girl Fashion shows–I went to one!! It was so awesome!!

  • Hehe! Yeah, I really like it!
    When I got my first AG cataloge, I remember seeing that outfit and I knew I wanted it! And then I forgot all about it until this sale, and I’m so glad I have it!
    Sorry, the bottom of the dress has what looks like ruffles, but they’re sewn together, does that make more sense, or is that confusing? πŸ˜›
    I will! πŸ˜€
    Thanks, I think I will! πŸ˜€

    • Yeah, that’s awesome! I think it’s great that you were able to get it! πŸ™‚
      Oh, yeah! I get it now! Hehe! πŸ˜›
      You’re welcome!

  • Yeah, I’m glad too πŸ™‚

  • Hehe! looking through old posts! Princesses are so pretty. Molly is Princess Clara-Belle. http://delightfulworldofdolls.com/tag/clarabelle/

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