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What My Dolls Are Up To

Hey everyone! Yesterday I cleaned out under my bed (my doll’s bedroom) because I’ve been having a ton of baby spiders in my room lately (*shudders*) and the other day I noticed a few under there, so I freaked out… Anyways! Back to the subject of this post – I set up my dolls to where they’re all doing something and I thought it’d be fun to show you what they’re up to πŸ™‚


So here’s the overview! Some of them are hiding behind the curtains, though LOL!


Over here, Dallas is getting Pepper out of his bed so he, Eli, and Jeremy can play with him. Rapunzel is asking if she can play with him, too and Lissie is trying to get a book, but Dallas is in the way. You can kinda see Clara back there just hanging out πŸ™‚


Bella, Ellie, and Snow are being as sweet as can be playing with Licorice πŸ™‚


Belinda is helping Cecile with some school.


And Merida wants Belinda for something…. Probably to help her climb something πŸ˜›


And of course Caleb and Kendra are fighting and screaming at the top of their lungs. Kristoff is trying to pull Caleb off of Kendra and Annika starts to intervene. Mickey and Minnie are sad and scared by their fighting as usual, too πŸ˜‰


Kanani, Riven-Delle, and Annika had all been talking, but then stopped instantly when they noticed Caleb and Kendra fighting. Anna was gonna talk to Riven-Delle, but also stopped when she noticed the fight.


Janie looking over at Caleb and Kendra. They attract a lot of attention to themselves whenever they fight πŸ˜›


Julie, Kaya, and Samantha are talking πŸ™‚


And oh, dear! Marie-Grace was talking to Saige (who is painting) when she was supposed to be practicing her singing, so Lana told her to stop talking to Saige, Marie-Grace got mad, and now Jess came over and is trying to tell Lana that it’s okay for Marie-Grace to talk to Saige. My goodness!


Josefina and Kirsten were about to bake and are now trying to persuade Rebecca into helping them, too. Addy was talking to Kirsten πŸ™‚


Jenna doing some things at the vanity πŸ™‚


And Kiara and Caroline are chatting πŸ™‚

Do your dolls have a usual thing that happens every day? Like how Caleb and Kendra always fight? What do your dolls like to do?


The Disappearing Heirs Season 2~ The Crown Reclaimed: Part 6

To see the previous part, just scroll down a post πŸ™‚

As we walked through the small village, a little girl with red pigtails came up to me. “Excuse me, can you help us?” The little girl asked softly and shyly. I looked around for a mother or a father, but there was no one around. “Help you with what?” I asked kindly.


Then another little girl with big blue eyes came up beside the other girl and stared up at me.


“Where are your parents?” I inquired.


The two girls glanced at each other with sadness behind their eyes. I wanted to help them, but I couldn’t if they weren’t willing to be open with me.


A young lady began walking by us and I stopped her. “Excuse me, miss, do you know these children and where they live?” I asked her.


The lady looked at the children with pity and then back at me. “They’re orphans. They have no home.” She whispered.


My heart ached for these kids. They were so young and sweet, I couldn’t imagine them living on the streets. “There isn’t an orphanage here?” I inquired.

“No. The stewardess doesn’t want to spend the money on building one. She doesn’t care about anyone or anything, except for money. They are only a couple of the orphans here, there are many more.” The lady replied.


“Well, can’t the people here pitch in some money to build one?” Monica suggested.


“Yeah, or even, why doesn’t anyone give them a place to live for now?” Corinne asked.


“No one can afford anything like that. The taxes here are sky high. Folks around here barely have enough money to buy supper for the table.” The lady explained.

Another lady walked by us and stopped, gazing directly at me. “How dare you wear clothes like that here! This is absolutely inconceivable!” The woman shouted. Then Corinne mouthed the words “You should’ve worn the dress.” at me. I just sighed and shrugged it off.


“I’ve never seen you here before. Who are you?” The woman asked with suspicion.

“I’m Allie Gramer, the rightful heir to the throne of Feorden.” I said proudly.


“Y- you’re the lost princess?” The other young lady stammered.


“Yes, I am. And I want to help restore the peace and happiness of this kingdom.” I stated with a smile.


The other woman laughed and said, “Good luck with that, dearie. The palace guards wouldn’t even let you enter the palace. And even if they did, the stewardess would deny you as the lost princess.”

The other lady came up to me and whispered, “Can you really restore this kingdom?”


“Yes, I will do everything I can.” I replied boldly.


She gave me a hopeful smile and said, “Then go. The sooner this kingdom is restored, the better.”


As I was walking past her, she stopped me. “I have to tell you that the stewardess is insanely stubborn and obsessed with ruling. She will not easily give up the throne to you.” She warned.


“Whether it’s easy or not, really doesn’t matter, because I am taking back the throne no matter what. But thank you for the warning, miss.” I saidΒ gratefully.

She smiled and said, “You can call me Adella. Best of luck to you,Β Your Highness.”

That’s the end of this part! Next part coming soon! πŸ˜€


Sneaking Around

Oh, dear! What am I going to do with Anna and Merida? Yesterday they did something pretty sneaky….


“Are you sure it’s okay to be out here?” Anna asked. “Yeah! The door was open, so we came out! If you don’t wanna be out here, then go inside.” Merida replied.


Merida walked off and Anna stood there watching her.


“Well, the door was open…” Anna said to herself, then hurried to join her sister.


“You wanna climb this slide?” Merida asked excitedly.


“I don’t know… Prob’ly not.” Anna said, unsure if I would be okay with that.


Anna and Merida walked around the yard for awhile, then finally they stopped and just stood.


“Merida? Are you mad?” Anna asked, breaking the silence.


“Everything fun I wanna do, you’re saying no to.” Merida replied with a tone of annoyance.


“I like fun, but I don’t know if mama would want us to do those things.” Anna explained.


Merida hung her head down and didn’t say a word. “Merida?” Anna asked.


Merida swooshed her head away from her sister. “I’m sorry, Merida.” Anna said sweetly, but Merida didn’t move.


“Do you wanna play hide and seek?” Anna asked. Merida turned her head slightly with a little smirk.


“1….2….3….4….”Β Merida stood by a pole and counted to ten.


Anna found a place to hide and giggled. “She won’t find me here!” She thought.


“HERE I COME!” Merida yelled.


Merida walked around, then she tilted her head…


“FOUND YOU!!” Merida yelled from across the pool. Anna laughed and laughed.


Anna ran over to her sister, still laughing. “How’d you find me?” Anna asked. “I saw your hair!” Merida replied.


I realized that Anna and Merida were nowhere in the house, so I decided to look outside. “Anna, Merida, what are you doing out here?” I asked firmly.


Anna hung her head down and Merida stared to the side with a smirk.


“Anna, do you want to tell me what you’re doing out here?” I asked gently, but Anna shook her head “no”.


I sighed and looked over at Merida. “How about you tell me?” I asked. Merida’s smirk grew bigger, and I knew, by the look in her eyes, that I was in for a very dramatic (and not true) story…

Do you have any sneaky “kids”?

Kristoff’s Sad Day

Ever since Kristoff came to live with us he has been missing Sven (his reindeer) so much. Just before I adopted him, Sven was taken away. We didn’t know where, but I found out that the orphanage sold him. I have been doing all I can to get him back, but it’s been very hard. And today, Kristoff was feeling very upset….


Kristoff walked into the bedroom with his head hanging down.


Cecile noticed that he looked very sad, so she asked, “Kristoff, are you okay?”


Kristoff moved closer to where Cecile was sitting, with his head still hanging down. “You’re missing Sven, aren’t you?” Cecile asked sympathetically. Kristoff turned his eyes away and nodded his head.


“I miss him a whole lot. Sven and me have always been together. I don’t think I’ll ever see him again.” Kristoff said sadly.


Overhearing the conversation, Lissie went over to Kristoff and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I know you miss, Sven, Kristoff, but you can’t give up hope! Mommy is trying to get him back for you still, so you just may see him again. And just think, Sven wouldn’t want you feeling sad because he’s not here with you. He would want you to be having fun and enjoying your days.” Felicity said kindly. She was always good at making people feel better.


“What’s wrong?” I asked as I walked in the room. “I miss Sven.” Kristoff replied.
“Oh, I see. Why don’t you go in the stables and visit with the horses? I know it will make you feel better.” I said with a smile.


Kristoff looked at Penny and sighed, “This isn’t making me feel better. It makes me miss him even more.” Kristoff was just about to turn around and go inside when he saw something…


It was a little fluffy tail! Kristoff got a little curious, so he walked over to the next stall.


“Sven! Sven! Sven! It’s you!!” Kristoff shouted happily.


Kristoff went in the stall to pet him when Sven tackled him to the ground! Sven was just as happy to see Kristoff as Kristoff was to see Sven! Kristoff laughed and laughed. “Sven, I missed you! I can’t believe you’re here!”

Now, I just have to make sure that Kristoff doesn’t share any carrots with Sven πŸ™‚


Bonus picture!
I thought I’d share this adorable picture with you of Sven’s sweet little face:

He is the cutest little thing!! Just like in the movie πŸ˜€


“Cuties, I’m Gonna Keep You!”

Yes, this is another Frozen inspired post! I am so obsessed πŸ˜€


So, who is this little cutie?


“It’s me, Kristoff!” He says. Of course it is!!
I ordered Kristoff about a week ago and he just came in the mail today! Can I just say that I am dying over his cuteness??


Look at that sweet little face!! I love his freckles πŸ™‚


His mittens are so adorable!


And I LOVE his boots!! “Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped weirdness of his feet?” πŸ˜›


And the rest of his outfit is absolutely adorable!!


One of my favorite things about him is that he is a little taller than Anna! I love how realistic that is πŸ™‚


You can see the height difference better in this picture.


It looks like Kristoff really likes his new little sister!

I’m sure you’re all wondering how old I’m going to make him be. Well, I have decided to make him be 7 years old. I think that’s a good age for him πŸ˜‰

How do you like my new little Kristoff?

Elsa’s Photoshoot and Review

I know that this Elsa doll is like a Barbie and that this is an American Girl Blog, but we talk about all kinds of dolls, so why not have a different type of doll in a post once in a while, right? πŸ˜‰


Doesn’t Elsa look so radiant in this picture?!


“Let it go!”


“Let it goo!” Hehe πŸ˜›


The first thing I have to say is that her hair is AMAZING! They did a fantastic job with her hair!


She has such a pretty face and I love the make-up on her eyes! Too pretty!


Unfortunately my Elsa doll came with a couple imperfections. Although I inspected several of the dolls in the store, I did not see that her cape was coming un-sewn. That’s a bummer, but my mom said she can fix it for me πŸ™‚

The other problem (I couldn’t take a picture because it’d be too difficult to see) is that her left leg is tilted in which makes it shorter than the right. That makes it hard for her to stand up, so usually I have to lean her against something or hold her up myself. So hopefully this teaches you 2 things:
1. Inspect the doll as much as you can before you buy/open her.
2. When opened, do not throw away all of the packaging right away. Make sure there’s nothing wrong with her first and then throw it out.


Her cape is so gorgeous and the detail is amazing! This is definitely one of the best parts about her!


Close up of the cape, so you can see the detail.


Something I really like about her is that her arms can move in three different places- at the shoulder, at the elbow, and at her wrist. This makes her very fun to pose!

Now I’m going to show you the differences between two Elsa dolls I have.


The one on the left, I bought at Disneyland and the one on the right, I bought at Target. I bought the one from Target first because I had NO idea that the other one existed. When I saw the other one at Disneyland I was very mad at myself for spending my money on the other one. But once I had money again, I bought the one from Disneyland and I was super happy with my purchase!
I’m sure you can see how different they are. I thought the one on the right looked good (seriously? How could I think that? πŸ˜› ), so when I saw the other one, I pretty much died! LOL! πŸ˜›


Here you can see how different their hair and cape is. I LOVE Elsa A’s (Yes, I got tired of saying the one on the left πŸ˜› ) hair!!! It’s perfect!! πŸ˜€


I thought I’d show you the Anna I have as well. The one from Disneyland is 10 times better, but I haven’t gotten around to buying her yet. πŸ˜‰


And here’s my Kristoff! He’s cool, but the other one is also 10 times better. I plan to add the better Kristoff and Anna as well as Hans to my collection someday.


One last photo πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoyed my review! Let me know which ones you have! I’d love to know!

Anna Plays With Squinkies

I know that Anna is not an American Girl Doll, but she is played with as one of my “kids”, so I thought that she could use a little attention. Besides, I’m dying to show you all of the different expressions she can make just by the angle of her head πŸ™‚


Anna laid her head on her little play table feeling very blah. “I’m bored.” Anna sighed. She stayed there a little while longer and then-


-she sat up! “I know what I wanna play with!” Anna exclaimed.


She quickly headed out the door. What was she up to?


She was getting her Squinky Castle of course!


She gently placed the castle on her table.


She took off the lid and got out all of these squinkies! Which one will she take out of it’s bubble first?


Anna looks very happy with this one! But who is it?


It’s Merida!! She is her favorite Disney Princess right now. But I have a feeling once she sees Frozen, she will LOVE Anna πŸ˜‰


Anna played for a long time. But after a while, she started to get hungry and a little tired of playing with squinkies.


She got up and went to the door, she was on her way to get a cookie. But she was leaving quite a mess behind! “I’ll pick it up later.” Anna said.


But it looks like she knows, she’ll end up watching a movie and one of her big sisters will be cleaning up her mess!


Anna is truly an amazing doll and I am SO happy to have her! I hope to add Kristoff to my little family sometime as well, but I don’t expect that to be soon. He’s been sold out for a while and I can’t find him anywhere πŸ˜•

Do you have any squinkies?

I hope you enjoyed!
P.S. Today is the LAST day to vote for who you think looks best in the Cozy Sweater Outfit. If you haven’t voted yet, there’s still time! Simply CLICK HERE to vote!

“Let It GO!”

If you’ve seen Frozen, you’ll like this post, and if not, then you’ll still like this post! Hehe! πŸ˜›
Ever since I saw Frozen I have been obsessed with that movie and everything about it! I have memorized the songs “Let It Go” and “For the First Time In Forever”. I sing them ALL the time! They are SO GOOD!
Anyways, I knew that I just had to make an Elsa dress for my dolls, and I finally finished it tonight!! Caroline is being my model πŸ˜‰


Elsa (A.K.A. Caroline) is walking through the snow and- what is that? It sounds like singing!
“-not a footprint to be seen…”

“A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like, I’m the queen.”


“Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them knoow!! Well, now they knoooow!!”


“Let it go!”


“Let it goo! You’ll never see me cry!”


“Here I stand in the light of daaay! Let the storm rage OOOON!!”


“The cold never bothered me anyway!”

What do you think of the outfit? Doesn’t Caroline make a perfect Elsa?
P.S. This outfit will be available to buy in my Etsy shop soon! πŸ™‚

Just a Random Pic ;)

Hi and Merry Christmas again!!

So, whenever I introduce my “kids” to each other I always line them up or just set them up in some way. Well, today my mom came in my room just as I had finished lining them up. She decided that she had to take a picture because it is just so crazy how many there are.


I counted 11 toddlers and 11 of the 18″. WHOA! Now I have 12 of the toddlers and 12 of the 18″ πŸ˜›
If I keep getting dolls, pretty soon they are gonna end up sleeping on the floor! They are all totally squished in their beds right now. Poor little things- LOL!

How many dolls do you have? Where do they sleep?


Oh, my goodness!! I can’t believe it’s CHRISTMAS!!! I had such a nice morning opening presents, eating an amazing breakfast, and talking and laughing with my family πŸ™‚ Now, I am SUPER excited to show you what I got (I am only showing doll related things πŸ˜‰ )!!!


I got Saige’s Bracelet in my stocking! It is so cute and really comfortable. I’ve been wearing it ever since I opened it πŸ˜€


I got the Fancy Dress from Marie-Grace and Cecile’s Collection!! I think Marie-Grace looks just like a little princess πŸ™‚


I am SO happy that I got Saige’s Sparkle Dress! She looks so gorgeous in those colors!


Another outfit I was super excited to receive!! When I saw that Cecile’s Special Dress wasn’t on the AG site anymore I got so upset because I really wanted it for Cece, but now she has it!! YAY!!

That’s all I got this morning (you’ll see the last thing at the end of the post πŸ˜‰ ), but yesterday my sister and brother in-law came over and I goooooottt…..


The Anna toddler doll from Disney’s Frozen!!!! She is SOOO CUTE!!! I am making her age be 4, so that she can talk good (like in the movie, hehe!). I am so happy to have her! I’ve wanted her for a while now πŸ˜€

And now it is time for the suspense!!!


Hmmmm…. What do you think could’ve been in this box….? Hehe!


Here is the lid for the box (I cut it off, so you’d be in more suspense!! πŸ˜› ). And now it is finally time to show you!!!! πŸ˜€


It’s A MY TWINN 18″ BOY DOLL!!!! He has very fair skin, Green/brown eyes, and black hair with loose curls all over. He is really cute and I have been wanting a My Twinn boy doll for a while. I have decided to name him Elijah and his middle name is James. I am making him be 10 years old. πŸ˜€

I am SO blessed and thankful! I absolutely LOVE everything!! Earlier this month I didn’t think I would get a doll, but I ended up with 2!! Eeks! I’m gonna have to think up a good story on how I all of a sudden have 2 new kids!! I better go start writing down some ideas- LOL! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

What did you get for Christmas? Any new “children”? πŸ™‚
Merry Christmas!!

My Etsy Shop

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