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2 Fillies & A Colt~ A Photostory

You’re all probably doing this right now – *rechecks title* Does that really say photostory? 

Yes, yes, it does! I’ve finally made a photostory! YAY!! 

Annika will take over now πŸ™‚

Sometimes when I stand by the door to the backyard and I feel the cool breeze sweeping over me and hear the birds chirping, I just feel called to go outside. That’s what happened to me today. It was so beautiful outside I just had to go out and be surrounded by the fresh air.

And then I saw our ponies playing in the lawn. 


I smiled gleefully as I watched them. They were so adorable, it killed me.

Sparks Flying was the first to notice me. He stared at me, a gleam in his eye. Then he ran over to me.

“Hey, you good boy!” I greeted as I stroked his fluffy face. Nothing better than the fluffy fur of a pony. Well, maybe there is, but to me, it was one of the most amazing feelings in the world.

It wasn’t long before Luthien and Eowyn noticed me and trotted over to us.

Eowyn lifted her muzzle under my arm to make me pet her and I giggled as she did so. These two girlies were jealous of the attention I was giving Sparks Flying.

“Don’t be jealous, you two! I love you all very much.” I cooed.

I could have stayed out there forever. These ponies definitely held a special place in my heart. 

Awww…. I love my horses, but I hardly ever use them! It felt good to give these little ponies some attention πŸ™‚

Have you ever pet a pony? 


Giving The Horses Some Exercise~ A Photostory

Felicity smiled atΒ her beautiful mare, Penny as she led her out of the barn to get some exercise.


“Wow, you’re already ready?” Felicity asked with a chuckle. Kaya grinned and said, “Yes,Β I’m sorry I took so long. I just wanted to make sure Steps High was thoroughly groomed first.” Felicity smiled playfully. “It’s okay, I’m used to it.” She teased.


The two sisters walked their horses through the small field and chatted away.


“Just think, as soon as Luthien, Eowyn, and Sparks Flying get old enough to ride, we can go riding with Saige, Annika, and Jocelyn!” Kaya said excitedly. She always loved spending time with her sisters outdoors.

“Yeah! I wonder if Jocelyn knows how to ride already…” Felicity and Kaya pondered this a while, until they decided it was time to mount their horses for a short ride.


“FOR NARNIA!” Felicity shouted and Kaya laughed. “What is that?” She inquired. Felicity gasped. “We haven’t watched Narnia together yet, have we?” She asked in disbelief.


“No…?” Kaya said questioningly, wondering what other movie she was going to be getting herself into.


Kaya and Felicity had a great time that afternoon with their very best friends – their horses.


Hi! Oh, my goodness, it was SO hot outside when I took these pictures! And windy, so it was hard to balance Kaya on her horse without a saddle LOL! I was disappointed when I went outside and realized the lighting wasn’t that great for taking pictures, and then when I came inside I looked out the window and the whole area I was taking pictures in got shaded…. πŸ˜•

Okay, so a bit of exciting news……. ELLA COMES HOME ON SATURDAY!! YAY!!! πŸ˜€ There will definitely be a post about her on that day! πŸ˜‰

OH! One more thing! I added a new page called “Meet Jaclynn”, so be sure to head over there and check it out! πŸ™‚

Who is your doll’s best friend?


American Girl Winter Release~ 2014

So how many of you went to the computer right away when you got up in the morning on the winter release date? I’m sure I wasn’t the only one! I was very pleased with this release and a LOT of the new items have made it to my AG wishlist!! πŸ˜€

Now, let’s take a look at the items!


Fair Isle PJ Collection is $64 or you can buy the doll version for $24 or the girl’s size for $40. I absolutely LOVE these PJ’s!! They are so cute and are now on my wishlist πŸ˜€


“Hit the Slopes” Collection is $76 (you can buy just the outfit for $34 or the Skis and Helmet for $42) and at first I wasn’t sure what I thought of this outfit, but it has grown on me! I really love that jacket πŸ™‚


Sparkly Skating Set is $44…. A little on the expensive side πŸ˜› I actually don’t like this outfit. The only thing I like are the ice skates πŸ™‚


Pretty Pink Riding Outfit & Helmet is $66 (buy just the outfit for $42) I LOVE THIS!!! I really want this!! The pants and the coat and the boots- AAAHH! SO CUTE!! πŸ˜€


Western Plaid Outfit & Hat is $54 (Buy just the outfit for $30) and again- I LOVE IT!!! One of my favorite color combos is pink and brown!! I seriously love this outfit!! πŸ˜€


Western Plaid Dress & Belt for Girls is $54 and I think it’s really cute, but too short. πŸ˜‰


Prancing Horse & Saddle Set is $136 (buy the horse for $98 or the Saddle and Award Set for $38) and OMGOSH I LOVE this horse!!! I’ve already decided that my dolls need a male horse and that they will name him Brego after a horse in LOTR, LOL πŸ˜›


Winter White Outfit is $38, when I first saw this I thought “Oh, that’s cute!” but when I looked at it more I was like “Oh. Not really.” I’ve never really liked how tights look under shorts and I really don’t think that they should’ve used shorts in this outfit… I’d say the only things I like about this outfit are the vest and the boots. Those boots are just seriously to die for! πŸ˜›


Winter White Outfit for Girls $142. I don’t really think much about this outfit πŸ˜‰


Holiday Accessories are $32 and really cute! I love the little shrug and the ornament- it’s just all really cute! I wouldn’t spend over $30 on this set, though πŸ˜›


Happy Holiday Dress is $36 and I’m DYING over its beautiful-ness!!! I love the style of it and how sparkly it is and how pretty it looks on MAG #61!!!! It would be so fun to get this for her on Christmas *wink wink at my mom* LOL πŸ˜€


Happy Holiday Outfit for Girls is $132 and while it is very pretty, and I would probably wear it, it is also too short. πŸ˜•


Silver Shimmer Dress is $36 and while it looks pretty, it actually doesn’t seem all that great to me. The shape is a little weird and I think the ruffles start too high. πŸ˜‰


Silver Shimmer Outfit for Girls is $80- see what I mean about the shape? It just looks way too square, huh? πŸ˜›


Sparkly Black Flats are $14 and they are really cute! They would go great with a lot of outfits! πŸ™‚

Now let’s move on to the Bitty stuff!


Teal Tidings Dress is $28 and pretty cute. I’m not so sure what I think about that color right now… Maybe it’s just that color on that doll that I don’t like πŸ˜‰


Teal Tidings Dress for Girls is $54 and just like the doll version- it’s cute πŸ™‚


Imagine & Play Tent is $195 and SO adorable!! If this was around when I was little, I would’ve loved this!


Little Leopard Snowsuit is $28 and SO CUTE!! The baby looks so cute and cuddly, doesn’t she?? πŸ˜€


Frosty Ice-Skating Outfit is $36 and not really all that great. I really don’t like that the ice skates are felt. That looks really cheesy, AG πŸ˜•


Bitty’s Bib & Sippy is $12 and pretty cute. I think the reason I’m not so fond of it is because I already have a lot of stuff like this for my baby dolls and this just doesn’t scream “ADORABLE” to me LOL πŸ˜›


Tiny Toile Set is $40 and again, it’s pretty cute. I think I’d like it better with a headband instead of a hat πŸ™‚


Bitty’s Bunny Sleeper is $18, I think it’s really cute! πŸ™‚


Bitty’s Bunny Bodysuits are $18. I think these are my favorite of the new Bitty Baby stuff! They’re just so basic and practical for babies, so I guess that’s why I like them so much πŸ™‚


Bitty’s Purple Dragon is $30. It’s really cute and makes me think of an old PBS Kids show I used to watch called Dragon Tales!

Now for the Bitty Twins new stuff!


Ballerina Nightgown is $34 and SO ADORABLE!! Doesn’t Janie look so cute in that?! And I love the snow globe, too!!


Ballerina Nightgown for Girls is $38. I can totally see myself wearing this when I was little! πŸ™‚


Toy Soldier PJ’s are $34 and SO CUTE!! Jeremy looks so adorable!! Like a little prince!! And I love that nutcracker! It would look so cute on my doll’s mantle! Oh, my gosh! These would be so cute on Elijah! Okay, I need these now πŸ˜€

Now onto my favorite from the release…..

Pretty City Carriage and Prancing Horse $373 and I am needing money so badly right now!!! THAT CARRIAGE IS BEAUTIFUL!! Can you just imagine all the photostories this would be great for?! And just SO fun for play, too!! I LOVE the bells and that it comes with a blanket to put over the dolls while they’re taking a ride!! And that the top goes up and down!! Oh, my goodness, girls, I’m dying! How on earth am I going to save up almost $400?! :O There’s no way I can do that, considering how bad I am at saving money. But, yeah, this is my absolute favorite from the release!! πŸ˜€

Again, I think this was a really good release! All of my absolute favorites were the new horse related items πŸ™‚

What did you think of this release? Anything new added to your wishlist?


Another Idea!

So, I kind of randomly felt like putting Kaya on her horse, Steps High and do you know what happened right when I put her on? That’s right! I had an idea!!


But an idea for what exactly? An idea for another photostory series!!! I already have a few things planned out! I’m really excited about it and I can’t wait to make it- once my pirate series is done of course! πŸ˜€

What do you think it might be about?

Kaya’s Photoshoot

Is it raining where you live? It’s been raining ALL day today! And yesterday we had LOUD thunder, crazy wind, and pouring rain! I liked it all except for the thunder. I do not like thunder πŸ˜›
Anyways, let’s start the photoshoot!


Kaya’s horse Steps High arrived yesterday! Kaya is so happy to be reunited with her horse! And I’m sure Sparks Flying is glad to be near his mommy again πŸ™‚


There’s nothing sweeter than the strong bond between a girl and her horse <3


Steps High is an absolutely beautiful horse!! I highly recommend her!


Okay, doesn’t Kaya look SO cute in the Frosty Fair Isle Outfit?! I think she looks so pretty πŸ™‚


I’m sure you also noticed that I took out Kaya’s braids. Her hair is almost as long as Kanani’s and it is the softest hair EVER!!! I am obsessed with her hair πŸ˜€


See how beautiful her hair is?? Did I mention it’s the softest hair ever?? I literally can’t stop touching it! It’s like I’m petting her hair! πŸ˜›


My beautiful Kaya πŸ™‚

Of your dolls, who do you think has the softest hair?


My American Girl Birthday Shopping Spree!

Hi girls! I had such a fun time yesterday at the AG place and spending time with my family! My mom and I left to go to the AG Place at 10:00 AM and got there at about 11:10 AM. We took our time and covered every inch of the place. It was so much fun!! So, let’s begin looking through the pictures!


Online, Isabelle’s Bar & Beam looks kinda big, but it’s actually pretty small! Which I guess it has to be, LOL! πŸ˜›


Isabelle’s Pajamas and her cat. I think Isabelle is so much cuter in person!


I love this outfit!! Pictures don’t it justice!


LOOVE THIS SET!! Why is it $64??? UGH! πŸ˜• πŸ˜›


Pretty Isabelle πŸ™‚


That tutu is cute!


Pretty birthday display πŸ™‚ (I love the doll on the right!)


Look! It’s Annika!! She looks so pretty!! πŸ˜€


Okay, can I just say ADORBS?!?!


I LOVE this doll and outfit!!! πŸ˜€


This is just such an amazing display!! Can you see all the tiny Easter eggs??




I can NOT tell you how I excited (and shocked) I was to see the Western Riding Outfit there!! It’s not online anymore, but it was in the store!! YAY! πŸ˜€


Just look at how cute that is! πŸ™‚


I love Isabelle’s Coral Sweater πŸ™‚


That is such an adorable hairstyle! I should’ve studied it more πŸ˜•


Those two look like they’re having a lot fun πŸ™‚


A cute classroom display πŸ™‚


The other side has the Gala Party Scene! I need to get that someday πŸ˜‰


I love Isabelle’s Studio! It is so cute! I was a bit disappointed when I saw that the dress form was solid and not squishy…


Julie’s Car is amazing! I think that the doors should open, though πŸ˜›


So pretty!! My mom said she’s gonna buy Julie, but I said, “No, you can’t! I’m gonna buy her someday!” LOL! πŸ˜›


I think this outfit is really cute!!


And so is this one!! I don’t like the headband, but everything else is adorable πŸ™‚


Oh, gosh! This is also so much cuter in person!


I don’t really care for the colors of this outfit, but the detail is absolutely amazing!


I love Caroline πŸ™‚ (and I need that dress! πŸ˜› )


Her hair looks so pretty!!!


This outfit is just beautiful!


Another ADORABLE Bitty picture! πŸ˜€


This set up is really cute!


I LOVE this set!!! I was dying over everything about it! It’s adorable!


I really love this doll! She is so cute πŸ™‚


The new Rainy Day Outfit is so cute! I just really want that coat, but I do not want to pay $24 for it πŸ˜›


Here’s me standing in front of Kaya’s section πŸ™‚


Kaya’s Deerskin Outfit. It is actually cuter in person, too. I have just never paid much attention to her which, yes, it’s pretty sad πŸ™


I LOVE her horses and her saddle!!


Kaya is so pretty! πŸ˜€


Kaya’s Pow Wow Dress of today. She looks so pretty in blue! I also love her tepee πŸ™‚


Trying to find which doll looks perfect! Yep! I bought Kaya!!! πŸ˜€


After looking through practically EVERY Kaya doll (No joke!) I finally found the perfect one πŸ˜€


I had put too much in my bag, so I had to take some things out. Here’s me trying to decide which outfit to get over the other!


I was trying to decide between the Western Riding Outfit and the Weekend Fun Outfit! It was SO hard to decide!! I had planned to buy the Weekend Fun, but when I saw the Western Riding, I wanted to buy that because I was so sad when it wasn’t available anymore! It was a super hard choice to make, but I finally went with the Western Riding Outfit πŸ™‚


Finally, I was ready to check out πŸ˜€

I’m going to give you a list of what I bought as I haven’t taken pictures of everything yet. πŸ˜‰

1. Kaya Doll and Book
2. Steps High- I had to order her because she was back ordered, but at least I got free shipping πŸ™‚
3. Sparks Flying
4. Frosty Fair Isle Outfit
5. Western Riding Outfit
6. Purple Peacock PJ’s for Kaya πŸ˜‰

And my mom and dad also gave me two AG outfits!!
1. The Cozy Sweater Outfit (SOOO EXCITED!!)
2. Saige’s Sweater Outfit (YAY!!)

I’m SO happy with all of my stuff! And here are a couple more pictures of me and Kaya:


I opened her in the car and just about died! She is absolutely beautiful and her hair is AMAZINGLY soft! No other doll has hair as soft as hers!


I love her so much!!! πŸ˜€


When we pulled into our driveway I put Kaya back in her box, but I decided to be silly and become an American Girl Doll myself! LOL! πŸ˜›

Okay, now you all have to see this beautiful cookie cake that my mom made me!!


Look how pretty it is!!! I did not know my mom was so good at cake decorating!! Thank you for making me such a pretty cake, mommy πŸ™‚

I had such a great birthday!! My mom made french toast, hash browns, and sausage for dinner (my FAVORITE breakfast!), then we sat around a bit, played Apples to Apples, and hung out some more! It was SO much fun!
And I want to thank you ALL for the birthday wishes! You’re so amazing and I’m so lucky to have friends like you! πŸ™‚

Look for another post coming later today! πŸ˜€

A Special Photoshoot For Saige

Today marks the beginning of a new year and for AG fans such as ourselves, that means one GOTY leaves and a new one takes her place. Β I originally planned for this to be an ordinary photoshoot, but I think it can be more than that. This is a special photoshoot just for Saige. To tell her that we will always love her πŸ™‚


Saige looks absolutely stunning in her Sparkle Dress. This outfit is so much better in person. The pictures do not do it justice.


These boots are just the cutest little things! The detail is amazing!


Here you can see the detail of the necklace and the dress. Both are so gorgeous!


And of course, the hairstyle adds to the outfit. Saige’s hair is curled and pulled back with tiny black clips. A cute style for any day!


Being the horse-lover that she is, Saige wanted Penny to be in the last couple of pictures πŸ™‚


Saige giving Penny a kiss, aww!! <3

Do you have Saige?

An Unexpected Injury~ Part 1


Ever since Cecile discovered that we had horses she has wanted to learn how to ride. Well, the day for her to give it a try hasΒ finally arrived!


Annika and Rebecca came outside to watch.

“Good luck!” Annika said with a smile.

“You’ll do great!” Rebecca shouted.

“Thanks! I’ll need it!” Cecile replied.


“Do you think she’ll do alright?” Saige asked Felicity.

“Well, why wouldn’t she?” Lissie wondered.

“I dunno. It’s just thatΒ I’ve felt very un-easy all morning..” Saige explained.

“Oh, don’t worry, Saige! She’ll be fine.” Felicity said trying to cheer up her sister.

“I hope so. But if anything happens to her I will never ride again.” Saige said.


Cecile started off great and Felicity and Saige were doing great at guiding her around.

“That’s it, now bring her over here.” Saige said.

“Good job, Cece!” Felicity said. Cecile smiled broadly πŸ˜€


“Uh- Annika? Don’t you think she’s goin’ a little too fast?” Rebecca asked.

“Yes, she is. She needs to slow her down.” Annika said, getting worried.


“Cecile! Bring her to a walk!” Felicity said.

“You’re going too fast! Slow her down, Cece!” Saige shouted.

“I don’t know how to slow down!!” Cecile yelled.

“Pull back on the reins and-” Felicity started, but was interrupted by a scream.


“AAAAAAAH!!!!” Cecile screamed as Penny stood on her hind legs. Cece had lost complete control and then all ofΒ a sudden-


*THUD* Cecile fell backwards off of Penny.


All of the girls rushed to help her,

“Cece! Cece, wake up!”

“Is she okay?”

“Oh, Cecile!”

“Cece, please come back to us!”

I looked out the window to see my girls gathered around Cecile, who seemed to be unconsious. I ran outside and called an ambulance to come right away.


The doctors told me that she had injured her neck and needed surgery.
After fighting back some tears I asked the doctor,
“May I sit with herΒ for a while?”
“Of, course.” The doctor replied.

I sat by her bed and prayed.Β  Then I kissed her cheek and said, “I love youΒ sweetie.”Β 


That’s where we end part 1!Β  I have a busy schedule the next few days, so I will be posting Part 2 on Monday πŸ˜‰

Will Cecile be okay? Do you think Saige meant what she said about not riding again?

I Discovered Something Interesting!!

Today I wanted to get out my sister’s AG Doll Bin and just look through her stuff. Whenever I get it out I always look at her old catalog.


This is a picture of the front of the catalog. It’s the 1998 Holiday Catalog!


Who is that? Could it be? Yes, it’s Felicity’s horse, Penny in the Girl of Today section!!

She was called “American Girl Horse”. In this catalog Felicity doesn’t even have Penny or any stable-ish things, just her riding outfits.
I think it is SO weird and kinda cheap of AG to use an old Girl of Today Horse to be Penny. Why don’t they just make a brand new one?
Just in case you wanna know, here’s what it says about her:
“What a beauty! Braid her thick brown mane and tail, and stroke her velvety coat. Then position the royal blue saddle blanket and leather saddle, adjust the stirrups, take up the reins, and you’re off! Don’t forget to give her the name you’ve always dreamed of for a horse of your own.”
She sold for $58.

I just looked at a catalog that has “Penny” in it. Here’s something else interesting:

She is still called “American Girl Horse” and was sold for $75.
The description says:
“This beautiful horse looks just like Penny! Includes attached reins, a royal blue saddle blanket, and a faux leather saddle.”

This is all just so weird.. and can you believe how much they raised the price of her?? It’s ridiculous!

What are your thoughtsΒ aboutΒ this?


We Have A Foal!!


It was a busy day in the stables today. We were getting a foal and Felicity, Saige, and Annika were making all of the preparations.


Just when Saige was going to ask, “When will she get here?” mommy (me πŸ˜› ) called out, “Girls! One of you needs to come out and get your new foal settled!”

Saige- “I’ll do it!!”


Annika- “I’m so excited to meet her! I wonder what she looks like…”

Felicity- “Probably adorable and beautiful!!” The sisters giggled with excitement!


Saige- “Here she is!”

Felicity- “Oooooh! Look at her eyes! She is so pretty!!”

Annika- “She’s adorable!!!”


Saige- “Isn’t she?!?” She sighed, “Girls, we have a problem. When we were leading her out of the trailer she stumbled. Her leg got scratched.”

Annika- “Oh, poor little thing! Don’t worry we’ll fix you up.”

Felicity- “I’ll lead Penny into the fields so you can have more room to work. Let me know when to lead her back in.”


So, Annika and Saige set to work!

Saige- “Easy, girl- easy!”

Annika- “Come here sweetie, I have to bandage you up.”


Annika- “There you are- good as new!”

Saige- “We’ll have to keep an eye on that leg, but she should mend in no time at all!”


The girls groomed her until she was nice and clean.


Annika watched her eat while Saige and Felicity talked about her injury.


Felicity- “Awww!! They look so sweet together!” She said as they watched Penny and her new friend eating.

Saige- “They sure do! Hey, what are we going to name her?”


Annika-Β “I have a suggestion.”

Felicity- “What is it?”

Annika- “Well, I’ve been reading the Lord of the Rings books and there are lots of interesting and beautiful names in there. So, today when I was reading there was a mini story about the Lady of Luthien. Why not name her Luthien?

Saige- “Oh, I love it! It’s so pretty!”

Felicity- “I think it’s unanimous, cause I love it, too!”

Annika- “Alright, Luthien it is!”


All of the girls love little Luthien πŸ™‚


Today me and my mom went to Target. I was planning on purchasing a Laptop set from OG for $7, but they didn’t have it. When I saw this foal I knew I had to have her! She is a Morgan horse (which is the breed I ride), beautiful, and she came with a lot of accessoriesΒ for only $18.99!!

I had such a hard time trying to decide on what to name her. I knew I wanted to name her something from LOTR. I wrote down a lot of names and I finally decided on Luthien. If you’re wondering how it’s pronounced it’s said like this:
Looth- ee- en

I’ll be doing a review on the whole set soon πŸ™‚

Do you have a horse for your doll(s)?

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