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“When I Wish Upon AG….”

We all want AG to make something that they’ve never done before. Whether it be a doll with a specific time period and collection or some really neat accessory! And we also want them to bring back some of their retired items.
Write in the comments below what YOU wish AG would make or bring back from their archives. It can be anything at all!
Something I want AG to make is some Irish Bitty Twins with red curly hair (and I don’t want the girl to have pigtails), green or blue eyes, and freckles! Why haven’t they done Bitty’s with freckles, yet?
I also think that they should make a set of a bunch of different basicΒ pants and shirts. My dolls need some regular jeans and shirts to wear! πŸ˜€
I can’t wait to hear what you all come up with!

100 Responses to “When I Wish Upon AG….”

  • Wow, so super duper cool!

    I wish AG wouldn’t retire Molly and Emilie so I can get more of their collection! :'(

  • Ooooh.. This will be great! I’m guessing I’ll have a lot of different comments of things. πŸ˜€ Here are some starters:
    1. A one piece swim suit for My AG dolls-they did this before, and I think they should do it again!
    2. Some REAL black haired My AG dolls-the only thing they make is black-brown. πŸ˜›
    3. Felicity and Elizabeth’s WHOLE collection-bring it back!
    4. A kitchen set-stove & oven, refrigerator, sink-it’d all be great!
    5. Western Horse-bring it back!
    6. A homeschooler GOTY!
    7. More scenes! Maybe the outside of a house, a Christmas living room scene, or anything! πŸ˜€

    So that’s it for now!! πŸ˜€ (more later)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    • LOL! That’s fine! Write as much as you can think of! πŸ˜€
      Those are all great ideas! I love them! πŸ˜€

      • LOL! Okay, here’s some more:
        1. More kits like Doll School-or maybe even a “Doll School 2”! It could have more books, maybe “Rebecca and Ana”(that’d be really fun!)
        2. A leotard for Ivy, and much more! She definitely needs more stuff!
        3. In a fun way, I’d like AG to bring back some or all of the GOTYs. I don’ how! πŸ˜€
        4. A TV-bring back the old one, or a totally better one!
        5. A mandolin, a dobro, and a banjo!!
        6. An artists drawing set for My AG dolls

        So there’s some more! And I would also like AG to lower their prices! LOL! πŸ˜€

        • Some more great ideas!
          Oh! You’re Ivy idea reminded me of something I want AG to make! I’ll post it in a seperate comment, though πŸ™‚

  • I agree with Christian Homeschooler, They should do a GOTY homeschooler. Now that would be cool. I doubt that AG would do it, though. And I want them to bring back Felicity!!:))

    • Yes, they should! There are so many homeschoolers out there πŸ˜€
      Oh, definitely! I want so much more from her collection!

      • Yes, there are! And the homeschoolers are the ones who keep liking AG even when they are older, I think. πŸ™‚

        • You know, you’re probably right! πŸ™‚

        • That is very true I am 14, homeschooled, and Love AG. I am saving up to get another one, by the time I have enough I will be 15. Most girls stop playing by like 10. Its sad, kids cant be kids anymore even with awesome toys like ag! :/
          A homeschool GOTY would be awesome!

          • It is very sad! Like, just because you reach a certain age that doesn’t mean you have to stop liking/playing something! πŸ™

  • Here are some more!

    1. a bunk bed-like the ones they made before!
    2. A Christian GOTY(or maybe a HC)
    3. Maybe a basketball hoop or a soccer goal!
    4. A chef set for My AG- Bakery bread, pans, lots of stuff!
    5. Maybe a couch or something for My AG’s
    6. I think it would be cool if they put a hairstyle card with every outfit they sell! (My AG, HC, GOTY). I think the McKenna hairstyle cards were a good idea, and with every AG outfit would be really cool. They wouldn’t have to have a different one with EVERY outfit, even. Although that would be ideal. πŸ˜‰
    7. A closet! I think that would be good-they only sell a storage tower and a really expensive doll storage thing. So it would be good.
    8. My AG pets that are stuffed-not what they are now, hard with soft fur. πŸ˜›
    9. A badminton set!
    10. A gymnastics vault would be really fun, or other gymnastics things. πŸ™‚
    11. Bitty Bear-bring it back!
    12. Board games-Clue, Monopoly, Scrabble, anything!
    13. A pool!
    14. More HC movies!
    15. A laptop for My AG dolls

    So that was a LOT! πŸ˜€
    What was your favorite? Also, I think you should pick your favs sometimes of all the ideas everyone commented, and then us the viewers would vote on those! πŸ™‚ Oh, and another thing, I wish that AG stuff would be better quality and not made in China!
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    • WOWIE!! That is a LOT!! LOLOL! πŸ˜€
      I like #2, #4, #5, #7-8, #11-15. ESPECIALLY #14!! PLEASE AG do more HC MOVIES!! πŸ˜€
      That’s a good idea! πŸ™‚
      I think that AG is good quality. What’s something you have of theirs that isn’t good?

      • Yeah, it is! LOL!
        Yes!!! AG make mooorreee HC movies!! The ones that they made are better than the GOTY movies they made.
        Well, I guess some things are good quality but there are some things they could have made better. Like the Science Lab Set-the test tube holder is no good-take a look at the pictures of it- http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/html/item/id/226336/ctc/SI
        The hole thing doesn’t go all the way around, so they’ll fall out all the time. It is things like that I do not like. πŸ˜›
        But I do not have anything that is not good quality. I just see things that aren’t up to standard. πŸ˜‰

        • I bet they are! I still haven’t seen any GOTY ones, but from what people say I think HC are better πŸ˜›
          Oh, I see! That is true πŸ˜•
          LOL! Oh, okay! πŸ™‚

  • I wish they would make red haired bitty twins too! And I wish they would sell things separately, like just a tee shirt, or just some skinny jeans (because I’m really tired of my dolls just wearing Julie’s jeans). They should also make a guinea pig with a cage, kind of like McKenna’s hamster. I also had an idea for a historical doll, a pilgrim. It would be cool to have a doll from that long ago. They should also make a hockey outfit and some other kind of instrument (a tuba or saxophone would be cool!). I also think it would be nice if they made bunk beds, kind of like the triple camping bunk beds that they used to have.

    • Yeah, I know! That would be cool, too! πŸ™‚
      Aw, I like the guinea pig idea! So cute!
      Oh, that would be so neat!! And her clothes would be so cute!! πŸ˜€
      Yes, triple bunk beds that can fit 2 dolls on each bunk would be nice!
      Great ideas!

  • hmm lets see… maybe EVERY SINGLE american girl item retired? And what Liz and hope said on Q&A.
    Ooh and also I agree what Christian Homeschooler said! We should ALL write them a letter LOL!
    This is not something AG can make but what was the WORST item you bought from AG?
    I bought the doll party set (when it was on sale) and the table broke about 3 weeks after! But AG is pretty good at making stuff!

    • LOLOL!! I like that idea! πŸ˜€
      Hmmm… I don’t know! I can’t really think of a bad purchase I got from AG πŸ˜›
      LOL! That’s actually good! I broke my table when I opened it! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      Yes, they are πŸ™‚

      • oh my goodness! That is terrible! Did you write to them?

        • LOL! I know! I actually laughed when I broke it, but I am still bummed πŸ˜•
          No, we didn’t. We tried super gluing it together and that worked for a few days and then it just broke again πŸ˜›

  • Here are some more:
    1.How about a CD player or a portable music player? That’d be great. And I would love if they made some Southern Gospel CDs to go with it-I bet hardly anyone else who likes AG would like that, though. πŸ˜›
    2. They should make a sewing machine and maybe some crochet or knitting stuff for the lovers of that stuff! πŸ™‚ I would like a sewing machine for my dolls, I think.
    3. And they used to sell these really fun things-one of them is the thing you have-the Doll Petite Parties kit. I liked those things-they came with a doll kit(like Doll Boutique) and then there was a background to go with it and maybe some more stuff. There was one for Doll Travel and Doll Dining too. I am soo sad they retired them. πŸ™
    4. And maybe they should make 18″ doll houses too. Like, modern ones for the My AG dolls, special GOTY ones, and special ones for each of the HC’s. Like something that looks like Kit’s house. I am not sure how they would do it, but whatever!

  • I wish they would bring back Felicity and her collection! I live her! I got her last fall off of ebay…best money spent! Hahaha!
    And I agree, they need some basic mix and match outfits. πŸ™‚

    • Aw, I know!! Her collection was one of the best ones AG has ever done! πŸ™‚
      LOL! Well, that’s good! πŸ˜€
      Yes, they sure do! πŸ™‚

      • I know…I want to get Penny. Felicity needs her! haha! jk πŸ™‚
        I want to get Rebecca! I think she is cute too!
        I meant to say Love her, not live her, in my last comment! hahahhaha! oops! πŸ™‚


  • I want a Chinese or African american doll with freckles. Also, more options for Bitty twins, and a homeschooling Alaskan GOTY!

    • That’s a good idea!
      Ooooh! A homeschooling Alaskan GOTY!!! That would be so cool!! I know I would love her collection if they did that! πŸ˜€

      • I know! I have been wanting one forever! They have done most all of the major states, except for Alaska! Ahem, AG, did you forget your history? Alaska is part of AMERICA!!! And they really need to do a HC doll.

  • Yay! I have a few ideas!
    1.Bring back McKenna and all of the other GOTY’s so they and their collections to be available forever.
    2.Release a bed for Saige
    3.Release a French horn and clarinet
    4.Bring out a magazine which has doll crafts and fun things.

  • Ooh! A bow and arrow set, that would have like- a target and the wrist thingie, patterned pants, a tutu that’s not for ballet, an Irish doll probably HC, if they made a program where you could design your very own MAG so it looks exactly like you!:) I might have more.:)

    • The Bow and Arrow Set would be SO cool!
      Ooooh! If they did an Irish HC then the bow and arrow set could be part of her collection! πŸ˜€
      I like the MAG idea, too! So cool! πŸ™‚

  • A trench coat, and a detective kit.:)

  • Wow this will be fun!
    1: First I totally agree on what you said about the BTs. They have a redhead BB, why not a readhead BT?
    2: I think AG should make a doll from Alaska. They have already made a doll from Hawaii, so why not Alaska? If it was a HC, then I think it would be cool to have an Eskimo doll, but if it was a GOTY, then I’d want her to have an Eskimo heritage, I think that would be really cool!
    3: I also think AG should make a Canadian doll. I didn’t realize until I went to Canada how similar our countries were. They have Canadian versions of American books, songs, and stores. So I think a Canadian doll would be awesome!
    4: Maybe some colonial outfits. I didn’t get anything from Lissie’s collection, so I think it would be cool if they added similar dresses, and put them in the Halloween section.
    5: They need to revamp all of the retired HC’s and GOTY’s to give girls who didn’t get the dolls before, or weren’t into AG when those dolls were around, a chance to get the dolls.
    6: And finally some tack stuff. All the bridles, lead ropes, and halters come with the horses, or with the Stables and Supplies. So I think they should make some tack supplies.
    And I think that’s it! That was really fun! πŸ˜€

    • I know, right? No fair! πŸ˜•
      Oh, yeah! I think somebody said that already, but it’s such a good idea! She could have huge fur coats and a fur cap and an igloo!! πŸ˜€
      Yes! Colonial outfits! But then they would have to make a Colonial doll and then I wouldn’t like that because of Felicity- Hehe! πŸ˜›
      YEEESS!!! They really do! It’s no fair!! Like I’m dying for Samantha right now! LOLOL! πŸ˜€
      Ooooh, tack stuff!! That’s a great idea!

      • Exactly! They have a redhead of everything else but BTs!
        Oh yeah, I saw that on my way to the top of the page. Oh I didn’t think of an igloo, but that would be SO cool! And she could have a sled and some sled dogs! πŸ˜€
        Hehe! Yeah, that’s true πŸ˜›
        LOLOL! Yeah, I know how you feel, I felt that way when I was dying for Kanani! But luckily I’m over my retired doll craze now πŸ˜›
        Thanks! I probably only said that because I NEED some tack stuff, and you would not believe how hard it is to find an 18 inch doll Western Saddle on the Internet!! LOL! πŸ˜›

        • I know, it’s so sad! πŸ™
          Wouldn’t it?? Oh, my gosh!! I didn’t think about that!! That would be the cutest thing!! πŸ˜€
          LOLOL! Well, that’s good! πŸ˜›
          I do, too! Oh, really? You should look up the retired Western Saddle Set! I got that for Christmas last year and it’s great! πŸ™‚

          • Yeah. Imagine those little girls or older girls whio like the BTs who want a redhead BT πŸ™
            Yeah it would! In her books she could even enter in a sled dog race! πŸ˜€
            Yep! I’m safe… for now πŸ˜›
            OMGosh! REALLY?!?!??!?!??!?!?!? I have to look that up right now! Be right back! *looks it up* Aw! My computer isn’t loading! GRRRRR!!! πŸ™
            I’ll look it up later.

          • Exactly, like me! πŸ˜›
            Oooh!! I like that idea! Although now it’s starting to sound like Balto.. LOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
            LOLOLOLOLOL!! Oh, no!! Well, it comes with a Western Saddle, bucket, brush, feed bag, clear hair-ties, aaaandd…. I think that’s it! It’s a really good set and I LOOOVE the saddle SO much! Cause when the dolls sit in it, it looks like she’s slouching and her heels are down! SO realistic! πŸ˜€

  • 1. Julie’s collection is sorely lacking. Ivy needs more clothes, like pjs, the pink outfit from the paper dolls, a leotard ans different shoes. Also Julie needs a school set (not just the lunch box), a console TV set complete w/ antennas, and a dial that rotates her favorite shows on a spool inside it, and bring back her table. BTW…whatever happened to her movie???

    2) Some more scenes like you see in the catalogs like a neighborhood street, and individual historical character scenes, like for Julie! (yeah I know I’m stuck. LOL!)

    3) Lower their prices. It really doesn’t cost that much to make an AG doll, since they use standard face molds. But sadly, we’re not just paying for the dolls, we’re paying for the whole AG experience each time we buy one.

  • Here are some more ideas!!
    1. A flat screen desktop with a CPU, keyboard, and mouse. The ones they had before were really unrealistic, so I’d want it to be realistic looking. A laptop would be cool too, since the one they sold was Lanie’s. I think Lindsey had one, too.
    2. A Christmas tree! They sold one before, and I really want it. But they should make one again!
    3. A dresser. Why don’t they sell this? πŸ˜›
    4. More books for dolls. I would love if they made the Little House series. They would probably make a bunch of junky books for dolls, but they should do the classics!
    5. A counter with stools. Wouldn’t that be great for a restaurant?

    Also, some good news! First, sometime we might go to the AG store in Columbus. I have NO idea when, and it probably won’t be ANYtime soon. But there is hope!! And also, I bought a baking set for dolls on Amazon. Here is the link to what I bought: http://www.amazon.com/Inch-Baking-American-Furniture-Cookware/dp/B008VDM47K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1381264778&sr=8-1&keywords=american+girl+doll+baking
    So tell me what you think!
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    • I really like the computer idea!
      YES!! A Christmas tree would be so adorable!!
      Oh, yeah, huh? They sell closets, so why not a dresser? πŸ˜›
      That would be cool, too!
      Oooooh!! That’s a great idea!!

      That’s awesome!! How exciting for you!! πŸ˜€
      Okay, I will have to see it later because it didn’t work on my computer πŸ˜•
      I will definitely take a look at it, though!! I bet it’s adorable! πŸ˜€

      • Did you look at the baking set yet? Hopefully I will get it soon!! Then I’ll teak pictures of it and send them to you! πŸ˜€

        • Oh, I forgot!! I’ll ask my mom to show me right now and get back to you in a sec πŸ˜‰
          YAAY! PICTURES!!! πŸ˜€

          • I just looked at it and this is what I have to say:

            AAAAH!! THAT IS SOOO ADORABLE!! And I can’t believe it’s only $14!! That’s a GREAT price!!

            I am so happy for you!! YAY!! πŸ˜€

  • Yep! Exactly!
    LOL! Oh yeah, kinda, except I don’t think they lived in Igloo’s… πŸ˜›
    OH MY GOSH!!!!! IT SOUNDS SO AWESOME!!!!!!! I have to look it up NOW!!!!! *Looks it up again* YES!!!!! IT LOADED THE PICTURE! It looks SOOOOOO cute! It’s going on my Christmas list! SO CUTE! Oh they do? That’s awesome! Now I want it even more!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

    • LOLOL!! No, they didn’t! πŸ˜›
      LOLOLOLOLOL!! It is, cute, huh? And the under side of the saddle is so soft! I LOVE it!! πŸ˜›
      Yep, it is awesome! πŸ˜€

      • YES IT’S ADORABLE!!!!!!! I almost forgot to write it down the other day πŸ˜›
        Oh wow! How realistic is it, compared to a regular Western saddle?
        It sounds awesome! πŸ˜€

        • LOLOL!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
          Um, I think it’s pretty realistic! I can’t really think right now, but I think it is! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
          It is awesome! You will love it if you get it! πŸ˜€

  • I want AG to add some more to Kaya’s collection! And make some different looking outfits! They all look way too similar!

    They need a HC that’s a pioneer, so that they can make a covered wagon.

    And that’s all I have for now! What do ya’ll think? πŸ˜€

    • Oh yeah, Kaya is lacking clothes. But if you think about it, most indian outfits look kinda similar πŸ˜› But it’d be cool if they added something to go on her head, I forgot what it’s called but Kaya would look super cute in them! πŸ˜€
      Oh that’d be cool! But I don’t think they’d do that because they already had Kirsten. But a covered wagon would be really cool! And it could come with a horse to pull it, but I don’t think AG’d do that πŸ˜›

      • Yeah, I guess, but can’t they think of something a little different? LOL! πŸ˜›
        Oh, yeah!! Isn’t it called a head dress? I think I know what you’re talking about! πŸ˜€
        Well, Rebecca is around the same time period as Samantha, right? But maybe you’re right. πŸ™‚
        It would, huh?! I would LOOVE that SO much!! πŸ˜€

  • LOL! True, they could make a White dress maybe! I think they used to have one for her and it was SO cute! πŸ˜€
    Yes, that’s it! She’d look so cute! But I think only boys wear those πŸ˜›
    That’s true, so they could make a Pioneer doll, or maybe an Oregon Trail doll! That would be cool! She could meet a girl on the trail, and that could be her BFF, and she could have a horse of her own! And she could settle down in the OR/WA area, and maybe even meet an indian! πŸ˜€
    Yes I would too! But it’d probably cose about $500 including the horse, knowing AG πŸ˜›
    And if the wagon came with a horse, you could actually hitch and unhitch the team! πŸ˜€

    • Oh, that sounds kina familiar! She would look so pretty in white! πŸ™‚
      Yeah, I think so, too πŸ˜›
      Ooooh!! LOOOVE IT!!
      Hmm.. maybe not meeting an indian because they did that with Kirsten πŸ˜‰
      LOLOLOL! No, probably $250 or $300 for that. $500 or $550 would be if they made a doll house! Wouldn’t that be crazy?!? LOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      Oooh!! That would be SO MUCH FUN!! πŸ˜€

      • Yeah, I think it was called her Jingle outfit or something like that. Yes she would!
        Oh, that’s true, then that’d be like totally copying Kirsten πŸ˜›
        LOL! Yes that would be so cool! If I had the money, and if it could fit under my bed, I’d get it! πŸ˜€
        Yeah, and two dolls could fit in the back, and two could fit in the seat, and it could come with things in the back, like lanterns and things like that πŸ˜€

        • Oh, okay! I don’t really remember the names of her stuff πŸ˜›
          Yeah, it would. And then I’d get offended for her.. LOLOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
          Same here! It’d be SOOO MUCH FUN!! πŸ˜€
          AAAAAH!! I NEED AG TO MAKE THIS!! You’re making it better and better! LOLOL! πŸ˜€

  • I was actually looking on ebay when I saw a picture of Kaya in a white dress and on it said “Jingle Dress” or something like that. Okay, now I need to know! I got to go look it up! Be back in a sec! *looks it up* Oh it’s actually blue, but has some white in it, I was called her “Jingle Dress of Today” Here’s the link:
    I actually like it alot more than her other modern outfit πŸ˜›
    LOLOLOL! I know, when I heard about the GOTY 2014 being a dancer, I thought “That’s Marisol’s thing!” LOL! By the way, you remember when I told you I’m over my retired doll craze? Not anymore. I fell in love with Marisol the other day πŸ˜› Now I don’t know if I want her or Rebecca! They both look the same pretty much (which is probably why I like them both πŸ˜› ) and I can’t decide! Here’s a pic of Marisol if you haven’t seen her before:
    What do you think?
    LOLOL! And I just thought of somehting else that would be even better! If the top part could come off, you know the covered part of the covered wagon? Does that make sense? πŸ˜›

    • LOLOLOL! You are so funny! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      OH MY GOSH!! THAT IS SO CUTE!! I have a question, though. How did you find a link that leads to the AG Store showing that retired dress?
      LOL! Yeah, it is! But, if you think about it, it must be hard for them to think of how the dolls should be. You know what I mean?
      Yes, I do πŸ™‚ Oh, no! LOLOL! Yeah, that’s probably why you fell in love with her πŸ˜›
      I personally like Rebecca better than Marisol. She is really cute, though! πŸ™‚
      OH YEAH!!! Oh, my gosh!! I NEED THAT WAGON!! LOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

      • Why thank you! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
        I know right?! It’s alot cuter than her other outfits! Oh well I just looked up “Kaya’s Jingle Dress” And there was a link to AmericanGirl.com. I think you can do that with most retired things, as long as you know the title πŸ˜‰
        Yeah, that’s true, there are only so many sports and hobbies in the world, and if I liked the doll then I could just change her hobby, I do that a lot, since I don’t always like the sport they play.
        LOL! Yeah that’s true! ;p
        I think I’m going to go with Rebecca, since I can’t find Marisol for a good price in good condition, but I might get her one day, when I actually find a good price πŸ˜›
        Speaking of which, how are you doing with looking for Samantha? πŸ™‚
        LOLOL! I think I do too! It’s gotten too cute! I can see it now… Julie and Kanani riding in the back of their covered wagon in the prairie… Ma and Pa are sitting in the front… As they stop at a creek to water the horses they… Aw, I lost the concentration! LOL! πŸ˜›

        • LOL! You’re welcome! πŸ˜€
          It is! I really like it πŸ™‚
          Oh, that is so cool!
          Right. Plus it’s fun to make up your own personality for the doll, and not what the book has written for them, you know? πŸ™‚
          Good idea! LOLOL! πŸ˜›
          I’m not really looking for her right now. I’m gonna ask for her for Christmas, so my mom will do all the searching on that πŸ˜‰
          AWWW!! That sounds so amazing! LOLOL! Oh no! πŸ˜›
          Mine would probably be a bigger family πŸ˜› I’d have Kirsten, Caroline, Saige, Rebecca and maybe a toddler or two! LOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

  • Yeah, it would be so fun for photostories!
    Exactly! Like instead of Julie being a total tomboy, she’s my fashionista, and likes to dance. But there are a few things that I keep the same, like Cecile is isn’t afraid to speak her mind, or afraid to do some poetry in our house, even though most of the dolls hate poetry πŸ˜›
    Oh right, you probably told me that and I forgot πŸ˜›
    I know, I’m still trying to think of the end of the story! πŸ˜›
    LOLOL! Oh my, that is a big family! I actually probably use Abbie, and Cece would make a cute pioneer, but she’d have to be a friend. It would be so cute! And the best part would be that AG could make a little log cabin that you could pretend your dolls build! And it could have a little fireplace, and an old stove, and, and a cute little table, and, and… I’ll think of more later πŸ˜›

    • LOLOL! Poor Cece! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      Oh, yeah finish it!! I want to know what’s happening! You stopped at a cliff hanger! πŸ˜›
      Yeah, that’s usually what I do. Everything I play always has a HUGE family, LOLOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      Oh, my gosh!!! A LOG CABIN?!?!?!? YES, YES, YES!!!
      LOLOLOL! πŸ˜› And it could have a rocking chair, cabinets, Uuuuummm… What else?!?! LOL!

  • Hehe! Well, she’s used to our family now. Ya gotta be tough to get inta this dolly family! LOLOL! πŸ˜›
    Okay, concentrate… Oh Oh! I got it!
    As they stopped to water the horses, Pa said that this is where they’d camp for the night. When everyone was in bed, Julie couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned, and finally got some water from the creek. She then saw a fire, and a tall pole in the distance. Instead of telling Pa, her curiosity got the better of her, and she walked towards the fire. When she came across the fire, she saw many people gathered around the fire, in deersking outfits, with a long carved poll in the back. She soon realized that she found an indian campsite! Then someone grabbed her shoulder. She looked back to find an indian girl. She struggled, but the girl held her fast.
    “What do you want from me?!” Julie asked.
    “Friend.” The girl whispered. Julie then thought that the girl was friendly. “What you doing here?” She asked.
    “I was asking about your carved pole?” Julie said catiously. The girl looked at the pole and then explained that it was called “Gyaa ‘aang” in Julie’s tongue, totem pole. She learned that it was meant to tell stories around the campfire. The girls name was Brown Deer. Julie thinking Brown Deer was an intresting name, introduced herself, but Brown Deer though just the same about her name. Julie returned to bed, wiser, and happier, for she had made a new friend, who when Pa built a cabin for Julie and her family, visited often.
    The End.
    I think I used up most of my imagination there! LOL! πŸ˜›
    LOLOL! That’s true!
    Oh, it could have a loft, and beds, and pots and pans, and a chest!! πŸ˜€

    • LOLOL! Oh, I see πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      Aw, that was good! Yay for friends!! Hehe! πŸ˜€
      LOLOLOL!! Don’t worry, you should re-generate within a few hours πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›
      YES!! Definitely a chest! Oh! And what about a rocking chair?? πŸ˜€

  • Hehe, thanks! πŸ˜€
    Hehe! You’re right! I though of a fun game to play with my dolls today, and thought of a few funny things to say, and figured out how to make some doll pumpkin pie out of felt, though I haven’t tried it yet, but I think it’ll work, I just need some orange felt! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
    Ooh! A rocking chair would be so cool! And it could have carving details, so it looks like it was carved by a real craftsman! Oh Oh! Another idea… it could have a sink, with… *drumroll*
    A pump! That could actually work, but not spray water out, that’d be bad πŸ˜›

    • Oh, cool! If the pumpkin pie idea works PLEASE share how to do it!! I don’t really wanna use clay πŸ˜›
      I know, right?!? πŸ˜€
      OH MY GOSH!! That would be SOOOO COOL!!! πŸ˜€
      Oh, yeah, like you could pump it, but it wouldn’t pump water πŸ˜‰

  • Sure! If it does work, I’ll just have to make some turkey, and mashed potatoes, and my dolls will have a Thanksgiving dinner! I don’t either. If it was Air dry clay, I MIGHT consider it, but not if you have to bake it! πŸ˜›
    Yes it would be so cute! πŸ˜€
    Wouldn’t it?! It would be SO fun for photostories or videos or just playing! πŸ˜€
    Exactly. If it pumped water, it’d have to be like a fountain, like when it pumps water out, it sucks it back in, but you’d have to change the water every once and a while, or it might get gross, or they’d have to have a pipe beneath the sink and somehow connect it to other pipes, and that’d be even harder! πŸ˜›

    • Aw, that sounds SO cute! We bought some Model Magic Clay the other day in a bunch of tans and browns, so maybe I can make something for them for Thanksgiving πŸ™‚
      Yeah, I like Air Dry, too! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›
      I know!! I would have so mcuh fun with it! πŸ˜€
      Yeah, that all sounds too hard. LOL!
      Maybe in the sink there could be something clear-ish blue-ish that could be the water and you just pretend to pump it in. Does that make sense? LOL! πŸ˜›

  • Hi Jaclynn!! I’m new here on the blog, (new time commenter, old time reader), and I just thought of something! So you know how when they make the historical mini dolls, they include a mini version of that doll’s book? Well, I think they should make whole mini sets of the doll’s books. That way, we won’t have to make our own!
    I also think that AG should focus more on the HCs. I think this because they are the dolls who started AG in the first place! If the rumor is true that they are making a 50’s doll, then I will hope that AG will focus more on her and the other HC than they do on the MAGs.
    I’m with you on the Irish Bitty Twins. As I come from Irish heritage (my mom’s side,) I think they would be SOOOO cute! I also, for some reason, have an obsession for redhead dolls. If they had freckles too, they would be even cuter! Sorry for typing so much!
    ~Abby T~

    • Hi Abby! It’s nice to meet you! πŸ™‚
      Oh, yes! That would be so great if they did that!
      I agree. I love the HC’s, too and I want AG to give them more attention πŸ˜‰
      Thanks! I think they would be, too! πŸ˜€

  • I want curly redheaded Bitty Twins too!

  • I wish that AG would make a pilgrim BeforNever. She would have long brunette hair that comes styled in a bun at the back of her head, light skin, faint (and I’m talking VERY faint) freckles. She would come in a ankle-length red dress, a white frilly apron, a white cap with a red ribbon, and a petticoat, bloomers, and knee-high black boots. She would be named Relinda Mackentosh, and have adventures in the new land.

  • Maybe I’ll just make Relinda my first custom doll! I bet I could find an old AG doll and get a wig, then sew her 1600’s outfit myself!

  • Or an off-brand doll.

  • Oh wait, she won’t be my FIRST custom doll, because I just customized a Barbie! She is AMAZING!!! πŸ™‚

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